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Degrémont Technologies, a division of Suez
Environment, is a Global Provider of Water
& Wastewater treatment solutions emphasizing sustainable development initiatives.
We are a worldwide network of equipment
providers dedicated to offering unique water
and wastewater treatment technologies.
By combining the expertise and
innovation of several brands,
our mission is to offer you a wide range
of water treatment equipment
and solutions for municipal, industrial
and recreational markets.
• Optimize public health and safety
• Safeguard the environment
and natural ecosystems
• Preserve existing water resources
• Anticipate client needs
• Develop innovative water
and wastewater treatment technologies
• Improve existing operations
• Deliver practical, economical
and efficient solutions
• Save energy through recovery systems
Research, Development & Industrialization activities are a vital component of
Degrémont’s expertise, recognized globally for contributing successful innovations to the water and wastewater treatment industry for over 60 years.
The Degrémont Technologies Group continues this strong commitment to value creation with focused RDI programs at each of its 3 RDI Centers.
Emphasis on project collaboration ensures rapid and efficient transfer
of new technologies on a global basis.
Together, the Degrémont Technologies RDI Group serves as a liaison with
government, academic and industry trade organizations towards addressing
contemporary environmental issues.
Established in 1997, DENARD is a founding member of the Virginia
Biotechnology Research Park located in Richmond, VA. DENARD
conducts a broad-based RDI program scope covering process applications
such as biological nutrient removal, biosolids treatment, clarification,
membrane filtration and UV disinfection for both drinking water and
wastewater treatment.
Specializing in ultrafiltration, Aquasource develops technologies
and products designed to optimize water treatment performance.
RDI activities are focused on the development of new membranes,
modules and process skids/trains dedicated to drinking water,
wastewater and re-use applications. Aquasource innovations
guarantee reliable
and efficient solutions to meet client needs.
Specializing in ozone generation technology Ozonia’s RDI program is
renowned for “raising the bar” with developments such as the “Selfcentered AT dielectric segment technology” that have allowed for
of increased ozone concentrations with greater energy efficiency.
Ozonia’s commitment to continuous improvement has contributed to
a worldwide ozone production capacity exceeding 15,000 kg/h since
With Innoplana, Thermal Drying is one of our selected solutions for sludge
treatment. RDI efforts are focused on safety, low energy and dust free
equipment designs.
Investment in state-of-the-art research
infrastructure is fundamental to the commitment
of Degrémont Technologies to advance the field
of water treatment.
Multidisciplinary teams of scientists and
engineers have access to all the tools necessary
to develop practical solutions to real-world problems.
Advanced Analytical Services
Project Chemists at DENARD work in a lab
equipped with a range of advanced instrumentation
to fully characterize both water and wastewater
samples in order to produce the essential
data required to meet a client’s water treatment
needs. Consultative “Treatability Studies”
are conducted to develop process operating
parameters and to predict full-scale
ICP - OES Analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
DENARD’s team of Designers & Research
Engineers utilize the latest CFD-modeling
software to optimize equipment design
and model plant hydraulics. The tool is useful
in simulating a range of complex phenomenon
including UV Reactor Design, Cannon® Mixer
bubble generation, Dissolved Air Flotation and
Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge systems.
CFD modeling (Aquaray® SLP UV reactor)
Degrémont Technologies has
proven water treatment solutions
practiced throughout more than
10 000 sites worldwide.
Pilot Testing
With a fleet of over 30 field-scale pilot units
ranging from UV reactors to clarification systems
and handling flows up to 350 gpm (80 m3/h)
Degrémont Technologies conducts pratical,
on-site studies for determination of process
performance prior to full-scale investment.
This approach has proven successful on
thousands of the most difficult municipal and
industrial applications worldwide.
Collimated Beam Testing
The emergence of UV irradiation as a viable
strategy for disinfection of water and wastewater
has created a need for evaluation of UV dose
requirements to achieve specified effluent
quality criteria.
DENARD has developed a comprehensive
collimated-beam test protocol for generation of
laboratory dose-response data, which is then used
to derive a design UV dose for full-scale systems.
