Central Lakes College Institution Profile FY2010 Student Full-Year Equivalent and Fall Headcount Enrollment
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Central Lakes College Institution Profile FY2010 Student Full-Year Equivalent and Fall Headcount Enrollment
Institution Profile Central Lakes College FY2010 ` Student Full-Year Equivalent and Fall Headcount Enrollment Enrollment Projected 3-year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010* Average 3-Year 5-Year Change Change 2010-2011* 2011-2012* Fiscal Year FYE 2,347 2,340 2,645 3,020 3,200 2,955 21.0% 36.3% Fall Headcount 2,875 2,912 3,342 3,858 4,206 3,802 25.9% 46.3% 3,100 NA 3,100 NA *FYE for FY2010-2012 is projected as of March 1 of each fiscal year. Source: Office of the Chancellor, Finance Division/Budget Office (Fiscal Year FYE) and Office of the Chancellor, Academic Affairs Division/Research and Planning (Fall Headcount). Financial Indicators Tuition as a % of General FY2008 General Fund Budgetary Fund Revenues FY2008 FY2009 All Colleges/State Universities 44% 45% Central Lakes College 39% 39% Cash Balance Amount All Colleges/State Universities $ Central Lakes College * FY2009 Percent* - Amount 20% $ $4,631,383 Percent* - 17% 18% $4,860,518 17% As a percent of general fund revenue Source: Office of the Chancellor Finance Division/Budget Office Facilities FY2010 FY2010 Square Footage* Building College Inventory* Academic FY2010 Acreage* Revenue Central Lakes College - Brainerd Campus 5 Buildings 358,949 Central Lakes College - Staples Campus *As of May 3, 2010 10 Buildings 263,210 Total Maintained 0 95.9 85.9 0 626.0 106.0 Repair and Replacement Actual Expenditures FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 3-year Average Expense $/Sq Ft Expense $/Sq Ft Expense $/Sq Ft Expense $/Sq Ft $308,308 $0.51 $255,192 $0.40 $582,069 $0.92 $381,856 $0.61 Encum bered/Spent Project Execution Status Year Capital Projects* HEAPR* *As of May 15, 2009 *As of May 3, 2010 Source: Office of the Chancellor, Finance Division/Facilities Office Created on June 29, 2010 Appropriation $ % Free Balance 2008 $ 525,000 $ 518,675 98.80% $ 6,325 2010 $ 500,000 $ 38,375 7.68% $ 461,625 2008 $ 642,000 $ 642,212 100.03% $ (212) 2009 $ 891,879 $ 911,121 102.16% $ (19,242) 2010 $ 829,250 $ 79,439 9.58% $ 749,811 Page 1 of 2 Institution Profile Central Lakes College FY2010 Employee Headcount and Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Faculty FY2009 Count FY2010 FTE* Count Staff/Administrators FY2009 FTE* Count FY2010 FTE Count FTE Unlimited Full-time: 100 111.15 106 111.97 AFSC ME: 93 76.57 77 71.71 Unlimited Part-time: 5 4.23 6 5.33 MNA: 0 0.00 0 0.00 Temporary Full-time: 6 6.60 2 2.41 MMA: 9 9.00 10 10.00 Adjunct/Temporary Part-time: 64 21.55 76 36.95 MAPE: 34 30.42 34 30.99 Customized Training Faculty - Exclusive: 9 1.32 9 0.62 Comm Plan/Health Trmt Prof /Prof Engrs: 4 4.00 4 4.02 Total: 184 144.85 199 157.28 Administrators/Classified Mgrs: 10 9.42 13 11.89 Total: 150 129.41 138 128.61 All data is as of March 1, of each fiscal year. * FTE for faculty is not calculated in the same twelve-month manner as the administrator and staff positions. FTE for faculty is calculated on an academic year basis. Reductions in FTE can be a result of unpaid leaves of absence, sabbaticals, adjusted workloads due to phased retirement and unlimited special statuses. Additions in FTE are a result of overload assignments, extended duty days due to program needs, additional assignments requiring faculty expertise. Faculty FTE figures do not include assignments that are paid on a lump sum basis, such as non-credit instruction, customized training faculty instruction, various student activity assignments. Source: Office of the Chancellor, Systemwide Human Resources, HR Oracle Database (Hyperion)/HR Empl Person Current Table Faculty, Staff and Students by Ethnic/Racial Status Faculty Staff/Administrators Students (Fall Headcount)* Total # of Total # of Staff/ Faculty Total # Admin Total # that of that of Reported Faculty Racial/ Grand % of of Ethnic Total Faculty Color Status FY % of Staff/ Available Admin Faculty Faculty of Color of Color 1 Total # of Students % of % of Total # that of Reported Reported Grand Staff/ Available Racial/ Total Admin of Ethnic Staff/ Color Status Admin Color of Staff/ Student Racial/ Grand % of Admin of s of Ethnic Total Students Color1 Color Status Students of Color 2007-2008 3 159 159 1.9% 13-20% 5 145 145 3.4% 8-17.8% 155 3,321 3,342 4.7% 2008-2009 3 178 178 1.7% 13-20% 3 147 147 2.0% 8-17.8% 157 3,850 3,858 4.1% 2009-2010 5 189 189 2.6% 13-20% 4 141 141 2.8% 8-17.8% 174 4,195 4,206 4.1% Faculty FY Staff/Administrators Students (Fall Headcount)* American American Total American Indian/ As ian/ Black/ Total Indian/ As ian/ Black/ Staff/ Indian/ As ian/ Black/ Alas ka P acific African His panic Faculty Alas ka P acific African His panic Admin of Alas ka P acific African His panic Native Is lander American or Latino of Color Native Is lander American or Latino Color Native Is lander American or Latino Total Student of Color 2007-2008 2 1 0 0 3 3 0 2 0 5 63 32 33 27 155 2008-2009 2 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 3 60 25 44 28 157 2009-2010 4 1 0 0 5 3 1 0 0 4 74 28 49 23 174 *Student ethnicity data Based on Fall headcounts reported by the Office of the Chancellor Research and Planning. 1Data source: Appendix C, 2006-2008 Affirmative Action Plan for Central Lakes College. Source: Office of the Chancellor Research and Planning, Equal Opportunity and Diversity Office, and Human Resources (MnSCU HR Oracle Database (Hyperion))/HR Empl Person Current Table.) Created on June 29, 2010 Page 2 of 2