
High School Syracuse City School District SUMMER SCHOOL

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High School Syracuse City School District SUMMER SCHOOL
Syracuse City School District
High School
July 5 – August 16, 2016
Summer School Locations
All High Schools
Twilight Academies
Corcoran High School
Fowler High School
Henninger High School
Nottingham High School
Regents Prep
All High Schools
Board of Education
Derrick Dorsey
Patricia Body
Vice President
David Cecile
Mark D. Muhammad
To become the most
Rita Paniagua
improved urban school
Dan Romeo
district in America
Katie Sojewicz
Administrative Staff
Sharon L. Contreras, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Jaime Alicea
Chief Operations Officer
Timothy Moon
Chief Accountability Officer
Christopher Miller, Ed.D.
Chief Talent Officer
Linda Mulvey
Chief Academic Officer
Suzanne Slack
Chief Financial Officer
Monique Wright-Williams
Chief of Staff
Summer School Programs
Summer school provides students with additional instructional support to ensure that they achieve proficiency
in the NYS Regents Examinations and earn course credit towards graduation while preparing them for the move
to the next grade level. Summer school is encouraged for those students in grades 9-12 who have not yet met
the promotional standards to move on to the next grade level.
The District’s summer school program for high school students will be located at the student’s respective
home school. Any student behind in credits or who needs to re-take a Regents Examination should register for
summer school. If you have a question about whether your child should attend summer school, please contact
your child’s school counselor at your child's school today.
In preparing your child to be college and career ready by earning the required course credits or passing
Regents Examinations, the SCSD is pleased to provide the following summer school programs at your child’s
1. Summer School – a six week, on-line summer school program beginning on July 5 and running through
August 16 at students respective high schools. Students will be enrolled in on-line courses through the
District’s Odysseyware platform. Students will be exposed to a personalized learning approach using a
blended instructional design. The program will allow students who were unsuccessful in passing a class
during the regular school year to earn the required course credits to be on-track in fulfilling graduation
requirements. All students must register with his/her school counselor. Summer school is in session Monday
through Thursday for all six weeks of the summer school program.
2. Regents Prep Program – an intensive three week program starting on July 25 through August 16 at all High
Schools. This 14 day, two hours/day program will provide students with the necessary review/re-teaching in
preparation for the August Regents exams, which are scheduled for August 17 and 18. The SCSD strongly
encourages that any student needing to pass a Regents Examination participates in this Regents Prep
Program. All students must register with his/her school counselor. The program is offered at each of the high
3. Twilight Academy – a specialized six week summer school program beginning on July 5 through August 16
and offered at Corcoran, Fowler, Henninger and Nottingham. The Twilight Academy provides under-credited
students the opportunity to recover course credit. All students must register with his/her school counselor,
with the approval of the building principal. Twilight Academies are in session Monday through Thursday for all
six weeks of the summer school program at each of the four high schools. Consent forms must be signed by
a parent and the student prior to enrollment.
Please find a summary of information regarding the SCSD Summer School program with important dates,
registration requirements, and summer school procedures. We hope that you find this information valuable and
informative, but if you have any further questions; please contact your son/daughter’s school directly – phone
numbers are listed below.
2016 High School Summer School Program
High School Summer School Program
8:30 am - 11:55 am
July 5, 2016 – August 16, 2016
June 27 . . . . . Registration for Seniors Only – 8a-2p
June 28 . . . . . Registration for Juniors Only – 8a-2p
June 29. . . . . Registration for Sophomores/
Freshmen Only – 8a-2p
Summer School Hours
June 30. . . . . Registration for Out-of-District/
Regents Only – 8a-2p
Monday through Thursday
July 5 . . . . . . . Classes start/Late Registration
July 14 . . . . . . Last Day to Register for Regents Only
July 27 . . . . . . . Report Card mailed
July 25 . . . . . . Regents Prep classes begin
August 16 . . . . Last day of Summer School
August 17 . . . Regents Exams
August 18 . . . Regents Exams
August 19. . . . . Report cards mailed
August 22. . . . Graduation at 6:00 p.m.
SRC Arena
2 2016 High School Summer School Program
Student schedule
Session 1 - 8:30am – 10:10am
Session 2 - 10:15am – 11:55am
Session 3 - Noon – 1:40pm
(Students can attend multiple sessions)
Teacher schedule
Session 1 - 8:00am – Noon
Session 2 – 9:00am – 1:00pm
Session 3 – 10:00am – 2:00pm
(Teachers will be assigned to one session)
SCSD Student Registration Process
Register at your own High School!
Students have the opportunity to pre-register for summer school during the month of June with their
school counselors.
1. Students requiring summer school are encouraged to schedule an appointment with their
counselor during the month of June. Classes end June 13th, so students should schedule the
appointment prior to leaving, but can always email or phone their counselor after that date to
schedule an appointment.
2. Phone or email registrations are not allowed, students must meet with their counselor in person.
3. During the meeting, the counselor will verify the student’s course/Regents Exam needs, indicate
course(s)/Regents Exams selected, and register the student on eSchool.
4. Parents/Guardians will be notified by the school that their child has registered for summer
school, and will be asked to sign a contract outlining the summer school procedures, which will
include course progress monitoring, behavior and a health questionnaire.