Combining the use of a standardized protocol with
advanced sample characterization such as particle
size distribution analysis, DENARD aims to increase
client confidence in UV system performance by
ensuring the reproducibility of test results and
allowing meaningful comparison of data.
Bench Scale UF Fiber Production
Aquasource’s RDI Department is equipped with
a dedicated spinning unit. Independent of the
commercial production equipment, researchers
are free to evaluate formulation improvements
and explore new UF fiber development
dedicated to diverse applications.
Ozonia Triplex Ozone Vessel
By integrating operational data from a fully
automated ozone generator test stand with
mathematical modeling results, Ozonia Researchers
are able to determine an ozone generator’s
performance efficiency under a wide range of
operating conditions such as feed gas pressure,
cooling water temperature, etc. The Triplex
vessel ozone test stand incorporates state of the
art ozone monitoring instrumentation including
a UV spectrophotometer for measuring ozone
concentration and an IR-spectrophotometer
for gas composition analysis.
Triplex Ozone Vessel
Dedicated to increasing public confidence
in the world’s most precious resourceWATER, via execution of targeted research
OZONIA Intelligent Gap System
Ozonia’s newly developed IGS dielectric
technology is expected to revolutionize the
industrial ozone generation field – a critical
milestone as ozone is increasingly applied
in advanced wastewater treatment applications
for control of micropollutants such as endocrine
disrupting compounds and pharmaceutical wastes.
The exposure of an oxygen carrying feedgas
to a plasma made of dielectric barrier discharges
leads to the formation and enrichment of ozone.
By adjusting the character of the applied
microdischarges and the fraction of total applied
power throughout the dielectric layer,
the IGS design increases the quantity
and efficiency of ozone production.
The key advantage of the IGS dielectric
technology is the significant reduction in power
consumption to produce the equivalent weight
percent of ozone as compared to conventional
Further advantages of the IGS dielectric design
include greater weight percent of ozone production
(up to 14%), accelerated burn-in period and
reduced sensitivity to trace impurities like
moisture and hydrocarbons.
UV Disinfection Technology
Increasing environmental awareness and the growing
market for wastewater reuse has accelerated
the implementation of UV Disinfection.
The Aquaray® 3X technology combines
the use of LP Amalgam lamps (160W UVC)
and a patented vertical lamp reactor design
to deliver maximum disinfection capacity with
significantly fewer lamps and a compact plant
footprint. A novel flow pacing controls feature
supports variable lamp output and row-by-row
operation to allow optimized disinfection while
maximizing energy savings. As a “green”
alternative to the use of chlorine, the Aquaray®
3X has already generated real financial gains
for users. In 2006, it was awarded the Frost
& Sullivan award for Technology Innovation
of the Year in the US Emerging Water and
Wastewater treatment category.
High Rate Clarification Technology
Our patented AquaDAF® dissolved air flotation
system has revolutionized conventional clarification
practices. Operating at rise rates upwards of
30 m/h, the AquaDAF® plant footprint is two to
three times more compact than conventional
flotation units. Originally specified for drinking water
clarification applications, the AquaDAF® is now
proven for a diverse range of treatment applications
including tertiary Phosphorous removal and spent
filter backwash and seawater applications.
Adjust micro-discharge (gap, coating)
Adjust fraction of total applied power (gap, capacitance)
Tiny, weak micro-discharges (gap, capacitance)
Steel Tube
High Voltage Rod
High Voltage Electrode
O2 + O3
AquaDAF® Clarifier
Ozonia - New IGS dielectric technoloigy
Planning today for tomorrow
Advanced Ultrafiltration Membrane
First launched in 1984, Aquasource’s R&D
Program delivered the LIFEA™ cellulose acetate
membrane technology which resulted in the
world’s first Ultrafiltration plant for drinking
water treatment at Amoncourt, France in 1988.
Recent development of the INEA™ cellulose
acetate membrane provides improved permeability
and a 12% increase in the filtration surface
within each module, significantly reducing
capital investment costs. The ALTEON™ hydrophilic
polysulfone membrane with its ability to
withstand more aggressive cleaning regimes
makes it ideally suited for direct surface water
filtration, wastewater reuse and seawater
desalination pretreatment applications.
