
Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Gifted Education Program Plan 2012 – 2016

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Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Gifted Education Program Plan 2012 – 2016
Colorado Department of Education (CDE)
Gifted Education Program Plan
2012 – 2016
Administrative Unit’s Name:
Ute Pass BOCES
Pikes Peak
Name of Gifted Education Director/
Director’s e-mail
Director’s Address:
Zip 80829
Marcy Palmer
[email protected]
405 El Monte Place
City: Manitou Springs
Director’s phone number
Name of Superintendent/BOCES
Marcy Palmer
Superintendent’s Signature
The BOCES consolidated signature page is the last page of the template. It
is also available on the CDE web page. Copy and mail with signatures from
the BOCES’ superintendents.
Section II:
Elements of the Program Plan
Section II is completed by every administrative unit (AU) – A Program Plan includes
all elements and describes the gifted program and priorities based upon district and
community resources. The guidance document for completing the Program Plan is
at http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/index.htm.
Write the administrative unit’s description and targets for each element in the
blank, white, space provided in the template (include district level descriptions and
targets, if appropriate, in multiple district administrative units). An explanation of
each element in the guidance document provides details for the description. The
description may be in paragraph form and align with the numbered criteria within
each of the elements as outlined in the guidance document.
It is not uncommon in a multi-district AU for districts to be in different stages of
development towards addressing the elements of the Program Plan. A multi-district
AU may include both a general AU description and targets along with unique district
level descriptors and/or targets. The format for multiple district AUs descriptions in
any applicable section is: General AU description, AU targets, District description,
District target/s.
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to communication.
100% of administrative units will implement methods to provide all stakeholders with
access to current information about identification process and programming for gifted
students; and, methods for parental engagement in identification and programming.
AU Description: A webpage has been developed within each district’s and BOCES’
websites that describes gifted education and the coordinators’ contact information
for educators for parents to access. This was developed collaboratively and is
consistent across the BOCES. The gifted educators work with the building
leadership teams to design effective programming based on the needs of their
students. They also serve as consultants in their buildings to share gifted
education programming.
AU Target/s: Gifted educators will present annually to each building staff on the
nature and need of gifted students as well as the identification process and
programming. Gifted educators will meet quarterly in each district, and biannually as a BOCES, to share information from the state/region, analyze results,
and discuss program needs. The BOCES and each district will keep their websites
updated with current information on Gifted and Talented issues.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
Directions: Write the administrative unit’s definition for gifted students that aligns
with the State’s definition. If the definition is the same as the State’s definition
merely mark the box and do not rewrite the definition.
Check the box if the administrative unit uses the State definition for gifted
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to identification.
100% of administrative units will increase the identification of gifted students from traditionally
under-represented population if indicated as a need by local data.
100% of administrative units will implement procedures to identify gifted students in all categories
of giftedness.
AU Description: As an area of need during our last CGER, the BOCES has adopted
a consistent identification process for the areas of: intellect, academics, creative
and productive thinking, and leadership abilities. We currently have 170 students
identified as gifted of the 4,638 total population (3.7%), consistent with ethnic
representation of the districts, as there is little diversity ethnically or culturally.
The BOCES identification process begins with referrals to each building’s RTI teams
from a variety of sources including teachers and staff. A body of evidence is
collected including students’ strengths and interests, as well as qualitative and
quantitative data. (i.e. cognitive measures, teacher/parent rating scales,
work/performance samples, achievement testing, state assessments) The RTI
teams, which include parents and teachers, specializing in the specific area of
giftedness, analyze the body of evidence to determine identification and ALP
development. Parents are then given a copy of the ALP, which was collaboratively
developed. Identification requires a minimum of four pieces of evidence
demonstrating advanced performance levels or 95th percentile on standardized
measures. The identification and communication process for ELL students will be
accommodated for their language needs as it occurs.
