
Kevin Honglin Zhang Education

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Kevin Honglin Zhang Education
Kevin Honglin Zhang
Curriculum Vitae
Initial Date of Employment at ISU: August 16, 1997
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, 1996-1997
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1996
M.A. in Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1994
Foreign Direct Investment
International Trade
Economic Development
Regional and Urban Economics
Teaching Assignment at ISU
ECO 101 Principles of Microeconomic Theory
ECO 105 Principles of Economics
ECO 300 Senior Project
ECO 345 International Trade
ECO 346 International Finance
ECO 445 International Economic Analysis
ECO 495 Graduate Research in Applied Economics
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Publications and Other Creative Activities
Journal Articles
1. Zhang, Kevin H. and James R. Markusen, “Vertical Multinationals and Host-Country Characteristics”,
Journal of Development Economics, 59, 1999, 233-252.
2. Zhang, Kevin H., “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Ten East Asia
Economies,” Economia Internazionale / International Economics, 51 (4), 1999, 517-535.
3. Zhang, Kevin H., “How Does FDI Interact with Economic Growth in A Large Developing Country? The
Case of China”, Economic Systems, 21 (4), 1999, 291-303
4. Zhang, Kevin H., “Why is U.S. Direct Investment in China so Small?” Contemporary Economic Policy, 18
(1), 2000, 82-94.
5. Zhang, Kevin H., “Human Capital, Country Size, and North-South Manufacturing Multinational
Enterprises,” Economia Internazionale / International Economics, 53 (2), 2000, 237-260.
6. Zhang, Kevin H. and Shunfeng Song, “Promoting Exports: The Role of Inward FDI in China,” China
Economic Review, 11 (4), 2000, 385-396.
7. Zhang, Kevin H., “China’s Inward FDI Boom and the Greater Chinese Economy,” The Chinese Economy,
34 (1), 2001, 74-88.
8. Zhang, Kevin H. “International Business Location Decisions: U.S. Multinational Firms in China,”
Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 8 (5), 2001, 120-127.
9. Zhang, Kevin H., “Roads to Prosperity: Assessing the Impact of FDI on Economic Growth in China,”
Economia Internazionale / International Economics, 54 (1), 2001, 113-125.
10. Zhang, Kevin H., “Does FDI Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from East Asia and Latin America,”
Contemporary Economic Policy, 19 (2), April 2001, 175-185.
11. Zhang, Kevin H., “What Explains the Boom of Foreign Direct Investment in China?” Economia
Internazionale / International Economics, 54 (2), 2001, 251-274.
12. Zhang, Kevin H., “What Attracts Multinational Corporations to Developing Countries? Evidence from
China,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 19 (3), July 2001, 336-346.
13. Hou, Jack W. and Kevin H. Zhang, “A Location Analysis of Taiwanese Manufacturing Branch-Plants in
China,” International Journal of Business, 6 (2), Fall 2001, 53-66.
14. Zhang, Kevin H., “How Does FDI Affect Economic Growth in China?” Economics of Transition, 9 (3),
2001, 679-693.
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15. Zhang, Kevin H., “Why Does China Receive so Much Foreign Direct Investment?” China & World
Economy, 10 (3), 2002, 49-58.
16. Ram, Rati and Kevin H. Zhang, “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from
Cross-Country Data for the 1990s”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 51 (1) 2002, 205-215
17. Zhang, Kevin H., “What Explains China’s Rising Urbanization in the Reform Era?” Urban Studies, 39
(12), 2002, 2301-2315.
18. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “Urbanization and City-Size Distribution in China,” Urban
Studies, 39 (12), 2002, 2317-2327.
19. Zhang, Xiaobo and Kevin H. Zhang, “Does Globalization Affect Regional Inequality within a
Developing Country? Evidence from China,” Journal of Development Studies, 2003, 39 (4), 47-67.
20. Zhang, Kevin H., and Shunfeng Song, “Rural-Urban Migration and Urbanization in China: Evidence
from Time-Series and Cross-Section Analysis,” China Economic Review, 13 (4), 2003, 1-15.
21. Zhang, Kevin H. “Does Financial Development Promote Economic Growth in the East Asia?” China
Journal of Finance, 1(2), 2003, 1-10.
