
Members of the Board Jared Polis Randy DeHoff

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Members of the Board Jared Polis Randy DeHoff
Members of the Board
Jared Polis, Chairman, Member-at-Large
Randy DeHoff, Vice Chairman, 6th Congressional District
! Christine Baca, 7th Congressional District ! Peggy Littleton, 5th Congressional District
! Evie Hudak, 2nd Congressional District ! Rico Munn, 1st Congressional District
! Clair Orr, 4th Congressional District ! Pamela Jo Suckla, 3rd Congressional District
William J. Moloney, Commissioner of Education and Secretary to the State Board of Education
Karen A. Gerwitz, Director of State Board Relations
Board Actions – July 8, 2004
Department of Education, Denver
the year 2005 has been designated the Year of Languages in a
Resolution passed by the United States Senate; and
our community and communities across America are
welcoming many new neighbors, friends, employees, and
citizens from countries and cultures throughout the world —
people for whom English is not their native language; and
Americans have growing social, cultural, and economic ties
to the global community, offering great opportunities but
presenting new challenges as we seek to communicate with
and understand our international partners from different
language and culture backgrounds; and
studying world languages has been shown to contribute to
increased cognitive skills, better academic performance, and
greater understanding of the English language, while also
providing life-long learning opportunities for people beyond
school age; and
proficiency in other languages enhances Americans’ career
opportunities and provides employers with a workforce with
the necessary skills for an international marketplace; and
world language educators are working cooperatively to
promote the benefits of language learning to students,
parents, business and industry, and legislators throughout the
nation, urging them to recognize the value of delivering
better education to our students, of expanding the cultural
and literary horizons of adult learners, and of strengthening
America’s position and security around the world; therefore
the Colorado State Board of Education hereby proclaims
2005 as
“The Year of World Languages”
in Colorado and urges all citizens to become familiar with the
services and benefits offered by language education programs
in our state and community and to support and participate in
these programs to gain proficiency not only in English, but in
other languages as well.
Adopted: July 8, 2004
ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA (approved by unanimous vote)
State Board / Commissioner
Scheduled a hearing for the October 14, 2004 Board meeting to consider permanent
amended rules for the Administration of Accountability for Alternative Campuses,
1 CCR 301-57
Approved payments of funds under the Exceptional Children’s Educational Act to
administrative units to be distributed as follows: $3,608,680.00 to administrative units
that have submitted a Gifted-Education Plan and $181,691.00 to administrative units to
support gifted-education regional consultants and professional development
Learning and Results
Approved the Model Content Standards Re-Affirmation and Performance Review Process
as published
State Library
Approved the Colorado Library Consortium (CLiC) and its bylaws
Professional Services
Approved 27 Emergency/Initial Type III Authorizations
Approved the proposed teacher induction programs for the following schools:
Accelerated Schools
Platte Valley Schools
St. Theresa Catholic School
Centennial BOCES
Dismissed the charge concerning Charge No. 2004EC03
Instructed department staff and the attorney general’s office to prepare the documents
necessary to request a formal hearing for the revocation of the holder’s Authorization
No. 217229, Charge No. 2004EC09 pursuant to §22-60.5-108, C.R.S.
Instructed department staff to issue a notice of denial and appeal rights to the
applicants pursuant to §24-4-104, C.R.S. concerning the following:
# Charge No. 2004EC11
# Charge No. 2003EC35
Signified acceptance and approval of the terms and conditions of the settlement
agreement by directing the commissioner to sign the original copy of the agreement
concerning License No. 154696, Charge No. 2002EC31
Approved the Colorado school districts, boards of cooperative services, independent
schools and institutions of higher education as Designated Agencies for the preparation
of teachers through the Alternative Teacher Programs as follows:
Archdiocese of Denver
Cesar Chavez Academy
Denver Academy
East Central Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Englewood Public Schools
Horizon’s K-8 Alternative School
Mountain Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Northwest Board of Cooperative Educational Services
San Luis Valley Board of Cooperative Educational Services
West Central (Uncompahgre Board of Cooperative Educational Services)
Special Services
Approved the waiver request for a 35-day period ending August 12, 2004 as follows:
# Jefferson R-1 School District for the Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen
Charter School: 22-9-106(4); 22-32-126; 22-63-201, 203, 206, 301, 302, 402, &
403, C.R.S.
# Jefferson R-1 School District for the Center for Discovery Learning Charter
School: 22-9-106(4); 22-32-126; 22-63-201, 203, 206, 301, 302, 402, & 403,
Approved the attached waiver request for a 3-year period ending June 30, 2007 as
# Colorado Springs District #11 for the Life Skills Center of Colorado Springs
Charter School: 22-9-106; 22-32-126; 22-63-201, 202, 203, 206, 301, 401, 402,
& 403, C.R.S. and denied waiver of 22-9-107, C.R.S.
