
Using National mCLASS Performance Data to Determine Growth and Goal Setting

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Using National mCLASS Performance Data to Determine Growth and Goal Setting
Using National mCLASS Performance Data to
Determine Growth and Goal Setting
Traditionally we look at our DIBELS Next data and analyze what
percent of students fall into each risk level. This information is
excellent to assist in planning instruction and interventions. However,
being able to take that to the next level and determining how well we
are assisting our students in growth is extremely important.
Amplify has analyzed our national database to determine the
average amount of growth made by schools throughout each
semester and each year. Using this information allows schools to
use their own data to determine their progress of moving students to
Benchmark and progress of moving students out of the Well Below
Benchmark category. When reviewing the level of progress for your
school/grade level, you can determine which category your school/
grade level falls:
Top 20% of progress
2nd 20% of progress
Mid 20% of progress
2nd to lowest 20% of progress
Bottom 20% of progress
(well above average progress)
(above average progress)
(average progress)
(below average progress)
(well below average progress)
This progress is compared to other schools across the nation that
began the same place you began the year.
How to Get Started:
1.  Use your Comparing Populations Report from the Reporting and
Analysis Suite for grades K-3 to determine the percent of students
at Benchmark at BOY and at MOY. Key Parameters Include:
•  Student Population - Grades K-3 or Individual grades K, 1, 2, 3
•  Time - BOY and MOY
2.  Begin with the chart that says, “National mCLASS® DIBELS
Comparison 2012-2013 – for School Goal Setting: All Grades
(K-3) for Benchmark Students”.
3.  Find the row in the first column corresponding to the percent of
students scoring at benchmark on the composite score at the
beginning of year.
4.  Look across the row to find the column that is consistent with your
percent of students scoring at MOY.
5.  Look up to the top row to determine your level of growth.
National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
All Grades (K-3) for Benchmark Students
Well -­‐below Below Beginning Average Average of Year Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 45% 46 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 55% 56 -­‐ 60% 61 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 80% 81 -­‐ 90% 91 -­‐ 100% 0 -­‐ 18% 0 -­‐ 24% 0 -­‐ 35% 0 -­‐ 44% 0 -­‐ 46% 0 -­‐ 52% 0 -­‐ 57% 0 -­‐ 63% 0 -­‐ 71% 0 -­‐ 79% 0 -­‐ 77% 18 -­‐ 24% 24 -­‐ 32% 35 -­‐ 41% 44 -­‐ 48% 46 -­‐ 51% 52 -­‐ 58% 57 -­‐ 62% 63 -­‐ 69% 71 -­‐ 76% 79 -­‐ 84% 77 -­‐ 90% Average Progress Above Average Progress Well-­‐above Average Progress 24 -­‐ 44% 32 -­‐ 37% 41 -­‐ 45% 48 -­‐ 52% 51 -­‐ 56% 58 -­‐ 62% 62 -­‐ 66% 69 -­‐ 72% 76 -­‐ 80% 84 -­‐ 87% 90 -­‐ 93% 44 -­‐ 66% 37 -­‐ 47% 45 -­‐ 52% 52 -­‐ 58% 56 -­‐ 61% 62 -­‐ 67% 66 -­‐ 70% 72 -­‐ 76% 80 -­‐ 83% 87 -­‐ 89% 93 -­‐ 95% 66 -­‐ 100% 47 -­‐ 100% 52 -­‐ 100% 58 -­‐ 100% 61 -­‐ 100% 67 -­‐ 100% 70 -­‐ 100% 76 -­‐ 100% 83 -­‐ 100% 89 -­‐ 100% 95 -­‐ 100% Let’s look at an
example together.
1. Look in the white
column and find your
BOY score (75% in
this example).
2. To analyze
growth, find the
column corresponding
to the percent of
students scoring at
benchmark on the
composite score at
the middle of year
(82% in this example).
3. To set a goal,
choose column
corresponding to
desired performance
to set as an end of
year goal.
How to Get Started (continued):
6. Repeat this process with individual grade levels (K, 1, 2, 3) to drill
deeper into your growth data and set goals for each of your grade
levels. (See Appendix for individual grades.)
7. After EOY, we will be providing you with information to allow you to
see your progress from BOY to EOY. We encourage you to go
through the same process at that time to help you modify your
2014-2015 goals.
Reminder: The only way to close the achievement gap is to
have students in the above average or well above average
progress category.