Edited Books
1. Fung, Hung-Gay and Kevin H. Zhang (ed.), Financial Markets and Foreign Direct Investment in Greater
China, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York, 2001.
2. Cheng, Aimin, Gordon G. Li, and Kevin H. Zhang (ed.), Urban Transformation in China: Theory,
Evidence, and Policy, Ashgate, United Kingdom, forthcoming in 2004.
3. Cheng, Aimin, Gordon G. Li, and Kevin H. Zhang (ed.), Economics of Social Welfare in China’s
Urbanization, Ashgate, United Kingdom, forthcoming in 2004.
4. Fung, Hung-Gay, Changhong Pei and Kevin H. Zhang (ed.), The Chinese Economy after Entering
WTO, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York, forthcoming in 2004.
Book Chapters
1. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “The Spatial Pattern of FDI in China”, International Business with
China: Opportunity and Challenges (proceedings), UIBE Press, 1997, 85-94.
2. Zhang, Kevin H. “Tax Incentives, Cheap Labor, Market Size and Foreign Direct Investment in China”, in
Fulton, Li, and Xu ed., China’s Tax Reform Options, World Scientific, 1998, 136-171.
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3. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “FDI and Economic Development in China: Implications for Inland
and Local Economy,” in Fang and Zuo ed., Private Sectors and Economic Development of Inland China,
Social Sciences Press, 1999, 107-124.
4. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “Patterns of FDI and Its Determinants in China,” in Chen, Fang,
and Li ed., Financial Markets in China: Reforms and Development, Economic Management Press, 1999,
5. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “The Spatial Pattern of Foreign Direct Investment in the People’s
Republic of China,” in Jayachandran ed., Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies, Volume 6. JAI Press,
1999, 159-174.
6. Zhang, Xiaobo and Kevin H. Zhang, “Openness and Regional Development,” in Wen, Zheng, Wang, and
Zuo eds., WTO and China: Developing through Globalization, Renmin University Press, 2001, 347-359.
7. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “The Impact of FDI on Export Performance: Theory and
Evidence,”, in Wen, Zheng, Wang, and Zuo ed., WTO and China: Developing through Globalization,
Renmin University Press, 2001, 322-332.
8. Zhang, Kevin H. “China’s FDI Strategy and the Impact of FDI on Chinese Economy,” in Wen, Zheng,
Wang, and Zuo ed., WTO and China: Developing through Globalization, Renmin University Press, 2001,
9. Hou, Jack W. and Kevin H. Zhang, “Growth of Taiwanese Direct Investment in Mainland China,” in
Fung and Zhang ed., Financial Markets and Foreign Direct Investment in Greater China, Armonk, New
York: M. E. Sharpe, 2001, 182-203.
10. Zhang, Kevin H., “China’s FDI Boom and Greater Chinese Economy,” in Fung and Zhang ed., Financial
Markets and Foreign Investment in Greater China, Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2001, 165-181.
11. Fung, Hung-Gay and Kevin H. Zhang, “Introduction,” in Fung and Zhang ed., Financial Markets and
Foreign Investment in Greater China, Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2001, 3-8.
12. Zhang, Kevin H. and Shunfeng Song, “Migration and Urban Development,” in Chen and Chen ed.,
Analyses of Urbanization in China, Xiamen University Press, 2002, 205-215.
13. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “Urban Growth in China,” in Chen and Chen ed., Analyses of
Urbanization in China, Xiamen University Press, 2002, 65-71.
14. Zhang, Kevin H., “Urbanization and Economic Development,” in Chen and Chen ed., An Analysis of
Urbanization in China, Xiamen University Press, 2002, 42-50.
15. Zhang, Xiaobo and Kevin H. Zhang, “Regional Inequality,” in Wei, Wen, and Zhou ed. The
Globalization of the Chinese Economy, Edward Elgar, Northampton, USA, 2002, 118-133.
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16. Zhang, Kevin H., “Foreign Investment in China: Macro Determinants,” in Wei, Wen, and Zhou ed. The
Globalization of the Chinese Economy, Edward Elgar, Northampton, USA, 2002, 205-220.
