University Dames Membership Form
University Dames Membership Form To be considered a member of the Dames, and to receive all future mailings, please fill out this form and return it to the address below by October 15th, with your annual dues of $20.00 (payable to University Dames) and Book Scholarship donation (payable to UM Foundation). University Dames P.O. Box 2241 Oxford, MS 38655 Name:_________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ Oxford, MS 38655 or Other _______________________________________ Telephone: ___________________ E-mail Address:__________________________ UM Department affiliation: You __________________________________________ Your Spouse/Partner ________________________________________ Circle the applicable membership category: Newcomer Renewal Circle how you want to receive future UM Dames communications: EMAIL Regular Mail Enclosed are: 2015-16 Dues (payable to University Dames) Tax-deductible gift to the Dames Book Scholarship fund (Separate check - payable to: "UM Foundation") $ 20.00 $______________ TOTAL ENCLOSED ___ Cash ___Check $______________ THANK YOU!