
Lighthouse Project 2013

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Lighthouse Project 2013
Lighthouse Project 2013
Superintendent’s Cross Curriculum Writing Awards
Created By
Bonnie Norton and Shaynee Jesik
Contact Information
Pueblo City Schools
District/School Address
315 W. 11th St.
Email/Web Page URL
Pueblo, CO 81003
719 549-7284
[email protected]
[email protected]
Purpose/Goal/Objectives Goal is to encourage and reward excellence in writing across the
curriculum especially for those students gifted in Language Arts.
All content areas – writing for creating and nonfiction writing
Grade Level(s)
Student competition
Cost/Participants needed
for project:
Requires leader(s) to create and distribute competition materials.
Requires volunteers to judge entries. Cost of booklet for school
and community distribution – approximately $450, cost of
reception - $225, cost of awards $100-800 (certificates or
Technology requirements
Access to Print shop, Winning entries must send a typed copy of
their writing
Other special requirements
or required resources
Lighthouse Project Template 1
Lighthouse Project 2013
Start and End Dates
November of school year – organize and distribute materials.
Notify GT Building Coordinators of the competition to encourage
gifted students in Language arts to expand their skills by entering
the writing competition.
March of school year – collect entries, recruit volunteer judges,
distribute for judging
April of school year – collect entries and compile results, order
awards, make appropriate reservations for reception to honor
outstanding students, invite school district and community, print
booklet of top 3 winning entries per grade level per category
May of school year – host reception to honor winners, distribute
booklet to schools, community centers, and offices throughout the
Lighthouse Project Template 2
Lighthouse Project 2013
Project Outline
Superintendent’s Cross Curriculum Writing Awards will honor
student achievement in writing across the curriculum through public
recognition and publication
Organize requirements
Step by Step
Communicate rules and requirements to all schools
Notify GT Building Coordinators of competition
Collect entries
Recruit volunteer judges
Distribute grade levels and categories for judging
Compile results
Order awards
Order printing of booklet with top 3 entries per grade level and
Make reservations for venue and refreshments for reception to
honor student winners
Invite school district and community
Host reception to honor winners
Distribute booklet to schools, community centers, and offices
throughout the community
Assessment/Evaluation Feedback from Teachers, Parents, Administrators and Community
Lighthouse Project Template 3
Lighthouse Project 2013
Additional Information
Activities: Writing in any 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade classroom, a special emphasis is placed
for students gifted in Language Arts.
DATA: Schools are provided with booklets that provide feedback on district wide student
accomplishments and can be used as exemplars
Examples: Include or attach examples of student or AU product.
Will provide 2013 Superintendent’s Cross Curriculum Writing Award booklet upon completion
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