
Document 2057184

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Document 2057184
Adult Workforce Development Partnerships Advisory Committee
Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB)
February 24, 2016
Attendees: Jennifer Jirous (CDE), Chaer Robert (CCLP), Shirley Penn (CAEPA), Tricia Johnson (CDE), Glenda Sinks
(CCD), Sarah Heath (CCCS), Misti Ruthven (CDE), Frank Waterous (Bell Policy), Lynn Bambury (CDE)
1. 1:30pm Introductions
a. Meetings are held every other month, 4th Thursday
2. Program Updates:
i. HB1050 passed first committee
ii. Received grant to look at WIOA implementation in serving Colorado’s homeless
i. WIOA cross training with staff
c. CDE
i. Legislative updates
1. 10 workforce bills outlined in bill
April 1st negotation deadline
d. CCD
i. Partnered with Dynamic Workforce Solutions
e. Bell Policy
i. Research of 2nd generation strategy
ii. Asked for double money for adult ed
iii. JOBs Act expands pell options to short-term credentials.
f. AEI
i. Career Pathways model being rolled out to programs
ii. Revisions for state plan
iii. Workforce on MOUs
g. Mile High Youth Corps.
i. YouthBuild program starting next cycle of corps members
h. CCA
i. Challenges with recruitment and employment
3. Adult Family and Literacy Act of 2014 Annual Report
a. Completed and submitted
b. Specific data – participation, demographics, outcomes
c. Emphasis on Partnerships
d. Challenge with pulling reports because we do not have a data system. Hoping to purchase for
both state and federal use. RFP is in process
4. Adult Education and Literacy Grant Update
a. Career Pathways/Sustainability Planning
i. Well received by Programs, Stakeholders and States
ii. Beneficial for Federal programs to utilize
iii. Done in conjunction with mid-year reports
5. Moving Pathways Forward
a. Presentation of Colorado State Work Plan at National Career Pathways Network Conference in
6. Upcoming Events:
a. Collaboration Webinars for Grantees (April timeframe)
b. Nontraditional Career Paths Professional Development (Diversity Summit) – March 3, 2016
c. National Educational Equity Summit – Washington DC, April 10-14
d. AWDP Committee Meeting – April 28, 2016 1:30PM
e. Timeline on AEI website completion – hoping for early April
7. Committee Representatives Discussion
a. Suggested industries to invite: Corrections Department; National Skills Coaliation; Human
Services; Lutheran Family Services; Goodwill Industries
8. Meeting Format Feedback
a. Would like to hear how grantees receive funding and how is that funding supporting the whole
b. Provide a template for update presentations by grantees
c. How is the work on AEL informing AEFLA/WIOA?
3:06pm Adjourn
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