“oil on the wounds” “l`olio sulle ferite”
PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITÀ LATERANENSE «The Christian’s program - the program of the Good Samaritan, the program of Jesus – is a “heart which sees”. This heart sees where love is needed and acts accordingly.» (BENEDICT XVI, Deus Caritas Est 31) SEDE DEL CONGRESSO / CONGRESS VENUE Aula multimediale Pio XI Pontificia Università Lateranense Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4 00120 Città del Vaticano (Vatican City) REGISTRAZIONE ON-LINE / ONLINE-REGISTRATION Following the invitation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family is encouraging a reflection on the sufferings of persons who have lived through the pain of their own parents’ divorce or the trauma of procured abortion. Although divorce and abortion are very different in nature, both are frequently the source of profound pain and suffering. Statistics show that the number of these persons is significant, given the widespread practice of abortion and the high divorce rates in many societies. Yet the ideological debate surrounding abortion and the general acceptance of divorce have imposed a form of “silence” on the issues that often overlooks the wounds of the actual persons who are suffering. PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO GIOVANNI PAOLO II PER STUDI SU MATRIMONIO E FAMIGLIA L KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CONGRESSO INTERNAZIONALE “ ’OLIO SULLE FERITE ” «Il programma del cristiano – il programma del buon Samaritano, il programma di Gesù – è “un cuore che vede”. Questo cuore vede dove c'è bisogno di amore e agisce in modo conseguente.» (BENEDETTO XVI, Deus caritas est, 31) Una risposta alle piaghe dell’aborto e del divorzio Seguendo l’invito di Papa Benedetto XVI e in accordo con la missione ecclesiale che gli è propria, il Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per Studi su Matrimonio e Famiglia intende promuovere l’ascolto e la riflessione sulle sofferenze delle persone che hanno vissuto il trauma del divorzio dei propri genitori o quello di un aborto procurato. Anche se di natura differente, entrambi i traumi sono fonte di sofferenza profonda per chi li vive. Le statistiche mostrano che il numero delle persone coinvolte non è per nulla trascurabile. Allo stesso tempo, il dibattito ideologico che ruota intorno a tali questioni impone spesso un silenzio, che dimentica il più delle volte le ferite delle persone. h wounds un s l’oliol’olio eil eo fer o l on oo hunds un o sonl’olio he w i ferite ew il o o o dthe nil woun o unds o n i oswt l’olio sulle e fer ferite o oil on the sullesulle ferite ferite oil oildthe onwoun the wounds oil the wounds sulle oill on oill o on the wou wounds he w il o ferite o lo he w oil o onl’olio wiu dn il o oil olo o u s oil o l on on tthe n i odn l’olio sulle ferite ite o oil on the h wounds l’oliol’olio sullesulle ferite oilite ono oiltthe honwounds the h wounds the hhewounds sulle ferite on tthe hil w wounds hhewou wounds l’olio sulle fer erite oil on the heSEGRETERIA wounds s ll’olio oliol’olio sullesulle sul ferite fer erite oil onoilthe hon e woun the he nds wounds dss oil so onll’olio olio the he wounds woun sulle sul ferite s oil on the he woun nds dss oil o on the he woun woundss / SECRETARIAT V S o Dott.on he w il o ferite olo he wounds w oil olo ou i n il o oil olo nu olo tn the hewo nwoi l’olio lio sulle sul ferite oil the wounds l’oliol’olio sulle lio sulle sul ferite oil ono oilthe honwoun wounds the onl’olio the wounds sulle ferite on tthe hi woun wounds oil on Ufficio Eventi he wounds wPontificio Istitutol’olio il o ferite o lo he wounds w oil o onl’olio hewounds wiu dn il o oil olo il w o u s oil o l on on tthe hewou n i odn l’olio sulle ferite ite o oil on the l’olio sulle sulle ferite oilite ono oiltthe onwounds the the sulle ferite on tthe wounds wounds Giovanni Paolo II Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano, 4 l’olio sulle fer ferite oil on00120 the hC wounds sullesulle ferite fer ferite oil onoilthe honwoun the hunds wounds oil onl’olio the h wounds sulle ferite oil on the h woun unds oil on the h wounds V (V l’olio C )l’olio Tel: +39 06 698 95 508 o Fax: he wounds w il o ferite olo he wounds w oil olo iu n il o oil olo nu olo tn tthe hewo n i l’olio lio sulle sul ferite oil on the l’oliol’olio sulle lio sulle sul ferite oil ono oilthe honwoun wounds the onl’olio the