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Document 2096330
November 2009
Education Newsletter
A Message from Dr. Edgar C. Mayse
Coming up...
Dear Members and Friends,
This newsletter will reach you during the first week of
November. More than likely during the next sixty days the
Pastor Nominating Committee will make its report and we will
have the name of the next pastor of College Church (and the
new chaplain of Hampden-Sydney College). This should be an
occasion of great joy and anticipation in that the last installed
pastor resigned here on June 1, 2008. Since that time you have
been served by pulpit supplies; and during this year by me as
interim pastor/chaplain. During this “between the times” we
have made all sorts of plans, investigated various possibilities,
organized several long-range planning committees. I feel that
we have done a good job of preparing the way for the next
chapter in our corporate life. The proof of the pudding will be
whether we commit our time and treasure to move forward. It
will require both to undertake some of the projects we have
investigated: restore the manse, air-condition the sanctuary,
repair structural problems in the balconies. Be prepared to
meet these challenges in the months ahead.
My second interim period here has been very enjoyable
and very challenging. You have certainly been most kind and
generous to me. I thank you for this opportunity and I will
remember you in prayer. May God continue to bless and keep
June 25, 2009 Volume VII
Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox Dedication Service
Sunday, November 15
11:00 a.m.
November Session Meeting
Sunday, November 15
7:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Service
at College Church
Sunday, November 22
11:00 a.m.
Communion and Thanksgiving
Offering will be received.
November 26
Church office will be closed
November 26-27
The Commonwealth Chorale
“Carmina Burana”
Johns Auditorium
November 22
3:00 p.m.
First Sunday in Advent
Sunday, November 29
Summary of
Regular Session
At 7:03pm the Rev. Dr.
Edgar Mayse called the meeting of
Session to order in the Fellowship
Hall of the Thompson Building of
College Church. There was a
quorum present. Dr. Mayse
opened with prayer, then discussed
election of Elders from the Book
or Order. We need to replace
Nitra Eastby (one year), Carol
Carter (one year), May Reed
(three year), Charles Breckinridge
(three year), and Tom Mayo (three
Dr. Mayse called the roll.
Present: Tom Mayo, Ken
Townsend, Virginia Kinman ,
Sally Thompson , Niels Kiewiet
de Jonge , Charles Breckinridge,
May Reed, Randy Reed,. Not
present Nitra Eastby. Also present
was Tommy Rice.
The circulated minutes of
September 27 were approved by
single vote. Building use requests
were approved also by common
consent. Catholic Mass is said in
College Church every month on
the third Thursday. Functions of
the Wesley Foundation, ODK, and
a wedding led by W.E. Thompson
were all approved.
The meeting moved to
consideration of strategic planning
because of guest present (Tommy
Rice). Session reviewed a report
from a structural engineer and
listened carefully to the analysis of
Mr. Rice. Issues: how long can
we wait, how much will it cost,
how will it affect appearance of
NHR building before we aircondition the sanctuary? Where
will funding come from? The
session passed a motion to use
$1,200 from the Organ Study
Fund (which includes structural
analysis), and to borrow the
remainder from the Cemetery
Fund to conduct an engineering
analysis of the sanctuary as
recommended by the structural
engineer ($3,500) to investigate
the feasibility of air-conditioning
the sanctuary—which is on the
National Historical Registry.
work as chair of the
Congregational Care Committee.
Pastor’s Report: Edgar
Mayse—The PNC will be
reporting by the end of this year.
At that time, the Interim Pastor’s
work will be finished. The Rev.
Dr. William E. Thompson has
expressed willingness to serve as
temporary supply until a new
pastor is installed. This would
permit Church to clear out the
Manse for renovation. (Randy
Reed, chair of the Strategic
Planning Group, described the
work; Sally Thompson of the
Manse Subcommittee said we will
need a loan to do work not yet
done on the Manse.)
Randy Reed reported for
the Student Ministry Committee:
Although few students showed up
for Rally Day, we will press on.
The Session expressed broad
approval for Rally Day and wishes
to keep it going, with continued
efforts to draw students from the
College to the Church.
Clerk’s Report: Ken
Townsend reported that Carol
Carter has resigned from the
session due to a significant
increase in the number of students
she is teaching piano to in her
home. She has treasured her
service to the session and to
College Church—in particular, her
Niels Kiewiet de Jonge
reported for the Fellowship
Committee that there will be a
covered dish dinner on October 25
at 6:00pm.
Virginia Kinman reported
for the Outreach Committee that
Sarah Stokes from Farmville
United Methodist Church will be
attending the covered dish dinner
on October 25 to explain the
collection and distribution of
Operation Christmas Child gift
boxes that College Church will be
preparing at the dinner.
Tom Mayo reported for the
Worship Committee that the
committee will investigate having
the choir sing downstairs in the
sanctuary once each month.
