
Gifted Education Grant Program Office of Gifted Education

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Gifted Education Grant Program Office of Gifted Education
Office of Gifted Education
Gifted Education Grant Program
Universal Screener costs for 2016
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has developed a resource matrix describing the most common
assessments used in Colorado for the purpose of gifted identification. It is important to note that the matrix is intended
for informational purposes as CDE does not approve specific identification instruments. An AU must consider the
purpose, reliability and validity of a specific test to guide appropriate instrument selection for the purpose of
identification. The scope of the assessment should include items to measure exceptional ability and not just grade-level,
foundational skills. To access the Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments, visit the CDE Gifted Education website.
For the purpose of Universal Screening, the two most commonly used cognitive assessments in Colorado are the
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) or the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT). Each applicant is advised to contact the
vendor of your choice to negotiate the best pricing for your situation. In some cases, a BOCES or region, may wish to
place a large order together for a group rate. It is imperative that grant applicants are ethical stewards of the use of
state funds. Assessment costs will vary dependent upon grade level being tested, the assessment platform used (paper
versus online) and the type of report package an AU wishes to order. Some vendors have discounted pricing for
Colorado, and they may have bulk-order prices.
This document includes the pricing structure the vendor submitted to the Department for the 2016-17 school year.
When completing the grant application, the requested costs should reflect the listed prices. It is important to
remember, applications that include unreasonable estimates or ineligible costs may not be considered.
Eligible universal screening expenditures are costs for:
• Tests (paper-pencil or online);
• Behavior Observation Scales;
• Answer documents;
• Publisher’s scoring or hand-scoring materials; and
• Basic-level assessment reporting package
Ineligible universal screening expenditures that will not be funded:
• Miscellaneous supplies;
• Supplies related to test taking (i.e., pencils, computers, plastic tubs);
• Stipends for test trainings, test administration or test scoring;
• Vendor training costs;
• Additional reporting documents or files beyond the basic-level reporting package;
• Additional assessment instruments not intended for the purpose of Universal Screening; and
• Indirect costs for accounting or additional administration (i.e., classified staff, paraprofessionals, test proctors,
communication flyers).
February 2016
Universal Screener Costs 2016
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) – Vendor: Riverside-Houghton Mifflin
CogAT Full Battery
CogAT Screener
Materials Cost
Per Student
Materials Cost
Grades K-2
Grades 3+
Grades K-2
Test booklets, pkg 5
Test booklets, pkg 25
Ans docs, pkg 15
Ans docs, pkg 50
Ans docs, pkg 100
Grades K-2
Scoring Key $18.50;
Norms Manual $87.50
or Data Manager
access for handscoring $85.00/year 1
*OMR requires a contract
and a minimum of 1500
ans docs scanned per
year; contract is subject
to annual price increase
Hand Scoring
Grades 3+
Scoring Key
$18.50; Norms
Manual $61.90 or
Data Manager
access for hand-
Basic Scoring (paper
Grades 3+
Scoring Key $34.15;
Norms Manual $84.00
or Data Manager
access for handscoring $81.90/year 1
*OMR requires a
contract and a
minimum of 1500 ans
docs scanned per year;
contract is subject to
annual price increase
Basic Scoring (paper reports)
Online (all grades)
Scoring Cost Per
Scoring Cost
Hand Scoring
Test booklets, pkg 5
Test booklets, pkg 25
Grades 3+
Test booklets, pkg 5
Test booklets, pkg 25
Ans docs, pkg 15
Ans docs, pkg 50
Ans docs, pkg 100
Basic Scoring (paper
Materials Cost
Per Student
Grades K-2
Test booklets, pkg 5
Test booklets, pkg 25
Hand Scoring
Materials Cost
Hand Scoring
one of online testing
is required through
a series of WebEx
trainings for
$600.00 or an onsite
training day for
$11.00 $2800.00
Scoring Key
$34.00; Norms
Manual $61.00 or
Data Manager
access for hand-
Basic Scoring (paper reports)
Online (all grades)
February 2016
Universal Screener Costs 2016
Riverside - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has agreed to give Colorado a 5% discount on the 2016 prices listed on page 2.
To obtain this discount, please use the coupon code RPCGRR94PB.
Additional discounts may be obtained by submitting a bulk order through a BOCES or region. The following discounts
For questions about CogAT pricing, scoring or reporting, contact our Colorado representative:
Heather L. Pillman, Assessment Consultant
Riverside - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
[email protected]
February 2016
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