wounds sulle ferite on tthe hi w woun wounds oil on +39 06 698 86 103 in questa l’olio sulle ferite ite o oil on the l’oliol’olio sullesulle ferite oilite ono oiltthe onwounds the the sulle ferite on tthe wounds oil wounds he wounds w [email protected] il o ferite o lo he wounds w oil o onl’olio hewounds wiu dn il o oil olo ilProprio w o u s prospettiva, o l on on il Congresso tthe hewou n organizzato i odn dal The goal of the Congress, organized by the Pontifical John Paul II Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II in collaborazione con i sulle fer rite oil on the h wounds l’olio l’olio sullesulle ferite fer oil riteonoilthe honwounds the h wounds s oil onl’olio the h wounds sulle ferite oil on the h “Cavalieri wounds s oils’ispira on alla the hparabola wounds Mr. P E. K Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family,l’olio in collaboration di Colombo”, del Buon Vice President for Public Policy with the Knights of Columbus, is to help address this pain and Samaritano che ci interpella in modo stringente, mettendoci o l o i n o l o t w u t the hewoi l’olio lio sulle sul ferite oil on wounds l’olio l’olio sulle lio sulle sul ferite ferite oil on oil the h on woun wounds the wounds oil on l’olio the wounds sulle ferite oil on the h woun wounds oil on Knights ofthe Columbus give voice to the persons involved. The event takes its inspiration davanti agli occhi le sofferenze del nostro prossimo, che Plaza he wounds w New1 Columbus il o ferite o lo he wounds wINTERNATIONAL o onl’olio hewounds wiu dn il o oil olo ilchiede w o unuaiuto s concreto. o l L'analisi on tthe hediverse wou n i dimensioni odn l’olio ferite ite o oil on the l’olio l’olio sullesulle ferite oilite ono oiltthe onwounds the oil the sulle ferite on tthe wounds oil on wounds CONGRESS from the parable of the Good Samaritan by showing beforesulle our delle Haven, CT 06510 eyes the sufferings of our neighbor and asking us to help him or queste due problematiche vuole spingere ad un’azione U S l’olio sulle fer ferite oil on the h wounds l’oliol’olio sullesulle ferite fer ferite oil on oilthe hon woun the hunds wounds oil onl’olio the h wounds sulle ferite oil ondipastorale the h mossa woun unds oil on the h wounds her in a compassionate and practical manner. The analysis of the dalla carità, che tenga in considerazione le Tel: +1 203 752 4038 “ IL ON THE OUN D S ” Fax: +1 203 752 4400 o [email protected] he w il o ferite olo he wounds w oil olo iu n il opersone, o all dio w n uun'azioneoil opastorale lo tnchetthe hewo n i l’olio lio sulle sul ferite oil on the wounds l’oliol’olio sulle lio sulle sul ferite oil ono oilthe honwoun wounds the onl’olio the wounds sulle ferite oil on the hi ideologia; woun wounds on several dimensions of these two problems should prompt us to là di t ogni A Response to the Aftermath of Divorce and Abortion consider a pastoral response inspired by charity and based upon sia veramente quell' “olio sulle ferite”, che permetta di o he w il o o l o o t he w o he w i u d n il o o l o t il w o u s oil o l on on tthe hewou n i odn l’olio sulle ferite ite oil on the wounds l’olio l’olio sulle sulle ferite ferite oil ite on oil the on wounds the wounds oil on l’olio the wounds sulle ferite oil on the wounds wounds the dignity of the human person, apart from any ideology ; alleggerirne il dolore e guarirle quando è possibile. sulle ferite te oil on the h wounds l’oliol’olio sullesulle ferite ferite oilteonoilthe honwounds the h wounds oil onl’olio o the h wounds sulle ferite oil on the h wounds o oil on the h wounds a pastoral action that would really be “oil l’olio on the wounds”, lifting their pain and healing them as much as possible. ROMA, 4-5 APRILE 2008 oil on l’olio lio sulle sul ferite oil on the wounds l’oliol’olio sulle lio sulle sul ferite ferite oil onoil the hon woun wounds the wounds l’olio the wounds sulle ferite oil on tthe h w woun wounds oil on olo i n olo u t the hewoi l’olio sulle ferite ite o oil on the l’oliol’olio sullesulle ferite oilite ono oiltthe onwounds the the sulle ferite on tthe wounds wounds he wounds w il o ferite o lo he wounds w oil o onl’olio hewounds wiu dn il o oil olo il w o u s oil o l on on tthe hewou n i odn ICTOR ITTÀ DEL OLDEVILA ATICANO ATRICK NITED ATICAN ITY ELLY TATES Si assicura la traduzione simultanea in inglese, francese ed italiano Simultaneous translation into Italian, English and French is provided O W