17. Zhang, Kevin H. and Shunfeng Song, “How Does FDI Interact with Regional Economic Development in
China?” in Lu, Wen, and Zhou ed., China’s Economic Globalization through the WTO, Ashgate, UK, 2003,
18. Zhang, Kevin H., “Closing Productivity Gap: The Role of Exports and FDI in Shanghai’s Economic
Transformation,” in Lu, Wen, and Zhou ed., China’s Economic Globalization through the WTO, Ashgate,
UK, 2003, 87-100.
19. Zhang, Kevin H., “Evolution of Chinese Urban Transformation since 1949,” in Chen, Liu, and Zhang
ed., Urban Transformation in China: Theory, Evidence, and Policy, Ashgate, UK, 2003, 20-32.
20. Zhang, Kevin H. and Shunfeng Song, “Urban Growth and City-ward Migration” (with S. Song), in
Chen, Liu, and Zhang ed., Economics of Social Welfare in China’s Urbanization, Ashgate, UK, 2003, 62-79.
21. Xie, Jeffery and Kevin H. Zhang, “Urban Population in the Reform Era,” in Chen, Liu, and Zhang ed.,
Urban Transformation in China: Theory, Evidence, and Policy, Ashgate, UK, 2003, 71-83
22. Song, Shunfeng and Kevin H. Zhang, “Urban Growth and City Structure” (with S. Song), in Chen, Liu,
and Zhang ed., Urban Transformation in China: Theory, Evidence, and Policy, Ashgate, UK, 2003, 120131.
23. Zhang, Kevin H., “Foreign Direct Investment in China: 1978-2002,” in Frank Columbus ed., Asian
Economic and Political Issues, Volume 8, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2003, 1-18.
24. Zhang, Kevin H., “China as a New Power in World Trade,” in Fung, Pei, and Johnson ed., China’s
Access to WTO and Global Economy, Yuhang Publishing House, Beijing, 2003, 32-48
Presentations at Conferences:
1. “A Model of International Trade with Vertical Multinationals,” The Mid-West International Economics
Conference, University of Minnesota, October 1995
2. “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China 1979-95: A Demand-Side Approach with TimeSeries Data,” Conference of Western Economic Association International, San Diego, July 1995
3. “A Model of International Trade with Vertical Multinationals,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, San Diego, July 1995
4. “Human Capital, National Income, and North-South Manufacturing Multinationals,” The Southeastern
International Trade Conference, Southern Methodist University, November 1995
5. “Determinants of FDI in China,” Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association, San Francisco,
January 1996.
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6. “Human Capital, National Income, and North-South Manufacturing Multinationals,” Conference of
Allied Social Sciences Association, San Francisco, January 1996
7. “The Causal Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from
Fifteen Developing Countries,” The Mid-West International Economics Conference, Purdue University,
April 1996
8. “Trade Patterns and Volume in the Presence of Multinational Corporations,” The National Bureau
Economic Research Seminar of International Economics, Cambridge, November 1996.
9. “Why is U.S. Direct Investment in China So Small?” Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association,
New Orleans, January 1997.
10. “What Explain the Boom of Foreign Direct Investment in China?” Conference of Allied Social Sciences
Association, Chicago, January 1998.
11. “Are There the Co-movement and Causality between Inward FDI and Economic Growth?”
Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association, Chicago, January 1998.
12. “Causal analysis of FDI and economic growth in China,” Conference of Western Economic Association
International, Lake Tahoe, July 1998.
13. “Why is U.S. direct investment in China so small?” Conference of Western Economic Association
International, Lake Tahoe, July 1998.
14. “FDI and Regional Disparities in China: A Panel Data Analysis,” Conference of Allied Social Sciences
Association, New York, January 1999.
15. “FDI-led Growth or Growth-Driven FDI?” Canadian Economic Association, Toronto, May 1999.
16. “How Does FDI Affect Economic Growth in China?” Conference of Western Economic Association
International, San Diego, July 1999.
17. “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from 15 Developing Countries,”
Conference of Western Economic Association International, San Diego, July 1999.
18. “FDI and Economic Growth: A New Framework and Evidence from Cross-Section Data,” Mid-West
International Economics Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana, October 1999.
19. “Does Financial Development Promote Economic Growth in East Asia?” Asia Crisis Conference II,
University of Washington at Seattle, January 2000.
20. “A Location Analysis of Taiwanese Manufacturing Branch-Plants in Mainland China,” (with J. Hou),
International Conference of Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century for the Greater Chinese
Economy, St. Louis, April 2000.
