
August 27, 2015 Mr. Dusty Weber Signal Peak Energy, LLC

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August 27, 2015 Mr. Dusty Weber Signal Peak Energy, LLC
August 27, 2015
Sent via electronic mail
Mr. Dusty Weber
Signal Peak Energy, LLC
100 Portal Drive
Roundup, MT 59072
Permit ID: C1993017
Revision Type: Major Revision
Permitting Action: Determination
Subject: TR3; Completeness Determination
Dear Dusty:
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has completed its review of Signal Peak
Energy, LLC’s application for Major Revision TR3. DEQ has determined that the application
for TR3 is administratively complete.
Signal Peak Energy, LLC may initiate the publication of the public notice. Please change the
e-mail address that comments are to be sent to [email protected]
within the public notice. Additionally, please ensure that [email protected] is copied in the
email when the notice is sent to the newspaper.
DEQ will proceed with its acceptability review of the application. Please feel free to contact
Robert D. Smith at 406-444-7444 with questions regarding this letter.
Chris Yde, Supervisor
Coal and Uranium Program
Industrial and Energy Minerals Bureau
Phone: 406-444-4967
Fax: 406-444-4988
Email: [email protected]
C: Jeff Fleischman, Office of Surface Mining
Lauren Mitchell, Office of Surface Mining
FC: 620.903 (TR3)
Steve Bullock, Governor I Tom Livers, Director I P.O. Box 200901 I Helena, MT 59620-0901 I (406) 444-2544 I www.deq.mt.gov
Gilbert, Sharona
Gilbert, Sharona
Thursday, August 27, 2015 8:20 AM
Dusty Weber
[email protected]; [email protected]; Gene Hay ([email protected]); Bartlett,
Franklin P ([email protected]); Giovetti, Debbie ([email protected]);
[email protected]; DEQCoal
C1993017 TR3 Completeness Determination
Please see attached electronic correpsondence. Have a great day!
Sharona Gilbert
Administrative Assistant
Coal & Uranium Program
Industrial & Energy Minerals Bureau
Ph: 444-4966
Fax: 444-4988
The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley ~Robert Burns 1
Fly UP