ARL PROGRAMMA / PROGRAM PROGRAMMA / PROGRAM il on the l’olio sulle ferite on the sulle wounds feriteoil oilononthe the wounds oil l’olio on the wounds oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleilunds ferite oil on the woun he wounds w il o oil o ll’olio o w oo hewounds wo iunds n l’olio sulle ilferite ilo o o hesulle wo nferite t o o oil ilunds o o n nthe t Venerdì, 4 aprile 2008 / Friday, April 4, 2008 Sabato, 5 aprile 2008 / Saturday, April 5, 2008 e oil on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on the sulle wounds feriteoiloilononthe thewounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on thesulle wounds ferite oiloil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil on the wo Venerdì, 4 aprile 2008 / Friday, April 4, 2008 Sabato, 5 aprile 2008 / Saturday, April 5, 2008 ulle ferite o oil on the l’olio sulle ferite on the sulle wounds feriteo oilo oil ononthe the wounds on the wounds onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleiunds ferite he wounds w il o oil o ll’olio o w lo hewounds ounds wo i n l’olio sulle iferite il no oil o l’olio hesulle wo nferite t oil o loil o eounds wou il o t n oil ho he wounds w il o oil o ll’olio o w oo hewounds wo iunds n l’olio sulle ilferite ilo o o hesulle wo nferite t o o oil ilunds o o n nthe t il on the l’olio sulle ferite on the sulle wounds feriteoil oilononthe the wounds oil l’olio on the wounds oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleilunds ferite oil on the woun te oil on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on15,00the sulle wounds feriteoiloilononthe thewounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oilTerza l’olio onsessione thesulle wounds ferite oiloil onon thethe wounds wounds Quarta l’olio sulle ferite oil on the w 15,00 Sessione inaugurale / Inaugural Session Seconda sessione / Second Session / Third Session sessione / Fourth Session 09,00 09,00 o he wounds w il o oil o lLe o the w lo hewounds ounds wo i n l’olio il no oil o l’olio hesulle wo nferite t oil o loil o eounds wou il o t n oil ho ulle feriteI figli oildelon the l’olio sulle ferite l’olio on sulle wounds feriteo oilo oil ononthe the wounds sulle iferite on the wounds onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleiunds ferite Le sofferenze dell’aborto: verso una risposta pastorale divorzio / The Children of Divorce conseguenze nascoste dell’aborto unasulle pastorale per del divorzio il on the l’olio sulle ferite on the sulle wounds ferite oil oilononthe the wounds oil l’olio on the sulle wounds oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio ferite he wounds w il o oil o ll’olio o w oConsequences o he wo iunds n l’olio sulle ilferite ilo o o he wo nferite t o o oil ilunds o Costruire ilunds o i figli oil on the woun n nthe t Pastoral Outreach Hidden ofwounds Abortion Building a Ministry to Children of Divorce Those from Abortion Aftermath Presiede / Presider: oil on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on the sulle wounds feriteoiloilononthe thewounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite tooil l’olio onSuffering thesulle wounds ferite oil oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil on the woun C A. A , Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, USA Presiede / Presider: Presiede / Presider: o Lll’olio o w i n l’olio o l’olio hesulle wo il o ulle ferite oil on the wounds l’olio sulle feriteM oil onP the sulle wounds ferite oil on the thewounds wounds sulle ferite oil on the wounds ferite oiloil on on the the wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil o , Pontificio Istituto Giovannioil Paolo II,on Roma, Italia Presiede / Presider: J N , Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II, Roma, Italia L l’olio , Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, Aspetti il on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite on the sulle wounds feriteoil oilononthe the wounds oil on the wounds oil oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleilunds ferite oil on the woun he wsociali / Social Dimensions il o oil o ll’olio o w oo hewounds wo iunds n l’olio sulle ilferite ilo o J o hesulle wo nferite t Cittào odel Vaticano ilunds o o n nthe t Aspetti sociali / Social Dimensions Iwounds , Centro Ateneol’olio Studi e Ricerche sulla Famiglia, Milano, Italia oill’olio Relatori / Speakers: l’olio sulle ferite oil on the w te oil onR the sulle ferite