NO. R4-2006-016 A TT A CHMENT State of California
A TT A CHMENT Region Angeles through Region Angeles Los for the River Chloride ' Santa Clara 04-004 Resolution Plan for the Upper TMDL, of the Implementation Plan 3, 2006 Control Quality Water the to August Amendment Los NO. R4-2006-016 RESOLUTION revision Board, Control Quality Water Regional California State of California Quality Water Regional California the requires A) (CW Act Water Clean federal 1 The WHEREAS, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, finds that: ' Control Board (Regional Board) to develop water quality standards Agency Protection Environmental U.S. the region. between its decree within consent 2. A found that are sufficient to protect beneficial usesdesignatedfor eachwater body Loads (TMDLs) Daily Maximum Total complete to USEPA the for all impaired waters within 13 years. individual the of sum the as in defmed as is well as TMDL A, A CW the of EPA/440/4-91/001). No. 303(d) The elementsof a TMDL are describedin 40 CPR 130.2 and 130.7and USEPA guidance documents (Report section 3. directs order court This 1999. (USEPA), Heal the Bay, Inc. and BayKeeper,Inc. was approvedon March 22, that applicable stipulate the further maintain and Regulations attain to 130.2). CFR necessary (40 levels at set be background must natural TMDLs and waste load allocations for point sources, load allocations for nonpoint sources to This into required is 130.7). 130.6(c)(1). measures State the A, USEP CFR (40 Plan implementation or 130.7(c)(1)). State CFR the appropriate with aJong Management Management Quality Water State the as serves plans. Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region (Basin Plan). and statewide Water Quality applicable by (40 quality Quality TMDLs ofTMDLs water and Water State the establisJunent Upon the i.ncorporate 4. limitations narrative 'andnumeric water quality objectives(WQOs), and protect beneficial uses,with seasonalvariations and a margin of safety that takesinto account any lack of knowledgeconcerningthe relationship betweeneffiuent Plans governing the watershedsunder thejurisdiction of the Regional Board. I San of cities the between Ocean Pacific the into flows and County. S. The SantaClara River is the largestriver systemin southernCalifornia that remainsin a relatively natural state. The River originates on the northern slope of the SanGabriel Mountains in Los Angeles County. traversesVentura Santa the in uses land predominant The Oxnard. and Buenaventura(Ventura) watershed River Clara Santa the within industry agricultural the from Revenue Clara River watershed include agriculture, open space, and residential uses. is estimatedat over $700 million annually, and residential use is increasing rapidly both in the upper and lower watershed. agricultural supply water (AGR), 7 list 303d A Reaches EP as including list the Reaches Angeles Los - Clarita. the of 303d on Santa west groundwater USCR, the EPA appear and station, 2002 of uses on-the (USCR) ofFillrnore gauging River cities Cut beneficial Several (designated Clara the Blue the Santa between of line respectively). 8, waterbodies Upper County the of 6 and impaired and of 5 Ventura upstream The upper reachesof the SantaClara River include Reaches5 and 6 which are located 6. recharge (GWR), and rare, and Valencia USCR. the of waters the in concentration chloride excessive to threatened,or endangeredspecieshabitat (RARE), are listed as impaired due Saugus Water Reclamation Plants (WRPs), which are owned and operated by the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (CSDLAC), are two The the . the as WRP, WRPs' the allocations the to load of evaluation waste modifications complete site specific interim The statistical a on for USCR. considered chloride the Board in discharger the for chloride Regional allocations for the provide load TMDL appropriate chloride. make for based WQO and chloride source reduction, were the studies, TMDL meet the to (SSO) in necessary, objective necessary time to implement proposed 2002, a 24, allocations waste include load waste interim to October on Plan ~terim included Basjn meeting These TMDL the public a WRPs. proposed amending 7. At major point sourcesthat dischargeto the USCR. performancein