Ken Townsend reported for
the Stewardship Committee that
financial report for October and
delivered the report from the Debt
Retirement Committee on the
status of the debt on the
Thompson Building (debt retired,
money for the tithe for
benevolences being collected). It
should be recalled that when the
Thompson Building project was
undertaken, (con’t on page 6)
Operation Christmas Child a Huge Success
College Church exceeds goals
by Duane Benton
Thank you, thank
you, thank you to all the
donors and helpers who
made College Church’s first
OCC such a beautiful
success. It’s hard to
imagine how something so
small as a shoe box, can
make such a big difference.
But children in places like
Asia, Africa, and Eastern
Europe will experience
God’s love in the form of
school supplies, toys,
books, toothbrushes or soap
as they open our gift shoe
boxes. Some of our young
people even put notes in
their boxes telling “All
About Me” so that the recipient can write them
These tangible expressions of God’s love
will not end with the shoe box gifts. It will open
the doors for local churches to share the true
meaning of Christmas—God’s gift of His Son,
Jesus. Children will also be given colorful
storybooks in their local language and will be
given a 12-part Bible study. Children who
complete the Bible lessons will receive a
personalized certificate and a special New
Testament with favorite Old Testament stories.
Thus, you see your help with OCC made
you a missionary. Every box represents one
more child who will have the good news of
God’s power, grace and love. Please pray for the
recipients and for the
workers who will be
collecting, processing and
shipping millions of boxes
around the world.
All of our efforts
resulted in 66 boxes which
far exceeds our goal of
40-50 boxes. Here is the
33 boxes for girls (4
boxes for ages 2-4, 23 for
ages 5-9 and 6 for girls
10-14) and
33 boxes for boys (6
boxes for ages 2-4, 18 for
ages 5-9, and 9 for 10-14).
If you missed our
grand packing party and still
want to help, we are in need of little pencil
sharpeners and dollars for shipping. Donation
and prayer envelopes will be at the rear of the
sanctuary for your consideration.
We plan to dedicate the boxes on Sunday,
November 15 and then deliver them to our
collection site, Farmville United Methodist
Church on November 16. We will also donate
the leftover supplies to use as fillers for other
shoeboxes. If you would like to help deliver the
boxes to FUMC, we could use your help on that
Again, thank you and God Bless You All.
Shall we do this again next year? If so, please
shop for bargains during sales year round.
Please call Duane Benton with any questions at
The price of plots in the College
Cemetery will
increase to
$500 effective
December 1,
2009. In
addition, if
you would
like the church
office to keep a
confidential file containing your
personal wishes or funeral
arrangement details, please contact
Edgar Mayse or Krissy Vick.
Give Stock to College Church
You may be happy to pay capital
gains on your stock portfolio this
year but you can also donate stock
to College
Church for
your pledge
or any type
of specified
You do not pay capital gains on
the stock that is transfered to the
College Church Fidelity
Investments account. We will do
the rest! We ask that to make
financial matters easier for Krissy
and me, any transfer be taken care
of before December. Contact the
church office to let us know you
will be doing this and for
information on Fidelity
Investments account information
for the transfer. Lucie Zehner
Committee The
Nominating Committee has been
charged with presenting a slate of
candidates to the congregation that
will be elected to fill vacancies left
by Elders who are rotating off the
Session. We have three 3-year
terms and one 2-year term.
Please submit nominations to any
of the committee members by
November 11. The nominating
committee is May Reed, Tom
Mayo, Lee Bidwell, Lois Bowles,
and Joe Zehner. **Remember to
check with the person first to
make sure they are willing to
“Deck the halls with boughs of
Soon it will be
time to decorate
the church for
Christmas. On
November 23
at 10 a.m., we
will do the light
decorating, i.e.
windows, candles, etc. On
November 30 at 10 a.m., we will
do the heavy stuff, i.e. wreaths and
swags. Please call Sally
Thompson at 392-7004 if you can
donate your time and talents!
Congregational Care
Our deepest sympathies are
extended to the Bush family upon
the sudden loss
of Kitty’s
brother, Patrick
services were
held in Chatham,
Virginia on
October 25.
Please also remember in prayer:
Clint Mooney, The Kiewiet de
Jonge family, Rev. Chuck
Klotzberger, Don Armstrong, The
Grenouillou family, John Rice,
Andrea O'York, Rondi Arlton,
Helen Breckinridge, Lauren Bush,
Chuck Ironmonger (H-SC B&G
technician), Mary Eubelia Jobe,
the Reamer Family, Jim Thomas
(father of Krissy Vick), Katie
Fitzgerald (mother of Kitty Bush),
Elmira Chernault, Stanley Titus
and our members at the
Woodlands: Nancy Anderson,
Jewel Fore, Grace Putney, Hassell
Simpson and Mabel Wilkerson.
*A note from Chuck Ironmonger:
Good Morning Friends, I wanted to
report a miracle, I am cancer free!!
After being diagnosed in May with
stage 4 throat and neck cancer and
undergoing chemo and radiation
treatments this summer, I received the
results from a full body scan last
week that declared me cancer free. I
am claiming this miracle as a
blessing from my Lord and
proclaiming it too so my brothers and
sisters in Christ can share in seeing
the power of our God at work and
share it with others. It is good and
uplifting to see Him at work in our
lives. Miracles happen every day, we
are not always blessed with having
them affect us directly but we can all
share in the joy and awe of His
power. I hope this news is a blessing
to you, please share it with others.
