
Approved Facility Schools Safety Net Curriculum Writing Grades K-2

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Approved Facility Schools Safety Net Curriculum Writing Grades K-2
Approved Facility Schools Safety Net Curriculum
Writing Grades K-2
L.1a Print many upper and lower case
CAS 3.2.a.i
1st Grade
L.1a Print all upper and lower case
letters with ease.
CAS 3.2.a.i
2nd Grade
L.4b Determine the meaning of the
new word formed when a known
prefix is added to a known word (e.g.,
happy/unhappy, tell/retell).
CAS 2.3.c.ii
L.2d Spell simple words phonetically,
drawing on knowledge of sound letter
CAS 3.2.b.iv
L.2, SL.6 Speak and write in complete
CAS 3.2.b.i (L)
CAS 1.1.c (SL)
L.4c Use a known root word as a clue
to the meaning of compound words
(e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly,
bookshelf, notebook, and bookmark).
CAS 2.3.c.iii
L.5c Identify real-life connections
between words and their use.
CAS 1.1.f
W.3 Write two or more connected
L.4e Use glossaries and beginning
dictionaries, both print and digital, to
check and correct spelling and to
determine or clarify the meaning of
words and phrases.
CAS 2.2.e
W.7 Participate in shared research
SL.4 Express in speaking, descriptions
and writing projects (i.e., class books). of people, places, things, events and
CAS 4.2.a
feelings, clearly.
CAS 1.1.a
L.1d Form and use the past tense of
frequently occurring irregular verbs
(e.g., sat, hid, told).
CAS 3.3.a.iv
L.1f Produce and expand complete
sentences in shared language
CAS 3.2.a.vi
L.1e Use adjectives and adverbs, and
choose between them depending on
what is to be modified.
CAS 3.3.a.v
W.2 Write informative/explanatory
texts in which they name a topic,
supply some facts about the topic, and
provide some sense of closure.
CAS 3.1.b
Writing K-2 SNS
RED = Common Core Standard Code
12/21/15 v2.0
GREEN = Colorado Academic Standard Code
Approved Facility Schools Safety Net Curriculum
Writing Grades K-2
L.2a-b Capitalize the first word in a
sentence; recognize and name ending
3.2.b.i and ii
1st Grade
W.1 Write an opinion about a topic and
supply a reason for the opinion and
provide some sense of closure.
CAS 3.1.a
2nd Grade
L.1f Produce, expand, and rearrange
complete simple and compound
sentences (e.g. The boy watched the
movie; The action movie was watched
by the little boy).
CAS 3.3.a.vii
W.3 Use a combination of drawing,
dictating, and writing to narrate a
single event, or several loosely linked
events (tell about events in order).
CAS 3.1.c
L.1 Use nouns, verbs, and frequently
occurring adjectives.
CAS 3.2.a
L.2e Consult reference materials,
including beginning dictionaries, as
need to check and correct spellings.
CAS 3.3.b.v
W.8 Recall with guidance and support
from adults; information from
experiences, or gather information
from a provided source to answer a
CAS 4.2.b
L.2a-b Use end punctuation for
sentences and capitalize first words,
names and dates in a sentence.
CAS 3.2.b.ii and iii
W.2 Write informative/explanatory
texts in which they introduce a topic,
use facts and definitions to develop
points, and provide a concluding
statement or section.
CAS 3.2.a
W.5 With guidance and support from
adults, responds to questions and
suggestions from peers and add
details to strengthen writing as
CAS 3.1.d
L.2d Use conventional spelling for
words with common spelling patterns
and for frequently occurring irregular
CAS 3.2.b.v
W.3 Write narratives in which they
recount a well-elaborated event or
short sequence of events, include
details to describe actions, thoughts,
and feelings, use temporal words to
signal event order, and provide a
sense of closure.
CAS 3.1.b
Writing K-2 SNS
RED = Common Core Standard Code
12/21/15 v2.0
GREEN = Colorado Academic Standard Code
Approved Facility Schools Safety Net Curriculum
Writing Grades K-2
1st Grade
L.2e Spell untaught words, drawing on
phonemic awareness and spelling
CAS 3.2.b.vi
2nd Grade
W.5 With guidance and support from
adults and peers, focus on a topic and
strengthen writing as needed by
revising and editing.
CAS 3.3.c
W.7 Participate in shared research
and writing projects (e.g. read a
number of books on a single topic to
produce a report, record science
CAS 4.2.a
Writing K-2 SNS
RED = Common Core Standard Code
12/21/15 v2.0
GREEN = Colorado Academic Standard Code
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