Exceptional ratings on parent and/or teacher rating scales
95th % on a Nationally normed Achievement test, individual categories such
as Reading, Language, Science, or Mathematics
84th % on SAGES – score normed to gifted population
130 on a Nationally normed individually or group administered cognitive
abilities test (COGAT given as screening tool to all students at 2nd, 3rd or 6th
grades and for new students)
Scoring two grade levels above on district or building administered
content area assessments
Advanced range on CSAP assessments
A Portfolio of work demonstrating outstanding achievement
Exceptional ratings on standardized observation method (eg. Kingore)
AU Target/s: Our BOCES will develop (to align with state/federal criteria) specific
criteria for referrals made in visual arts, performing arts, musical or psychomotor
abilities. Our gifted educators will share all 6 areas of identification for referral in
their annual presentations to building staff.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to programming.
100% of administrative units will declare and could implement at least one method
of Tier II and Tier III programming to serve each category of giftedness as
appropriate for individual gifted students.
100% of AUs will implement ALPs in high schools by fall 2014 either as a blended
plan with the ICAP or as a separate individual ALP.
Colorado will have a policy or guidelines for acceleration.
AU Description:
As an identified area of need on the last CGER, our districts within the Ute Pass
BOCES collaborated to develop similar programming structures to include
interventions to students at both Tiers II and III through the RTI process in each
building. This includes differentiation within the classroom with consultation of
our GT staff, cluster grouping, competitions, Destination Imagination,
individualized accelerated curriculum, on-line curriculum, honors/AP classes, dual
enrollment, social/emotional supports, and a variety of performing
arts/extracurricular/athletics activities. Each district utilizes Alpine Achievement for
data analysis and the Advanced Learning Plans. Each GT teacher schedules annual
meetings with parents and students to develop and review the ALP for each
student. They match the current strengths and interests, as well as the current
assessments of the students to the specific interventions that will meet their
current needs each year. Students are served within the classroom through
differentiation and with pull out (cluster grouping at the Elementary and Middle
School. At the High School level, Honor and AP classes are offered and GT
students are encouraged to enroll through consultation with their teachers and
counselors. We also schedule transition meetings in May to guarantee the
appropriate support is provided to GT students when they transition between
schools. All ALP’s are written in Alpine, which allows for fast and easy data
AU Target/s: By August 2013, GT staff will collaborate with high school GT staff on
their ALP’s, blending them into their ICAP. The ICAP will be reviewed annually
according to each high school’s process. GT staff will ensure that these students
are taking the appropriate classes to allow them to excel in their area of
giftedness. This will also allow us to facilitate early college planning for these
GT and Mental Health PLC’s in each district will analyze social/emotional impacts as
a standing agenda item and develop strategies to address these directly with
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to accountability.
100% of administrative units will be successful in identifying and moving towards gifted
student achievement/growth targets.
100% of administrative units will accomplish priorities set through the Colorado Gifted
Education Review (C-GER).
Student Accountability and Accreditation
Insert SMART Goals for Student Achievement
Each member district will utilize CDE’s School View and Alpine Achievement to
examine annually the achievement and growth of gifted students on state
assessments, as groups and individually. This will be shared with the
Superintendent’s Advisory Council and the AU Board.
The GT staff in each district will also examine individual student growth on districtlevel benchmark assessments 3 times per year and annually during each student’s
ALP Review. (NWEA MAP, Scantron, Dibels, BEAR, STAR Reading/Math, etc…)
Optional Individual District Goals:
Cripple Creek-Victor:
Each GT student’s TCAP growth percentile will be at least at the 50th percentile
in all areas or make 3% growth if above the 50th percentile.
Manitou Springs:
The GT students’ average growth percentile on all areas of the TCAP will be at
least at the 50th percentile or make 3% growth if they are above the 50th percentile.
Woodland Park:
The GT students’ average growth percentile on all areas of the TCAP will be at
least at the 50th percentile or make 3% growth if they are above the 50th percentile.
Student Accountability and Program Evaluation
AU Description: Each member district within the BOCES uses TCAP data to monitor
progress and growth. Beginning with the 2013-14 school year, all 3 districts will
implement and utilize NWEA-MAP data as well. The BOCES meets annually to
review trends and determine if our programs and procedures are effective. At the
beginning of every year, GT staff will evaluate TCAP, MAP, and performance data
to guide programming decisions for the up coming year. This data is available
from links on each district’s and BOCES websites.