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21. “China’s FDI Boom and Greater Chinese Economy,” International Conference of Challenges and
Opportunities in the 21st Century for the Greater Chinese Economy, St. Louis, April 2000
22. “FDI and Export Performance in China: A Cross-Province Analysis” (with S. Song), Conference of
Allied Social Sciences Association Boston, January 2000.
23. “FDI, Spillovers, and Economic Growth,” Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association, Boston,
January 2000.
24. “Closing Productivity Gap: Role of Export and FDI in Shanghai,” International Conference of
Developing through Globalization: China’s Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, Shanghai,
China, July 2000.
25. “Promoting Exports in China: The Role of FDI,” (with S. Song) International Conference of Developing
through Globalization: China’s Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, Shanghai, China, July
26. “How Does China Promote Economic Growth through FDI?” International Conference of Developing
through Globalization: China’s Challenges and Opportunities in 21st Century, Shanghai, China, July 2000.
27. “FDI and Regional Productivity Growth: The Case of China,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, Vancouver, July, 2000
28. “Does Country-of-Origin Matter? Evidence from China,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, Vancouver, June 29-July 3, 2000
29. “Exports, Human Capital, and Economic Growth in China,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, Vancouver, June 29-July 3, 2000
30. “Location Determinants of Taiwanese Direct Investment within China,” (with J. Hou), Conference of
Western Economic Association International, Vancouver, June 29-July 3, 2000
31. “What attract U.S. Multinational Corporations in China?” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, Vancouver, July 2000
32. “Financial Development and Economic Growth in East Asia,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, Vancouver, June 29-July 3, 2000
33. “Trade Regime, Export Performance, and Economic growth in China: 1950-99,” Conference of Allied
Social Sciences Association, New Orleans, January 2001.
34. “Productivity Growth in China: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment,” Conference of Allied Social
Sciences Association, New Orleans, January 2001.
35. “Attracting U.S. Multinational Corporations in China; Regional Characteristics and FDI Policy,”
Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association, New Orleans, January 2001.
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36. “Trade regime, export performance, and economic growth in China: 1950-1998,” Conference of
Allied Social Sciences Association, New Orleans, January 5-7, 2001.
37. “Productivity growth in China: the role of regional characteristics and foreign direct investment,”
Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association, New Orleans, January 5-7, 2001.
38. “Attracting U.S. multinational firms to China: regional characteristics and FDI policy,” Conference of
Allied Social Sciences Association, New Orleans, January 5-7, 2001.
39. “Determinants of foreign direct investment in 1980-1998: a cross-country analysis,” Conference of
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, February 22-26, 2001.
40. “Financial integration and economic growth in Asian and Latin America,” Conference of American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, February 22-26, 2001.
41. “International business location decisions: US multinational firms in China,” Conference of American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, February 22-26, 2001.
42. “Urbanization and city-size distribution in China,” (with S. Song), International Conference of
Urbanization in China, Xiamen, June 26-28, 2001.
43. “Urbanization in China: evidence from provincial data,” International Conference of Urbanization in
China, Xiamen, June 26-28, 2001.
44. “Rural-urban migration and urbanization in China,” (with S. Song), International Conference of
Urbanization in China, Xiamen, June 26-28, 2001.
45. “What will happen to FDI in China after its entry of WTO?” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, San Francisco, July 4-8, 2001.
46. “Host country markets and foreign direct investment in developing countries,” Conference of
Western Economic Association International, San Francisco, July 4-8, 2001.
47. “Productivity growth in China: the role of FDI,” Conference of Western Economic Association
International, San Francisco, July 4-8, 2001.
48. “Complementarities between exports and human capital in economic growth: the evidence from
China,” Conference of Western Economic Association International, San Francisco, July 4-8, 2001.
49. “Urban growth and foreign direct investment in China,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, San Francisco, July 4-8, 2001.
50. “Regional economic growth and government expenditure in transitional economies: the case of
China,” Conference of Western Economic Association International, San Francisco, July 4-8, 2001.
51. “Urban growth and foreign direct investment,” Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association,
Atlanta, January 4-6, 2002.
