
Proposals due: 2016-17 Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant

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Proposals due: 2016-17 Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant
Proposals due: Monday, April 4, 2016 by 11:59 p.m.
A pre-recorded, informational webinar is available at:
Letters of Intent due: Friday, February 12, 2016
Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant
(EARSS Program)
Pursuant to: C.R.S. 22-33-205
For EARSS program and use of funds questions contact:
Janelle Krueger ([email protected] | 303-866-6750)
For fiscal and budget spreadsheet questions contact:
Marti Rodriguez ([email protected] | 303-866-6769)
For RFP process questions contact:
Kim Burnham ([email protected] | 303-866-6916)
Colorado Department of Education
Office of Federal Program Administration
1560 Broadway, Suite 1100, Denver, CO 80203
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................... 3
SUBMISSION PROCESS AND DEADLINES ................................................. 8
REQUIRED ELEMENTS ........................................................................ 9
COVER/SIGNATURE PAGE ................................................................. 11
ASSURANCES FORM ........................................................................ 13
EVALUATION RUBRIC ……………………………..………………. ..................... 14
Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant - Overview
Proposals Due: Monday, April 4, 2016
The Expelled and At-Risk Student Services (EARSS) Grant Program at the Colorado
Department of Education (CDE) is authorized by Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S.) 2233-205 to assist in providing educational and supportive services to expelled students,
students at-risk for expulsion, and students of compulsory school age who are truant.
The EARSS program is intended to keep students engaged in their learning by helping
students to avoid behaviors that would cause disciplinary action to be taken and to
increase truant students’ attendance to reduce referrals to truancy court. EARSS
grants are to provide direct intervention supports and services to students who meet
the criteria for service, identified in 1-3 below. Proposals requesting funds to support
universal, primary prevention will not be considered. Applicants focusing only on
dropout prevention in general, or risk factors unrelated to expulsion or eventual
expulsion and/or truancy will not be considered. Only applicants that specifically
address one or more of the three purposes identified for funding will be considered.
The program funds exist to help school districts meet their statutory obligations to:
1) Identify students at risk of suspension or expulsion and provide them with a
plan for the necessary support services to help them avoid expulsion, and to
work with their parents or guardians in providing the services.
Note: School districts may provide services through agreements with
appropriate local governmental agencies and, to the extent necessary, with
the managing state agencies, including but not limited to the department
of human services and the department of public health and environment,
with community-based nonprofit and faith-based organizations, with
nonpublic, non-parochial schools, with the department of military and
veterans affairs, and with public and private institutions of higher
education. See Attachment A for parameters of agreements.
2) Provide alternative educational services, agreed to by parents, to expelled
students, which may be provided directly by the expelling district or in
cooperation with one or more other school districts, boards of cooperative
services, charter schools, and nonpublic, non-parochial schools.
Note: The educational services provided shall be designed to enable the
student to return to the school in which he or she was enrolled prior to
expulsion, to successfully complete a high school equivalency examination,
or to enroll in a nonpublic, non-parochial school or in an alternative school,
including but not limited to a charter school.
3) Develop plans with the goal of assisting habitual truants to remain in school
and to work with families regarding their child’s attendance.
For further information see C.R.S. 22-33-202 and 203, and 22-33-107(3)(b) at:
Eligible applicants include:
 School districts;
 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) serving students enrolled
in member districts;
 Non-public/non-parochial schools*;
 Alternative schools within a school district;
 Charter schools**; and
 Facility schools approved pursuant to C.R.S. 22-2-407.
Eligible Applicants
*Per the EARSS authorizing legislation, programs proposed by non-public non-parochial schools
must be approved by the State Board of Education prior to being awarded.
** Charters schools residing within a district should work with their authorizer (district) to
complete the necessary application information per C.R.S. 22-30.5-104(11). A charter and its
authorizing district should work cooperatively on a joint application if both intend to apply. If a
charter school is funded, the award will be made to the charter school’s fiscal agent, (i.e. district
 Consortiums are not eligible applicants for this grant, per state statute.
 Fiscal agents that are currently funded with one or more EARSS grants this
2015-16 school-year are not eligible to apply for, or renew an expiring 4th-year
grant, in this round of funding. See Attachment B for a list of currently funded
grantees that are not eligible to apply.
Applicants whose proposed program will serve students from more than one school
district will be considered in accordance with C.R.S. 22-33-205 (3). This requires that at
least 45% of the appropriation be awarded to applicants that provide educational
services to students from more than one school district.
The following funding priority has been established for this competition:
 Eligible applicants that have not been awarded EARSS funds for the past three
years, (2013-14 school year through the 2015-16 school year).
 Applicants that meet this priority for funds must still score the minimum
points necessary to be qualified for an award.
Any funds remaining available after funding the priority applicants will be awarded to
eligible applicants that do not meet this priority, but have met the minimum score
needed to be recommended for funding. The following strategies have been identified
as priorities for this competition:
Strategies to Reduce Expulsion and Out-of-School Suspensions. Samples include:
 Development and expansion of in-school suspension supports
 Restorative discipline practices;
 Wrap-around services and behavior interventionists;
 Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), such as Tiers 2 and 3 of Positive
Behavior Support and Interventions (PBIS) and Response to Intervention (RtI);
 Tutoring for core academics, individual learning plans, and credit recovery; and
 Inter-agency agreements for mental health and treatment services.
Strategies to support truants and reduce referrals to court. Samples include:
 Attendance Mediation Workshops for students and their families;
 Restorative discipline, including as an alternative to court;
 Case management by multi-disciplinary Student Attendance Review
Boards, Attendance Advocates, Response to Intervention teams, and WrapAround service providers;
 Tutoring for core academics, individual learning plans, and credit recovery;
 Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).
Bonus Points:
1. Disproportionate Disciplinary Actions: Bonus points are possible for
proposals with disproportionate disciplinary actions described by data in
the Needs Assessment. Both the number of students in the whole student
population or targeted school population and the number disciplined must
be part of the calculation to verify the disproportionate disciplinary actions
of subgroups. To be eligible for bonus points, the proposal must address
efforts to reduce the disproportionality in the Measureable Objectives
and/or the Program Description sections.
2. Sustainability: Bonus points are possible for proposals that identify one or
more specific sources of funding, within the control of the applicant, to
financially sustain grant-related FTE and/or strategies after the grant
Facility Schools
Facility school applicants, in addition to other strategies (i.e., high school
equivalency preparation, behavior interventionists as case managers, credit
recovery, etc.), must include an emphasis on transitioning of students between
their setting and school districts so that districts may continue supporting the
student in ways that will reduce the likelihood that the student could eventually be
expelled by the district or, for students of compulsory school age, declared
habitually truant.
This RFP is being released; however, the approximate $2 million available for new
grant awards is contingent upon an approved appropriation for the program during
the 2016 Colorado legislative session.
Available Funds
Amount of Requests: Proposed budget requests should provide for the number of
anticipated students to be served, as identified on the cover/signature page, not
to exceed a total of $2,500 per student. A suggested range is $1,000 - $2,500 per
student. When determining the total budget, applicants should remain mindful of
the feasibility of sustained fiscal support with non-grant funds during a planned
scale down of the budget of 25% in the 3rd year and 50% in the 4th year as well as
how to sustain efforts after the expiration of the grant.