the three yearsprecedingOctober2002. the in chloride for TMDL the 02-018, Resolution comments. written The Regional Board consideredthe entire record, including written and oral commentsreceived from the public and the Regional Board staff's responseto the 8. USCR, was adoptedby RegionalBoard on October 24, 2002. Resolution 02018 assigned waste load allocations (WLAs) to major publicly owned River. Clara Santa the of reaches specified to discharging treatmentworks (POTW's),minor point sources,and MS4s permittees, oral and written including record, entire the USCR the in chloride for TMDL 9. At a public workshop on February4, 2003, the StateBoard consideredthe Board. -2. Board which State the Resolution") 19,2003 "Remand February (the on meeting Regional the to 2003-0014 public a At TMDL Resolution comments. SWRCB the remanded adopted written comments received from the public and the State Board staff's response to the Remand the in identified issues address to Plan Implementation TMDL 10. In responseto the RemandResolution,Regional Board staff revised the 03-008 WRPs point minor Valencia Resolution POTWs, and USCR. the major Saugus in the to for TMDL a (WLAs) allocations include to allocations load Plan load waste waste Basin the assigned interim revise and contained to Resolution. On July 10,2003, the Regional Board adopted Resolution 03-008 sources,and MS4s pennitteesdischargingto specified reachesof the Santa Clara River. System Elimination Discharge Pollutant National the TMDL, chloride 11. During the time that the Stateand Regional Boards were considering the (NPDES) pennits for the Valencia and SaugusWater Reclamation Plants (WRPs) were under consideration for renewal by the Regional Board. The NPDESpermits also included interim discharge limits for chloride which Castaic from NPDES interim served water the of concentration chloride the on based are limits The differedfromtheTMDLinterimwasteloadallocations. WRP, Saugus the for mg/L 114 and WRP Valencia the for mg/L 134 Lake for municipal supply in the Santa Clarita Valley plus a loading factor of measuredas a twelve month rolling average.The loading values are the highestmeasuredat eachplant in the last 5 years. of A attachment in Plan Implementation revised The USCR the in TMDL 12. On May 6, 2004, the Regional Board adoptedResolution 04-004 to revise the interim waste-loadallocations and ImplementationPlan for the chloride 04- No. Resolution of A attacmnent in specified as Plan Implementation The 13. Resolution No. 04-004 supersedesthe hnplementation Plan contained in Resolution No. 03-008. completionof severalspecialstudiesthat serveto 004 requires the groundwater underlying and reaches downstream to impacts including USCR, characterizethe sources,fate, transport,and specific impacts of chloride in the basins. 14.The first of thespecialstudies,anevaluationof the appropriatechloride threshold for thereasonable protection of salt-sensitive agriculture, Panel (TAP) that issued a "Critical Review Report" a by "Literature corroborated entitled largely study, and special This reviewed was of2005. Advisory of the for of is range mgiL 100 of similar concentration WQO A hazard mg/L. 117 existing to chloride a The 100 of TAP. of estimate range the by found the best the within that was mg/L falls found 120 to crops LRE The avocado 100 within the recommendedrange for the reasonableprotection of salt-sensitive crops. 3~ 15. LRE. Technical (LRE)," September in Evaluation and Review completed was "Chloride entitled report This as was Self- supply USCR of2005. the CR. US the water in November in chloride potable to loading The of completed chloride sources. sources was identifies those of reducing source for CSDLAC, largest the strategies as service loading. chloride of source largest second as identified Water Softeners (SRWS) in the Saugus and Valencia the as were area Regenerating Pollution Prevention, and Public Outreach Report)," Source (Chloride Plan identified well report, led by the collaborative a study, special LRE the to addition In 16. Source Identification/Reduction, 17. The secondspecial study requiredby the ImplementationPlan is the model. this The Regional complete Model." to (GSWI) cooperation in working are Water Interaction