
SCSD Grade 4 Reading   

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SCSD Grade 4 Reading   
 SCSD Grade 4 Reading Unit 1: Belonging ~25 instructional days/6 weeks Unit Focus: Students use the overarching theme of belonging to explore nuanced ideas of loneliness, acceptance, and character change. Students have several opportunities to read closely in order to uncover author’s choices and how those impact the meaning of the text. Text Set: Teachers will use each of the following texts throughout this unit: One Green Apple​
by Eve Bunting (literary ­ fiction) Because of Winn Dixie ​
by Kate DiCamillo (literary ­ fiction) “Stray” from ​
Every Living Thing​
by Cynthia Rylant (literary ­ fiction) “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” by Maya Angelou (literary ­ poetry) Power Standard: ​
RL.4.3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions) Supporting Standards: ​
RL.4.1, RL.4.2, SL.4.1, W.4.1, W.4.4, L.4.1 Unit Outcomes: I can use text details to support my ideas. I can read closely to gain new understanding about characters and text. I can describe story elements (character, setting, events) with inference and precise detail. Final Task:​
After reading “Stray,” by Cynthia Rylant, explain how Mr. Lacey’s character develops over the course of the text. Use evidence from the text to support your ideas about his character changes. Unit Overview Text UNIT LAUNCH One Green Apple DIRECT SKILLS INSTRUCTION
& READ ALOUD CLOSE READING Because of Winn Dixie, chapters 1­3 Because of WD, chapters 4­6 (Any previously introduced text) Because of WD, chapters 7­10 (Any previously introduced text) Because of WD, chapters 11­12 Because of WD, chapters 13­14 (Any previously introduced text) Because of WD, chapters 15­17 Because of WD, chapter 18 READ ALOUD Because of WD, chapters 19­21 Because of WD, chapters 22­26 “Stray” Lesso
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lesson Type for Whole Group Instruction Read Aloud Written Response/ Pre­Assessment Read Aloud 15 16 17 18 19 20 SWBAT to read the text and describe the character and setting across the text. SWBAT complete an on­demand response to the question: ​
How does Farah change from the beginning of the text to the end? SWBAT read the text & use habits of discussion to analyze key story elements (character, setting, major events). Read Aloud SWBAT read the text & use habits of discussion to analyze key story elements (character, setting, major events). Reading Minilesson SWBAT name ​
the character says, does, and thinks and ​
by considering clues that reveal the character’s motivation Read Aloud SWBAT read the text & use habits of discussion to analyze key story elements (character, setting, major events). Reading Minilesson SWBAT study a character’s development across a text by identifying a turning point (or points) in the story and asking: What is causing this change? Read Aloud SWBAT read the text & use habits of discussion to analyze key story elements (character, setting, major events). Close Reading: Phase 1 Close Reading: Phase 2 Close Reading: Phase 3 Written Response Reading Minilesson SWBAT read & discuss the text closely to determine what the text says SWBAT read through lenses & discuss the text closely to determine how the text works SWBAT read & discuss new understandings about what the text means SWBAT write a detailed analysis of a character SWBAT analyze the setting across a text by pausing at various points and asking: What is the physical setting? How does that connect to the characters’ feelings at this point? The reader’s feelings? Read Aloud SWBAT read & discuss how story elements change across text Close Reading: Phase 1 Close Reading: Phases 2 & 3 Read Aloud SWBAT read & discuss the text closely to determine what the text says SWBAT read through lenses & discuss the text closely to determine how the text works and come to new understandings about what the text means SWBAT read & discuss the impact of secondary characters on the main character Read Aloud SWBAT read & discuss the impact of secondary characters on the main character 13 14 Objective Close Reading: Phase 1 SWBAT read & discuss the text closely to determine what the text says Close Reading: Phase 2 SWBAT read through lenses & discuss the text closely to determine how the text works CLOSE READING WRITTEN RESPONSE TO TEXT UNIT CLOSING 21 22 23 “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” 24 25 Close Reading: Phase 3 SWBAT read & discuss new understandings about what the text means Writing Minilesson Read Aloud SWBAT draft by starting with a topic sentence and providing key examples from the text to support the idea. SWBAT revise to elaborate on examples with context and specificity and to make a strong introduction and conclusion. SWBAT read & discuss ways to connect characters/narrators across text Celebration SWBAT celebrate classmates’ writing and hard work! Writing Minilesson 
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