Unobligated funds at the end of the fiscal year will be returned to the Colorado
Department of Education. Therefore, applicants should consider how much
money can realistically be spent within the time allotted and plan accordingly.
Available Funds
Note for the first year of the budget: Salary and benefits for new FTE in the grant
should not be budgeted until payroll is expected to be encumbered. It is
acceptable to budget salary and benefits for lesser months in the first year and
then for more months in the second year when staff hired on the grant are fully in
The majority of funds must be used to provide educational and student support
services directly to enrolled students who become expelled (but served) and/or
are at-risk of being expelled and/or are habitual truants. At-risk students may
include suspended students and students at-risk of being suspended.
At a minimum, and per the statute, the proposal shall include a plan for the
provision of educational services, including the type of educational service,
estimated cost, and criteria used to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational
services provided.
In-state professional development is allowable for grant-associated staff serving
EARSS-eligible students, that is connected to carrying out the grant’s proposed
strategies, and that builds capacity to foster sustainability of the grant funded
activity and outcomes.
Up to 15% of the grant award may be used for administrative cost incurred by the
grant activity.
Allowable Use of
Services may include:
 Instruction in math, reading, writing, science and social studies;
 Tutoring;
 Alternative educational programs;
 Vocational education programs;
 Support services; and
 Strategies to address habitually disruptive and truancy-related behaviors
Through inter-agency agreements pursuant to C.R.S. 22-33-204, services may
include but are not limited to:
 Counseling services;
 Drug or alcohol addiction treatment programs; and
 Family preservation services.
Funds must supplement, not supplant and may not be used for:
 Indirect Cost;
 Capital equipment;
 Building improvements, construction, or maintenance; or
 Gift cards, gift certificates, cash awards, personal gifts, door prizes,
financial aid for individuals, etc.
Allowable Use of
Please note: Applicants must also budget to attend a one-day grant coordinators’
fall networking day during each year of the 4-year grant cycle (date to be
announced), if travel costs would be incurred. This day will provide professional
development consistent with grant expectations. One to two key leadership staff
most closely related to the coordination and success of the grant should attend.
Include costs related to transportation to the Denver metro area, lodging and per
diem expenses. There is no registration fee.
Beginning with the third year of funding, grant funding must be reduced by 25%
from whichever is the higher amount received in the first or second year of the
grant. In the fourth year, grant funding must be reduced by 50% from whichever is
the higher amount received in the first or second year of the grant. Applicants are
expected to maintain the same level of services by supplementing the grant funds
with other financial and material resources. These may include the grantee’s
general fund by investing Per Pupil Revenue (PPR) retained from the re-enrollment
of students served, as well as federal, state, local, or in-kind contributions.
See Priority section, page 4, regarding bonus points for financial sustainability.
Duration of Grant
Grants are provided for four sequential fiscal years, provided requirements and
outcomes are being met and state funds are annually appropriated. Funds must be
expended by June 30th of each fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated
and awarded. There will be no carryover of funds.
Applicants receiving Expelled and At-Risk Student Services grant funding are
required to submit to CDE:
 An annual performance report (e.g., including numbers of students served,
student outcomes, progress on performance measures, etc.);
 A continuation application with a continuation budget; and
 Interim financial reports and the annual financial report.
Evaluation &
Applicants must have, or acquire, the capacity to complete the annual
performance report. A grantee may, but is not required to purchase the services of
an external evaluator for grant-funded programs. External evaluator costs cannot
exceed $6,000. See Attachment C for a listing of performance report
questions/requirements. The report requirements can also be accessed at:
Data Privacy
CDE takes seriously its obligation to protect the privacy of student Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) collected, used, shared and stored. Therefore, CDE
provides a secure system known as SEES (Student Engagement and Evaluation
System) online system, to collect information, survey responses and PII for this
grant program. PII will be collected, used, shared and stored in compliance with
CDE’s privacy and security policies and procedures. See Attachment C.
Applications will be reviewed by CDE staff to ensure they contain all required
components. Note: This is a competitive process – applicants must score at least 75
points out of the 115 points possible to be approved for funding. Applications that
score below 75 points may be asked to submit revisions that would bring the
application up to a fundable level. There is no guarantee that submitting a proposal
will result in funding or funding at the requested level. All application decisions are
final. Applicants that do not meet the qualifications will be notified and may reapply
in future grant competitions.
Review Process
Applicants will be notified of final award status no later than Friday, June 11, 2016.
For successful applicants, grant funds cannot be obligated or spent prior to July 1,
2016 and before a final budget is approved by CDE. Grantees will be sent an Award
Notification and Agreement to sign and submit with original signatures to CDE. A
check will be issued to the grantee when all required signatures are in place.
Award Process
and Start Date
Note: If interested in applying for this grant opportunity, please complete the Letter
of Intent (Attachment D) and submit by Friday, February 12, 2016. This allows CDE to
plan for the review process and communicate with prospective applicants should a
need arise.
A pre-recorded, informational webinar regarding expectations and guidance for
quality proposals is available at:
In addition to the available assistance mentioned above, BOCES serving member
districts with less than 4,000 students annually receive a share of state education
program funding specifically to assist those districts with applying for grants.
Submission Process and Deadline
Submit the electronic copy of the entire application by
11:59 PM on Monday, April 4, 2015 to:
[email protected]
The electronic version should include all required components as one
document. Please attach the electronic budget workbook in Excel format as
a separate document. Incomplete or late applications will not be
Postmark the original plus 1 copy (via mail)
by Tuesday, April 5, 2015 to:
Colorado Department of Education
Competitive Grants and Awards
1560 Broadway, Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80202
Faxes will not be accepted. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The application
materials and budget are available for download on the CDE Web site at:
 All pages must be standard letter size, 8-1/2” x 11”.
 The narrative must address, in sequence, each of Parts II-VII identified in the Selection Criteria
and Evaluation Rubric (see pages 14-20). State each Part number as a bolded subheading.
 The total narrative (Parts II – VII) of the application cannot exceed 10 pages.
o Applications that deviate from the outlined sequence and format or that do not
contain Parts II-VII within the 10-page limit will not be scored.
o Attachments or addendums cannot be utilized to address the required elements or be
factored into the scoring.
 Use: 12-point font, single line spacing, and 1-inch margins.
 Number all pages.
 The cover/signature page must include original signatures of the applicant’s fiscal agent.
 Staple the pages of the original and each copy of the proposal. Do not use paperclips, rubber
bands, binders or report covers.
Required Elements
The format outlined below must be followed in order to assure consistent application of the
evaluation criteria. See evaluation rubric for specific selection criteria needed in Parts II – VII (pages
14 – 20).
Part I:
Proposal Introduction (not scored)
A. Cover Page with Signatures
B. Executive Summary (no more than 80 words)
C. Certification and Assurances Form (signed by Board president and applicant
Part II:
Part III:
Part IV:
Part V:
Part VI:
Part VII:
Needs Assessment
Measurable Objectives
Program Description
Budget Narrative (Paragraph(s) description of how funds support the Part IV description.)