National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
All Grades (K-3) for Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 45% 46 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 55% 56 -­‐ 60% 61 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 80% 81 -­‐ 90% 91 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐below Below Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 18% 0 -­‐ 24% 0 -­‐ 35% 0 -­‐ 44% 0 -­‐ 46% 0 -­‐ 52% 0 -­‐ 57% 0 -­‐ 63% 0 -­‐ 71% 0 -­‐ 79% 0 -­‐ 77% 18 -­‐ 24% 24 -­‐ 32% 35 -­‐ 41% 44 -­‐ 48% 46 -­‐ 51% 52 -­‐ 58% 57 -­‐ 62% 63 -­‐ 69% 71 -­‐ 76% 79 -­‐ 84% 77 -­‐ 90% Average Progress Above Average Progress Well-­‐above Average Progress 24 -­‐ 44% 32 -­‐ 37% 41 -­‐ 45% 48 -­‐ 52% 51 -­‐ 56% 58 -­‐ 62% 62 -­‐ 66% 69 -­‐ 72% 76 -­‐ 80% 84 -­‐ 87% 90 -­‐ 93% 44 -­‐ 66% 37 -­‐ 47% 45 -­‐ 52% 52 -­‐ 58% 56 -­‐ 61% 62 -­‐ 67% 66 -­‐ 70% 72 -­‐ 76% 80 -­‐ 83% 87 -­‐ 89% 93 -­‐ 95% 66 -­‐ 100% 47 -­‐ 100% 52 -­‐ 100% 58 -­‐ 100% 61 -­‐ 100% 67 -­‐ 100% 70 -­‐ 100% 76 -­‐ 100% 83 -­‐ 100% 89 -­‐ 100% 95 -­‐ 100% 7
Next Steps:
1.  Continue your data dig and goal setting, by repeating this process with
the National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-2014– for School
Goal Setting: K-3 for Well Below Benchmark Students & K, 1, 2, & 3
Charts. (See Appendix for K-3 and individual grades.)
2.  Determine PD that could assist you in reaching your goal for the
2014-2015 school year.
3.  Determine who to send to the June Regional Jumpstart Sessions
sponsored by CDE. Topics will include common barriers that schools
encounter. You will be able to choose from the following to provide you
support as you lead your school :
•  Turnkeying DIBELS Next for Assessment Fidelity
•  Reporting and Analysis Suite
•  Advanced Progress Monitoring
•  Using Now What Tools + Implementing a Parent Night
•  Facilitating Effective Data Conversations
•  Using Teacher Level Reports to Inform Instruction
•  How to Administer DIBELS DEEP
Watch for the CDE Newsletters for additional registration information!
This section includes charts that you may want
to utilize for individual grade levels (or
teachers). Please note the grade level and the
view (Students at Benchmark vs Students at
Well Below Benchmark) to ensure your
analysis is accurate.
National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
Kindergarten for Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 45% 46 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 55% 56 -­‐ 60% 61 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 80% 81 -­‐ 90% 91 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐below Below Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 21% 0 -­‐ 32% 0 -­‐ 39% 0 -­‐ 43% 0 -­‐ 46% 0 -­‐ 48% 0 -­‐ 51% 0 -­‐ 55% 0 -­‐ 61% 0 -­‐ 68% 0 -­‐ 74% 21 -­‐ 32% 32 -­‐ 42% 39 -­‐ 48% 43 -­‐ 52% 46 -­‐ 56% 48 -­‐ 58% 51 -­‐ 62% 55 -­‐ 65% 61 -­‐ 70% 68 -­‐ 77% 74 -­‐ 83% Average Progress Above Average