
Lake Pearl Advisory Board Regular Meeting Aloma Elementary School Media Center

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Lake Pearl Advisory Board Regular Meeting Aloma Elementary School Media Center
Lake Pearl
Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
Aloma Elementary School Media Center
August 21, 2014
Board Members Present: Marie Snively (Chair), Henry Petit (Vice Chair), and Gina Hall
Board Members Absent: Anita Castiglia and Ken Krueger
Staff & Guests: Dan Homblette, Orange County Environmental Protection Division (EPD)
Ryan Patrick, Orange County EPD
Residents: None
Call to Order:
With a quorum present, Ryan Patrick called the meeting of the Lake Pearl Advisory Board
(Advisory Board) to order at 6:33 p.m.
Introductions and Role of the Advisory Board
Dan Homblette and Mr. Patrick explained the role of the Lake Pearl Advisory Board.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair:
Upon a motion by Gina Hall, seconded by Henry Petit, and carried with all
present members voting AYE by voice vote, with Anita Castiglia and Ken
Krueger being absent; the Advisory Board elected Marie Snively as Chair of the
Lake Pearl Advisory Board.
Upon a motion by Gina Hall, seconded by Marie Snively, and carried with all
present members voting AYE by voice vote, with Anita Castiglia and Ken
Krueger being absent; the Advisory Board elected Henry Petit as Vice-Chair of
the Lake Pearl Advisory Board.
Establishment of Advisory Board Rules and Procedures:
Upon a motion by Henry Petit, seconded by Marie Snively, and carried with all
present members voting AYE by voice vote, with Anita Castiglia and Ken
Krueger being absent; the Advisory Board adopted Robert's Rules of Order as
the body of rules and procedures under which it shall carry on its meetings and
Public Comment on Propositions Before the Advisory Board:
No public attendants.
Lake Pearl Advisory Board Meeting
August 21 , 2014
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EPD Report
1) MSBU Fund Balance:
Mr. Patrick stated that the Lake Pearl MSBU currently has a balance of approximately
$58,000 total funds. The Advisory Board discussed the 20 percent decrease in MSBU
assessment that will now total approximately $27,000 per year.
2) Aquatic Plant Survey Update:
Mr. Patrick stated that Orange County conducted a survey of Lake Pearl on June 23, 2014.
Mr. Patrick handed out two survey maps indicating the beneficial native vegetation
observed and that there was no Hydrilla surveyed.
Meeting Schedule:
The next meeting date is to be determined, but expected to occur sometime in early to midNovember.
VIII. Collection of Public Records Training Forms
New Business
1) Stormwater Pipe:
The Advisory Board discussed the condition of the area where the stormwater pipe meets
Lake Pearl coming off of Harbor View Drive/Pine Barrens Drive and how to approach
Orange County Public Works in order to come up with a solution.
Upon a motion by Henry Petit, seconded by Marie Snively, and carried with all
present members voting AYE by voice vote, with Anita Castiglia and Ken
Krueger being absent; the Advisory Board requested EPD to reach out to Public
Works regarding the services available in order to remedy the area where the
stormwater pipe off of Harbor View Drive/Pine Barrens Drive meets Lake Pearl.
Non-Agenda Items
1) Street Sweeping:
The Advisory Board discussed the value of street sweeping per pound of nutrients
removed versus the other more costly alternatives, and efforts by the Woodside Village
HOA and homeowners to keep the storm water grate inlets free of material.
Upon a motion by Gina Hall, seconded by Henry Petit, and carried with all
present members voting AYE by voice vote, with Anita Castiglia and Ken
Krueger being absent; the Advisory Board approved up to $11,000 for street
sweeping routine services to perform 72 cleaning events per year.
2) Water Quality:
The Advisory Board requested that updated water quality data be provided at the next
Lake Pearl Advisory Board Meeting
August 21, 2014
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XI. Meeting Adjournment:
Chair Snively adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
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