SYRACUSE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 2015-2016 GRANTS PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION SCSD Educational Foundation 9827 DestinyUSA Drive Syracuse, New York 13290 Ph: 315.391.0259 Fx: 315.701.2897 May 2015 Dear School Principals, Teachers, and School Leadership Teams, We are delighted to present the SCSD Educational Foundation 2015-2016 Grants Program. There will be no specifically identified theme for this round of grants, and the Foundation will accept grants from individual teachers, leadership teams, school groups, and curriculum-based initiatives. In addition, applicants submitting arts projects can choose to have their application considered for the Marilyn Jones Life and Learning Grant, by filling out the supplemental description form. One arts grant each year will receive this special designation. Applicants are encouraged to research, create and propose supplemental education projects that inspire creativity in classrooms, stimulate innovation, and engage children, parents, and schools. The Foundation does not choose to dictate the nature of these projects, but is eager to receive inspired and innovative approaches to learning that will support the District’s curriculum. We ask that teachers and school leadership teams become our partners in making this program work for everyone involved. For the 2015-2016 school year, the Foundation will consider grant requests for up to $5,000. The Grants Committee reviews all applications equally regardless of the amount of funding requested, and encourages applicants who may need less funds to submit their projects. All applications are judged on the merits of their creativity and for the quality of the projects proposed, not the dollar amount of funding requested. Thanks to the generous contributions from the sponsors of our Annual Recognition Breakfast and our Annual Golf Tournament, as well as donations from District employees through their United Way contributions, the Educational Foundation has up to $50,000 available to distribute to schools in this round of grants. Applications may be submitted online, but a printed copy of the application must be signed by the Principal of the school and mailed to the Foundation. There are no limitations to how many applications a school can submit. We encourage applicants to contact Jan Quitzau, our Foundation Administrator at if you need assistance or guidance in completing your application or developing your project. On the following pages you will find a program overview, timeline, application forms and grant program guidelines and criteria. We thank you for your interest and support of the SCSD Educational Foundation, and we look forward to receiving your school’s grant application. Best Regards, Marjorie Sullivan Chairperson Board of Directors Katie Keough Chairperson Grants Committee Jan Quitzau Foundation Administrator The most important part of submitting a grant application to the Foundation for consideration is to develop the ideas for a project that will support your efforts in educating and engaging students and encouraging them to learn and be creative. Projects must support the District’s Core Curriculum and must be approved by your school principal in order to be considered by the Foundation. What makes for a good project? Over the past 11 years the Foundation has approved over 175 incredibly creative and diverse projects including vegetable gardens, worm farms, robotic labs, murals, STEM programs, theater and music performances, reading contests, and so much more. A complete list of funded projects can be found on our website at A good project, and one that excites the members of our Grants Committee, is a project that engages the most students, encourages involvement with parents, provides creative opportunities for children to learn and develop skills, is easily replicated for future classes, or can be used in other schools and more than one grade level. If you have a project idea, and would like to discuss it with the Foundation before submitting your application, we encourage you to contact Jan Quitzau, our Foundation Administrator for guidance via email at What not to do! 1. The Foundation Grants Committee understands the dramatic need for teaching materials, technology (computers, iPads, SmartBoards, etc), teaching aides, staff development, and books. However, the Foundation will not consider or fund any application that does not include a specific project that supports a request for technology, supplies, or instructional materials. The Foundation also does not fund projects that are funded under the District’s annual operating budget. Our role is to provided supplemental resources to support teachers, students, and schools. 2. Please do not submit a grant application requesting funds for any type of technology (computers, ipads, software, or other hardware), without consulting with the SCSD IT Department first. The Foundation does not fund projects requiring technology that have not been approved by the District. This is to ensure that the equipment or programs are compatible, supported, and capable of operating on District servers, wireless systems, and/or equipment. On your grant application, we ask you to provide the names of teachers, school leadership team members and administrators that will be participating or directly involved with your project. Only one person will serve as the project contact for the Foundation, but the Grants Committee does take school teamwork into consideration when reviewing your application. Please give some thought to how your project will be administrated and the role that team members will play in the success of the project. After you’ve decided on a project and who will be on your project team, you’ll need to itemize what supplies, equipment, teaching tools, and reference materials you will