Groger Angela
CURRICULUM VITAE Informazioni personali Cognome e Nome Data di nascita Qualifica Disciplina Matricola Incarico attuale Numero Tel. e Fax ufficio Email Gröger Angela 04.12.1968 Dirigente Medico Chirurgia Vascolare 71594 Dirigente Medico di Chirurgia Vascolare presso UOSC Chirurgia Vascolare 081-747 4133, 4131 [email protected] TITOLI DI STUDIO E PROFESSIONALI ED ESPERIENZE LAVORATIVE Titolo di studio Settembre 1993:Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia Summa cum Laude conseguita presso „Free University of Brussels, Bruxelles (Belgio)“. Gennaio 1994: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia conseguita presso „La Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell‘ Università di Vienna (Austria) Altri titoli di studio e professionali Specializzazione in Cardiochirurgia, Chirurgia Toracica, Chirurgia Vascolare Dal 6.6.2002 a tutt‘oggi Professore Associato per Cardiochirurgia Presso il „Dipartimento di Chirurgia Cardio-Toracica,, dell’Università di Vienna, Waehringer Gürtel 18 – 20, 1090 Vienna, Austria. Dal 1.5.2004 a tutt’oggi Dirigente Medico Divisione di Chirurgia Vascolare AORN Cardarelli di Napoli 2012 Premio Saverio Pescatore Riconoscimento da parte della associazione in qualità di umanità e disponibilità medici della AORN Cardarelli. 1 Esperienze professionali (incarichi ricoperti) Dal 1.9.1999 al 1.9.2001 Capacità linguistiche Lingua Livello parlato Livello scritto Tedesco, Inglese, ottimo ottimo Francese Tutti programmi usuali radiologici e di sala operatoria Capacità nell’uso delle tecnologie Altro (partecipazione a convegni e seminari, pubblicazioni ecc. ed ogni altra informazione che il dirigente ritiene di dover pubblicare) Professore Associato at the Cancer Institute, Health Science Center, University of North Texas, Fort Worth, 3500 Camp Bowie Bvd., Texas 76107-2699, USA. 1992/1993 Ecocardiografia presso il „II.Department of Cardiology at the University Hospital Vienna at Univ. Prof.Dr. Glogar“ 10.10.1994 – 14.10.1994 Terapia del Dolore Prima parte del „pain-managment training at the University Bergmannsheil, Bochum, Germany, at Univ.Prof.Dr. Zenz“ 20.2.1995 – 24.5.1995 Diploma in Terapia del Dolore Seconda parte del „ pain-managment training and diploma at the University Bergmannsheil, Bochum, Germany, at Univ. Prof. Dr. Zenz“ 23.9. – 30.9.1995 Diploma in Medicina d‘Urgenza dopo training in Gastein, Austria Dal 2012 : Incarico presso SUN e Univ. Federico II di insegnamento di Cardiochirurgia per la scuola infermeristica Membro del Board di Microchiurgia, con corsi annuali presso Centro Biotechnologico AORN Cardarelli Publicazioni Abstracts 01. Ferraz-Leite H, Gröger AM, Fares N. Neurosurgical Treatment for Colon Carcinoma Metasteses. Joint Meeting on Colorectal Surgery, Vienna, p71, 33,1991. 02. Kaiser HE, Groeger AM. Metastatic and Direct Tumor Spreading in the View of Comparative Pathology. Anticancer Res 12(6A): 1785, 1992. 03. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Mueller MR, Caputi M, Wolner E. Cyclin D1 Overexpression in NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer. American Thoracic Society Congress (ATS), San Francisco, 155(4): A36,1997. 04. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Tahir T, Mueller MR, Kaiser HE, Caputi M, Wolner E, Claudio PP, Giordano A. Prognostic Role of Bcl-2 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Gene Targets for Cancer 2 Treatment, Capri 1:55, 1997. 