Biolysis O
Sludge Reduction Technology
The Biolysis O technology was developed
to reduce the quantity of biological sludge
production from activated sludge systems,
addressing a critical financial and environmental
concern of today’s wastewater treatment plants.
Incorporating the use of a specially designed
mixing reactor and a variable Ozone dosing
strategy allows operators to fine-tune performance
requirements yielding sludge reduction
that ranges from 30 to 80%.
Two Phase Anaerobic Digestion Technology
Degrémont’s 2PAD Two-Phase Anaerobic
Digestion technology is US EPA certified for the
production of Class A biosolids, facilitating land
application without restriction. By separating
the acid and methane producing stages,
the digestion process efficiency is greatly
enhanced, yielding maximum pathogen
destruction, increased biogas production and
significant reduction in total hydraulic retention
time. Ultimately this translates into increased
energy efficiency, smaller digester volumes and
/ or increased sludge loading rates. Use of the
high-rate Cannon® Mixer system ensures
peak digester performance and reduced
operating costs.
Flue Gas Desulfurization
Wastewater Biological Treatment Process
The growing environmental movement to
introduce “Clean Air” legislation aimed at reducing
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from
coal-fired power plants, has accelerated
Degrémont Technologies’ development of
a biological treatment process targeting the
removal of pollutants captured in the wastewater
stream purged from the air pollution control
equipment. Key to this patent-pending process
is the staged reactor design and automated
controls which select for the growth of distinct
microbes within the naturally occurring
population for sequential removal of nitrogenous
compounds and heavy metal contaminants
such as Selenium and Chromium, which have
proven difficult to remove with conventional
physical chemical treatment.
20, avenue Didier Daurat
BP 64050
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 36 30 36
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 36 30 60
[email protected]
160 King Street W.
Dundas, Ontario L9H 1V4
Tel: +1 905 627 9233
Fax: +1 905 628 6623
[email protected]
Degrémont China
9F Jing Guang Office Building
100020 Beijing, China
Tel: +86 10 6597 38 60
Fax: +86 10 6597 36 60
[email protected]
Stettbachstr. 1
8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 801 85 11
Fax: +41 44 801 85 01
[email protected]
Degrémont Limitee
1375, route Transcanadienne,
Bureau 400
Dorval (Qc) H9P 2W8, Canada
Tel: +1 514 683 1200
Fax: +1 514 683 1203
[email protected]
Ozonia France
Tour CB21, 16 place de l’Iris
92040 Paris La Défense cedex France
Tel: +33 1 58 81 50 00
Fax: +33 1 58 81 57 18
[email protected]
Ozonia Switzerland
Stettbachstr. 1
8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 801 85 11
Fax: +41 44 801 85 01
[email protected]
Ozonia Russia OOO
Kozhevenny pereulok 8/8
603001 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Tel: +7 831 434 16 28
Fax: +7 831 434 25 89
[email protected]
Triogen Ltd.
Unit 14 Langlands Place
East Kilbride G75 0YF, Scotland
Tel: +44 13 55 220 598
Fax: +44 13 55 570 058
[email protected]
Infilco Degremont Inc.
8007 Discovery Drive
Richmond, VA 23229-8605
Tel: +1 804 756 7600
Fax: +1 804 756 7643
[email protected]
Degrémont Japan
108-0073, Minato-ku
Mita 3-2-21-202 Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +81 3 5444 63 61
Fax: +81 3 5444 08 51
[email protected]
Ozonia Korea
Yatap Leaders B/D 2F(211) #342-1
Yatap-Dong Bundang-Gu,
Seongnam City
Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea
Tel: +82 31 701 90 36
Fax: +82 31 701 40 28
[email protected]
Ozonia North America, LLC
600 Willow Tree Rd.
Leonia, NJ 07605 USA
Tel: +1 201 676 2525
Fax: +1 201 346 5460
[email protected]
1455 South 5500 West, Suite C
Salt Lake City, UT 84104, USA
Tel: +1 801 974 5500
Fax: +1 801 973 9733
[email protected]
Copyright © 2009 Degrémont Technologies Ltd - R&D602EN-03/2009 - Subject to change without prior notice, contact Degrémont Technologies for more information.
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