
Members of the Board Clair Orr Pat Chlouber John Burnett

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Members of the Board Clair Orr Pat Chlouber John Burnett
Members of the Board
Clair Orr, Chairman, 4th Congressional District
Pat Chlouber, Vice Chairman, 3rd Congressional District • Ben Alexander, Member-At-Large
John Burnett, 5th Congressional District • Randy DeHoff, 6th Congressional District
Patti Johnson, 2nd Congressional District • Gully Stanford, 1st Congressional District
William J. Moloney, Commissioner of Education and Secretary to the State Board of Education
Board Actions – October 5, 2000
Denver, Colorado
401, 402, 403, C.R.S.
State Board/Commissioner
Adopted rules for the Administration
of the Read to Achieve Grant Program,
1 CCR 301-47.
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Granted waivers for a three-year
period from October 5, 2000 through
June 30, 2003 to Elizabeth School
District C-1 and Elbert County
Charter School as follows: 22-9-106(4);
22-32-109(1)(b)(f)(t); 22-32-110(1)(h),
126; 22-63-201, 203, 206, 301, 302,
401, 402, 403, C.R.S.
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Granted waivers for a five-year period
from October 5, 2000 through June 30,
2005 to Colorado Springs School
District 11 and Community Prep
Charter School as follows: 22-9-106,
107, 109(1)(f); 22-32-109(1)(b)(n)(i)(ii),
109.7, 109.8, 109.9, 110(1)(h)(2)(3),
126; 22-33-105, 108; 22-60.5-101;
22-63-201, 202, 203, 206, 301, 302,
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Approved accreditation contracts for
school districts as follows: Arickaree
R-2, Brush RE-2J, Buffalo RE-4,
Burlington RE-6J, Byers 32J, Calhan
RJ-1, Campo RE-6, Centennial R-1,
Center 26 JT, Clear Creek RE-1,
Colorado School for the Deaf and
Blind, Cotopaxi RE-3, Custer County
C-1, DeBeque 49 JT, Deer Trail 26J,
Delta County 50 J, Dolores RE-4A,
Dolores County RE-2, Eagle County
RE 50, East Grand 2, East Otero R-1,
East Yuma County RJ-2, Eaton RE-2,
Fort Morgan RE-3, Garfield 16,
Garfield RE-2, Genoa-Hugo C113,
Granada RE-1, Haxtun RE-2J,
Hinsdale County RE-1, Hi-Plains R23, Hoehne Reorganized 3, Holly RE-3,
Holyoke RE-1J, Johnstown-Milliken
RE-5J, Julesburg RE-1, Kim
Reorganized 88, Limon RE-4J, Mc
Clave RE-2, Monte Vista C-8,
Montrose County RE-1J, North
Conejos RE-1J, Otis R-3, Plainview
RE-2, Plateau RE-5, Plateau Valley 50,
Platte Canyon 1, Prairie RE-11,
Prichett RE-3, Primero Reorganized 2,
Silverton 1, Springfield RE-4, Stratton
R-4, Telluride R-1, Valley RE-1, Walsh
RE-1, Weld County RE-8, West End
RE-2, West Grand 1-JT, West Yuma
RJ-1, Widefield 3, Wiggins RE-50J,
Woodlin R-104.
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Educational Services
Dismissed the charge and instructed
Department of Education staff to issue
a license to applicant concerning
License No. 2000EC27.
Held Board-only discussion of proposed
new rules for the Administration of the
Protection of Persons from Restraint
Act, 1 CCR 301-45, scheduled
continued Board discussion for
November 8, 2000.
Instructed Department of Education
staff and the attorney general's office
to prepare documents necessary to
request a formal hearing for the
revocation or annulment of the
following, pursuant to 22-60.5-108,
License No. 46495, Charge No.
License No. 71196, Charge No.
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Approved the following as on-grounds
special education facilities:
Namaqua Center - Residential
Child Care Facility, Loveland
One Stop Day Treatment, Denver
South East Metro Day Treatment,
Highlands Ranch
Summit Day Treatment, Longmont
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Revoked authorization for Centennial
Peaks Day Treatment effective
October 5, 2000.