05. Groeger AM, Mueller MR, Odocha O, Esposito V, Caputi M, Kaiser HE, Wolner E. Ethnic variations during the Progression of Lung Cancer. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Berlin,10 (25): 112s, 1997. 06. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Mueller MR, Kaiser HE, Giordano A, Caputi M, Wolner E. Expression of Bcl-2 gene Family Members in Lung Cancer. IIAR Conferences, Athens, 17 (6A): 4007, 1997. 07. Groeger AM, Wolner E, Mueller MR. Current Impact of Molecular Biology for Oncological Thoracic Surgery. International Congress of Thorax Surgery, Athens, Greece, 141-148, 1997. 08. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Mueller MR, Baldi F, Caputi M, Wolner E, Kaiser HE. Prognostic th Role of Cyclin D1 in Lung Cancer: Relationship with Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. 17 International Cancer Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 944: 224, 1998. 09. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Mueller MR, Baldi F, Caputi M, Kaiser HE, Wolner E. Differential th Expression of Apoptosis Related Proteins in Lung Cancer. 17 International Cancer Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,957: 227, 1998. 10. Caputi M, Esposito V, Groeger AM, Meoli I, Giordano A, Marsico SA. Prognostic Role of Cyclin D1 in Lung Cancer: Relationship with PCNA. European Respiratory Society Congress, Geneva, 0754: 103s, 1998. 11. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Mueller MR, Caputi M, Wolner E. Prognostic Role of p16 Expression in Lung Cancer. European Respiratory Society Congress, Geneva, 0756:103s, 1998. 12. Caputi M, Esposito V, Groeger AM, Meoli I, Giordano A, Marsico SA. Expression of pRB/p130 Correlates with a Favourable Outcome of Lung Cancer Patients. European Respiratory Society Congress, Geneva, 0760:104s, 1998. 13. Groeger AM, Tahir TA, Macfelda K, Wild T, Wolner E, Müller MR. Liposome-mediated th transfer of BAX induces an acceleration of Apoptosis in lung tumor cells. 12 Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Brussels, p166: 404, 1998. 14. Caputi M, Esposito V, Groeger AM, Kaiser HE. Prognostic Role of Cyckin D1 in Lung Cancer. th 6 International Conference of Anticancer Research, Kallithea, 120, 4873, 1998. 15. Gröger AM, Wild T, Tahir T, Macfelda K, Müller MR, Wolner E, Kaiser HE. Liposometh mediated transfer of Bax induces an Acceleration in Lung Tumor Cells. 6 International Conference of Anticancer Research, Kallithea, 122, 4873, 1998. 16. Gröger AM, Tahir T, Esposito V, Müller MR, Kaiser HE, Wolner E. Differential Expression of th Apoptosis related Proteins in Lung Cancer. 6 International Conference of Anticancer Research, Kallithea, 121, 4873, 1998. 17. Bodey B, Bodey B Jr, Groeger AM, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE. FASR (CD95) Expression in th Human Lung Cancer. 6 International Conference of Anticancer Research, Kallithea, 39, 4873, 1998. 18. Macfelda K, Wild T, Groeger AM, Tahir T, Seitelberger R. A New Method for Successful th Culture of Human Cardiomyocytes. 10 Cardiac and General Thoracic Surgery Update, CHEST Congress, 182, 1998. 19. Esposito V, Groeger AM, Tahir T, Wolner E, Caputi M. Prognostic Role of Cyclin D1 in Lung th Cancer: Relationship with Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. 10 Cardiac and General Thoracic Surgery Update, CHEST Congress, 183, 1998. 3 20. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Tahir T, Murabito M, Müller MR, Wolner E. Prognostic Role of th BAX, BCL-2 and BCL-XL in Lung Cancer. 10 Cardiac and General Thoracic Surgery Update, CHEST Congress, 184, 1998. 21. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Tahir T, Murabito M, Müller MR, Wolner E. BCL-2 Protein th Expression Correlates with Nodal Status in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. 10 Cardiac and General Thoracic Surgery Update, CHEST Congress, 185, 1998. 22. Wild T, Groeger AM, Tahir T, Macfelda K, Wolner E, Seitelberger R. Liposome –mediated gene transfer with BCL-2, VEGF-165, cT-1 for treatment of ischemic and dilatative th cardiomypahty: First Results. 10 Cardiac and General Thoracic Surgery Update, CHEST Congress, 187, 1998. Originals 1. Cross HS, Peterlik M, Groeger AM, Shamsuddin AKM, Kaiser HE. Interspecies Comparative Pathology of Colorectal Neoplasms Relevance for Treatment. In Vivo, 8(5): 893-914, 1994. 0.794(S) 2. Müller MR, Stangl P, Salat A, Böhm D, Pulaki S, Kandioler D, Gröger A, Klepetko W, Eckersberger F, Wolner E. Surgical Treatment of Lung Metastases. Acta Chir Austriaca 28, 86-90, 1996. Standard 3. Groeger AM, Kandioler D, Müller MR, End A, Eckersberger F, Wolner E. Survival after Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Pulmonary Metastases. Europ J Cardio-Thoracic Surg 12(5): 703-705, 1997. 1.134 (S) 4. Bodey B, Bodey B Jr, Groeger AM, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE. Nm 23/Nucleoside Diphosphate (NDP) Kinase Expression in Human Malignant Melanomas. Significance and Implications in Tumor Biology. Anticancer Res 17 (1A):505-511, 1997. 1.375 (S) 5. Bodey B, Bodey B Jr, Groeger AM, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE. Clinical and Prognostic Significance of Ki-67 and Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Expression in Childhood Primitive Neuroectodermal Brain Tumors. Anticancer Res 17 (1A):189-196, 1997. 1.375 (S) 6. Bodey B, Groeger AM, Bodey B Jr, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE. Immunocytochemical Detection of p53 Protein Overexpression in Primary Human Osteosarcomas. Anticancer Res 17 (1A):493498, 1997. 1.375 (S) 7. Bodey B, Groeger AM, Bodey B Jr, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE. Immunocytochemical Detection of p53 Protein Overexpression in Various Childhood Astrocytomas Subtypes: Significance in Tumor Progression. Anticancer Res 17 (2A):1187-1194, 1997. 1.375(S) 8. Esposito V, Baldi A, DeLuca A, Paciocco G, Groeger AM, Sgaramella G, Claudio PP, Giordano GG, Baldi F, Caputi M, Kaiser HE, Giordano A. The Role of PCNA in Differentiating between Malignant Mesothelioma and Mesothelial Hyperplasia: Prognostic Considerations. Anticancer Res 17: 601-604, 1997. 1.375 (S) 9. Bodey B, Bodey B Jr, Groeger AM, Luck JV, Siegel SE, Taylor CR, Kaiser HE. Immunocytochemical Detection of the p170 Multidrug Resistance (MDR) and the p53 Tumor Supressor Gene Proteins in Human Breast Cancer Cells: Clinical and Therapeutical Significance. Anticancer Res 17 (2B): 1311-1318, 1997. 1.375 (S) 4 10. Bodey B, Bodey B Jr, Groeger AM, Luck JV, Siegel SE, Taylor CR, Kaiser HE. Clinical and Prognostic Significance of the Expression of the c-erb-2 and c-erb-3 oncoproteins in Primary and Metastatic Malignant Melanomas and Breast Carcinomas. Anticancer Res 17 (2B): 13191330, 1997. 1.375 (S) 11. Groeger AM, Odocha O, Mueller MR, Salat A, Mallinger R, Baumgartner S, Wolner E, Kaiser HE. Racial Variation in Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res 17: 2843-2848, 1997. 