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52. “Strategic FDI policy: how to raise national competitiveness in China?” (with C. Pei) Conference of
China’s Accession to WTO and Foreign Economy, Beijing, China. May 16-17, 2002.
53. “Why is Hong Kong-Taiwan direct investment in Mainland China so large?” Conference of The
Integration of the Greater Chinese Economies, Hong Kong, June 27-28, 2002.
54. “What explains the boom of foreign direct investment in China?” The 2nd Korea-China Economic and
Business Forum, Seoul, Korea, July 2-7, 2002.
55. “Does FDI country-origin matter? The evidence from China,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, Seattle, June 30-July 3, 2002.
56. “FDI and competitiveness in the global market: The case of China,” Conference of Western Economic
Association International, Seattle, June 30-July 3, 2002.
57. “Exports, transition, and productivity growth in China,” Conference of Western Economic Association
International, Seattle, June 30-July 3, 2002.
58. “Economic growth and FDI-oriented strategy: Evidence from China,” Conference of Western
Economic Association International, Seattle, June 30-July 3, 2002.
59. “Economic integration of the greater Chinese economies: Trade and investment flows between
Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan,” Conference of Western Economic Association International,
Seattle, June 30-July 3, 2002.
60. “Foreign direct investment and Economic integration: The case of Taiwanese investment in Xiamen”
(with L. Deng), Conference of Western Economic Association International, Seattle, June 30-July 3, 2002.
61. “Urbanization and globalization: the role of FDI in China’s regional urban development,” Conference
of Western Economic Association International, Seattle, June 30-July 3, 2002.
Invited Speeches and Keynote Speeches
1. “Globalization and the Chinese Economy,” College of Economics and College of Business
Administration, Xiamen University, China, June 25, 2001.
2. “Technology and Enterprise Reform: The Role of Multinational Corporations in China,” School of
Economics and Management, Northwestern University, Xian, China, May 24, 2002.
3. “World Trade Organization and the Chinese Economy,” College of Management, Xian Jiaotong
University, Xian, China, May 31, 2002.
4. “Challenges and Opportunities from China’s entry of WTO,” College of Economics and Management,
Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yanglin, China, June 8, 2002.
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5. “WTO and China’s Foreign Trade & Inward FDI,” School of International Trade and Economics,
University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China, June 11, 2002.
6. “Globalization and Chinese Enterprise’s Competitive Strategy,” City Government of Foshan, Foashan,
China, June 17, 2002.
7. “WTO and China’s Foreign Trade Policy,” College of Economics and Management, Foshan University,
Foshan, China, June 19, 2002.
8. “New Developments and Frontier of Theories on Multinational Corporations,” College of International
Business Management, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China, December 12,
9. “Multinational Corporations and the Chinese Economy,” College of Business, Eastern China Normal
University, Shanghai, June 20, 2003.
10. “WTO and Global competitiveness of China’s Enterprises,” City Government of Qingdao, Qingdao,
July 23, 2003
11. “New Developments of International Trade Theories,” School of International Trade and Economics,
University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, July 31, 2003.
12. “Can China’s Enterprises Survive after WTO Accessions?” College of International Business
Management, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, August 1, 2003.
13. “China’s Emergence as the Best Location of FDI in the World,” a keynote speech invited by University
of Durham, UK, at International Conference of New Developments in Chinese Financial Markets,
Shanghai, China, Sept. 13-14, 2003.
All Other Scholarly Activities
Interviewed by Media
1. Interviewed by the Pantagraph, on “US-China trade”, March 16, 1998.
2. Guest Speaker on TV / Radio Simulcast Program at Voice of America, “Taiwan’s direct investment in
Mainland China”, August 5, 2001
3. Interviewed by the Radio of Voice of America, on “China-ASEAN free trade area.” November 3, 2002,
4. Interviewed by the Radio of Voice of America, on “Problems in foreign-invested enterprises in China.”
October 14, 2002.