An Electronic Budget (Excel file submitted electronically) must be submitted with the application
to [email protected], along with two hard copies of the budget.
Required Attachments (does not count toward the 10-page limit):
 Letters of support from key collaborators.
o Key collaborations refer to partnerships with organizations or agencies that
provide in-kind goods or services, funds or other resources for the proposed
grant program. Key collaborators may also refer to partners external to the
applicant who are critical to the success of the grant in that the grant
objectives would not be achieved without their cooperation. Collaborations
may or may not include written interagency agreements or Memorandums of
Understanding. The nature of the collaboration should be described in Part V
o Formal collaborations do not refer to contractors or vendors who would be
providing services for this grant program and that appear in the budget’s
purchased services category. These anticipated vendors or contractors should
not submit letters of support. They can, however, be referenced in the
program description and budget by name if known.
 If funded, selection of vendors must follow proper procurement
procedures, i.e. competitive bids if required.
Letter of sustainability commitment from the applicant’s Chief Executive Officer
(i.e., Superintendent if a school district; Executive Director if a BOCES or facility
school; or Resident or Executive Director if a charter school).
o This letter should correspond to the plan described in Part IV (e) and Part VII(c)
of the narrative and the Grant Budget Detail worksheet and Non-Grant Budget
Detail worksheet.
o Up to 4 additional points may be awarded for meeting the following criteria:
 One or more specific sources of funding within the control of the
applicant have been named and committed to financial
sustainability of grant-related personnel and/or strategies after the
grant expires.
 The Non-Grant Budget Detail worksheet indicates increases in Years
3 and 4 to off-set the reductions in the Grant Budget Detail
worksheet Years 3 and 4.
Expelled and At-Risk Student Services
PART IA: COVER PAGE with Signatures (Complete and attach as the first page of proposal)
(Fiscal Agent) School District, BOCES, or Facility
Name (in white space):
4-digit District/BOCES/Facility Code:
Mailing Address:
Name of School or Program to be Funded:
Mailing Address:
Website Address:
Name of Fiscal Agent’s Authorized Representative:
Mailing Address:
Program Coordinator/Contact Person:
(Must be employed by the applicant.)
Mailing Address:
Program Fiscal Manager
(Different than Program Coordinator):
Students to be Served
Will the proposed program provide educational services to students from more
than one school district? (This means the applicant will serve students in the EARSS funded
program who are enrolled, or will enroll, in a district other than its own. Facility schools and
BOCES will most likely check Yes.)
During the 2015-16 school year, how many of the total Expelled:
student population (number) were:
How many students do you anticipate serving in the first year of this grant?
 Yes
 No
Habitually truant:
Previous EARSS Grant Awards
Never before
Funded more than 3 years ago 
Funded in the past 3 years 
check one: funded 
Years funded:
If previously funded, identify EARSS-funded programs or strategies that have been sustained, and
from what source of funds:
CDE 4-Year Amount Requested: Indicate the amount of funds being requested.
2018-19 :
Reflects 25% reduction from first or second year, whichever
is higher, while still maintaining program services.
Reflects 50% reduction from first or second year, whichever
is higher, while maintaining program services.
* A lesser amount may be budgeted in the first year than in the second year due to the time it takes for implementation
before services are delivered.
Amount per anticipated number of students to be served in 2016- 2017 (not to
exceed $2,500):
Please note: If grant is approved, funding will not be awarded until all signatures are in place. Please
attempt to obtain all signatures before submitting the application.
Provide a brief synopsis of the proposed program, not to exceed 80 words, including number and grade
levels of participants, names of schools if applicable, strategies and objectives. If awarded, this
summary will appear on the EARSS website and may also be included in the annual report to the state
legislature. Avoid acronyms unless defined.
Part IC: Certification and Assurances Form (Complete and attach after cover page)
2015-16 Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant
The School Board President and Board-Appointed Authorized Representative must sign below to
indicate their approval of the contents of the application, and the receipt of program funds.
(date), 2016, the Board of
hereby applies for and, if awarded, accepts the state funds requested in this application. In consideration
of the receipt of these grant funds, the Board agrees that the General Assurances form for all state funds
and the terms therein are specifically incorporated by reference in this application. The Board also certifies
that all program and pertinent administrative requirements will be met. In addition, grantees that accept
the Expelled and At-Risk Student Services funding agree to the following assurances:
1. The applicant will annually provide the Colorado Department of Education with an Annual Performance
Report. This will also include providing State Assigned Student Identifiers (SASIDs) for students who
participate in the Expelled and At Risk Student Services Program, student outcomes and progress on
performance measures through the secure, SEES (Student Engagement and Evaluation System) data
collection system. PII will be collected, used, shared and stored in compliance with CDE’s privacy and
security policies and procedures.
2. The applicant will work with CDE in efforts to identify and track risk factors in Colorado linked to safety
and discipline. This may include, but not limited to participating in focus groups, interviews or student
3. The applicant will not discriminate against anyone regarding race, gender, national origin, color,
disability or age.
4. Funds will be used to supplement and not supplant services currently in place.
5. Funded projects will maintain appropriate fiscal and program records and fiscal audits of this program
will be conducted by the grantees as a part of their regular audits.
6. If any findings of misuses of these funds are discovered, project funds will be returned to CDE.
7. The grantee will maintain sole responsibility for the project even though contractors may be used to
perform certain services.
Name of Board President
Signature of Board President
Name of District Superintendent or
School/BOCES/Facility Executive Director
Signature of District Superintendent or
School/BOCES/Facility Executive Director
Name of Fiscal Agent’s Authorized
Signature of Fiscal Agent’s Authorized
Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant
Evaluation Rubric
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Part IV:
Part V:
Part VI:
Program Introduction
Needs Assessment
Measurable Objectives
Program Description
Part VII:
Budget Narrative and Electronic Budget
No score
Bonus Points
GENERAL COMMENTS: Please indicate support for scoring by including overall strengths and
weaknesses. These comments are used on feedback forms to applicants.
Required Changes:
Fund ___
Fund w/Changes ____
Do Not Fund ______
Request for Proposal - Selection Criteria & Evaluation Rubric
Part I: Proposal Introduction
No Points
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Signed Certification and Assurances Form
Table of Contents
Place a table of contents after the Certification and Assurance Form.
Parts II - VII: Narrative
115 Points
The following criteria will be used by reviewers to evaluate the application as a whole. In order for the
application to be recommended for funding, applicants must score at least 75 points out of the 115
points possible and all required parts must be addressed. Applications that score below 75 points may
be asked to submit revisions that would bring the application up to a fundable level. An application
that receives a score of 0 on any required part within the narrative will not be funded.
Part II: Needs Assessment
a) Describe your need for the proposed program, based
on an analysis of data. Address:
 Expulsion, suspension, and truancy rates from
past years to show specific behavior-related
 Representation of subgroups of students (i.e.
those with learning disabilities, English learners,
and free and reduced lunch); and
 Any disproportionate disciplinary patterns related
to gender, race/ethnicity or subgroup(s).