Peace, Chuck
Advent season begins on
November 29. Advent Devotional
Booklets will be available in the
and in
Hall in midNovember.
Presbyterian Homes
& Family Services
This month, College Church will again
collect a Thanksgiving offering for
Presbyterian Homes & Family Services,
a ministry that has served children
and adults with special needs since
1903. PHFS has a children's home
complex in Lynchburg and group homes
for adults with intellectual
disabilities in Lynchburg, Fredericksburg,
South Hill, Waynesboro, Zumi,
and Lexington. Though originally a
ministry of the Presbyterian Church, it is
now an
Residents in
the children's
program come
from the midAtlantic region and stay from a few
months to several years,
depending on the needs of the child. You
can learn more about PHFS at
College Church
As of 10/31/09, our congregation has given
to the following causes:
FACES: $1600
If you would like to express your gratitude to
someone in the congregation, please let the
church office know for the next newsletter!
Thank you Naomi Armstrong for preparing
homemade wafers for our Communion
Thank you to the choir and “The Arltones”
for an awesome “Old Time Music” worship
service. Several people have commented that
they wish you would do it more often!
Thank you Lindy Hamlett for taking all of the
air conditioners out of the church office,
sanctuary and manse windows. Also, for
faithfully delivering fruit baskets to those in
Thank you Carol Carter for all of your
dedicated service on the Session and to
Congregational Care.
Thank you Duane Benton for leading us
through our first Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox collection project.
Thank you Pastor Nominating Committee for
your diligence and commitment to our pastor
FAMA: $200
Good Samaritan: $2155.65
Habitat for Humanity: $890
Haitian Mission: $3000
Madeline’s House - $725
Meals on Wheels - $450
Presbytery of the Peaks/M.A. Synod $6250
2-Cents a Meal - $640
One Great Hour of Sharing - $518.14
Operation Christmas Child - $310
Souper Bowl - $143
Total: $16,881.79*
(*13,150 budgeted and 3,731.79 designated offerings)
News from the Pews
Have anything to share with the congregation? Post it here!
If you would like to have your name added to this list to have a visit, please
call the church office (223-8625).
Phyllis Burns 1862 Back Hampden-Sydney Road, Farmville 392-5050
Elmira Chernault and Stanley Titus 6436 Farmville Road 223-4309
Nancy Anderson Brookeview Lodge Room 141, Farmville 392-4518
Mabel Wilkerson The Moore Center, Room 174, Farmville
Grace Putney Brookeview Lodge Room 138, Farmville 392-3930
Jewel Fore 202 Patteson Street, Farmville 392-6221
Hassell Simpson Box 666, H-SC 223-8476
November Birthdays
1 - Duane Benton
1 - May Reed
3 - Meredith Townsend
6 - Katie Pelland
6 - Ben Agee
6 - Kelly Agee Redford
6 - Wanda Hamlett
9 - Nancy Lockwood
10 - Brooks Rice
14 - Walter Simms
19 - Lee Bidwell
30 - Kitty Bush
(Minutes con’t from page 1)
one-tenth of the value of the contribution from
College Church ($600,000 x .10 = $60,000) was to
be collected for benevolent giving. To date, the
Church has collected $10,900 of the “tithe.”
College Church needs a new photocopier.
The session considered a report from Krissy Vick,
secretary/treasurer. No action was taken at this
time, but additional information will be
Minutes of Congregational Meeting
At 12:04pm the Rev. Dr. Edgar Mayse called the
meeting of the congregation to order with prayer in the
sanctuary of College Church. There was a quorum
present. Kenneth Townsend, clerk of the session, served
as secretary of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting
was to elect three people to serve on the nominations
committee. The session had already designated two
people, May Reed (chair) and Tom Mayo, to serve.
The next Presbytery Meeting is October 29,
2009: The Session elected Randy Reed
commissioner with Sally Thompson as alternate
The following three names were placed into nomination
from the floor: Lois Bowles, Joe Zehner, and Lee
Bidwell. A motion was made by Walter Witschey
(seconded) to close nominations and to accept the slate
of nominees. This motion passed without dissent.
Dr. Mayse closed the meeting with prayer at
At 12:07pm, there being no further business, Dr.
Mayse closed the meeting with prayer.
Submitted by Dr. Ken Townsend, Clerk of Session
College Church Newsletter
November, 2009
Financial Report
October 31, 2009
*Received to date for budget:
Budget expenses through September 30:
Average weekly congregational giving needed to meet the budget:
*Includes $1,400 pledges given in ’08 for ’09 and $30,000 H-SC contribution for Chaplain (Jan. - Dec.)
Worship Attendance
September 6 60
October 4
September 13 67
October 11
September 20 65
October 18
September 27 71
October 25
College Church
P.O.Box 13
Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943
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