CSDLAC and Board "Groundwater/Surface Under existing TMDL, the GSWI is due May 4, 2007. LRE the of TMDL the results the and revising TMDL whether chloride evaluate to the of staff status the directed on Board update The an study. with 18. At a public hearing on November 3, 2005, the RegiC?nal Board was provided staff report, source chloride the and LRE the of conclusions the on Based 19. Implementation Plan is appropriate,and to considerthe possible impacts of the high chloride level in surfacewater to groundwaterquality. Board Regional the in.which alternative no-action a (1) TMDL: Chloride proposes four alternatives for the amendment to the Upper Santa Clara River that implementation alternative an includes (3) but schedule, schedule TMDL the of implementation 6-1.3 TMDL years in 13-year milestones the takesno action to revise the schedule,(2) an alternativethat doesnot revise final the accelerate both to amendment TMDL a consider will Board Regional extends the 13-year schedule, and (4) an alternative that accelerates the 13year schedule. Staff recommends Alternative 4. Under this alternative, the (100 limit WQO the at interim the discharge of while year instead per lbs effect in is million 7 to mg/L) 200 million 4 of (approximately loading compliance date and include time-certaintasks for tasksrelated to the design and treatmentof chloride removal processesto reducechloride loading if deemednecessary.Staff notesthere is potential for additional chloride schedule. TMDL the mg/L). Staff however believes this discharge can be mitigated by accelerating Board State the to stakeholders by expressed concerns of born was direction 20. The RemandResolution directedthe Regional Board to consider a phased approachso that the Districts can completetheir implementation tasksby RegionalBoardspecifieddatessequentiallyandwithin 13years.This 13 a with render TMDL the could studies readopted special the therefore, that Board, technologies Regional The new wmecessary. constructing that they should not be required to expend resources planning and . by followed warranted. if revisions, WQO and analysis feasibility studies, year implementationplan. That I3-year period included five years for special .5 standards. with compliance until to revisions include not do TMDL Chloride River Clara Santa Upper the for (State Policy Antidegradation State the with consistent is amendment The resolution. this to A Attachment in proposed is Plan Implementation revised The 5,2006. May on comment public for released were Amendment complies with State Board Resolution time the shorten to intended are and WQOs, 23. preserves also and TMDL, the in contained currently is that construction and design planning, for schedule year eight current the preserves WQO, chloride the complete to Districts the require not does action This schedule. TMDL the than smaller significantly is GWR and AGR protect to necessary as LRE than frame time shorter a in accomplished be can Board, Regional the meet to measures conceptual on report preplanning a of development analysis, antidegradation the of development SSOs, of development as such tasks, TMDL Subsequent necessary. be not would systems treatment advanced of construction that such stringent less sufficiently are that SSOs with protected be still could uses beneficial GWR and AGR the whether demonstrate will modeling, GSWI the of results the with coupled results, These 10Omg/L. from mg/L, 117 to up relaxed be could WQO the most at that reveal studies LRE the Specifically, completed. is model GSWI the when tasks feasibility the initiating in Districts the to prejudice no is there that such available be GSWI the of completion anticipated the and LRE, the of completion With 21. is years eight that 2002), October MWH, by Prepared Plants, Reclamation Water Valley Clara Santa the at Limit Discharge Chloride Instantaneous mg/L 100 a with Compliance for Impacts (Cost study engineering on based was construction and design, planning, for schedule time year eight eight yearsfor planning, design.and constructionof the selectedremedy. The comments submitted by the Districts on October 7, 2002, with a supporting required to plan, design and constructadvancedtreatment for chloride. model by November 20, 2007, the Board finds that sufficient infonnation will different hypothetical final wasteloadallocations, and preparation and considerationof a Basin Plan Amendmentto revise the chloride objective by originally contemplated because the range of chloride values identified by the potential range of chloride objectives contemplated during development of the planning and design tasks before the Regional Board considers revision of the the requirementsfor the Board to reconsiderthe scheduletwice during the planning, design and constructionphase. The Board finds the proposedaction 2003-0014. 