December 19, 2013 Rick Turigliatto Solutia, Inc.
5102 (Rev. 11-13) RICK SNYDER GOVERNOR STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY LANSING R. KEVIN CLINTON STATE TREASURER December 19, 2013 Rick Turigliatto Solutia, Inc. 5100 W Jefferson Avenue Trenton, MI 48183 Dear Mr. Turigliatto: Pursuant to the requirements of Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 37, as amended, the State Tax Commission (Commission) has issued an amended water pollution tax exemption certificate, numbered 2-1973, to Solutia, Inc. located at 5100 W Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Trenton, Wayne County. This certificate was issued at the December 16, 2013 meeting of the Commission and the additional amount approved for exemption is $125,902.00, for a total exemption of $1,686,529.00. As required by Section 3702(2) of the Act, the exemption amount must annually be reduced by the gross annual commercial or productive value derived from any materials captured by the exempted facility. The current year’s gross annual commercial or productive value recovered by this facility, as reported by your application, is $0. Therefore, the net exemption for the current year for this facility is $1,686,529.00. As this gross annual commercial or productive value may change yearly, the value must be reported to the assessor on an annual basis to correctly reduce the exemption. The applicant and local assessor have 60 days from the date of this letter to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court. If the application costs were based on estimated figures, the applicant must file final costs figures with our office within 90 days after completion of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the Property Services Division at (517) 373-2408. Sincerely, Kelli Sobel, Executive Director State Tax Commission Enclosure By Certified Mail cc: John P. Dahlquist, Assessor, City of Trenton Clerk, City of Trenton P.O. BOX 30471 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 (517) 335-3429 Mich higan Department of o Treasury 4481 (2-11) Water Pollutiion Control Ame ended C Certifica ate Certifica ate No. 2-197 73 Pursuantt to the pro ovisions of Public P Act 451 4 of 1994 4, Part 37, a as amended d, the State e Tax Commiss sion hereby finds that th he facility, ow wned or leassed by Solu utia, Inc., ass described iin the approved d application n, located at a 5100 W Jefferson Avenue, C City of Trenton, Coun nty of Wayne, Michigan, is s designed and a operate ed primarily for the conttrol, capture, and removval of industrial waste from m the water, complies c witth Section 37 703 and with h other provvisions of the e act. Therefore e, as provid ded by Pub blic Act 451 1 of 1994, Part 37, a as amended d, the State e Tax Commiss sion hereby y certifies th he pollution control facility pro operty, as d described in n the approved d application n, located at a 5100 W Jefferson A Avenue. T The total co ost of the fa acility entitled to o exemption n is $1,686,5 529.00. This certtificate provid des the auth hority for the e assessor tto exempt th he pollution ccontrol faciliity for which this pollution control exe emption certtificate is in effect from m ad valorem m taxation. The tangible personal prroperty is allso exempt from sales taxes impo osed under Public Act 6 67 of 1933, as s provided by b MCL 205 5.51 to 205.78 and use e taxes impo osed under Public Act 94 of 1937, pro ovided by MCL 205.91 to 205.111. This certtificate, unle ess revoked d as provide ed by Publicc Act 451 o of 1994, as amended, shall remain in n force as long as the fa acility is desig gned and op perated prim marily for the e control, cap pture, and remo oval of indus strial waste from f the watter; Certifica ate Effective e Date: Apriil 6, 1990. This ame ended Polluttion Control certificate is s issued on December 16, 2013 an nd supersedes all certificate es previously issued. uglas B. Rob berts, Chairp person Dou Statte Tax Comm mission 5102 (Rev. 11-13) RICK SNYDER GOVERNOR STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY LANSING R. KEVIN CLINTON STATE TREASURER December 19, 2013 Rick Turigliatto Solutia, Inc. 5100 W Jefferson Avenue Trenton, MI 48183 Dear Mr. Turigliatto: Pursuant to the requirements of Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 37, as amended, the State Tax Commission (Commission) has issued an amended water pollution tax exemption certificate, numbered 2-2439, to Solutia, Inc. located at 5100 W Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Trenton, Wayne County. This certificate was issued at the December 16, 2013 meeting of the Commission and the additional amount approved for exemption is $202,700.00, for a total exemption of $503,548.00. As required by Section 3702(2) of the Act, the exemption amount must annually be reduced by the gross annual commercial or productive value derived from any materials captured by the exempted facility. The current year’s gross annual commercial or productive value recovered by this facility, as reported by your application, is $0. Therefore, the net exemption for the current year for this facility is $503,548.00. As this gross annual commercial or productive value may change yearly, the value must be reported to the assessor on an annual basis to correctly reduce the exemption. The applicant and local assessor have 60 days from the date of this letter to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court. If the application costs were based on estimated figures, the applicant must file final costs figures with our office within 90 days after completion of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the Property Services Division at (517) 373-2408. Sincerely, Kelli Sobel, Executive Director State Tax Commission Enclosure By Certified Mail cc: John P. Dahlquist, Assessor, City of Trenton Clerk, City of Trenton P.O. BOX 30471 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 (517) 335-3429 Mich higan Department of o Treasury 4481 (2-11) Water Pollutiion Control Ame ended C Certifica ate Certifica ate No. 2-243 39 Pursuantt to the pro ovisions of Public P Act 451 4 of 1994 4, Part 37, a as amended d, the State e Tax Commiss sion hereby finds that th he facility, ow wned or leassed by Solu utia, Inc., ass described iin the approved d application n, located at a 5100 W Jefferson Avenue, C City of Trenton, Coun nty of Wayne, Michigan, is s designed and a operate ed primarily for the conttrol, capture, and removval of industrial waste from m the water, complies c witth Section 37 703 and with h other provvisions of the e act. Therefore e, as provid ded by Pub blic Act 451 1 of 1994, Part 37, a as amended d, the State e Tax Commiss sion hereby y certifies th he pollution control facility pro operty, as d described in n the approved d application n, located at a 5100 W Jefferson A Avenue. T The total co ost of the fa acility entitled to o exemption n is $503,548 8.00. This certtificate provid des the auth hority for the e assessor tto exempt th he pollution ccontrol faciliity for which this pollution control exe emption certtificate is in effect from m ad valorem m taxation. The tangible personal prroperty is allso exempt from sales taxes impo osed under Public Act 6 67 of 1933, as s provided by b MCL 205 5.51 to 205.78 and use e taxes impo osed under Public Act 94 of 1937, pro ovided by MCL 205.91 to 205.111. This certtificate, unle ess revoked d as provide ed by Publicc Act 451 o of 1994, as amended, shall remain in n force as long as the fa acility is desig gned and op perated prim marily for the e control, cap pture, and remo oval of indus strial waste from f the watter; Certifica ate Effective e Date: December 20, 1993. 1 This ame ended Polluttion Control certificate is s issued on December 16, 2013 an nd supersedes all certificate es previously issued. uglas B. Rob berts, Chairp person Dou Statte Tax Comm mission 5102 (Rev. 11-13) RICK SNYDER GOVERNOR STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY LANSING R. KEVIN CLINTON STATE TREASURER December 19, 2013 JoAnn Chavez DTE Electric Company One Energy Plaza Detroit, MI 48226-1221 Dear Ms. Chavez: Pursuant to the requirements of Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 37, as amended, the State Tax Commission (Commission) has issued an amended water pollution tax exemption certificate, numbered 2-5616, to DTE Electric Company located at 6400 N Dixie Highway, in the Township of Frenchtown, Monroe County. This certificate was issued at the December 16, 2013 meeting of the Commission and the additional amount approved for exemption is $24,772,952.00, for a total exemption of $73,909,578.00. As required by Section 3702(2) of the Act, the exemption amount must annually be reduced by the gross annual commercial or productive value derived from any materials captured by the exempted facility. The current year’s gross annual commercial or productive value recovered by this facility, as reported by your application, is $0. Therefore, the net exemption for the current year for this facility is $73,909,578.00. As this gross annual commercial or productive value may change yearly, the value must be reported to the assessor on an annual basis to correctly reduce the exemption. The applicant and local assessor have 60 days from the date of this letter to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court. If the application costs were based on estimated figures, the applicant must file final costs figures with our office within 90 days after completion of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the Property Services Division at (517) 373-2408. Sincerely, Kelli Sobel, Executive Director State Tax Commission Enclosure By Certified Mail cc: Vicky L. Bryson, Assessor, Township of Frenchtown Clerk, Township of Frenchtown P.O. BOX 30471 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 (517) 335-3429 Mich higan Department of o Treasury 4481 (2-11) Water Pollutiion Control Ame ended C Certifica ate Certifica ate No. 2-5616 Pursuantt to the pro ovisions of Public P Act 451 4 of 1994 4, Part 37, a as amended d, the State e Tax Commiss sion hereby finds that the facility, owned or lleased by D DTE Electriic Company y, as described d in the ap pproved application, lo ocated at 6 6400 N Dix xie Highway y, Townshiip of Frenchto own, County y of Monroe e, Michigan,, is designed d and opera ated primarilly for the co ontrol, capture, and remova al of industrial waste fro om the wate er, complies with Sectio on 3703 and d with other pro ovisions of th he act. Therefore e, as provid ded by Pub blic Act 451 1 of 1994, Part 37, a as amended d, the State e Tax Commiss sion hereby y certifies th he pollution control facility pro operty, as d described in n the approved d application n, located at 6400 N Dix xie Highway y. The total cost of the facility entitlled to exemptio on is $73,909 9,578.00. This certtificate provid des the auth hority for the e assessor tto exempt th he pollution ccontrol faciliity for which this pollution control exe emption certtificate is in effect from m ad valorem m taxation. The tangible personal prroperty is allso exempt from sales taxes impo osed under Public Act 6 67 of 1933, as s provided by b MCL 205 5.51 to 205.78 and use e taxes impo osed under Public Act 94 of 1937, pro ovided by MCL 205.91 to 205.111. This certtificate, unle ess revoked d as provide ed by Publicc Act 451 o of 1994, as amended, shall remain in n force as long as the fa acility is desig gned and op perated prim marily for the e control, cap pture, and remo oval of indus strial waste from f the watter; Certifica ate Effective e Date: December 20, 2010. 2 This ame ended Polluttion Control certificate is s issued on December 16, 2013 an nd supersedes all certificate es previously issued. uglas B. Rob berts, Chairp person Dou Statte Tax Comm mission