# Falcon School District #49 for the Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning
Charter School: 22-7-106, 107 & 207; 22-9-106; 22-32-109(1)(b)(f)(n)(t)(z)(cc);
22-32-109.1; 22-32-110(1)(h)(i)(j)(k)(y)(ee); 22-32-110.7; 22-32-118 & 119; 2232-126; 22-32-104(4); 22-63-201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 301, 302, 401, 402, & 403;
22-87-104 & 105, C.R.S. and denied 22-9-107; 22-11-303(1); 22-32-117; and 2263-103, C.R.S.
# Approved the attached waiver request for a 35-day period ending August 12,
2004 as follows for the Durango 9-R School District for the EXCEL Charter
School: 22-9-106; 22-32-109(1)(b)(f)(h)(k)(n)(I)(t)(w)(y)(ee); 22-32-126; 22-33104(4); 22-63-201 & 301, C.R.S and denied waiver of 22-63-101, C.R.S.
# Approved the attached waiver request for a 35-day period ending August 12,
2004 as follows for West End RE-2 School District for the Paradox Valley Charter
School: 22-9-106; 22-32-109(1)(b)(f)(h)(k)(z); 22-32-126; 22-63-201, 301, 302,
401 & 402, C.R.S.
Management, Budget and Planning
Approved monthly amounts payable to school districts for the Public School Finance Act
of 1994 (as amended) state share of total program for the period July 2004 through
November 2004 in the amount of $227,395,456.62. The total amount for July through
November payments equals $1,136,977,328.15
State Board / Commissioner
Adopted emergency amended rules for the Administration of Accountability for
Alternative Campuses, 1 CCR 301-57
(7-0 The motion was carried unanimously, Mr. Munn was absent)
• Resolution Proclaiming a Year of World Languages
(7-0 The motion was carried unanimously, Mr. Munn was absent)
Educational Services
Conducted a hearing to repeal the Rules for the Administration of the Pilot Programs
Concerned with an Extended School Year, 1 CCR 301-13 and scheduled for repeal at the
next Board meeting
(6-0 The motion was carried unanimously, Mrs. Baca and Mr. Munn were absent)
Special Services
Approved the waiver request regarding Strasburg 31J and Model Charter as follows: 221-112; 22-9-101 et seq.; 22-60.5-107; 22-63-206(3), 301, 302, 401, 402, & 403; C.R.S.
(4-3 Mr. Polis, Mr. DeHoff, Mrs. Baca and Mrs. Hudak concurred, Mrs. Littleton, Mr.
Orr and Mrs. Suckla dissented. Mr. Munn was absent)
Management, Budget and Planning
Held a Board-only discussion concerning the final approval of the Rules for the
Administration of the School District Capital Construction Assistance Program, 1 CCR
301-63 and scheduled for Board action at the August 12, 2004 meeting
(7-0 The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Munn was absent)
Held a Board-only discussion concerning the final approval for the Rules for the
Administration of the Capital Construction Expenditures Reserve, 1 CCR 301-64 and
scheduled for Board action at the August 12, 2004 meeting
(7-0 The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Munn was absent)
Final Disposition of State Board Disciplinary Action
Charge No.:
License No.:
Last Known Employment:
Last Known Residence:
Reason for Disciplinary Action:
Final Action of the State Board:
Date of State Board Action:
Jeff D. Klazura
St. Thomas Aquinas School (Wichita, Kansas)
Andover, Kansas
Jeff D. Klazura was convicted of one felony
count of use of the internet to transport
July 8, 2004
Final Disposition of State Board Disciplinary Action
Charge No.:
Last Known Residence:
Brenda L. Phillips
Ignacio, Colorado
Reason for Disciplinary Action:
Final Action of the State Board:
Date of State Board Action:
Brenda L. Phillips obtained a teacher
certificate by fraud and failed to disclose on
her substitute authorization application that
her teacher certificate was summarily
suspended and annulled.
Denial of the application
July 8, 2004
Final Disposition of State Board Disciplinary Action
Charge No.:
Last Known Employment:
Last Known Residence:
Reason for Disciplinary Action:
Final Action of the State Board:
Date of State Board Action:
Stuart O. Yager
Pueblo County Rural School District No. 70
Pueblo West, Colorado
Stuart O. Yager was convicted of one felony
count of vehicular assault and one
misdemeanor count of reckless
Denial of application
July 8, 2004
Future Business
August 11
August 12
September 8
September 9
October 13
October 14
November 10
November 11
December 8
December 9
Work Session
Regular Meeting
Work Session
Regular Meeting
Work Session
Regular Meeting
Work Session
Regular Meeting
Work Session
Regular Meeting
Sierra Grande R-30
School District
Future Hearings
September 9, 2004
10:30 a.m.
October 14, 2004
10:30 a.m.
Rules for the Administration of Colorado Cyberschools, 1 CCR
Rules for the Administration of Accountability for Alternative
Campuses, 1 CCR 301-57
Charter School Appeal Hearings
None Scheduled
Board Report provides a monthly summary of Colorado State Board of Education
business to the Department of Education, Colorado school districts, education-related
agencies, and concerned citizens.
For additional information, contact:
Karen Gerwitz, Director of State Board Relations
Phone: 303.866.6817
FAX: 303.866.6938
Mail: Office of the State Board of Education, 201 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80203
E-mail: [email protected]
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