22. The Staff Report, as well as a Notice of Exemption, and tentative Basin Plan Board Resolution No. 68-16), in that the revisions of the Implementation Plan Likewise, the amendment is consistent with the federal Antidegradation Policy (40 CFR 131.12). 24. The proposedamendmentresults in no potential for adverseenvironmental effects (de minimis finding), either individually or cumulatively, on wildlife those different in advance result not merely will will but implementation to contemplated, time the already those shortening from because processes Administrative the of standard "Necessity" the meets action regulatory The 25. processes. Procedures Act, Government Code, section 11353, subdivision (b). review for submitted be must TMDL Chloride River Clara Santa the in Plan 26. The Basin Plan amendment incorporating a revision for the Implementation be will become Decision of Notice will Environmental U.S. the A amendment and EPA. Plan (OAL), Basin U.S. and The Law OAL EPA). by (U.S. Administrative of approval upon Agency Office effective Protection State and approval by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board), the filed following these approvals. Therefore, be it resolved that: A Attachment in Plan Implementation revised the with 04-004 Resolution in Pursuantto Section 13240and 13242of the Water Code, the Regional Board hereby amendsthe Basin Plan by replacingthe Implementation Plan contained of this Resolution. Quality Water the 7 Chapter to amendment the adopts hereby hearing, the Pursuantto sections13240and 13242of the California Water Code, the Regional Board, after consideringthe entire record, including oral testimony at 2, hereto. A Attachment in forth set as Section Implementation 7-6.2, Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to incorporate the revisions of the Implementation Plan in the Upper Santa Clara River Chloride TMDL, Table section of requirements the with accordance in SWRCB the to amendment 3 The Executive Officer is directedto forward copiesof the Basin Plan Plan Basin the approve SWRCB the that requests Board Regional 4. The 13245 of the California Water Code. amendmentin accordancewith the requirementsof sections 13245,and13246 (U.S. Agency Protection Environmental State United the and (OAL) OAL or Board State staff, Board Regional process approval its during 5 If EPA). Law of the California Water Code and forward it to the Office of Administrative Officer Executive the consistency, for or clarity, for needed are amendment detennines that minor, non-substantive corrections to the language of the may make such changes,and shall infonn the Board of any such changes. 6. The Executive Officer is authorizedto sign a Certificate of Fee Exemption. -6 7. The text in the Basin Plan, Plansand Policies (Chapter 5), is hereby amended to add: No. 06-0XX. Adopted by theRegional Water Quality Control "Resolution in Chloride for TMDL the in Plan Implementation the revise to 'Amendment Board on August 3, 2006. the Upper SantaClara River, Resolution 04-004'. The resolution proposes revisions to the Implementation Plan for the Upper Santa Clara River Chloride TMDL." t op cer -1 Quality Water Regional California the 2006. by 3, August adopted on Region, resolution a of copy Angeles Los correct and Board, Control true, I, JonathanBishop, Executive Officer, do herebycertify that the foregoing is a full, 2006. 3. and Augyst on Board Control Agency on April . 