Facility schools should, at a minimum, address the above
three elements. They may also explain any barriers to
possessing any of the above data and, where school
district historical data is missing, offer an analysis of their
own student population’s demographics to justify the
need for their proposed program.
b) Briefly identify current services and expand upon
gaps in services, trends and reasons for the service
gaps to any or all of the following that the proposal
intends to address (as described in Part IV):
i. Students who have been expelled;
ii. Students at risk of being expelled; and
iii. Students at risk of being habitually truant.
(mostly clear
and complete)
(concise and
c) Describe gaps in EARSS-eligible students’
parent/family/guardian engagement strategies, and
the reasons for them, that the proposal intends to
address (as described in Part IV).
Reviewer Comments:
Part III: Measurable Objectives*
(mostly clear
and complete)
(concise and
For each of the four categories state at least one quantified, measurable objective to be achieved by
2018 and its correlating measure by 2020, that is specific and attainable, incorporates research-based
strategies, and includes the method and criteria for measuring progress, related to:
a) Improving parent capacity to support their student.
b) Academic achievement related to failing grades and
course completion.
c) Student attendance
d) School safety/discipline or social and emotional
For example:
Student Attendance Example: The habitual truants who work with an attendance advocate will
increase their individual attendance rate by at least 10% by 2018 and 20% by 2020, as measured by
comparing the individual student’s end of year attendance rate to their baseline rate at the time the
student begins work with an advocate.
Academic Achievement Example: There will be a 20% increase by 2018 and a 40% increase by 2020 in
the number of EARSS students who are passing all of their core classes, measured by reviewing grades
from baseline to year-end, by providing students with tutoring and extended day learning opportunities.
*Note: No more than two objectives should be written for each of the four required areas a-d. See
attachment E for additional guidance on setting performance measures.
Up to 4 additional points may be awarded for meeting the following criteria :
Reviewers - Award
 At least one of the performance measures is aimed at reducing specific
from 0 to 4 points for
disproportionate populations disciplined or declared habitually truant, as
this section.
identified by data in the Part II a. Needs Assessment section.
More than one of the performance measures is aimed at reducing
specific disproportionate populations disciplined or declared habitually
truant, as identified by data in the Part II a. Needs Assessment section.
Reviewer Comments:
Bonus points:
Part IV: Program Description
a) Describe the process for determining the eligibility of
students for the EARSS-related programs and/or
services and the process of referring/receiving
students into those programs and/or services.
Facility schools need only to address the process for
matching programs/services to individual students.
b) Describe the type of educational services to be
provided, how parents or guardians of EARSS-served
students will be engaged, and additional strategies to
achieve each objective. Include program components
that address location, hours of operation, staffing,
length of services, estimated number of participants,
behaviors to be addressed, grade levels and, if
relevant, transportation.
c) Describe how the applicant ensures that the
proposed services to students and parents are, or will
be, culturally relevant and responsive.
d) Provide details regarding the proposed strategies’
research-based known outcomes and cost
e) Describe how programs and/or services will be
sustained following the expiration of the grant.
Include specific efforts and
(mostly clear
and complete)
(concise and
Describe how the applicant’s programs or strategies
may lead to systemic changes within the school
district to serve expelled students or students at risk
of being expelled or declared habitually truant
beyond the lifespan of the grant.
For BOCES and facility school applicants, address the
above for your setting.
Up to 4 additional points may be awarded for meeting the following criteria :
 Programs, services, or strategies have been described to reduce specific
disproportionately disciplined or habitually truant populations as
identified by data in the Part II a. Needs Assessment section, and are
aligned to achieve the measurable objectives.
Reviewers - Award
from 0 to 4 points for
this section.
Bonus points:
Reviewer Comments:
Part V: Collaboration
(mostly clear
and complete)
(concise and
a) Describe formal collaborations that are vital to
program success. See page 10 for the description of
what a formal collaboration is and is not.
Facility Schools may utilize letters from school
districts that have students served by the facility and
then transitioned back to the school district.
Note: Letters of support must be attached but will not
count in the 10-page limit.
Reviewer Comments:
Part VI: Evaluation
not provided)
(mostly clear
and complete)
(concise and
Applicants must have, or acquire, the capacity to complete an annual performance report (see
Attachment C) A grantee may, but is not required to purchase the services of an external evaluator for
grant-funded programs. External evaluator costs cannot exceed $6,000. The report requirements can
be accessed at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/dropoutprevention/earss_request_for_proposals
a) Describe the applicant’s capacity, or how they would
acquire the capacity, to complete the required
online report, such as collecting demographic data,
State Assigned Student Identifiers of the students
served, and tracking student outcomes for the
students served in the grant funded program.
b) Describe the evaluation process to track progress on
measurable objectives. Specify methods to collect
information, frequency of collection and who will be
designated to coordinate data tracking and analysis.
c) Describe how evaluation results will be used to
inform program improvement and how results will
be shared with key stakeholders, such as members
of the School Board, school staff, parents and
community members.
Reviewer Comments:
Part VII: Budget Narrative and Electronic Budget
(Excel File)
(mostly clear
and complete)
(concise and
In addition to submitting an electronic budget covering each of the four years, in compliance with
CDE’s standard fiscal rules, include a budget narrative in paragraph(s) format for which justification
can be found in the Part IV Program Description, that addresses the following criteria:
a) The budget narrative explanation summarizes the
proposed uses of grant funds either by budget
category or proposed program strategies. Uses are
aligned with the more detailed line item description
provided in the Grant Budget Detail worksheet.
b) Re: Budget Spreadsheet - The budget is sufficient in
relation to the measureable objectives, design, scope,
sustainability, and duration of project activities.
Costs are reasonable, and connected to project goals
and activities for each of the four years of the grant.
c) Re: Narrative - In relation to the Grant Budget Detail
and Non-Grant Budget Detail worksheets: Describe
the specific plan and use of in-kind and Per Pupil
Revenue (PPR) to sustain the program with no
reduction in the level of services provided. Address
the plan for the 25% reduction of funding in Year 3
and 50% reduction of funding in Year 4.
d) Attached is a Sustainability Commitment letter from
the district superintendent or BOCES/Facility or nonpublic/non-parochial school executive director, that
corroborates the application’s sustainability plan
described in Part IV(e) and also relates to the Grant
Budget Detail and Non-Grant Budget Detail
worksheet pages.
Up to 4 additional points may be awarded for meeting the following criteria:
 One or more specific sources of funding within the control of the
applicant have been named and committed to financial sustainability of
grant-related personnel and/or strategies after the grant expires.
 The Non-Grant Budget Detail worksheet indicates increases in Years 3
and 4 to off-set the reductions in the Grant Budget Detail worksheet
Years 3 and 4.
Reviewer Comments:
Reviewers - Award
from 0 to 4 points for
this section.
Bonus points:
Attachment A
Interagency Agreements
EARSS grants can supplement inter-agency agreements for the provisions of services outlined below.
