
Lake Ola Advisory Board Regular Meeting March 10,2015

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Lake Ola Advisory Board Regular Meeting March 10,2015
Lake Ola
Advisory Board Regular Meeting
March 10,2015
7101 Wright Ave., Tangerine, Florida 32777
Board Members Present: David McDonald (Chairman), Henry Land, II, Maggie Rogers and
Janis Murphy
Board Members Absent: None, One vacant position
Others Present: Gary Jacobs, Orange County Environmental Protection Division (EPD)
Dan Homblette, Orange County Environmental Protection Division (EPD)
Mehul Parekh, P.E., Orange County Public Works
Calvin Dyal, Orange County Public Works
Residents: Sharlee Hollingsworth, Harrison Bucklew, Lynn Bucklew, Steve Mellich, Matt
Hamel, Larry Oberg, Celia Oberg, Charles Beal, Gary Simmons and Frances
Meeting Called to Order:
With a quorum present, Chairman McDonald called the Lake Ola Advisory Board
{Advisory Board) meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
Approval of the August 12, 2014 Minutes:
Upon a motion by Henry Land, II, seconded by Janis Murphy, and carried with all
present members voting AYE by voice vote; the Advisory Board approved the
minutes for the August 12, 2014 meeting as submitted.
Public Comment:
Chairman McDonald read the Public Comment statement and asked if there were any
comments from the floor. Hearing no requests, the Public Comment period was closed.
Stormwater Discussion I Future Drainage Projects:
Dan Homblette opened the discussion by introducing Mehul Parekh and Calvin Dyal
from Orange County Public Works. Mr. Homblette stated the Mr. Parekh and Mr. Dyal
were here to ensure the Advisory Board that when future drainage projects were
scheduled around Lake Ola that they would contact EPD, so that they could inform the
Advisory Board. This would allow the Advisory Board, EPD and Public Works the
opportunity to discuss the project and to see if a water quality component could be
included as part of the project. Mr. Homblette stated that the Advisory Board would not
be notified for routine maintenance issues. Mr. Parekh stated that for emergency
situations it would not be feasible to notify the Advisory Board.
The Advisory Board and residents discussed several outfalls around the lake and asked
about the maintenance schedule. Mr. Dyal reported that they have a new contractor and
that the outfalls are inspected and maintained ever 4 - 6 weeks. The residents asked if
the County could provide a map of the outfalls around the lake. Mr. Parekh started that
he would have a map prepared and forward to EPD so that they can send it to the
Advisory Board members.
Lake Ola Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
March 10,2015
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Annual Election of Chair and Vice-Chair and Vacant Advisory Board Position:
Chairman McDonald reported that it was time for the annual election for the Chair and
Vice-Chair and asked the Advisory Board if they wish to hold elections now or wait until
the vacant position has been filled.
Upon a motion by Maggie Rogers, seconded by Henry Land,II, and carried with all
present members voting AYE by voice vote; The Advisory Board postponed the
elections until the new member has been appointed.
EPD Report:
1. MSTU Fund Balance:
Mr. Jacobs distributed copies of the budget spreadsheet and reported that the MSTU
fund balance as of February 9, 2015 was approximately $111,177. Mr. Jacobs also
discussed encumbrances and expenditures for the current budget year.
2. Aquatic Plant Survey:
Mr. Jacobs distributed copies of maps from the aquatic plant surveys performed in
July 2014, December 2014 and February 2015. Mr. Jacobs stated that the deep water
hydrilla does not seem to be expanding and remains approximately the same density.
Mr. Jacobs stated that an additional 200 grass carp were stocked in January at a cost
of $1,300.00. Mr. Jacobs reported that there are an additional 200 grass carp
remaining on the permit. Mr. Jacobs stated that if future surveys show the hydrilla
expanding the additional grass carp can be stocked.
Mr. Simmons stated that the cove on the west side of the lake is full of bladderwort
blocking navigation. Mr. Jacobs stated that he would have bladderwort added to the
Orange County Permit so that it could be treated when the aquatic plant management
crew performs the spot treatments of the hydrilla around the shoreline.
3. Millage Rate Discussion:
Mr. Jacobs stated at the last Advisory Board meeting he was asked to bring examples
of projects that other MSTU's have done and their millage rates and annual revenues.
Mr. Jacobs distributed copies of a hand out that he prepared showing projects and
revenues that the Lake Jessamine MSTU and the Lake Holden MSTU had completed.
Meeting Schedule:
Chairman McDonald stated that the next Advisory Board meeting was scheduled for
August II, 2015.
VIII. New Business:
Lake Ola Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
March 10,2015
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Non-Agenda Items:
Upon a motion by Maggie Rogers, seconded by Henry Land,II, and carried with
David McDonald, Maggie Rogers and Henry Land,II voting AYE by voice vote and
Janis Murphy voting Nay by voice vote; the Advisory Board approved a motion to
request that Commissioner Nelson meet with the residents of the MSTU to discuss
whether the Advisory Board was needed or should be disbanded.
Chairman McDonald stated that he would contact Commissioner Nelson to request a
Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Minutes Prepared By Gary Jacobs
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