
Sp pecific c Talen nt Apt

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Sp pecific c Talen nt Apt
Office off Gifted E
Sppecificc Talen
nt Apttitude: Leadeership
amples of Performan
nce Evaluattion Rubric
cs and Scalles
Identtification in th
he talent dom
mains requires the examinaation of a varriety of instru
uments and m
multiple pathw
ways that lead
d to ideentification. Talent domains include: vvisual arts, pe
erforming artss, music, dance, psychomo
otor, creativitty and leadeership. Often
n criterion‐ orr norm‐refere
enced assessm
ments are nott available in a talent area;; therefore peerformance evalu
uation is an im
mportant com
mponent in th
he body of eviidence. If datta from a valiid and reliablee test are nott available to demo
onstrate exce
eptional abilitty, two or mo
ore indicators in the perforrmance area m
may be used to meet iden
ntification criterria along with
h an exceptional rating on a norm‐referrenced observvation scale.
n ‐ and Perrformance Evaluation
Norm‐Refferenced O
Observation Scale ‐ and •Staate or national taalent Criterioon/Norm‐
conttest ‐ top place oor ranking and//or •95th percenttile or above on Refere nced Test*
norm‐referencced observation •Exp
pert juried perfo
ormance (Advvanced or Distingguished) •95th peercentile or abovve on scale in area o
of talent
norm‐refferenced creativvity test and//or
•Porrtfolio review (AAdvanced or •Advanc ed/95% or abovve on Distiinguished)
approvedd criterion‐referrenced specific ttalent test and//or
•95th peercentile or abovve on cognitivee measure
*If criterrion‐ or norm‐reeferenced tests aree not available, ttwo performaance evaluation
ns are required
d along with obsservation scale
Afffirmations and Cautiions
Don’t exclude studentss based on inappropriate b
behavior. Leadership is a commo
on element th
hat runs throu
ugh all areas of giftednesss. A studentt with leadersship talent maay not be a to
op academic pperformer. Leadership talent can m
manifest in a single action or in multipl e actions. Speecific Talent A
Aptitude Viisual Arts, Perfo
orming Arts,, Mu
usic, Dance, Psyychomotor, Cr
Creativity, Leeadership Performance Evaluation Measures
Leadership Portfolio—Northeast Region (To be used with any of the rubrics on the next pages.)
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Grade: _______________ Age: ______________School: ________________________________ Directions: Please list all leadership and service activities in which you have been involved in the last 2 years. Group/Organization EXAMPLE Methodist Church Name of Sponsor Pastor John Smith My Leadership Role
Teach Sunday School and am a youth representative to the church board Dates
Aug. 2009‐
present Give a copy of the attached rubric to any of the sponsors listed above to fill out and return to your school’s leadership sponsor. Where can I learn more? Where can I learn more?
Colorado Gifted Education Guidelines
The Women’s Foundation of Colorado http://www.wfco.org/ University of Northern Colorado Leadership Enrichment Program http://www.unco.edu/cebs/sep/leadership_enrichment/program_info.html National Standards and Quality Indicators for Youth Leadership Development http://nasetalliance.org/youthdev/index.htm 21st Century Skills Map; Partnership for 21st Century Skills http://www.p21.org/documents/P21_arts_map_final.pdf Leadership Rubric—Sutherland Public Schools National Honor Society (adapted) Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Never assumes responsibility for own actions of tasks; struggles to be on time Fairly able to complete assigned task on time; usually capable of assuming responsibility for a task and carrying it to completion Accepts responsibility and carries tasks through to completion even when difficulties arise Stimulates Action in Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10
Unable to assume role of leadership; always willing to be in the background and needs direction Has his/her own ideas but is unable to gain confidence of self and of others; usually a follower Demands others to assume a leadership role; modest and gracious; stimulates action in others Easily upset; can be extremely loud and boisterous; unsure of self Easily maintains calmness in most situations; unexpected situations may be upsetting, but adjustments made in a short amount of time At ease at all times; can meet unfamiliar situations with grace and dignity; able to keep calm Handling Temper SCORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Easily upset; frequent outbursts of temper; takes frustration out on others Usually able to control frustrating situations; fairly stable when emotions are on edge; usually able to ease tension constructively Gaining recognition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Attempts to gain recognition through loud and boisterous actions rather than through self‐worth Likes recognition and is usually willing to gain it through self‐worth; occasionally “pats self on the back” Able to gain recognition on basis of own self‐
worth; willing to give credit to others when due Acceptance of criticism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3
Resents any suggestions; is discouraged by criticism Can accept criticism with grace in most cases; can maintain composure even if suggestions are not acceptable Welcomes criticism that is justified and utilizes it to good advantage Always tries to get easiest task; does work grudgingly and with little thought of others GRAND TOTAL SCORE SCORE
1 2 3
Not responsive to changes; unable to adapt to new situations SCORE
Fairly able to adapt to new situations; keeps open mind about new ideas; if change is necessary, is able to adapt in time Readily accepts new ideas while realizing change is constant and adheres to basic values SCORE
8 9 10 Making Judgments 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10
Controls temper in constructive manner; able to absorb emotions and release tension Either puts off making judgments or makes snap judgments without thought of outcome Usually makes good judgments; often hesitates if not sure; makes some unwise judgments Able to make good judgments and follow through; able to make good social decisions SCORE Self confidence SCORE
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SCORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Never sure of self; not willing to evaluate self constructively to gain confidence Confident of self in familiar surroundings; fairly able to accept new challenges; does not originate plans, but completes others Inspires confidence in others by self‐
confidence; offers suggestions to help others Cooperation
4 5 6 7
8 9 10
Usually willing to assist others; fairly able to work with others to complete a task; expects full credit for work done Generous in offering help; always carries own share of task; looks at result rather than own reward Leadership Rubric—Citizen Schools (www.bostnet.org) Student: ____________________________________________ Grade: ____ Leadership Activity: ___________________________ Scored By: _________________________Date:_____________ Note: Students should be scored by the adult who has seen them in the leadership position. Please rate the student on a scale of 1‐4 for each skill area below 4
Always/consistently demonstrates the skill throughout every program day
Usually demonstrates this skill on most program days
Sometimes demonstrates this skill area at program
Rarely or never demonstrates this skill area at program
Skill Focus:
Apprentice demonstrates: Rating
Self Confidence: Enters new opportunities or experiences with poise, enthusiasm, and expectations for success. Takes initiative to get information/ resources needed to accomplish tasks or solve a problem. Welcomes input of peers and adults without losing sight of his/her interests and/or point of view. Teamwork: Motivates and focuses peers (either verbally or by example) Willingly shares the "spotlight" with adults and peers ‐‐ contributes ideas without competing with or discouraging others Shares responsibility for the team's challenges and successes. Responsibility: Takes responsibility for school and program performance (i.e. homework, grades, behavior) Follows through on his/her word and can be trusted to act appropriately. Recognizes mistakes or shortcoming as opportunities for learning. Courage: Seeks out opportunities to take risks for the sake of growth (i.e. volunteering, speaking up and looking for opportunities to lead). Speaks out appropriately to promote positive change Perseveres through a task or project even under challenging circumstances. Future Orientation: Connects current actions and their impact upon future choices. Sets achievable goals and commits to achieve them. Recognizes success as a result of hard work (or failure as a result of inadequate work) Total Points (15‐60 Points Available) Please feel free to add any additional comments, anecdotes, or examples of leadership relevant to this student. 
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