1.375 (S) 12. Groeger AM, Mueller MR, Odocha O, Dekan G, Salat A, Röthy W, Esposito V, Caputi M, Wolner E, Kaiser HE. Ethnic Variations in Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res 17: 2849-2858, 1997. 1.375 (S) 13. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Mueller MR, Caputi M, Kaiser HE, Giordano A. Advances in the Understanding of Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res 17: 2519-2522, 1997. 1.375 (S) 14. Esposito V, Baldi A, DeLuca A, Groeger AM, Loda M, Giordano GG, Caputi M, Baldi F, Pagano M, Giordano A. Prognostic Role of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p27 in NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Res 57: 3381-3385, 1997.8.614 (T) 15. Caputi M, Esposito V, Groeger AM, Pacilio C, Murabito M, Dekan G, Baldi F, Wolner E, Giordano A. Prognostic Role of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen in Lung Cancer: An Immunohistochemical Analysis. In Vivo 12: 85-88, 1998. 0.794(S) 16. Kaiser HE, Nasir A, Groger AM, Link jr. CJ. The Etiology of Second Primary Neoplasms. In Vivo 12 (1): 89-93, 1998. 0.794(S) 17. Salat A, Murabito M, Groeger A, Staffen A, Müller MR. Signifikante Verlängerung des Überlebens durch komplette Resektion isolierter Lungenmetastasen nach Mammacarcinom. Chirurg 69: 735-740, 1998. 0.725 (S) 18. Caputi M, Esposito V, Groeger AM, DeLuca A, Pacilio C, Mueller MR, Giordano GG, Baldi F, Wolner E, Giordano A. RB Growth Control Evasion in Lung Cancer.Anticancer Res 18(4A): 2371-2374, 1998. 1.375 (S) 19. Baldi A, Groeger AM, Esposito V, Di Lieto E, Di Marino M, Santini D, Baldi F. Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis of the Lung: A Clinico-Pathological Study. Res 18: 4621-4624, 1998. 1.375 (S) Anticancer 20. Caputi M, Groeger AM, Esposito V, DeLuca A, Dean C, Pacilio C, Mueller MR, Giordano GG, Baldi F, Wolner E, Giordano A. Prognostic Role of Cyclin D1 in Lung Cancer. Relationship with Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 20(4) : 746 –50, 1999. 4.541 (T) 5 21. Caputi M, Groeger AM, Esposito V, DeLuca A, Murabito M, Tahir T, Giordano GG, Baldi F, Giordano A, Wolner E. Frequent High Expression of Bax Proapoptotic Protein in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res 19, 1B: 825-827, 1999. 1.375 (S) 22. Groeger AM, Caputi M, Esposito V, DeLuca A, Salat A, Murabito M, Giordano GG, Baldi F, Giordano A, Wolner E. Bcl-2 Protein Expression correlates with Nodal Status in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res 19, 1B: 821-824, 1999. 1.375 (S) 23. Groeger AM, Caputi M, Esposito V, DeLuca A, Bagella L, Pacilio C, Mueller MR, Giordano GG, Baldi F, Wolner E, Kaiser HE, Giordano A. Independent Prognostic Role of p16 Expresssion in Lung Cancer .J Thorac Cardiov Surg, 118: 529-535, 1999. 2.986 (T) 24. Matis N, Groeger AM, Mayer N, Mohl W, Vecsei V. Operative Embolektomie nach Reanimation bei zentraler Pulmonalembolie. Unfallchirurg 102: 287-291, 1999. 0.602 (S) 25. Tobin WR, Kaiser HE, Groeger AM, Lema MJ. The Effects of Volantile Anaesthetic Agents on Pulmonary Surfactant Function. IN VIVO 14(1): 157-63, 2000. 0.794 (S) 26. Groeger AM, Baldi A, Esposito V, Caputi M, Russo P, Severino A, Santini D, Rossiello R, Kaiser HE,Baldi F. Intrapulmonary Teratoma Associated with Thymic Tissue. Anticancer Res 20: 3919-3922,2000. 