2004 22, July on Board Control Resource 28, 2005 6, May on Board Control Quality Water Regional The 10,2003. July on Board Control Quality Water 19,2003 February on Board Control Resources Water 24,2002. October on Board Control Q.uality Water TMDL River Clara Santa Upper (TMDu) (Revised) Schedule Implementation TMDL; Chloride River . ElementS; TMDL: Chloride River Clara 7. Total Maximum Paily Loads Ouali!v 15,'2004 Water by: State Regional The Clara Santa TMDL Chloride River Clara Santa UDDer 7-6 Loads (TMDLs) Water Re2ional The November Regional The DailyLo~ds Santa Upper List of Figures, Tables, and Inserts bv: Protection State The by: Maximum The by: adopted Upper 7-6.1. Daily on Law adopted by: remanded 7-6.2. Maximum adoDted The U.S. Environmental and adopted was TMDL This 7. Total by: revised was TMDL This ~apter approved was TMDL This 7. Total revised was TMDL This Chapter was TMDL This . Administrative of Office The Chapter was TMDL Thi§ ~8 ~~ Resolution River, Clara Santa Upper the in Chloride for TMDL the for Revision of the Implementation Plan PropOsedfor adoption by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region on M&y-Augyst 3. 20066, ~CI'~. Amendments Table of Contents Add': . . (TMDLs) Tables 2004. R4-2006-016 004 04 No. Resolution to A Attachment Pagel R4-~16 No. ~ Resolution 2 No.R4-2006-016 Page Resolution ~ . protect all beneficial uses; agricultural beneficial to set was objective This River. Clara Santa the of 8) Reach list 303( Statement d) Problem Elevated chloride concentrations are causing impainnents of the water quality objective in Reach5 (EPA 303(d) list Reach7) and Reach 6 (EPA uses have been determinedto be most sensitive,and not currently attained at the downstream end of R"each 5 (EPA 303(d) list Reach 7) and Reach 6 (EPA containing water with strawberries and avocados as such Crops sensitive 303(d) list Reach 8) in the Upper Santa Clara River. Irrigation of salt elevated levels of chloride results in reduced crop ,yields.Chloride levels instantaneously measured lOOmg/L, of target nuItleric a has the of 6 and 5 Reaches to pertains TMDL this for target the considered be will throughout amendment Plan instan~eously, Basin measured subsequent mg/L, A reaches. impaired objective Santa Clara River and is based on achieving the existing water quality 100 objective, used to calculate the load allocations) of quality are also risin~. and expressedas a chloride concentration,required to attain the water quality objective and protect agricultural supply beneficial use.These objectivesare set forth in Chapter3 of the Basin Plan. numeric of the numericwater The (In(erpretation This Target TMDL in groundwater Numeric through 2 tasks with accordance in studies complete and timely submit to by the Regional Board to adjust the chloride objective basedon technical studiesabout the chlo.ridelevels, including levels that are protective of salt sensitivecrops, chloride sourceidentification, and the magnitudeof assimilative capacity in the upper reachesof the SantaClara River, provided that County SanitationDistrictS of Los Angeles County choose 6 of Table 7.6.2. and (WRP) chloride the Plant of 70% Reclamation contribute Water to Saugus the estimated are from which discharges WRP, Valencia is The principal sourceof chloride into Reaches5 and 6 of the SantaClara River SourceAnalysis was quality water in-stream the and sources chloride between Linkage. load in Reaches 5 and 6. Linkage Analysis from 6 that and 5 shows Reaches to analysis The added 99. usUally is Highway and capacity Cut Blue at assimilative data additional quality established through a -statistical analysis of the WRP effluent and water upper the Of Interaction? Water/Groundwater (Sllrface Valencia for m2!L 100 are (WlAs) allocations load waste proposed reaches of the Santa Clara River. The numeric target is bas~ on the -water quality objective for chloride. The Waste Load AUocations (for study hydrological groundwater discharge, but the magnitude of the assimilative capacity is not wen. quantified. Consequently, the Implementation Plan includes a R4-2006-016 No. are discharges WQO, allocations Page 3" existing load --- NPDES the waste Other frolt1 The derived WRP. growth. future limit Saugus mg/L concentration 100 asa and /V\A t\A . Load AUocation (for non point sources) accommodating thereby expressed point sources) WRP Resolution contribute a minor chloride load. The waste load allocation for thesepoint sourcesis 