MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION FORM Route To: Solid Waste Other: Facility/Project Name: GWIC Well ID.: Well Name: Well GPS Location (NAD 83): Lat.: Facility License Number: Well Location: ¼, ¼, Sec (legal description to nearest ¼. ¼ section) Date Well Installed: Long.: ,T Type of Well: Ground Water Monitoring Piezometer RPOC ,R Location of well relative to waste source: Upgradient Downgradient Side-gradient Distance from waste source boundary: Well Installed By: (name and company) First Name: Last Name: Unknown Well Constructor License Number: Company Name: 1. Cap and lock? A. Protective pipe, top elevation: . B. Well casing, top elevation: C. Land Surface Elevation: ft. MSL . D. Surface seal, bottom: ft. MSL . ft. MSL . ft. MSL No 2. Protective cover pipe: a. Inside diameter: b. Length: . . in. ft. c. Material: Steel 12. USCS classification of soil near screen: Other: GP GM GC GW SP SM SC SW ML MH CL CH Bedrock 3. Surface seal: Bentonite Concrete Other: 4. Material btw. well casing and protective pipe: 13. Sieve analysis attached? Yes No Bentonite 14. Drilling method used: Rotary HSA Other: Other: Annular space seal 5. Annular space seal: 15. Drilling fluid used: Water Yes Air a. Granular benonite Drilling Mud 16. Drilling additives used? Yes None No Specify: 17: Source of water: E. Bentonite seal: top F. Fine sand: top G. Filter pack: top . . ft. MSL b. lbs/gal mud weight….bentonite/sand slurry c. lbs/gal mud weight….bentonite slurry d. % bentonite ……….bentonite/cement grout e. ft volume added for any of the above 3 f. How installed: Tremie ft. MSL . ft. MSL 6. Bentonite seal: Bentonite granules ¼ in. H. Screen joint: top . I. Well bottom: top ft. MSL . ft. MSL J. Filter pack: bottom . Tremie pumped Gravity 3/8 in. ½ in. Bentonite pellets Other: 7. Fine sand material: (Manufacturer, product name, mesh size) ft. MSL Volume added: K. Borehole: bottom . L. Borehole diameter: . M. O.D. well casing: N. I.D. well casing: ft. MSL . . in. in. in. ft 3 8. Filter pack material: (Manufacturer, product name, mesh size) Volume added: ft 3 9. Well casing: Flush-threaded Sch 40 PVC Flush-threaded Sch 80 PVC CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: Other: 10. Screen material: a. Screen type: factory cut continuous slot Other: (Signature) b. Manufacturer: c. Slot size: 0. (Company Name) d. Slotted length: 11. Backfill material: in. . ft. or None