C.R.S. 22-33-204 (2013)
22-33-204. Services for at-risk students - agreements with state agencies and community
(1) Each school district, regardless of the number of students expelled by the district, may enter into
agreements with appropriate local governmental agencies and, to the extent necessary, with the
managing state agencies, including but not limited to the department of human services and the
department of public health and environment, with community-based nonprofit and faith-based
organizations, with nonpublic, non-parochial schools, with the department of military and veterans
affairs, and with public and private institutions of higher education to work with the student's parent
or guardian to provide services to any student who is identified as being at risk of suspension or
expulsion or who has been suspended or expelled and to the student's family. Any services provided
pursuant to an agreement with a nonpublic, non-parochial school shall be subject to approval by the
state board of education pursuant to section 22-2-107, C.R.S. Services provided through such
agreements may include, but are not limited to:
(a) Educational services required to be provided under section 22-33-203 (2) and any educational
services provided to at-risk students identified pursuant to section 22-33-202;
(b) Counseling services;
(c) Drug or alcohol-addiction treatment programs;
(d) Family preservation services.
(2) At a minimum, each agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall specify the services to
be provided under the agreement, the entity that will coordinate and oversee provision of the
services, and the responsibilities of each entity entering into the agreement. In addition, each
agreement shall require each entity entering into the agreement to contribute the services or funds
for the provision of the services specified in the agreement. The agreement shall specify the services
or the amount and source of funds that each entity will provide and the mechanism for providing said
services or funds.
(3) Each school district shall use a portion of its per pupil revenues to provide services under
agreements entered into pursuant to this section for each student who is at risk of suspension or
expulsion or who is suspended or expelled. In addition, the school district may use federal moneys,
moneys received from any other state appropriation, and moneys received from any other public or
private grant to provide said services.
Attachment B
Current (2015-16) EARSS Grant-Funded Fiscal Agents
(Ineligible Applicants)
The following fiscal agents are funded with one or more EARSS grants in this 2015-16 schoolyear. They are not eligible to apply in this competition for FY17 funding. This includes those in
the fourth and final year of their grant which cannot be renewed immediately following its
expiration on June 30, 2016.
Academy School District 20
Adams 50 School District
Adams County School District 14
Adams-Arapahoe 28J
Alternative Homes for Youth
Boulder Valley School District Re-2
Centennial BOCES
Center Consolidated Schools
Charter School Institute
Cherry Creek School District 5
Converge Day Treatment Center
Denver Public Schools
Douglas County Re 1 School District
Durango School District 9R
Excelsior Youth Centers, Inc.
Falcon 49 School District
Family Crisis Center School/Denver
Human Services
Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8
Greeley Evans School District 6
Harrison School District 2
Jefferson County Public Schools
Jefferson Hills
Johnstown Milliken Re-5j School District
Littleton Public Schools
Mancos School District
Mapleton Public Schools
Mesa County Valley School District 51
Midway Youth Services
Monte Vista School District (Monte Vista C-8)
Montezuma-Cortez School District RE-1
Mountain Valley School District RE-1
Peyton School District 23 JT
Pikes Peak BOCES
Poudre School District
Pueblo City Schools
Santa Fe Trail BOCES
School District 27J
Sheridan School District 2
South Central BOCES
St. Vrain Valley School District Re-1J
Summit School District Re-1
Thompson School District
Attachment C
Expelled and At-Risk Student Services (EARSS) Grant
EARSS grantees are required to annually complete an online performance survey. CDE takes seriously its
obligation to protect the privacy of student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collected, used,
shared and stored. Therefore, CDE provides a secure system known as SEES (Student Engagement and
Evaluation System) online system, to collect information, survey responses and PII for this grant
program. PII will be collected, used, shared and stored in compliance with CDE’s privacy and security
policies and procedures.
The same questions have been asked consistently of grantees for the past several years. However, the
CDE reserves the right to make revisions to the current list of questions in future years.
The system includes the following:
 Site Portal – This entry point is pre-populated with basic grant information from the grantee’s
approved application and sub-grantee agreement. Sample of items included in this section: Name
of grantee, contact person, amount of award, and performance objectives.
Data Entry – EARSS grantees enter data to report on their grant status and progress.
Reporting of State Assigned Student Identifiers (SASIDs) – EARSS grantees will upload
included: number of students served, expelled or at-risk status, program strategies and services
provided, progress on objectives, reporting on outcomes, reporting on efforts toward sustainability
and capacity building and identifying technical assistance and training needs.
the SASIDs of all students served through the secure, SEES data collection system. An Excel
spreadsheet will be provided to assist grantees in preparing for the upload. Submission of SASIDs
eliminates duplication of reporting on student demographics and reduces inaccuracies in reporting.
Student level data will be collected, used, shared and stored in compliance with CDE student privacy
and security procedures and protocols.
See next page for reporting questions.
Expelled and At-Risk Student Services (EARSS) Grant Reporting Survey
Contact and Grant Information
Q1) Grantee Name: Prepopulated for you by SEES. Please note in the space provided if this information has
changed Click here to enter text.
Q2) Name of Program: Prepopulated for you by SEES. Please note in the space provided if this information has
changed. Click here to enter text.
Q3) District Code or Facility School Code: Prepopulated for you by SEES. Please note in the space provided if
this information has changed. Click here to enter number.
Q4) Name of Contact: Prepopulated for you by SEES. Please note in the space provided if this information has
changed. Click here to enter text.
Q5) Contact Phone Number: Prepopulated for you by SEES. Please note in the space provided if this
information has changed. Click here to enter number.
Q6) Contact Email Address: Prepopulated for you by SEES. Please note in the space provided if this
information has changed. Click here to enter text.
Q7) Grant Year: Survey covers which year of the 4-year EARSS grant? Prepopulated for you by SEES. Please
note in the space provided if this information has changed. Click here to enter number.
Q8) Districts Served: Did you serve students from more than one district with this grant? (select one)
Students Served
Q9) Anticipated Number of First-year Served Students: How many students did you anticipate serving in the
first year of this grant? Click here to enter number.
Q10) Total Served: How many students have you served in your program from July 1 through June 30? Click
here to enter number.
Expelled Students Served
Attachment C
Q11) Expelled Students. Of the above number indicated in Q10, how many expelled students has your
program served? Click here to enter number.
Q12) Reason for Participation. Of the students you served July 1 through June 30, how many were officially
expelled for the following reasons:
Official Reason
a) Drug violation (except Marijuana or Alcohol)
Expelled Number of
Click here to enter number.
b) Marijuana violation
Click here to enter number.
c) Alcohol violation
Click here to enter number.
d) 1st, 2nd degree or vehicular assault
Click here to enter number.
e) 3rd degree assaults/disorderly conduct
Click here to enter number.
Dangerous weapons
Click here to enter number.
g) Robbery
Click here to enter number.
h) Other felonies
Disobedient/defiant or repeated interference
Detrimental behavior
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
k) Destruction of school property
Click here to enter number.
Other violations of code of conduct
Click here to enter number.
Please explain other types of code of conduct violations not listed above:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter number.
Q13) Expelled Student Outcomes. Of the total number of students served, indicate their status as of June 30.
Please report primary outcome for EXPELLED students served.
a) Will continue in EARSS program
Click here to enter number.
b) Refused services from EARSS program but returned to or continued at
original school
c) Successfully completed the EARSS program and remains in school
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
d) Completed expulsion and transitioned back to original school
Click here to enter number.
e) Facility School Only: Transitioned to district school or another facility
f) Transferred to another school district in Colorado, another state or
g) Transferred to detention center or facility school:
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
h) Home-schooled
Discontinued schooling/dropped out
K-6 student exited to an unknown educational setting/status
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Attachment C
k) Expelled, No Services
Click here to enter number.