AU Target/s: As each district analyzes its district and state assessment data, the
teams will identify social/emotional needs of underachieving students and
implement appropriate interventions. The GT staff will also evaluate these needs
individually during their ALP meeting with parents and students and add
appropriate interventions.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Target/s:
Cripple Creek-Victor:
Each GT student’s TCAP growth percentile will be at least at the 50th percentile
in all areas or make 3% growth if above the 50th percentile.
Manitou Springs:
The GT students’ average growth percentile on all areas of the TCAP will be at
least at the 50th percentile or make 3% growth if they are above the 50th percentile.
Woodland Park:
The GT students’ average growth percentile on all areas of the TCAP will be at
least at the 50th percentile or make 3% growth if they are above the 50th percentile.
AU Description: In response to the 2009 C-GER report in this area, the BOCES
Director serves as the GT Director and is responsible, along with district-level
coordinators, for the developing and facilitating implementation of the Program
Plan. Highly Qualified teachers and counselors, who are trained in the
characteristics and programming for GT students, provide direct instruction and/or
consultation to all of our GT students. There is no classified staff assigned to GT
instruction in any district in our BOCES. Each district shares professional
development options and encourage staff to attend trainings that will support each
district’s goals. Each district meets at least 6 times per year to address their
targets, analyze student performance data, and collaborate on best practices for
instructional interventions. 5 out the 7 certified teachers will attend the 2012
NAGC Conference.
AU Target/s: Each district will seek to employ Highly Qualified/Endorsed GT
teachers when replacements are needed.
The AU will provide and encourage their existing staff with professional
development endorsement opportunities, in the areas of assessment, instruction,
and social/emotional, provided by the region.
Each teacher will be evaluated beginning in 2013 using the new educator
effectiveness system, which utilizes a student performance body of evidence for
50% of the determination.
AU Description: The BOCES flows through all GT funds to the member districts with
the following percentage for salaries and benefits: 60% Woodland Park, 30%
Manitou Springs, and 10% Cripple Creek. Each School District supports these staff
members through the General Education fund. The districts believe that GT
services are needed to meet the needs of the students.
AU Target/s: Continue to utilize all state GT funds for salaries and benefits of GT
staff. Local funds will continue to be utilized to support the remainder of the GT
staff salaries as well as professional development and supplies/materials for GT
Budget: Form
Complete and e-mail a budget page available at:
http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/index.htm with the Program Plan template.
The proposed budget includes a projection of state funds and contributing funds
from the administrative unit. (State finance/accounting regulations require
reporting of all expenditures (general funds and state grant funds) related to
programs supported through state categorical funds. The program code for gifted
education is 3150.)
State gifted funds may be used for:
1) Salaries for appropriately certified, endorsed or licensed personnel serving gifted
students (gifted education directors, resource teachers, teachers of gifted student
classrooms and counselors for gifted students);
2) Professional development related to gifted education;
3) Programming options specific to gifted students and outlined on advanced learning
4) Supplies and materials used in instructional programming for gifted education; and,
5) Technology and equipment necessary for the education of gifted students, not to
exceed twenty-five percent of the total amount of the annual state allocation.
Record Keeping
AU Description: Currently we use Alpine Achievement to develop and house each
student’s ALP, with a printed copy in each student’s cumulative file. Records are
confidential and follow the same process as the district under the conditions of the
School Records Act.
AU Target/s: All ALP’s, as well as data for GT students, will be kept on Alpine
Achievement so that all teachers have access. Each GT high school student will
have an ICAP utilizing the ALP in its annual review and development.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
Early Access
Early access provisions are optional. Mark the box pertaining to the individual AU.
Submit the early access addendum with the program plan as an attachment when
emailing the administrative unit’s documents. If there are no changes to an early
access addendum already on file with CDE, then mark in this section that an early
access addendum is on file. The early access addendum will be posted on the CDE
Web along with the AU’s program plan. The early access addendum and guidance
checklist are at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/resources.htm
An early access plan is on file with CDE. No changes.
