
bfa checklist

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bfa checklist
required 3D courses
24 credits
Integrated 3D
The integrated 3D emphasis requires 78 credit hours in art,
art history and art related courses
degree requirements
Required Courses
General Education courses 41 credits
The number of credit hours necessary to fulfill these requirements may vary.
University elective 1 credit
Major requirements 78 credits (see below)
Credit total 120
foundation courses
24 credits
ART 102 (formerly 140). Two-Dimensional Design
ART 104 (formerly 160). Drawing I
GARTH 205. Survey of World Art I: Prehistoric to Renaissance
GARTH 206. Survey of World Art II: Renaissance to Modern
ART 106 (formerly 240). Three-Dimensional Design
ART 108 (formerly 260). Drawing II
ART 205 (formerly 280). Foundations Seminar
ART 305 (formerly 380). Seminar in Aesthetics
2D art courses
6 credits Choose two courses from the list below. Only take
one course within a distinct discipline.
ART 270 (formerly 352), Printmaking: Screenprinting
ART 272 (formerly 353), Printmaking: Relief, Intaglio and Monotype
ART 274 (formerly 354). Printmaking: Lithography
ART 260 (formerly 255). Photography
ART 350 (formerly 360). Figure Drawing
ART 352 (formerly 362). Painting
GRPH 200 (formerly 243). Computer Graphics
art history electives
6 credits 300-400 level, excludes ARTH 490, ARTH 495 and ARTH 499
art and art-related electives
0-6 credits Studio art and art-related electives include courses from graphic
design, interior design, industrial design, art education, and internships, but
excludes courses taken to fulfill the studio concentration.
Check the JMU catalog and consult with your academic advisor for details. A PDF version of this
form can be viewed and downloaded at:
ART 220 (formerly 225). Intro Ceramics: Potter’s Wheel, or
ART 222 (formerly 226). Intro Ceramics: Handbuilding
ART 320 (formerly 325). Intermediate Ceramics: Molds & Casting, or
ART 322 (formerly 326). Intermediate Ceramics: Surface
ART 230 (formerly 321). Weaving and Other Fiber Arts
ART 330 (formerly 331). Intermediate Weaving and Other Fiber Arts
ART 240 (formerly 322). Metal and Jewelry
ART 340 (formerly 333). Intermediate Metal and Jewelry
ART 280 (formerly 335). Sculpture
ART 380 (formerly 336). Intermediate Sculpture 
3D studio concentrations
An additional 6-12 Credits must be taken in a single 3D studio area to fulfill the
3D capstone courses
6 credits
ART 495 Capstone Seminar: Three-Dimensional Art (offered every Spring)
ART 497 Capstone Studio: Three-Dimensional Art (offered Fall and
Student’s Signature ______________________ Date ______________
Advisor’s Signature ______________________ Date ______________
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