Expulsion Receiving Services
Click here to enter number.
m) GED Transfer
Click here to enter number.
n) General Education Development Certificate (GED)
Click here to enter number.
o) Transfer to a Career and Technical (vocational) Education program
administered by a Colorado school district, BOCES or other institution
that leads to a certificate or other evidence of completion.
p) Graduated with regular diploma
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Q14) OPTIONAL. Please comment on expelled student outcomes (if any): Click here to enter text.
At-Risk Students Served
Q15) At-Risk Students. Of the above number indicated in Q10, how many at-risk students has your program
served? Click here to enter number.
Q16) Reason for Participation. Of the at-risk students you served July 1 through June 30, how many were atrisk of expulsion or suspension for the following reasons
Official Reason
a) Alcohol, tobacco, or other drug use (except Marijuana)
At-Risk Number of
Click here to enter number.
b) Marijuana
Click here to enter number.
c) Destruction or defacement of school property/vandalism
Click here to enter number.
d) Detrimental behavior which creates a threat to the welfare or safety
of other students or school personnel (includes bullying and threat of
physical harm)
Click here to enter number.
e) Fights or other violent behavior
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
g) Sexual harassment/sexual assault
Click here to enter number.
h) Truancy
Willfully disobedient and openly and persistently defiant or
repeatedly interfering with the school’s ability to provide educational
opportunities to, and a safe environment for, other students
Expelled and/or suspended from a school and transferred to your
own Facility School
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Q17) At-Risk Student Outcomes. Of the total number of students served, indicate their status as of June 30.
Please report primary outcome for AT-RISK students served.
Attachment C
a) Will continue in EARSS program
b) Refused services from EARSS program but returned to or continued at
original school
c) Successfully completed the EARSS program and remains in school
d) Completed expulsion and transitioned back to original school
e) Facility School Only: Transitioned to district school or another facility
f) Transferred to another school district in Colorado, another state or
g) Transferred to detention center or facility school
h) Home-schooled
i) Discontinued schooling/dropped out
j) K-6 student exited to an unknown educational setting/status.
k) Expelled, No Services
l) Expulsion Receiving Services
m) GED Transfer
n) General Education Development Certificate (GED)
o) Transfer to a Career and Technical (vocational) Education program
administered by a Colorado school district, BOCES or other institution
that leads to a certificate or other evidence of completion.
p) Graduated with regular diploma
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Click here to enter number.
Q18) OPTIONAL: Please comment on student outcomes (if any): Click here to enter text.
Family and School Partnering
Q19) Parents Served of Expelled Students. Of the expelled students served July 1 through June 30, how many
of their parents/guardians did you serve? Click here to enter number.
Q20) Parents Served of At-Risk Students. Of the at-risk students served July 1 through June 30, how many of
their parents/guardians did you serve? Click here to enter number.
Q21) Of the parents/guardians served (as indicated in Q19 and Q20), how many improved their ability
to support their child’s learning? Click here to enter number.
Q22) Family Supports and Interventions: Please describe the parent/family supports, services, and
interventions provided as part of your program. Click here to enter text.
Q23) Standards for Family-School Partnerships: Using the rating scale below, please select the answer that
best describes the level of activity in each area between July 1 and June 30 (please select one per statement).
Attachment C
Level of Activity
1- Not occurring
2- Rarely occurs
3- Occasionally occurs
4 - Frequently occurs
Welcoming all families into the school community—Families are active
participants in the life of the school, and feel welcomed, valued, and
connected to each other, to school staff, and to what students are
learning and doing in class.
b) Communicating effectively—Families and school staff engages in regular,
two-way, meaningful communication about student learning.
Supporting student success—Families and school staff continuously
collaborate to support students’ learning and healthy development both
at home and at school, and have regular opportunities to strengthen their
knowledge and skills to do so effectively.
Speaking up for every child—Families are empowered to be advocates
for their own and other children, to ensure that students are treated fairly
and have access to learning opportunities that will support their success.
e) Sharing power—Families and school staff are equal partners in decisions
that affect children and families and together inform, influence, and
create policies, practices and programs.
Collaborating with community—Families and school staff collaborate
with community members to connect students, families and staff to
expanded learning opportunities, community services and civic
1- Not occurring
2- Rarely occurs
3- Occasionally occurs
4 - Frequently occurs
1- Not occurring
2- Rarely occurs
3- Occasionally occurs
4 - Frequently occurs
1- Not occurring
2- Rarely occurs
3- Occasionally occurs
4 - Frequently occurs
1- Not occurring
2- Rarely occurs
3- Occasionally occurs
4 - Frequently occurs
1- Not occurring
2- Rarely occurs
3- Occasionally occurs
4 - Frequently occurs
1- Not occurring
2- Rarely occurs
3- Occasionally occurs
4 - Frequently occurs
Program Strategies and Services
Q24) Program Strategies: The below questions aim to address two things: (1) what strategies and programs
were available and used July 1 through June 30 to serve at-risk and/or expelled students? And (2) which of
these strategies and programs were funded by the EARSS grant?
Attachment C
Column 1 and 2 - Please identify all strategies and programs available to expelled and at-risk students (even if
the students are not participating in EARSS) between July 1 to June 30 (identify at least one). If a
strategy/program was available to both expelled and at-risk students, please identify in both columns.
Column 3 – Please identify which strategies and programs were funded by the EARSS grant dollars during July 1
to June 30 (identify at least one). If an option in Column 3 is identified, Column 1 and/or 2 should also be
marked for that option.
Academic and Attendance Strategies
Credit recovery
Extended day learning (Before and After school opportunities)
GED preparation/classes
Online and technology-based learning
Service Learning
Attendance contracts
Behavioral plans for habitually truant students
Court mandated case management
Diversion from truancy court
Student Attendance Review Board (SARB)
Social Emotional Behavioral Support
Character education and social skill building
Mental health services/ counseling.
Restorative justice for discipline problems
Certified Addictions Counselor (CAC) services (drug/ alcohol/ substance
abuse treatment)
Wraparound case management
Systems Approaches
Culturally responsive interventions
Multi-tiered system of support (MTSS).
Positive staff-student mentoring and relationships
Professional development days
Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP)
Transition Planning/ Staffing from facility to school
Postsecondary Preparation
Model Program
Attachment C
Q24b) If you selected "model programs" above (column x), please list the model programs that were used:
Click here to enter text.
Q24c) If you selected "other" above (column y), please list the other strategies that were used: Click here to
enter text.
Q25) OPTIONAL: Of the strategies/programs that were funded by the EARSS grant, list the three most
effective strategies in achieving successful outcomes for students served. Please list these strategies in
order of effectiveness: Click here to enter text.
Success Stories
26): OPTIONAL: Describe a formal collaboration: Please describe below (Q26a through Q26c) a formal
collaboration that is vital to your EARSS program’s success.
Q26a) Name of Partner: Click here to enter text.
Q26b) Describe support provided by partner: Click here to enter text.
Q26c) Describe an example that resulted from this collaboration: Click here to enter text.