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Conference Session Organizer
2002 Western Economic Association International: Sessions 52B, 68, and 125
2001 Western Economic Association International: Sessions 31 and 53b
Conference Session Chair
2002 Western Economic Association International: Session 215
2001 Western Economic Association International: Sessions 131 and 231
2000 Western Economic Association International: Session 72
1999 Western Economic Association International: Session 170
Conference Discussant
2002 Western Economic Association International: discussant for 7 papers
2001 Western Economic Association International: discussant for 5 papers
2001 International Conference of Urbanization in China: discussant for 1 paper
2000 Western Economic Association International: discussant for 2 papers
2000 International Conference of Developing through Globalization: discussant for 2 papers
2000 Allied Social Sciences Association: discussant for 2 papers
1999 Mid-West International Economic Meeting: discussant for 1 paper
1999 Western Economic Association International: discussant for 1 paper
1999 Canadian Economics Association: discussant for 1 paper
1998 Western Economic Association International: discussant for 1 paper
1996 NBER Seminar of International Economics: discussant for 1 paper
1996 Mid-West International Economics Meeting: discussant for 1 paper
1995 Southeastern International Trade Meeting: discussant for 1 paper
1995 Mid-West International Economic Meeting: discussant for 1 paper
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Grant AWARDs
University Research Grant ($3000) - 1998-1999
University Research Grant (with R. Ram) ($7000) - 1999-2000
CAS Small Grant for Research ($1000) - 1999-2000
CAS Small Grant for Research ($1000) - 2000-2001
Ford Teaching Grant in China ($1800) - 2001
University Research Grant - SFF ($2000) - 2001-2002
University Research Grant - FRA ($3000) - 2001-2002
Ford Teaching Grant in China ($1500) - 2002
Professonal Honors, Awards and Distinctions:
University Research Initiative Award, Illinois State University, 2001
Campbell Award for Excellent Dissertation, University of Colorado, 1996
Nominee of Social Science Dissertation Enhancement Awards, University of Colorado, 1995
Deans’ Small Grants Award for the Excellent Research Project, University of Colorado, 1995
Deans’ Fellowship, University of Colorado, 1992-1994 (two academic years)
Professional Memberships
American Economic Association
Western Economic Association International
International Economics and Finance Society
Chinese Economists Society
Chinese Economic Association in North American
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Other Relevant Activities
Journal Articles
Journal of International Economics
Southern Economic Journal
Journal of Regional Sciences
Journal of Productivity Analysis
Journal of Comparative Economics
International Politics
China & World Economy
Review of International Economics
Economic Inquiry
Urban Studies
Journal of International Business Studies
Applied Economics
Pacific Economic Review
Contemporary Economic Policy
Economic Systems
China Economic Review
Indian Journal of Applied Economics
Journal of Economic Integration
The Economics of Transition
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
Journal of Economics and Finance
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Book Manuscripts
Foundations of Macroeconomics and Foundations of Microeconomics by R. Bade and M. Parkin, Addison
Wesley Longman Publishing Company, 2001.
Principles of Macroeconomics by R. Frank and B. Bernanke, Irvin/McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Book Proposal
“EU Direct Investment in China” by Maria do Ceu Esteves and Daniel Van Den Bulckle, Routledge, 2001
Professional Services
Master-Degree-Thesis Supervision and Reading Committee
1. Onserio Nyamweya, “The Role of Foreign Aid in the Economic Development of Eastern and Southern
African National During 1970-90,” August 1999 (Second Reader).
2. ANM Moinul Islam, “Further International Evidence on the Effects of Private Investment, Economic
Freedom, and Openness on Economic Growth,” August 2001 (Second Reader).
3. Rattanasuda Yenchum, “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand 1980-97: A Panel
Analysis,” May 1999 (Chair).
4. Christopher Mushrush, “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Host Countries: Evidence
from Cross-Section Data,” August 2000 (Chair).
Supervision of Graduate Capstone Projects
1. Troy Funk, “Cultural Impacts on Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia,” Spring 1998.
2. Ran Huang, “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China: 1985-98,” Fall 1999
3. Madhumalini Sundararaman, “Exports and Economic Growth in India: A Pre-Liberalization and PostLiberalization Analysis,” Fall 2000.
4. Yu Chen, “International Trade and Structural Change in China,” Fall 2000.
5. Roshni Misra, “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in India: 1970-97,” Fall 2000.
6. Surisa Srivdhya, “Exports and Economic Growth in African Developing Countries,” Fall 2000.
7. Liming Su, “Locational Determinants of U.S. Multinational Corporations in China,” Fall 2001.
8. Yuqing Wu, “Exports and Chinese Regional Economic Growth: 1978-98,” Fall 2001.
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9. Yuan Yuan, “Regional Distribution of FDI in China,” Fall 2002.