An early access plan will be attached to the email for Program Plan submission.
 AU does not have an early access plan.
Dispute Resolution
AU Description: In alignment with the 2009 C-GER report, each district’s website
includes the contact information for the GT Coordinator/Director for parents to
contact in the case of a dispute. GT staff also is trained to contact the district
coordinator in case of disputes. If the results are not agreeable to all parties, the
disputing party may appeal to the AU director who will make a written final
AU Target/s: This detailed process will be added to the GR area of each district’s
and the BOCES websites.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
Additional Administrative Unit Information
Directions: Optional
Attach or U.S. mail documents that further describe the administrative unit’s gifted
education program design; unique elements of addressing the instructional and
affective needs of gifted students; advanced learning plan form/procedures;
handbooks; and/or provisions for family engagement.
In the space below, list the title/s of the document/s and/or web-links submitted to
Colorado Department of Education.
The administrative unit’s program plan is due April 30, 2012.
E-mail the completed program plan, budget page, and other documents to
Katherine Keck, [email protected]. Use the administrative unit’s name in
the subject line of the e-mail. Label document files according to the following
examples, starting with the name of the administrative unit:
File Name Examples:
County_Early Access_12-16
E-mail the Program Plan to
Katherine Keck, Program Assistant
[email protected]
CDE Mailing Address:
Gifted Education
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6652
Fax: (303) 866-6767
CDE Contact Persons:
Jacquelin Medina, Director, Gifted Education
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6652
Fax: (303) 866-6767
Katherine Keck, Program Assistant II
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6794
Fax: (303) 866-6767
Gifted Education Regional Consultants (GERCs) are also
available for assistance in writing the Program Plan.
Gifted students’ learning and growth
ensured by needed provisions and advocacy
Typical/Eligible Expenditures of State Gifted
and Talented Education Funds
I. Licensed, endorsed personnel working with
gifted students
Suggested/Detailed Chart of Accounts
Subsitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Program: 0070, Object: 0110, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0200, Grant: 3150
State Gifted
Administrative Unit's
Contributing Funds
Other (e.g.
Federal or
local grant)
Sub-total of I.
II. Professional Development for educators
of gifted students
Consultant Fees
Contracted Services
Workshop Fees: Travel, Registration and
Substitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Sub-total of II.
III. Activities associated with instruction for
gifted students
Contracted Services
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Fees for Content Extensions
Field Trips: Contracted
Field Trips: If District Provided
Transportation - Rental of Buses
Sub-total of III.
IV. Instructional Materials
Supplies & Materials
Sub-total of IV.
V. *Instructional Equipment
Non-Capital Equipment (not a Fixed asset)
Equipment which is a Fixed Asset
Attach completed equipment sheet to plan
Sub-total of V.
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0580, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 2540, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0513, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0851
Program: 0070 & Object: 0444
Program: 0070, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0610, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant:
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant:
* Equipment purchased from state funds may not exceed 25% of the total request from the state.
Equipment must be maintained on an inventory list throughout the useful life of the equipment.
** The AU's request is projected using last year's allocation. The final AU allocation is posted on the CDE WEB page during summer months
after the legislative session and approval of the State Board of Education.
Gifted Education Program Plan
2012 – 2016
Multiple Districts Administrative Unit - Consolidated Signature Page 1
Administrative Unit’s Name: Ute Pass BOCES
Region: Pikes Peak
BOCES Executive Director Signature:
Date: ____________________________
Number of Districts within
Administrative Unit: 3
List the name of each district
within the administrative unit
List the name of the
district’s superintendent
Cripple Creek-Victor
Sue Holmes
Manitou Springs
Ed Longfield
Woodland Park
Jed Bowman
Signature of the district’s
superintendent reviewing
the Program Plan:
Copy, complete signatures and mail to:
Gifted Education
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6652
Fax: (303) 866-6767
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