Q27) OPTIONAL: Parent or Family Success Story
Please describe below (Q27a through Q27c) a parent’s, guardian's, or family’s success
story from your EARSS program. The success should be related to the services made possible by the
EARSS grant and connected to why a student needed EARSS services. Based on your story please include the
Q27a) Parent’s, guardians', or family’s circumstances (expelled or at-risk) without using names or
other personally identifiable information: Click here to enter text.
Q27b) Program intervention and/or services provided: Click here to enter text.
Q27c) Describe the success: Click here to enter text.
Q28) OPTIONAL: Student Success Story. Please describe below (Q28a through Q28c) a student’s success story
from your EARSS program. The success should be related to the services made possible by the EARSS grant and
connected to the reasons the student needs the services. Based on your story, please include the following:
Q28a) Describe student’s circumstances (expelled or at-risk) without using names or other personally
identifiable information: Click here to enter text.
Q28b) Program intervention/services provided: Click here to enter text.
Q28c) Describe the success: Click here to enter text.
Performance Measures
Objectives - Objectives are pre-populated from application or from reports.
Please indicate progress in meeting your objectives in each of the following categories:
If you went above and beyond your objective(s), then you exceeded your goal.
If you have completely (100%) met your objective(s), then you have met your goal.
If you have partially met your objective (more than 50 percent), then indicate making progress.
If you have not mostly met your objective, select not making progress.
Attachment C
Q29) Parent Focused Objective
29a) Parent-Focused Objective 1: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
29b) Report Progress on Parent-Focused Objective 1 (select one)
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
29c) Parent-Focused Objective 2: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
29d) Report Progress on Parent-Focused Objective 2 (select one)
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
29e) Please check primary indicator(s) being used to track progress on parent-focused objectives (Check
up to three indicators).
☐Assessed improvement (pre-posttest, family functioning assessment, Nurturing Parent Program
☐Completion of specialized program (parenting class, parent education workshops, ART, PEP)
☐Increased parent’s/guardian’s participation in school activities
☐Improved family functioning (observation/anecdotal evidence such as, family participated in counseling,
unemployed parent obtained a job, and family is problem solving issues related to bedtime routines,
homework, child care, transportation…)
☐Observed behavior improvement and/or reports by school staff and/or student
☐Parent/family follow-up on referrals to services
☐Other (please describe): Click here to enter text.
29f) Please describe special circumstances that have positively affected progress on achieving your parentfocused objectives: Click here to enter text.
29g) Please describe issues that have negatively affected progress on achieving your parent-focused
objectives: Click here to enter text.
Q30) Academic Performance Objective
30a) Academic Objective 1: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
30b) Report Progress on Academic Objective 1 (select one)
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
Attachment C
30c) Academic Objective 2: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
30d) Report Progress on Academic Objective 2 (select one)
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
30e) Please check primary indicator(s) being used to track progress on academic objectives (Check up to
three indicators).
☐Formally assessed improvement (MAP, DIBELS…)
☐Completion of coursework or class with a passing grade
☐Credit recovery successfully completed
☐Reduction of failing grades in core classes
☐GPA increased to 2.0 or above monthly progress reports
☐Portfolio/transcript review
☐Report card comparison (baseline to year-end)
☐Other (please describe): Click here to enter text.
30f) Please describe special circumstances that have positively affected progress on achieving your
academic performance objectives: Click here to enter text.
30g) Please describe issues that have negatively affected progress on achieving your academic
performance objectives: Click here to enter text.
Q31) Attendance Performance Objective
31a) Attendance Objective 1: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
31b) Report Progress on Attendance Objective 1 (select one)
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
31c) Attendance Objective 2: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
31d) Report Progress on Attendance Objective 2 (select one)
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
31e) Please check primary indicator(s) being used to track progress on attendance objectives (Check up
to three indicators).
☐Attendance comparison (baseline to Year-End)
☐Average daily attendance improvement
Attachment C
☐Monitor attendance daily/weekly
☐Satisfactory attendance based on program guidelines/plan
☐Completion of specialized program (Truancy prevention, diversion…)
☐Other (please describe): Click here to enter text.
31f) Please describe special circumstances that have positively affected progress on achieving your
attendance objectives: Click here to enter text.
31g) Please describe issues that have negatively affected progress on achieving your attendance
objectives: Click here to enter text.
Q32) Safety and Discipline/ Social and Emotional Performance Objective
32a) Safety and Discipline/ Social and Emotional Performance Objective 1: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
32b) Report Progress on Safety and Discipline/ Social and Emotional Performance Objective 1(select one)
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
32c) Safety and Discipline/ Social and Emotional Performance Objective 2: Prepopulated for you by SEES.
34d) Report Progress on Safety and Discipline/ Social and Emotional Performance Objective 2 (select
☐Exceeded goal
☐Met goal
☐Making progress
☐Not making progress
32e) Please check primary indicator(s) being used to track progress on safety and discipline or social and
emotional performance objectives. (Check up to three indicators)
☐Discipline/Referral comparison from baseline to year-end
☐Suspension decline (in-school and out of school)
☐Expulsions decline
☐Satisfactory progress in behavior/conduct per plan/agreement
☐Completion of specialized program (bullying prevention, restorative justice…)
☐Formally assessed improvement (pre-posttest, surveys)
☐Report by mental health professionals
☐Other (please describe): Click here to enter text.
32f) Please describe special circumstances that have positively affected progress on achieving your safety
and discipline/ social and emotional performance objectives: Click here to enter text.
32g) Please describe issues that have negatively affected progress on achieving your safety and discipline/
social and emotional performance objectives: Click here to enter text.
Attachment C
Progress Indicator Questions for EARSS Program Serving High School Students
Q33) High School Students. Of the above number indicated in Q10, how many high school students (9th to
12th grade) has your program served? Click here to enter number.
Q34) Out of the number of high school students (grades 9 through 12) served by the
EARSS program (indicated in Q33), how many began the school year behind their expected age,
grade and credit accumulation to graduate with a regular diploma? Click here to enter number.
Q34a. Of these students, how many earned one half or more of the credits they need to get on track
to graduate? Click here to enter number
Q35) How many high school students served by the EARSS program at the beginning of the school year were
on track with credit accumulation to graduate? Click here to enter number.
Q35b. Of these students, how many remained on track to graduate? Click here to enter number
Q36) What is the total number of credits required to receive a diploma from your high school? Click here to
enter number.
Q37) OPTIONAL: Provide a narrative description or link to a webpage that provides this information for your
school/district/BOCES. This information should outline the courses and credits needed to be on track to
graduate. Click here to enter text.
Sustainability and Capacity Building
Q38) For Public schools/districts only:
38a. Amount of Per Pupil Revenue you have recaptured for your district by keeping these students in
your program or school? Click here to enter number.
38b. The amount of PPR recaptured should be determined by counting the number of students that
meet specific criteria for re-engaged and then multiply that number by the states base amount of
funding for each pupil (which in 2013-14 was $5,954.28.) Click here to enter number.
38c. For Public schools: What is the percentage of recaptured Per Pupil Operating Revenue you will reinvest in the program? (Non-public schools – enter N/A) Click here to enter number.