need to complete the project and provide preferred vendors and estimated costs for each item. The Foundation purchases ALL materials for each funded grant, and the accuracy of your budget and “wish list” are critical to the grant approval process and the efficient purchasing of the materials you need. Be Specific! As part of the application review process, the Foundation Grants Committee will look carefully at your project budget and the materials that you have requested. Applications should include item descriptions, item numbers, vendors/sources, and pricing. The Grants Committee will not consider your application if the budget or “shopping list” are not specific or are incomplete. We encourage all applicants to use the internet, SCSD purchasing and IT departments, and local vendors at your disposal to identify the specific materials, equipment, technology and supplies needed for your project. If you need assistance or are unsure of how or where to gather information regarding a specific product, you are encouraged to discuss it with Jan Quitzau, our Foundation Administrator , prior to submitting your application. GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE‐ Friday, October 2, 2015 Online grant applica ons must be received by this date in order to be considered for funding. Signed applica ons may be scanned and sent via email to JQuitzau@scsdfounda (or) mailed to: SCSD EducaƟonal FoundaƟon, 9827 DesƟnyUSA Dr. Syracuse, NY 13290 GRANT ANNOUNCEMENTS – Friday, October 23, 2014 GRANT PROJECT COMPLETION DEADLINE – Friday, June 17, 2016 Project Coordinators must contact the Founda on if circumstances prevent a project from being completed by this due date Applications and proposals must be submitted on the official forms. Application forms must be completely filled out and well‐organized. Illegible or incomplete applications will not be considered by the Committee. Foundation grants cannot be used to fund items or projects that can be or are normally paid for by the Syracuse City School District. It is the responsibility of the grant applicant to research if District funds or resources are available for all or part of the project being developed. All applications that include proposed purchases that require District pre‐approval must include a written authorization from the appropriate Department representative. (Examples: computers/electronics: SCSD IT Department; building or gardening materials (SCSD Building Services), etc. Copies of email correspondence approving the proposed purchases are acceptable. If you have any questions, please contact the Foundation prior to submitting your application! The Educational Foundation will be serving as the procuring/purchasing agent for the items identified in approved grants. Grant awards will not be processed through the District Purchasing Department. However, all purchases will be delivered initially to the District’s BOVA Warehouse, and will be delivered to your school on your designated delivery day of the week. Funds will not be granted for food & beverage services, teacher salaries, or administrative costs. Under approved circumstances, Foundation funds may be used to pay for consultant fees, guest speakers, and related expenses but require detailed pricing quotations submitted with the application. All grant applications must be approved and signed by the school Principal. Project funds are not transferable or moveable. If a project cannot be completed by the applying school, team or group, the project cannot be implemented by another school or team. Final written reports will be required for all projects and must be submitted to the Educational Foundation within 30 days of completion of the project. All projects must be completed no later than June 17, 2016. Project coordinators are requested to take high‐resolution digital images of projects as their programs are in progress or upon completion. These images should be submitted in an email, on disc/jump drive, or may be uploaded to the Foundation’s Dropbox which is accessible from the website. Schools receiving grants should acknowledge receipt of the grant funds in any newsletters, press releases or promotions, and should acknowledge the Foundation in any completed work, publications, and presentations. Grant recipients will be asked to provide an update of their grant project progress to the SCSD Educational Foundation Board of Directors at their January or February 2016 Board Meeting. In addition, the SCSD IT Media Class will be video taping grant projects during the year to be presented at the Foundation’s Annual Breakfast in March/April. More about both of these requirements will be communicated directly with each grant coordinator. Any project purchases with a fixed value of $500 or more will be scanned and inventoried by the BOVA Supply Center. The bar code should be identified in your final written report. For equipment purchased having a value of less than $500, it is the responsibility of the school to secure and maintain this equipment and prevent loss or damage. Periodic inventory reports may be required by the Foundation to ensure that equipment has been properly inventoried and secured. All correspondence regarding grant applications, grant award notifications, and other correspondence will be sent to only the project coordinator listed on the application. The SCSD Educational Foundation reserves the right to make changes or adjustments to these guidelines and to the Education Grants Program as needed at any time. For more information, clarification, or inquiry, please contact Jan Quitzau, Foundation Administrator at 315.391.0259 or SYRACUSE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION GRANTS PROGRAM DATE RECEIVED DATE OF APPLICATION ____________ GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 Submit online, email, or mail to: JQuitzau@scsdfounda