Students have the opportunity to register during the June Regents Exam period at their home school if
they know summer school is required. In addition, students can register by following the schedule
 Seniors Only---------------------------------------Monday, June 27, 2016 - - - -8:00am – 2:00pm
 Juniors Only---------------------------------------Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - - - -8:00am – 2:00pm
 Sophomores/Freshmen Only----------------Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - - -8:00am – 2:00pm
 Out of District Students/Regents Only---Thursday, June 30, 2016 - - - - - 8:00am – 2:00pm
Non-SCSD Student Registration Process
Enrollment is limited and classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Thursday, June 30, 2016 - - - 8:00am – 2:00pm
1. Non-SCSD students must be City of Syracuse residents, or have a parent/guardian
that owns residential property within the City of Syracuse
2. Non-SCSD students are required to present a written letter from their school
counselor (written on school stationary) detailing the course requests/Regents
Examinations, and present it at the SCSD home school on the date reserved for
non-SCSD students
3. Non-SCSD students, if registering for a Science course with lab requirements must
also present documentation on school stationary detailing compliance with the NYS
lab requirements
2016 High School Summer School Program
General Information
On the first day of class, parents and/or legal
guardians should provide a note reminding the
school of the accommodations included on the
student’s Individualized Education Program
(IEP) or 504 Plan (if applicable). A special
education teacher will be on site to provide
All courses are on-line courses, attendance is
not mandatory. Teachers will be available
every day of the summer school program.
Students will be graded on course progress
completion in the registered on-line course.
Teachers will progress monitor students on a
daily basis.
Students are expected to comply with all rules
and regulations of the SCSD Code of Conduct,
Character and Support while at the summer
school site.
Eligible Student
The high school summer school is planned for
students who are presently enrolled in Grades
9–12. Careful academic planning is critical to
the successful completion of a high school
program; please consult your school
counselor with any questions.
Regents Examinations
Regents Exams will be administered in
accordance with New York State Department of
Education policies and procedures on the dates
and times scheduled.
Report Cards
Report cards will be mailed to the students’
homes. Please verify the address with the
school. For non-SCSD students, a copy of the
report card will be mailed to the student’s home
school and home.
Report Card 1—July 26
Report Card 2—August 18
4 2016 High School Summer School Program
Graduation Information
Graduation information packets, including forms,
will be available from the summer school site.
SCSD students planning to graduate upon
successful completion of summer school need to
submit selected forms to the summer school site
no later than Tuesday, July 31, 2016.
Graduation: Monday, August 22, 2016, at
SRC Arena - 6:00 p.m.
Medical Information
Please Note: Notify the summer school site of any
important medical information that may pertain to
the student. All students are required to
complete a Health Questionnaire and must
return it to the summer school site no later than
Thursday, July 7, 2016.
See the registration guidelines on how to register.
Resident/Nonresident Students
Resident—a student residing year-round in the
City of Syracuse, or whose parent or legal
guardian owns residential property in the City of
Non-resident—not allowed to attend SCSD
summer school
 Students who qualify for transportation
during the regular school year will receive
transportation to summer school.
 Transportation for students who do not
meet the mile and a half requirement are
responsible for their own transportation
to summer school.
English Language Arts (Common Core)-English 11
Living Environment
Physical Setting/Earth Science
Physical Setting/Chemistry
Social Studies
Global History and Geography 2
U.S. History and Government
Algebra I (Common Core)
Algebra II (Common Core)
Geometry (Common Core)
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
English 9
English 10
English 12 (Seniors Only)
Social Studies
Global History and Geography 1
Participation in Government (Seniors Only)
Economics (Seniors Only)
Other Course Offerings
Physical Education
Courses not listed maybe offered based on the
recommendation of the school counselor
5 2016 High School Summer School Program
RE in English Language Arts (Common Core)
RE in Global History and Geography
RE in U.S. History and Government
RE in Algebra I (Common Core)
RE in Algebra II (Common Core)
Geometry (Common Core)
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Living Environment
Physical Setting/Earth Science
Physical Setting/Chemistry
Global Studies
U.S. History and Government
August 17
8:30 a.m.
August 13
8:30 a.m.
RE in Algebra I (Common Core)
RE in US History & Government
Geometry (Common Core)
Physical Setting/Earth Science
Physical Setting/Chemistry
RCT in Global Studies*
RCT in Writing
RCT in Mathematics*
12:30 p.m.
RE in Global History & Geography
12:30 p.m.
RE in English Language Arts
(Common Core)
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Living Environment
RCT in Science*
RE in Algebra II (Common Core)
RCT in US History & Government*
RCT in Reading*
Uniform Admission Deadlines
Morning Examinations 9:15 a.m.
Afternoon Examinations 1:15 p.m.
* Available in Restricted Form only. Each copy of a restricted test is numbered and sealed in its own envelope and must be
returned, whether used or unused, to the Department at the end of the examination period.
DET 504 August 2015
The Syracuse City School District hereby advises students, parents, employees, and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities,
including vocational education opportunities, without regard to age, gender, race, color, religion, marital status, sexual preference, national origin, or disability.
Questions regarding this Title IX and Section 504 Statement may be referred to the building principal or to the District:
Syracuse City School District
Attention: District 504 Compliance Officer
1025 Erie Blvd. West • Syracuse, NY 13204
(315) 435-4212
7 2016 High School Summer School Program
2013 Regional High School Summer School Program
Fly UP