DEQ Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) Permitted Facility Class 2 Permit... 40 CFR 270.42(b) Day 60 Day 65
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DEQ Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) Permitted Facility Class 2 Permit... 40 CFR 270.42(b) Day 60 Day 65
DEQ Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) Permitted Facility Class 2 Permit Modification Process 40 CFR 270.42(b) Day 60 Day 65 Permittee Public Permittee sends notification of modification request to mailing list, publishes notice in local paper, & makes available for public viewing Day 120 May appeal to **BER within 30 days 40 CFR 124.19 Permittee must hold a public meeting between day 5 and day 45 of the comment period Applicant receives decision notification Public comments submitted to HWP Notification of final decision, final EA, & response to comments Public comment on draft EA Public comments on modification request Modification received from permittee DEQ HWP Day 95 30-day comment period on EA 60-day comment period on modification request Permittee submits a modification request with fee to HWS and within 7 days must begin 60 day comment period Day 90 Draft DEQ decision on modification request HWP reviews modification request Letter to Permittee from HWP requiring a 30-day extension to accommodate MEPA timeframes MCA 75.1.101103* DEQ final decision on modification request and EA May appeal to **BER within 30 days 40 CFR 124.19 Final permit modification issued or denied or a class 3 modification required & final EA notification Draft EA comments to HWP Temporary or Automatic Authorization: Development of draft permit modification & draft Environmental Assessment (EA) by HWP Day 120: If DEQ fails to make a final decision on permit request, permittee is automatically authorized to conduct activities as specified in the modification request for up to 180 days. As soon as DEQ makes a decision, this automatic authorization is cancelled. Day 130: Permittee must send notification to mailing list members and any members of the public who submitted comments that they have been authorized to conduct activities as specified in the modification request. Day 180: If DEQ has not made a final decision, the automatic authorization becomes final. 40 CFR Parts 270 and 124 are incorporated by reference at ARM 17.53.1201 and 17.53.1202 The permittee may follow the procedures in 40 CFR 270.42(b) for Class 2 modifications instead of the Class 1 procedures. The permittee must inform DEQ HWP of this decision in the Class 2 notice. 40 CFR 270.42(a)(3) * MEPA = Montana Environmental Policy Act **BER = Board of Environmental Review Reviewed/Updated: September 2014