Progress Well-­‐above Average Progress 32 -­‐ 42% 42 -­‐ 51% 48 -­‐ 57% 52 -­‐ 62% 56 -­‐ 65% 58 -­‐ 67% 62 -­‐ 70% 65 -­‐ 73% 70 -­‐ 78% 77 -­‐ 82% 83 -­‐ 88% 42 -­‐ 64% 51 -­‐ 63% 57 -­‐ 67% 62 -­‐ 70% 65 -­‐ 74% 67 -­‐ 76% 70 -­‐ 78% 73 -­‐ 80% 78 -­‐ 84% 82 -­‐ 88% 88 -­‐ 93% 64 -­‐ 100% 63 -­‐ 100% 67 -­‐ 100% 70 -­‐ 100% 74 -­‐ 100% 76 -­‐ 100% 78 -­‐ 100% 80 -­‐ 100% 84 -­‐ 100% 88 -­‐ 100% 93 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
1st Grade for Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 45% 46 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 55% 56 -­‐ 60% 61 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 80% 81 -­‐ 90% 91 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐below Below Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 14% 0 -­‐ 34% 0 -­‐ 40% 0 -­‐ 46% 0 -­‐ 50% 0 -­‐ 53% 0 -­‐ 55% 0 -­‐ 62% 0 -­‐ 68% 0 -­‐ 76% 0 -­‐ 85% 14 -­‐ 31% 34 -­‐ 44% 40 -­‐ 48% 46 -­‐ 54% 50 -­‐ 57% 53 -­‐ 60% 55 -­‐ 63% 62 -­‐ 69% 68 -­‐ 76% 76 -­‐ 83% 85 -­‐ 92% Average Progress Above Average Progress Well-­‐above Average Progress 31 -­‐ 42% 44 -­‐ 51% 48 -­‐ 55% 54 -­‐ 60% 57 -­‐ 64% 60 -­‐ 67% 63 -­‐ 71% 69 -­‐ 74% 76 -­‐ 81% 83 -­‐ 88% 92 -­‐ 94% 42 -­‐ 52% 51 -­‐ 60% 55 -­‐ 64% 60 -­‐ 68% 64 -­‐ 71% 67 -­‐ 72% 71 -­‐ 77% 74 -­‐ 81% 81 -­‐ 86% 88 -­‐ 92% 94 -­‐ 98% 52 -­‐ 100% 60 -­‐ 100% 64 -­‐ 100% 68 -­‐ 100% 71 -­‐ 100% 72 -­‐ 100% 77 -­‐ 100% 81 -­‐ 100% 86 -­‐ 100% 92 -­‐ 100% 98 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
2nd Grade for Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 45% 46 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 55% 56 -­‐ 60% 61 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 80% 81 -­‐ 90% 91 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐below Below Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 17% 0 -­‐ 26% 0 -­‐ 35% 0 -­‐ 39% 0 -­‐ 45% 0 -­‐ 51% 0 -­‐ 54% 0 -­‐ 62% 0 -­‐ 71% 0 -­‐ 81% 0 -­‐ 89% 17 -­‐ 22% 26 -­‐ 32% 35 -­‐ 40% 39 -­‐ 44% 45 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 55% 54 -­‐ 60% 62 -­‐ 66% 71 -­‐ 75% 81 -­‐ 84% 89 -­‐ 92% Average Progress Above Average Progress Well-­‐above Average Progress 22 -­‐ 24% 32 -­‐ 36% 40 -­‐ 45% 44 -­‐ 49% 50 -­‐ 55% 55 -­‐ 60% 60 -­‐ 64% 66 -­‐ 70% 75 -­‐ 79% 84 -­‐ 87% 92 -­‐ 94% 24 -­‐ 56% 36 -­‐ 42% 45 -­‐ 52% 49 -­‐ 55% 55 -­‐ 60% 60 -­‐ 64% 64 -­‐ 69% 70 -­‐ 74% 79 -­‐ 83% 87 -­‐ 90% 94 -­‐ 96% 56 -­‐ 100% 42 -­‐ 100% 52 -­‐ 100% 55 -­‐ 100% 60 -­‐ 100% 64 -­‐ 100% 69 -­‐ 100% 74 -­‐ 100% 83 -­‐ 100% 90 -­‐ 100% 96 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