100 ffie/L. The sou"rceanalysisindicatesnonpoint sourcesare not a major source<?f chloride. The load allocations for these nonpoint sources is 100 mg/L. Interim of as sum the mg/L, is 114 plus chloride for concentration allocation . in TMDL evaluated of be will period the effluents during that WRPs' allocations. the load supply 23Omg/L. exceed allocation wasteload average. interim the shall time no a twelve month rolling At load water waste waste for proposes plan treated interim interim The Project Water WRP: with compliance The State Saugus accordance implementation, implementation Refer to Table 7-6.2. Implementation Load Allocation=Treated.Potable Waste Water Supply + concentratiol) chloride in difference maximum the is mg/L (114 114 mg/L, not to exceed 230 mg/L. between the State Water Project treated water and the Saugus WRP treatedeffluent over the last f1vey~ars.) Valencia WRP= The interim waste load allocation for chloride is the sum allocation exceed 230 mg/L. wasteload interim . potable Water Waste Load Allocation=Treated Interim the shall time no At average. rolling month twelve a as of State'Water,Projecttreatedwater supply cOncentrationplus 134 mg/L, Supply + \>DOrer less, is discharp;e woundwater hi~her, are Three critical conditions are identified for this TMDL. The driest six months of the year is the flfSt "critical condition for chloride becauseless surfaceflow is available to dilute effluent discharge,pumping rates for p~oses Seasonal Variations and Critical Conditions (134mg/L, is the maximum difference in chloride concentration between the State Water Project treated water and the Valencia WRP treated~ftluent over the last five years.) An implicit margin of safety is incorporatedthrough conservativemodel assumptions and statistical analvsis. agricultural Safety of Margin 134 ffig/L, not to exceed230 mg/L. R4-2006-016 critical evapotranspiration second and extraction groundwater on groundwater impact greater with seasons and increased the aquifer drought. the into During. drawn be weather. may flow several surface through reduced warm in greater groundwater are quality effects continues condition 4 Q4..OO4 No. Page Resolution the in used beneficial or will be completed WQO the modeling impact will were conditions critical three all loading conditions. non-critic~ d~~n~ uses additional model described. Hydrological evaluate-whether statistical from Data objective. the resourceand discharge.The third critical conditions is basedon the recent instreamchloride concentrationincreasessuch as those that occurred in 1999,a ye.arof averageflow, when 9 of 12 monthly averagesexceeded to of Date TMDL CUt, Blue at concentration in-river Effective average monthly the (I) Should a) 1. Alternate Water Supply (05/04/2005) month twelve rol.ling a as TMDL this of purposes the for measured the reach boundary, exceed the .water quality objective of 100mgfL, the of photographic date Angeles Los of effective the Districts after provide diverter years Sanitation 2 least County at agricultural each (3) for and Board (CSDLAC) and TMDL County Regional average,for three months of any 12 months, (2) eachagricultural' diverter provide recordsof the div.ersiondatesand amountsto the evidence that diverted water is applied to avocado, strawberry. or . in-" water die as time alternative as an such providing until for Board Control responsible be Quality Water Regional will other chloride sensitivecrop and evidenceof a water right to divert, then CSDLAC supply, negotiating the delivery of alternative water by a third party, or providing fiscal remediationto be quantified in negotiations betweenCSDLAC and the agricultural diverter at the direction of the two than a within the Officer, submit,' Executive to by more mg/L id~ntified 230 required Board be discharger exceed shall the Regional the by Officer period, concentratiPD request a of Executive year instream three the ~ days Board in Should ninety Regional times b) river chloride concentrationsdo not exceedthe water quality objective. for Board TMDL the of date effective by CSDLAC to Regional the from submitted be basis will reports semiannual a on Progress staff 2. workplan for an accelerated sc;heduleto reduce chloride discharges. tasks 4,6, and 