on the sulle wounds feriteoiloilononthe thewounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on thesulle wounds ferite oiloil onon thethe wounds wounds Relatori / Speakers: “Frattura del legame e giovani generazioni: effetti della separazione E R , Avvenire, Italia Athe Mthe A ounds , Center for Child Assesment, Nicosia, i Cyprus sui figli the adolescenti e giovani adulti”l’olio sulle ferite ulle feriteconiugale oil on wounds oil l’olio on sulle wounds feriteo oilo oil ononthe the wounds on the wounds onon wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite o he w il o o l o the w lo hewounds ounds wo i n l’olioV sulle iferite il no oil o l’olio hesulle wo nferite t oil o loil o e wou il o t unds n oil ho T , Project Rachel, USA “Il lato oscuro della maternità” “Broken Ties and the Young Generation: the Effect of Conjugal Separation “Un’iniziativa educativa nella Chiesa per i figli del divorzio” “Theferite Dark Side ofoil “Progetto Rachel. Una risposta sacramentale dell’aborto” on Adolescent Children and Youngsulle Adults” he wounds w il o oil o ll’olio o w oMaternity” o hewounds wo iunds n l’olio sulle ilferite ilo o o he wo n t o oal dolore ilunds o “Anl’olio ilunds oChildren of Divorce n nthe t il on the l’olio ferite on the sulle wounds oilononthe the wounds oil l’olio on the sulle wounds ferite oil oil on on thethe wounds wounds sulle ferite oil inon the woun Educational Initiative addressing the Church” “Project Rachel: A Sacramental Response to the Grief of Abortion” E M , Center forsulle Marriage and Families, Institute ofoil American on the wounds l’olio ferite l’olio on the sulle wounds feriteoiloilononthe thewounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on thesulle wounds ferite oiloil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil on the wound Aspetti psicologici / Psychological Dimensions Values, New York, USA L C , Faith Journeys, USA M.sulle M A ferite D , Sisters of Life, USA the o l o the w i n o hesulle wo ildi unaopastorale conl’olio ulle ferite“La oil on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on sulle wounds ferite oil oil on on the the wounds wounds l’olio oil l’olio on wounds ferite oiloil onon the the wounds wounds sulle ferite oil o vita spirituale dei figli del divorzio” “Costruzione i figli del divorzio: ostacoli e modi P C , Association Splendeur de la Vie, Anjou, France “The Spiritual Lives of Grown Children of Divorce” “Itinerario sacramentale verso un’eredità di misericordia” di superarli” “Conseguenze psicologiche della mentalità abortiva nella il on the l’olio sulle ferite on the sulle wounds ferite oil oilonon the the wounds l’olio sulle ilferite oil l’olio on the wounds oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite theto woun he wounds w il o oil o ll’olio o w oo hewounds wo iunds n famiglia” ilo o o hesulle nferite t of Mercy” o o oil ilunds o “Building ilunds oof Divorce: oil on n nthe t “A Sacramental Journey towo an Inheritance a Ministry with Children Obstacles and How “Psychological Consequences of the Abortive Mentality in the Family” Overcome Them” / Psychological Dimensions e oil onAspetti thepsicologici wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on the sulle wounds ferite oil oil on on the the wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on the sulle wounds ferite oil oil on on the the wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil on the wo E. J A , Tufts University School of Medicine, Massachusetts, USA D V , Association Agapa, Paris, France S G Family Research and Counseling, of o heforwounds w il o “Ripercusioni o ll’olio o the w o lo hewounds ounds wo i n l’olio sulle il no oil oallal’olio he wo nferite t oil o loil o eounds wou il o, Servizio di psicologia t clinica persulle n oil ho ulle ferite oil on, Institute the l’olioUniversity sulle ferite oil on psicologiche sulle wounds ferite oilo oil on on the wounds on dithe sulle wounds onon the wounds wounds l’olio dell’aborto per i bambini e per lethe famiglie. C the M la coppia iunds e ferite la famiglia, “Accogliereiferite ed accompagnare, sequela Cristo” Fribourg, Switzerland Prospettiva clinica” Università Cattolica di Milano, Italia “To Welcome and Accompany, Following the Example of Christ” “Aspetti psicologici delle conseguenze del divorzio il on the l’olio sulle ferite oil on the sulle wounds ferite oil oilon onthe the wounds wounds l’olio sulle ilferite oil l’olio