3rd Grade for Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 45% 46 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 55% 56 -­‐ 60% 61 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 80% 81 -­‐ 90% 91 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐below Below Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 11% 0 -­‐ 18% 0 -­‐ 28% 0 -­‐ 37% 0 -­‐ 41% 0 -­‐ 46% 0 -­‐ 51% 0 -­‐ 57% 0 -­‐ 67% 0 -­‐ 76% 0 -­‐ 86% 11 -­‐ 18% 18 -­‐ 26% 28 -­‐ 34% 37 -­‐ 42% 41 -­‐ 46% 46 -­‐ 52% 51 -­‐ 56% 57 -­‐ 63% 67 -­‐ 72% 76 -­‐ 81% 86 -­‐ 89% Average Progress Above Average Progress Well-­‐above Average Progress 18 -­‐ 20% 26 -­‐ 30% 34 -­‐ 39% 42 -­‐ 47% 46 -­‐ 51% 52 -­‐ 57% 56 -­‐ 61% 63 -­‐ 68% 72 -­‐ 76% 81 -­‐ 85% 89 -­‐ 92% 20 -­‐ 38% 30 -­‐ 39% 39 -­‐ 46% 47 -­‐ 51% 51 -­‐ 56% 57 -­‐ 63% 61 -­‐ 66% 68 -­‐ 73% 76 -­‐ 80% 85 -­‐ 89% 92 -­‐ 94% 38 -­‐ 100% 39 -­‐ 100% 46 -­‐ 100% 51 -­‐ 100% 56 -­‐ 100% 63 -­‐ 100% 66 -­‐ 100% 73 -­‐ 100% 80 -­‐ 100% 89 -­‐ 100% 94 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
All Grades (K-3) for Well Below Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 5% 6 -­‐ 10% 11 -­‐ 15% 16 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 25% 26 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 35% 36 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐above Above Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 2% 0 -­‐ 5% 0 -­‐ 7% 0 -­‐ 10% 0 -­‐ 13% 0 -­‐ 17% 0 -­‐ 20% 0 -­‐ 25% 0 -­‐ 29% 0 -­‐ 37% 0 -­‐ 53% 2 -­‐ 3% 5 -­‐ 6% 7 -­‐ 9% 10 -­‐ 13% 13 -­‐ 16% 17 -­‐ 20% 20 -­‐ 24% 25 -­‐ 29% 29 -­‐ 34% 37 -­‐ 43% 53 -­‐ 63% Average Progress Below Average Progress Well-­‐below Average Progress 3 -­‐ 5% 6 -­‐ 8% 9 -­‐ 11% 13 -­‐ 15% 16 -­‐ 19% 20 -­‐ 23% 24 -­‐ 27% 29 -­‐ 33% 34 -­‐ 38% 43 -­‐ 48% 63 -­‐ 78% 5 -­‐ 10% 8 -­‐ 10% 11 -­‐ 14% 15 -­‐ 18% 19 -­‐ 22% 23 -­‐ 28% 27 -­‐ 32% 33 -­‐ 37% 38 -­‐ 42% 48 -­‐ 55% 78 -­‐ 79% 10 -­‐ 100% 10 -­‐ 100% 14 -­‐ 100% 18 -­‐ 100% 22 -­‐ 100% 28 -­‐ 100% 32 -­‐ 100% 37 -­‐ 100% 42 -­‐ 100% 55 -­‐ 100% 79 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Goal Setting
Kindergarten for Well Below Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 5% 6 -­‐ 10% 11 -­‐ 15% 16 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 25% 26 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 35% 36 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐above Above Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 2% 0 -­‐ 4% 0 -­‐ 5% 0 -­‐ 6% 0 -­‐ 7% 0 -­‐ 9% 0 -­‐ 11% 0 -­‐ 12% 0 -­‐ 15% 0 -­‐ 18% 0 -­‐ 21% 2 -­‐ 4% 4 -­‐ 6% 5 -­‐ 8% 6 -­‐ 10% 7 -­‐ 12% 9 -­‐ 13% 11 -­‐ 16% 12 -­‐ 18% 15 -­‐ 20% 18 -­‐ 25% 21 -­‐ 25% Average Progress Below Average Progress Well-­‐below Average Progress 4 -­‐ 7% 6 -­‐ 9% 8 -­‐ 12% 10 -­‐ 14% 12 -­‐ 17% 13 -­‐ 19% 16 -­‐ 22% 18 -­‐ 23% 20 -­‐ 28% 25 -­‐ 34% 25 -­‐ 44% 7 -­‐ 10% 9 -­‐ 14% 12 -­‐ 18% 14 -­‐ 20% 17 -­‐ 24% 19 -­‐ 25% 22 -­‐ 28% 23 -­‐ 31% 28 -­‐ 35% 34 -­‐ 45% 44 -­‐ 50% 10 -­‐ 100% 14 -­‐ 100% 18 -­‐ 100% 20 -­‐ 100% 24 -­‐ 100% 25 -­‐ 100% 28 -­‐ 100% 31 -­‐ 100% 35 -­‐ 100% 45 -­‐ 100% 50 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Goal Setting