Q39) Actions Taken for Sustainability: Please describe action that has been taken to sustain your program.
(Please check all that apply)
☐Applied for grants
☐Building capacity through professional development
☐Budget line items specified
☐Board member presentation(s) on EARSS results
☐Formed/Secured Community partnerships for wrap around/ case management services
☐Federal grant dollars reinvested
☐Meeting with Title I coordinator to discuss future funding of EARSS strategies
Attachment C
☐Meeting with private foundations to discuss future funding of EARSS strategies
☐Elementary and Secondary Education Act Titles I, II, IVB, Title X partnerships
☐Linking EARRS work to outside financial support money coming to the district
☐Recaptured Per Pupil Revenue to be re-invested in your EARSS-funded strategies
☐Shared EARSS results with district administrators
☐Training related to EARSS strategies have been institutionalized
☐Developed written sustainability plan
☐Full absorption of general funds
☐Other (please describe): Click here to enter text.
Q40) Training and Technical Assistance Questions: Please indicate your needs for technical assistance from
CDE from the following list. (Please check all that apply)
☐Visits from CDE staff or consultants
☐Statewide meeting with other programs
☐Regional meetings with other programs
☐Referrals to similar programs
☐Technical assistance by phone
☐Technical assistance by e-mail
☐Other (please describe): Click here to enter text.
Q41) Topics: Check topics of interest for additional training/technical assistance. (Please check all that apply)
☐Alternative education
☐Attendance/Behavior plans for habitually truant students
☐Closing the achievement gap (income and race)
☐Cultural Competency
☐Parent/family partnering
☐Postsecondary Readiness and Planning
☐Positive Behavior Intervention and Support/Response to Intervention (MTSS)
☐Service Learning
☐Sustainability planning (includes using data, program improvement, fund development…)
☐Welcoming School Climate/School Engagement
☐Other (please describe): Click here to enter text.
Q42) Attention – Programs finishing their 4th year of EARSS funding: Please outline your plan to continue
strategies and programs. (Limit of 300 words): Click here to enter text.
Section IX: Continuation Application
Q43) Has your program changed or been revised from your original application? (select one)
☐Yes - If yes, please provide a short abstract of your current program. Click here to enter text.
Attachment C
Q44) Measureable Objectives* - List each program objectives identified for the next fiscal year
44a. Parent-focused objective Click here to enter text.
44b. (as applicable): Parent-focused objective Click here to enter text.
44c. Academic objective Click here to enter text.
44d. (as applicable): Academic objective Click here to enter text.
44e. Attendance objective: Click here to enter text.
44f. (as applicable): Attendance objective Click here to enter text.
44g. Safety/Discipline may address social/emotional objectives Click here to enter text.
44h. (as applicable): Safety/Discipline may address social/emotional objectives:
Click here to enter text.
44i. OPTIONAL: Please describe best practices, activities, and/or strategies that will ensure attainment
of program objectives. Click here to enter text.
Q45) Did you receive assistance from your local BOCES to write this continuation application? (select one)
Q46) Required Budget narrative: Describe below how the requested budget supports attainment of
measurable objectives in Section VII. B. This information should be aligned with line items expenses listed in
the EARSS budget spreadsheet. Click here to enter text.
Q47) Required: Provide a budget narrative below for the line items listed in the EARSS budget spreadsheet.
Click here to enter text.
Q48) Required: Please describe below the non-grant dollars (in-kind) that will support the program in the next
year. Click here to enter text.
Attachment D
Competitive Grants & Awards
Colorado Department of Education
Intent to Submit
Please be advised that
(Name of School
District, BOCES, Facility, etc. ) intends to submit an application for the Expelled and At-risk
Student Services (EARSS) Grant Program.
Fiscal agent/charter fiscal manager name for School District, BOCES, Facility, etc.:
(If applicable) Name of school if school-based proposal:
Authorized Representative’s Signature:
Contact Person for the Proposal:
Mailing Address:
Letters of Intent will be due by 4:00 p.m.,
Friday, February 12, 2016 to:
[email protected]
Attachment E
Developing Measurable Objectives using the SMART Goal Framework
As you develop your program, think in terms of what the desired outcome will be for your
targeted population. Please incorporate objectives that will assist you in meeting your goals
over the four year cycle. For each of the four categories, state at least one quantified,
measurable objective with a benchmark measure to be achieved by 2017 and a correlating
measure by 2019, which is specific, relevant, attainable, incorporates research-based
strategies, and includes concrete criteria or the method for measuring progress. Please do not
exceed two objectives per category for a maximum of eight objectives. Consider the following
SMART Goal Framework when developing your objectives.
Specific (and strategic): Linked to position summary, departmental goals/mission, and/or
overall goals and strategic plans.
 Questions to answer: “Who will achieve the change (e.g., participants)?” and “What will
your program do (e.g., activities)?”
Measurable: The success toward meeting the goal can be measured.
Question to answer: “How will this change be measured?”
Attainable: Goals are realistic and can be achieved in a specific amount of time and are
 Question to answer: “How much change can you realistically expect?”
Relevant (results oriented): The goals are aligned with current tasks and projects and focus in
on one defined area; include the expected result.
 Question to answer: “What will change due to the program/activities?”
Time framed: Goals have a clearly defined time-frame including a target or deadline date.
Question to consider: “When will the change take place?”
1) Example of Student Attendance Objective: The habitual truants that work with an
attendance advocate will increase their individual attendance rate by at least 10% by 2017 and
20% by 2019, as measured by comparing the individual student’s end of year attendance rate to
their baseline rate at the time the student begins work with an advocate.
Example Breakdown:
o Specific (and strategic): Who will achieve the change? [Habitually truant students];
what will your program do (activities)? [provide students with an attendance
Attachment E
o Measurable: How will this change be measured? [student attendance records]
o Attainable: How much change can you realistically expect? [10% in 2017 and 20% in
o Relevant (results oriented): What will change due to the program/activities?
[increase student attendance]
o Time framed: When will the change take place? [by 2017 and 2019]
2) Academic Achievement Example: There will be a 20% increase by 2017 and a 40% increase
by 2019 in the number of EARSS students who are passing all of their core classes, which will be
measured by reviewing grades from baseline to year-end, by providing students with tutoring
and extended day learning opportunities.
Example 3 Breakdown:
o Specific (and strategic): Who will achieve the change? [EARSS students]; what
will your program do (activities)? [providing students with tutoring and extended day
learning opportunities]
o Measurable: How will this change be measured? [will be measured by reviewing
grades from baseline to year-end]
o Attainable: How much change can you realistically expect? [20% increase from
baseline and 20% increase from 2017 to 2019]
o Relevant (results oriented): What will change due to the program/activities?
[Increase in number of students passing all core classes]
o Time framed: When will the change take place? [By 2017 and by 2019]
Attachment E
SMART Goal Planning Form
Specific – WHO will achieve the change? And WHAT will your program do?
Measurement/Assessment – HOW will this change be measured?
Attainable/Achieve – How much change can you REALISTICALLY expect? REASONABLE?
Relevant –What will change due to the program/activities? EXPECTED RESULT?
Timed – WHEN will the change take place?
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