7. and on ~_annual basis for Task'S. 6 months after Effective Date of TMDL that Board Regional the to plan a subInit will CSDLAC TMDL, 3. ChlorideSourceIdentification/Reduction, PollutionPreventionand PublicOutreachPlan:Six monthsaftertheeffectivedateof the addresses measures taken and planned to be taken to quantify and controlling on based potential developed assess were (11/04/2005) . in effective be may self-regenerating CSDLAC, which by residential that meas.ures f~r conducted programs, chloride. other and programs efforts outreach outreach pilot softeners, water incentive/disincentive the community-wide control sourcesof chloride, including, but not limited to: exec':lte CSDLAC shall develop and implement the will ~alyze the alternatives for reducine; this source. --- and The rainfall, low assessed. and be will drought of supplies conditions water include imported from will assessment sources sourcereduction/pollution prevention and public outreachprogram, and report results annually thereafterto the Regional Board. Chloride 5 No.R4-2006..0l6 Page Resolution ~ 12 months after Effective Date (05/04/2006) to descriptions at Board; and 6 Task Regional of a task and The for 6. Task schedule for the threshold re-evaluate will chloride hearing appropriate .support any needed changes to the time schedule for ev~uation public state with consistent assessment and analysis staff Board Regional subsequentlinked task.sbasced on input from the T AC(s), along with the there if sensitive salt schedule the of determine to amend to protection studies the action for scientific take will 2d yearsafter solicit will (11/20/2007) . Board Regional for developed management for recommendations Regional Board. obtain peer review, and report results. The impact of source waters and reclaimed water plans on achieving the water quality objective and protecting beneficia. uses, including. impacts on underlying groundwater quality, will also be assessedand specific TMDL Effective Date of the with CSDLAC cooperation Model: in model a Interaction develop data, collect Water justification. and threshold necessary the technical uses, chloride conduct sufficient "Groundwater/Surface proposals, 5. is agricultural appropriate to .andfederal law, as to the types of studiesneededand the time needed years after Date of (11/20/2007) submit and prepare also will CSDLAC thresholds. protection species TMDL endangered on Species Effective report a Endangered submit and and Use prepare Supply will CSDLAC Agricultural Protection: Sensitive 6. Evaluation of Appropriate Chloride Threshold for the Protection of L~ consideration. The purpose of the modeling and sampling effort is to determine the interaction between surface water and groundwater as itto may affect the Dualitv. loading of chloride fron'1 groundwater and. its linkage surface water a report presentingthe results of the evaluationof chloride thresholds .for salt sensitiveagricultural uses,which shall consider"theimpact of drought and low rainfall conditions and the associatedincreasein imported water concentrationson downstreamcrops utilizing the result of Task 5. 'l:..B:4years after Effectiv~ Date of TMDL Plan technical Basin a develop and base may proposals Board solicit Regional will the CSDLAC which upon analyses 'Agriculture: 7. Develop Site Specific Objectives (SSO) for Chloride for Sensitive amendment. . (OmO/2008) anti-de~dation develop and proposals solicit will CSDLAC SSo: by .Objective 8. Develop Anti-Degradation Analysis for Revision of Chloride analysis for Re2ional Board consideration; draft 6 R4-2006-016 Page ~ Resolution literature review to Board Regional and provide timelines detailed for.assessment, with recommendations a methodology the with cooperation in (TAC(s» 4. CSDLAC will convene a technical advisory committee or committees develop No. and measures control chloride potential identifies that Board Develop a pre-planning report"on conceptualcompliancemeasuresto meet different hypothetical final wasteloadallocations. CSDLAC shall solicit proposalsand develop and submit a report to the Regional 9 1 No.R4-2006-0 16 Page Resolution ~ . » years after Effective Date of TMDL (BPA) Amendment Plan. Basin ora Consideration md Preparation to. revise the