1st Grade for Well Below Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 5% 6 -­‐ 10% 11 -­‐ 15% 16 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 25% 26 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 35% 36 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐above Above Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 1% 0 -­‐ 4% 0 -­‐ 7% 0 -­‐ 9% 0 -­‐ 12% 0 -­‐ 15% 0 -­‐ 17% 0 -­‐ 19% 0 -­‐ 23% 0 -­‐ 26% 0 -­‐ 41% 1 -­‐ 3% 4 -­‐ 6% 7 -­‐ 10% 9 -­‐ 13% 12 -­‐ 17% 15 -­‐ 19% 17 -­‐ 23% 19 -­‐ 25% 23 -­‐ 31% 26 -­‐ 36% 41 -­‐ 51% Average Progress Below Average Progress Well-­‐below Average Progress 3 -­‐ 6% 6 -­‐ 9% 10 -­‐ 13% 13 -­‐ 17% 17 -­‐ 21% 19 -­‐ 24% 23 -­‐ 28% 25 -­‐ 32% 31 -­‐ 37% 36 -­‐ 42% 51 -­‐ 63% 6 -­‐ 10% 9 -­‐ 14% 13 -­‐ 18% 17 -­‐ 22% 21 -­‐ 28% 24 -­‐ 32% 28 -­‐ 35% 32 -­‐ 37% 37 -­‐ 45% 42 -­‐ 52% 63 -­‐ 89% 10 -­‐ 100% 14 -­‐ 100% 18 -­‐ 100% 22 -­‐ 100% 28 -­‐ 100% 32 -­‐ 100% 35 -­‐ 100% 37 -­‐ 100% 45 -­‐ 100% 52 -­‐ 100% 89 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
2nd Grade for Well Below Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 5% 6 -­‐ 10% 11 -­‐ 15% 16 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 25% 26 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 35% 36 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐above Above Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 2% 0 -­‐ 5% 0 -­‐ 9% 0 -­‐ 13% 0 -­‐ 17% 0 -­‐ 21% 0 -­‐ 25% 0 -­‐ 29% 0 -­‐ 34% 0 -­‐ 41% 0 -­‐ 37% 2 -­‐ 3% 5 -­‐ 7% 9 -­‐ 11% 13 -­‐ 16% 17 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 24% 25 -­‐ 29% 29 -­‐ 33% 34 -­‐ 39% 41 -­‐ 49% 37 -­‐ 65% Average Progress Below Average Progress Well-­‐below Average Progress 3 -­‐ 5% 7 -­‐ 9% 11 -­‐ 14% 16 -­‐ 19% 20 -­‐ 23% 24 -­‐ 27% 29 -­‐ 32% 33 -­‐ 37% 39 -­‐ 43% 49 -­‐ 53% 65 -­‐ 68% 5 -­‐ 6% 9 -­‐ 11% 14 -­‐ 16% 19 -­‐ 22% 23 -­‐ 26% 27 -­‐ 31% 32 -­‐ 36% 37 -­‐ 41% 43 -­‐ 48% 53 -­‐ 58% 68 -­‐ 71% 6 -­‐ 100% 11 -­‐ 100% 16 -­‐ 100% 22 -­‐ 100% 26 -­‐ 100% 31 -­‐ 100% 36 -­‐ 100% 41 -­‐ 100% 48 -­‐ 100% 58 -­‐ 100% 71 -­‐ 100% National mCLASS® DIBELS Comparison 2013-14
– for School Mid-Year Goal Setting
3rd Grade for Well Below Benchmark Students
Beginning of Year 0 -­‐ 5% 6 -­‐ 10% 11 -­‐ 15% 16 -­‐ 20% 21 -­‐ 25% 26 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 35% 36 -­‐ 40% 41 -­‐ 50% 51 -­‐ 70% 71 -­‐ 100% Well -­‐above Above Average Average Progress Progress 0 -­‐ 2% 0 -­‐ 5% 0 -­‐ 8% 0 -­‐ 12% 0 -­‐ 15% 0 -­‐ 18% 0 -­‐ 23% 0 -­‐ 26% 0 -­‐ 33% 0 -­‐ 43% 0 -­‐ 65% 2 -­‐ 3% 5 -­‐ 7% 8 -­‐ 11% 12 -­‐ 14% 15 -­‐ 18% 18 -­‐ 22% 23 -­‐ 26% 26 -­‐ 31% 33 -­‐ 38% 43 -­‐ 47% 65 -­‐ 67% Average Progress Below Average Progress Well-­‐below Average Progress 3 -­‐ 4% 7 -­‐ 9% 11 -­‐ 13% 14 -­‐ 17% 18 -­‐ 21% 22 -­‐ 26% 26 -­‐ 30% 31 -­‐ 35% 38 -­‐ 42% 47 -­‐ 51% 67 -­‐ 73% 4 -­‐ 6% 9 -­‐ 13% 13 -­‐ 16% 17 -­‐ 21% 21 -­‐ 26% 26 -­‐ 30% 30 -­‐ 34% 35 -­‐ 40% 42 -­‐ 47% 51 -­‐ 58% 73 -­‐ 83% 6 -­‐ 100% 13 -­‐ 100% 16 -­‐ 100% 21 -­‐ 100% 26 -­‐ 100% 30 -­‐ 100% 34 -­‐ 100% 40 -­‐ 100% 47 -­‐ 100% 58 -­‐ 100% 83 -­‐ 100% 
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