on the wounds oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleilunds ferite oil on the woun he wounds w il neiobambini” o ll’olio o w oo he wo iand unds n A Clinical ilo o o hesulle wo nferite t o o oil ilunds o I “gruppi o n nthe t “Psychological Aftermath of Abortion for Children Families: di parola” per bambini di famiglie divise “Psychological Aspects of the Consequences of Divorce on Children” Perspective” “Voice Groups” for Children of Divided Families ite oil onJ the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on the sulle wounds ferite oil oil on on the the wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on sulle wounds oil oil on on the the wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil on the w S T , Associazione ilthe Dono Onlus, Italiaferite B. K , Northern California Mediation Center, California, USA “Il dono deliferite sostegno” ulle ferite“Impatto oil della onseparazione the l’olio ferite on sulle wounds feriteo oilo oil ononthe the wounds on the wounds onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleiunds ferite o he wounds w il oAspettioil omorali ll’olio o the w lo hewounds ounds wo i n l’olio sulle il no oil o l’olio hesulle wo nferite t oil o loil o eounds wou il o t n oil ho / Moral Dimensions e del divorzio nei figli: ricerca suisulle bisogni “The Gift of Support” dei figli” / DIALOGUE he wounds w il Insights o onoil oWhat ll’olio o w oo hewounds wo iunds n l’olio sulle ilferite ilo o o hesulle wo nferite t o o oil ilunds o DIALOGO o n nthe t il on the l’olio ferite on the sulle wounds ferite oil oilon on the the wounds oil l’olio on the wounds oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleilunds ferite oil on the woun A S , University College Chichester, United Kingdom “Impact of Separation and Divorce sulle on Children: Research Children Need” il bambino malato” “Abortire e oil on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on the sulle wounds ferite oiloilononthe thewounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil l’olio on thesulle wounds ferite oiloil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil on the wo “Aborting the Sick Child” DIALOGO / DIALOGUE Conclusioni / Conclusions L the M e Giovanni Paolo II, Roma o morali l on the w i o he w o l on l onthe thewo wo il o n s l’olio sulle iferite i o du the hsulle o ferite nds oil o loil oon l on the wo il, Preside o n sPontificiooIstituto u sulleinferite ti o oil on du e ferite oil wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on the sulle wounds feriteo oiloil wounds wounds oil l’olio on wounds wounds wounds l’olio Aspetti / Moral Dimensions , Institut d’Etudessulle Théologiques, Bruxelles, heO wounds w B il oBelgiqueoil o ll’olio o w oo hewounds wo iunds n l’olio sulle ilferite ilo o Èo hesulle wo nferite t o o oil ilunds o o n nthe t il on the l’olio ferite on the sulle wounds feriteoil oilononthe the wounds oil l’olio on the wounds oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleilunds ferite oil on the woun stata richiesta un’udienza con il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI “I figli del divorzio. Aspetti morali” An audience the Holy Father Benedictferite XVI has been e oil on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on the sulle wounds feriteoiloilononthe thewounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oilwith l’olio on the sulle wounds oilrequested oil onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulle ferite oil on the wo “The Children of Divorce. Moral Dimensions” he wounds w il o oil o ll’olio o w lo hewounds ounds wo i n l’olio sulle iferite il no oil o l’olio hesulle wo nferite t oil o loil o eounds wou il o t n oil ho ulle ferite o oil on the l’olio sulle ferite on the sulle wounds feriteo oilo oil ononthe the wounds on the wounds onon thethe wounds wounds l’olio sulleiunds ferite o oilononthe unds l’olio sulle ilferite o o unds l’olio sulleilferite o n the il on the wounds l’olio sulle ferite oill’olio on the sulle wounds feriteoil thewounds wounds oil l’olio on thesulle wounds ferite oiloil onon thethe wounds wounds oil on the woun NDERSON ARIA UISA DI IETRO EAN OSÉ AFFITTE ORIEGA AFFAELLA AFRATE UGENIA LIZABETH OCCELLA ICTORIA HORN ARY GNES NA ARIA YNN ASSELLA ARQUARDT HILIPPE DE IMONA AGLIARDI OAN ELLY OANNE ONOVAN ATHELINEAU NGELO OMINIQUE ANDIER OSTANZA ERENA GNETA ONNEWIJN ARZOTTO ACCARI UTTON IVIO LIVIER NASTASIADES ELINA