chloride objective by the Regional Board. a) 10. costs based on different hypothetical scenarios for chloride water quality objectives and final waste~oadallocations. (05/04/2008) identify needs, water quantify win CSDLAC Uses: Beneficial b) Evaluation of Alternative Water Suppliesfor Agricultural alternative water supplies,evaluatenecessaryfa.cilities, and report results, including the long-term application of this remedy. CSDLAC Objective. Chloride Proposed for Allocations of Feasible CQmpliance Measures to Meet Fin~ Wasteload c) Analysis Regional and the by TMDL River Clara Chloride the Santa on Upper taken the action for and of Allocations Wasteload Reconsideration Final d) will assessand report on feasible implementation actions to meet the chloride objective established pursuant to Task lOa). Board. II. a)lmolementation ofComoliance CSDLAC to Measures. Plannin2: 5 ~ears after Effective Date of TMDL (2) agencies: smte/federal lead identifvin2 (1) to: limited sul:!mita reoort of olannin2 activities which include but are not administerin2 a comoetitive bid orocess for the selection of EIR/EIS (05/04/20]0) Df Notice Pro~iect of of Prelimin~ Submittal (4) (3) Develo~ment Analvses: Consultants: Feasibilitv and Plannin2 and Enmneerin2 and resoonse to comments: (8) Administration of final Periods' inco~ration and and Comment Em and Review Plan of Public Facilities Final Administration of 6 EIR' Develo~ment m and Preparation/Notice of Intent: (5) Preoaration of Draft Facilities Plan ~ublic review and orovide semi-annual oro2reSSreoorts on oro2reSSof ~lan!!ing activities. thereafter.until com~letion of Final Facilities Plan and EIR. . . ~ears after Date of TMDL Effective Ita). Task to related subtasks and ~ks related of schedule a orovide 5 to CSDLAC Planning: Measures. ComL1liance of Imolementation b) and certification process:and (9) Filin~ a Notice'of Determination. and Record of Decision. (O5/04nOl0) Resolution Q4-OO4No. R4-2<X>6-016 PageS implement control measure.s to meet Final Wasteload a coml2!ete have the TMDL 6 yearsafter EffectiveDateof (05/04/2011) for limits ~rmit efflu~nt final Iml2act Rel2Qrt for advanced with com121y to facilities provide shall CSDLAC Bel2°rt: Environmentallml2act treatment .Facilities Plan and Environmental (05/04/2011) Allocations adoptedpursuantto Task 10 d). CSDLAC justification for the needfor an extensionto the Regional Board executive Officer at least 6 months in advanceof the deadlinefor this task. ~ 13. a) Iml2lementation-of Coml2lianceM~asures.Coml2lete will Effective Date of to schedule the reconsider and l~ Task of date completion the 12~.The Regional Board. at a public meeting will consider extending §9 yearsafter TMDL -Ho:12. The Regional Board staff will re-evaluate the schedule to .implement control measures needed to meet Final Wasteload Allocations adopted pursuant to Task 10 d) and the schedule for Task cWoride. 6 yearsafter EffectiveDateof Design: recommended the design engineering the of Measl1res. Engineering of Com12liance be2in win CSDLAC b) 1rn121ementation TMDL 12roject. tasks. and DfOvide semi-annual p;rog.ress re~rts n: Desi sub- and tasks ineerin En related of Measures schedule liance design a Com of p;rovide lementation will 1m CSDLAC c (05/04/2011) on p;rog.ress of design activities. thereafter. until comp;letion of Final Design. In ~dition CSDLACwill p;rovide a construction schedule of relat~ tasks and sub-tasks. and p;rovide semi-annual p;romss re~rts on p;romss of construction activities." thereafter. until c~mp;letion of recommended 7 years after Effective Date of TMDL (05/04/2012) p;roject. construction and ~rmits ~~ro~riate all received of the recommended ~ro~iect. 11 yearsafter Effective Date of TMDL have comoleted and a~~lied have shall CSDLAC d) Imolementation of Com~liance Measures. Construction: the extending consider may in the Upper Santa Clara River shall be completion date of this task as necessary to account for events "beyondthe control of the CSDLAC. ~!Lyears after Effective Date of TMDL for effect Water in. TMDL. the remain of shall date chloride effective for the 1irnits for chloride Bo8rd Regional after years effluent ll~ interim than Objective The The more 14. no Quality achieved. ~ (05/04/2016) (05/04/2016)