SCSD Educa onal Founda on, 9827 Des nyUSA Dr., Syracuse, NY 13290 This is a US Post Office Mailbox. You cannot “drop off” your applica on at this loca on. APPLICANT INFORMATION SCHOOL ________________________________________________________________ Each project and grant applica on requires a primary contact. This is the individual that will be the point person for the Founda on for the project and needs to be available to answer ques ons, provide informa on about the project, and assist the Founda on in the iden fica on and purchase of materials needed for the project. All fields are required for the Project Coordinator. PROJECT COORDINATOR___________________________________________________ PHONE __________________________________ FAX ___________________________ CELL PHONE _______________________ EMAIL ________________________________ Each applica on needs to be supported and signed by the Principal of your school. Applica ons will not be accepted without the support of the school’s administra ve leadership. PRINCIPAL ______________________________________________________________ PHONE __________________________________ FAX ____________________________ CELL PHONE _______________________EMAIL _________________________________ The Founda on encourages applicant to engage as many stakeholders in projects as possible. PLEASE IDENTIFY PROJECT LEADERS, TEACHERS, PARENTS, STUDENTS, AND STAFF INVOLVED IN YOUR PROJECT: ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ Addi onal page may be a ached if needed GRANT # __________ FOR FOUNDATION USE ONLY DIST __________ STAT ___________ AUTHORIZATION ________________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION TITLE OF PROJECT _______________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION (It is acceptable to a ach addi onal sheets to this applica on if needed.) How many students will be involved? _________ How many classrooms? ____________ What grade levels will be involved? _____ ( Please iden fy Can this project be replicated in other schools? ___ YES ___ NO EXPLAIN Can this project be carried over to subsequent school years? ___ YES ___ NO EXPLAIN SPECIAL GRANT DESIGNATION MARILYN JONES Life and Learning Through Arts Grant Each year, the Foundation is pleased to offer a grant in memory of Marilyn Jones, who dedicated her life to supporting and nurturing children through education and individual creativity. Marilyn enjoyed the individualism, cultures, and values of people, especially as reflected in music, theatre, fine arts, dance, media and movies. She appreciated individual expression and understood that the arts could lead to rewarding careers. The hope of the grant in her honor is to foster appreciation for and life‐long learning through all forms of the arts. Marilyn Jones and her husband, former Superintendent Stephen C. Jones, played key roles in the formation of the Educational Foundation in 2003. She lost her battle with cancer in 2007, but lives on in the hearts and minds of the Syracuse City School District community. Teachers are invited to indicate their interest in having their grant request be considered for this distinction if their application supports any arts project including fine arts and visual and performing arts projects. This designation will include additional publicity and recognition by the Foundation in press announcements and website listing. In order to include your application for consideration, please complete the following supplemental questions: Yes, please include my grant application for consideration as a Marilyn Jones Life and Learning Through Arts Designation. Please provide a brief descrip on of how your project will encourage students to embrace, understand, and support arts in their lives, families and future: Please explain how your project will encourage individual expression and teach students to think crea vely: Please provide any addi onal informa on regarding your arts project that you feel will support receiving the Marilyn Jones Life and Learning Through ARTS designa on: BUDGET WORKSHEET Grant applica ons must include a detailed project budget including cost es mates and vendor pricing for equipment and services needed to complete project. REMINDER: Please aƩach SCSD Departmental approval for any proposed technology purchases! AMOUNT OF GRANT REQUEST $ ______________ Descrip on | Vendor/Supplier | Item/SKU # | Quan ty | Cost/Quote _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ _________________________________ _____________________ __________ _______ $________________ Use addiƟonal sheets if needed. Please provide as much detail as possible. Addi onal Expenses/Requests/Notes: TOTAL EXPENSES $____________ CORE CURRICULUM PLEASE DESCRIBE HOW YOUR PROJECT WILL SUPPORT AND FOLLOW THE CURRICULUM GUIDELINES OF THE SYRACUSE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT: AUTHORIZATION SCHOOL SUBMITTING APPLICATION: _____________________________________ PROJECT COORDINATOR: (Print Name) _____________________________________ SIGNATURE: _________________________ DATE: _________________________ SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: (Print Name) __________________________________________ SIGNATURE: __________________________DATE: ________________________ SCSD Educational Foundation 9827 DestinyUSA Drive Syracuse, New York 13290 Ph: 315.391.0259 Fx: 315.701.2897 Each year, thanks to the generous United Way designated contribu ons by teachers and administrators in Syracuse City Schools, the SCSD Educa onal Founda on is able to donate over $50,000 to support grant projects that enhance student performance, crea vity and enthusiasm for learning. We thank you for your support! Please consider designa ng your 2015‐2016 United Way contribu on to support the SCSD Educa onal Founda on. You may select the Founda on from the list of agencies on your pledge form.