1.375 (S) 27. Baldi A, Dragonetti E, Battista T, Groeger AM, Esposito V, Baldi G, Santini D. Detection of Circulating Malignant Cells by RT-PCR in Long Term Clinically Disease Free I. Stage Melanoma Patients. Anticancer Res 20:3923-3928, 2000. 1.375 (S) 28. Baldi A, Rosiello R, Di Marino MP, Groeger AM, Esposito V, Santini D, Baldi F. Colonic-Type Adenocarcinoma of Male Urethra. IN VIVO 14: 487-492,2000. 0.794 (S) 29. Groeger AM, Baldi A, Santini D, Esposito V, Caputi M, Mueller MR, Kaiser HE, Baldi F. Expression of p21 in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. Relationship with PCNA. Anticancer Res 20 (5A): 3301-5, 2000. 1.375 (S) 30. Rossiello R, Colluccino V, Rossiello L, Santini D, Groeger AM, Esposito V, Baldi A: Peritoneal Leiomyoid Mesothelioma Mimiking Metastasis of Papillary Carcinoma. IN VIVO 14: 493-498, 2000. 0.794 (S) 31. Baldi A, Groeger AM, Esposito V, Di Marino MP, Ferrara N, Baldi F. Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinomas. IN VIVO 14: 109-114, 2000. 0.794 (S) 32. Bodey B, Bodey B Jr, Gröger AM, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE. Immunocytochemical Detection of Homeobox B3, B4, and C6 Gene Product Expression in Lung Carcinomas. Anticancer Res 20: 2711-2716, 2000. 1.375 (S) 6 33. Kaiser HE, Bodey B Jr, Siegel SE, Gröger AM, Bodey B. Spontaneous Neoplastic Regression: the Significance of Apoptosis. IN VIVO 14(6): 773-88, 2000. 0.794 (S) 34. Bodey B, Bodey B Jr, Gröger AM, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE. Invasion and Metastasis: the Expression and Significance of metalloproteinases in carcinomas of the lung. IN VIVO 15(2): 175-80, 2001. 0.794 (S) 35. Baldi A, Santini D, Battista T, Dragonetti E, Ferranti G, Petitti T, Groeger AM, Angelini A, Rossiello R, Baldi F, Natali P, Paggi MG. Expression of AP-2 Transcription Factor and of its Downstream Target Genes c-Kit, E-Cadherin and p21 in Human Cutaneous Melanoma. J Cell Biochem 9999:1-9, 2001. 2.817 (S) 36. Groeger AM, Esposito V, Cassandro R, Baldi G, Rossiello L, De Luca L, Kadletz M, Kaiser HE. A Model of BAX Gene Delivery to Human Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res 21(5): 36273630, 2001. 1.375 (S) 37. Baldi A*, Groeger AM*, Esposito V, Cassandro R, Tonini G, Battista T, Di Marino MP, Vincenzi B, Santini M, Angelini A, Rossiello R, Baldi F, Paggi MG : Expression of p-21 in SV40 large T antigen positive human pleural mesothelioma: relationship to survival. Thorax 57: 353-356,2002. 3,437(T) 38. Baldi A, Santini m, Vicidomini G, Ambrosino B, Vincenzi B, Costanzo R, Di Leo C, Esposito V, Groeger AM, Baldi F : Papillary Pneumocytoma of the Lung Simulating a Pleomorphic Adenoma. IN VIVO 16, 5: 387 – 390, 2002. 0.794 (S) 39. De Falco M, De Luca L, Onori N, Cavallotti I, Artigiano F, Esposito V, De Luca B, Laforgia V, Groeger AM , De Luca A : Apelin Expression in Normal Human Tissues. IN VIVO 16, 5: 333 – 336, 2002. 0.794 (S) 40. Caputi M*, Groeger AM*, Esposito V, De Luca A, Pacilio C, Dekan G, Giordano GG, Baldi F, Wolner E, Giordano A : Expression of pRb2/p130 Correlates with a Favorable Outcome of Lung Cancer Patients. Clin Cancer Res, 8(12):3850-6, 2002. 3.442 (T) RETRIBUZIONE ANNUA LORDA RISULTANTE DAL CONTRATTO INDIVIDUALE a cura della U.O.S.C. Gestione Risorse Umane|Settore Trattamento Economico stipendio tabellare posizione parte fissa posizione parte variabile retribuzione di risultato altro* TOTALE ANNUO LORDO *ogni altro emolumento retributivo non ricompreso nelle voci precedenti 7