License No. 68434, Charge No.
99EC27 (See final disposition,
page 3.)
License No. 64600, Charge No.
98EC29 (See final disposition,
page 3.)
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Professional Services
Signified acceptance and approval of
the terms and conditions of the
settlement agreement and directed the
Commissioner of Education to sign the
original copy of the agreement for the
Instructed Department of Education
staff to issue a notice of denial of a
request to remove an application for an
alternative teacher license from the
educator's site.
Instructed Department of Education
staff to issue a notice of denial and
appeal rights to the following
applicants, pursuant to 22-4-104,
License Applicant, Charge No.
2000EC19 (See final disposition,
page 3.)
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
License Applicant, Charge No.
2000EC21 (See final disposition,
page 4.)
Final Dispositions of State Board
Against Educator Licenses
(5-2 Mrs. Chlouber, Mr. Alexander,
Mr. Burnett, Mr. DeHoff, and
Mrs. Johnson concur. Mr. Orr and
Mr. Stanford dissent.)
Maria Cristina Caamano
Charge No.: 98EC29
License Number: 64600
Last Known School of Employment:
Academy of Charter Schools
Last Known Community of Residence:
Denver, Colorado
Reason for Disciplinary Action:
Provided alcohol to students and engaged in
sexual contact with a student.
Final Action of the State Board:
Acceptance of voluntary surrender of any
right to hold a license with permanent
prohibition from applying for a license and
seeking or holding a position in a Colorado
public school.
Approved emergency Type III educator
authorizations as follows:
Initial - 182
Renewal - 64
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Approved a joint teacher induction
program offered by Buena Vista R-31,
Lake County R-1, Park County Re-1,
and Salida 32 school districts.
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Management, Budget, and Planning
John Frye
Charge No.: 2000EC19
Last Known Community of Residence:
Bayfield, Colorado
Reason for Disciplinary Action:
Convicted of two felony counts of securities
fraud and one felony count of conspiracy to
commit securities fraud. Also, he failed to
disclose on his license application his
disbarment in Colorado and the revocation of
his Colorado and Michigan securities
Final Action of the State Board:
Denial of the application.
Approved special education excess cost
rates for eligible facilities for
FY 2000-01.
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Approved an $80,000 payment from
the contingency reserve to Sargent
School District RE-33J.
(The motion was carried unanimously.)
Board Report provides a monthly summary of
Colorado State Board of Education business to
the General Assembly, Governor, Department
of Education, Colorado school districts,
education-related agencies, and others upon
Anne Stoner
Charge No.: 99EC27
License Number: 68434
Last Known District of Employment:
Aurora Public Schools
Last Known Community of Residence:
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Reason for Disciplinary Action:
Pled guilty to one felony count of sexual
assault on a child by a person in a position of
Final Action of the State Board:
Permanent revocation.
For additional information, please contact:
Lynne Fontanier
Director for State Board Relations
Office of the State Board of Education
201 E. Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80203-1799
Phone 303.866.6817 Fax 303.866.6938
Email [email protected]
Jacalyn Strother
Charge No.: 2000EC21
Last Known Community of Residence:
Denver, Colorado
Reason for Disciplinary Action:
Convicted of two felony counts of receiving a
bribe, one misdemeanor count of misconduct
involving a controlled substance in the 6th
degree, and three misdemeanor counts of
solicitation to commit misconduct involving a
controlled substance in the 4th degree.
Final Action of the State Board:
Denial of application.
Future Business
The following meetings will be held at
the Colorado Department of Education,
201 East Colfax Avenue, Room 101
Denver, Colorado:
Nov. 8, 2000
Work Session
9:00 a.m.
Nov. 9, 2000
Regular Meeting
9:00 a.m.
Dec. 13, 2000
Work Session
9:00 a.m.
Dec. 14, 2000
Regular Meeting
9:00 a.m.
January 10, 2001 Work Session
9:00 a.m.
January 11, 2001 Regular Meeting
9:00 a.m.
February 7, 2001
Work Session
9:00 a.m.
February 8, 2001
Regular Meeting
9:00 a.m.
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