Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Recreational Waters at Three Lake Michigan Beaches
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Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Recreational Waters at Three Lake Michigan Beaches
Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Recreational Waters at Three Lake Michigan Beaches Tucker Burch1,3, Steven R. Corsi1, Susan K. Spencer2,3, Rebecca B. Carvin1, Mark A. Borchardt2,3 1USGS, Wisconsin Water Science Center 2USDA – Agricultural Research Service 3Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey This information is preliminary and is subject to revision. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The information is provided on the condition that neither the U.S. Geological Survey nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the information. Pathogen exposure in recreational water Artwork: Ben Siebers (USGS WI WSC) Why QMRA? Policy Makers and Resource Managers Human activities Abundance Pathogens Environmental conditions Distribution Health risk • Human • Livestock • Wildlife QMRA, in a nutshell Exposure Assessment Pathogen Concentration: C = 5 Salmonella/L Estimate Risk (Monte Carlo) DoseResponse Model Risk: P(response) = 50% Probability of Response Probability of Response Volume Ingested: V = 10 mL Exposure: Dose = C×V Dose-Response Assessment Dose Risk Dose Questions What’s the risk relative to recreational water quality criteria (RWQC)? What factors can be manipulated to mitigate risk? What do we need to know to more fully characterize risk? ? Approach 1. 2. 3. Quantify pathogens at beaches of interest Develop pathogen models as functions of environmental predictors (e.g., water temperature, cloud cover) Estimate risk from modeled concentrations Watersheds and beaches Clay Banks 63% forested wetland, 17% pasture/hay WWTP effluent, impervious runoff, agricultural runoff, septic systems Point Beach 30% pasture/hay, 28% crops, 28% forested wetland Red Arrow, 2 subwatersheds Storm sewer (100% urban) Manitowoc River (70% agricultural) Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Methods Sampling ~20 times per beach, Memorial Day to Labor Day, 2010 Glass wool filtration Analyses qPCR for 21 human, bovine, and zoonotic pathogens Culture for two bacterial pathogens in QMRA (Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella spp.) Pathogen modeling Tobit (censored) regression models Screened ~200 candidate predictors Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Pathogen abundance and distribution Three most prevalent pathogens: Enteroviruses C. jejuni Salmonella spp. Points = median concentration Whiskers = 25th and 75th percentiles ND = non-detect Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Model results Enterovirus predictors: 1. Maximum 1-hour parallel current 2. Mean 12-hour long-shore wave component 3. Mean 12-hour off-shore wave component 4. 10-day water temperature C. jejuni predictors: 1. Maximum 12-hour cloud cover 2. Beach (Point) Salmonella spp. predictors: None! Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution QMRA methods Exposure Assessment • Enteroviruses: echovirus, feeding study-based (CAMRA 2013) C. jejuni: feeding studybased (Schmidt et al. 2013) Salmonella: outbreakbased (Teunis et al. 2010) • • Estimate Risk (Monte Carlo) • Two-dimensional: variability and uncertainty 10,000 simulations in variability dimension 1,000 simulations in uncertainty dimension • • Probability of Response • • Enteroviruses and C. jejuni: Tobit models Salmonella: raw data Ingestion rates and swim times derived from Suppes et al. 2014 Probability of Response • Dose-Response Assessment Dose Risk Dose Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Salmonella spp. simulation inputs Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Risk estimates Median = 3×10-7 Median = 4×10-5 Median = 8×10-6 Solid lines = median in uncertainty dimension Dashed lines = 2.5th, 25th, 75th, and 97.5th percentiles in uncertainty dimension Vertical dashed line = EPA recreational water quality risk benchmark (32 illnesses per 1,000 recreators per event) Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Influence of simulated risk factors Bars = Median of Spearman’s (rank order) correlation coefficient between risk estimates and simulation inputs (on vertical axis) Whiskers = 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of Spearman’s correlation coefficient between risk estimates and simulation inputs Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Questions What’s the risk relative to RWQC? Median risk < RWQ benchmark (32 illnesses per 1,000 recreators) for all 3 pathogens 6.4% of Salmonella risk estimates exceed benchmark, vs. 0.2% and 0% for C. jejuni and enteroviruses What factors can be manipulated to mitigate risk? For enteroviruses and C. jejuni: ingestion rate? For Salmonella: concentration What do we need to know to more fully characterize risk? Factors controlling Salmonella concentrations Salmonella serotypes ? Preliminary Information-Subject to Revision. Not for Citation or Distribution Acknowledgements Collaborators Colleen McDermott (UW-Oshkosh) Greg Kleinheinz (UW-Oshkosh) Austin Baldwin (USGS-WI WSC) Funding Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Ocean Research Priorities Plan References Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment (CAMRA). 2013. Echovirus: Dose response models. QMRAwiki, accessed May 11, 2015, http://qmrawiki.canr.msu.edu/index.php/Echovirus:_Dose_Response_Models#_4ac d021e7e230054919792f80365b5cd. Schmidt PJ, Pintar KDM, Fazil AM, Topp E. 2013. Harnessing the theoretical foundations of the exponential and beta-Poisson dose-response models to quantify parameter uncertainty using Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Risk Analysis, 33(9):16771693. Suppes LM, Abrell L, Dufour AP, Reynolds KA. 2014. Assessment of swimmer behaviors on pool water ingestion. Journal of Water and Health, 12(2):269-279. Teunis PFM, Kasuga F, Fazil A, Ogden ID, Rotariu O, Strachan NJC. 2010. Doseresponse modeling of Salmonella using outbreak data. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 144(2):243-249.