10. Jingchao Wu, “Exports and Economic Growth in China,” Fall 2002.
11. Jinghua Luo, “Determinants of FDI in Developing Countries: Cross-Section and Panel Estimates,” Fall
12. Jingming Liu, “Exports and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: An Empirical Analysis,” Fall
Supervision of Undergraduate Capstone Projects
1. Edward Kene, “The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences,” Spring 2000.
2. Jason A. Strong, “Argentina’s Financial Crisis: from the 1980s to Present,” Spring 2000.
3. Michael F. A Zeman, “Why do Some People Oppose Free Trade?” Spring 2001.
4. Arron R. Rogers, “Dumping and the Steel Industry,” Spring 2001.
5. Brian R. Lee, “Trade Patterns of the United States with Canada and Mexico,” Spring 2001.
6. David E. Koenig, “Complexities and Misconceptions of International Trade,” Spring 2001.
7. Chelsea L. Fergen, “Free Trade: the Best Possible Option,” Spring 2001.
8. Kevin J. Delzell, “Domestic Winners and Losers in International Trade,” Spring 2001.
9. Jacob E. Davis, “Free Trade vs. Protectionism in the United States,” Spring 2001.
10. Calogero G. Biondolillo, “Political Economy of International Trade: The Case of Honduras,” Spring
11. Kevin Wills, “Macroeconomic Policy and Coordination Under a Floating Exchange Rate,” Spring 2002.
12. Nick Vivio, “International Trilemma and Mexico’s Finance Crisis,” Spring 2002.
13. Andrew Tsigolis, “EMU and Its Economic Impact,” Spring 2002.
14. Rai-Shawn Sumlin, “The Economic Monetary Union (EMU) and Its Impact on Europe,” Spring 2002.
15. Olabanji A. Oke, “Exchange rate Regime and Economic Growth in Developing Nations,” Spring 2002.
16. Tim Dingerson, “The Asian-5 Financial Crisis,” Spring 2002.
17. Michael Bruss, “The Euro Dollar and Its Impact,” Spring 2002.
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26 Charles J. Engle, “U.S. Protectionism on Goods from Developing Countries: Possible Reasons for Their
Existence,” Spring 2003.
27. Jamie L. Gladfelter, “Economic Inequality: A Re-Examination of North-South Trade,” Spring 2003.
28. Marcus S. Greiner, “Brail: A Trade Power in the Developing World,” Spring 2003.
29. Todd A. Hinz, “The Damaging Effects of Steel Tariffs and a Protectionist Policy,” Spring 2003.
30. Marc A. Innocenzi, “How Does the United States gain from Trade?” Spring 2003.
31. Michael A. Labeda, “Does Trade Exploit Low-Wage Countries?” Spring 2003.
32. Jackelene Muit, “Why Should the U.S. Have Free Trade with Mexico?” Spring 2003.
33. Morgan Pytynia-Klein, “China & India: A Trade Policy Comparison,” Spring 2003.
Undergraduate-Honor-Project Supervision with ECO 105, ECO 345, and ECO 346
Rebecca Krippel (Spring 1999), Morgan Pytynia-Klein (Spring 2000), Stacy Y. Kikendall (Fall 2000), Joy E.
Krohne (Fall 2000), Alaina Filkin (Spring 2001), Kyle Powal (Spring 2001), Fernando C. Primenta (Fall
2002), Jennifer Kindred (Spring 2003)
External Services
Vice President (2002-03 and 2000-01), The Chinese Economists Society, an U.S.-based academic
organization for economists of Chinese economy studies in the world, Publishing China Economic
Review with Elsevier.
Coordinator of the Ford Teaching Program in China (2002-03 and 2000-01)
Internal Services
Member, Department ASPT Committee (2003-2004)
Member, College Research Proposal Review Committee (2002-2003)
Member, Conference Organizing Committee of Border Subjects V: Global (Dis) Connections, an
international conference sponsored by Illinois State University, April 26-27, 2001.
Member, Department Faculty Status Committee 2000- 2001
Member, Department Graduate Admission Committee 1998-99
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Department Liaison, Our Community for the Community Campaign, 1998-present
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Fly UP