
Water Quality Chemistry Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon State Water Board

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Water Quality Chemistry Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon State Water Board
Water Quality Chemistry
Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon
State Water Board
Water Quality Chemistry
Agenda: Course topics
Course Topics (Day 1)
purpose of sample collection
monitoring data should answer questions asked
in the monitoring plan
Sampling Design
– when and where to collect samples
– frequency of monitoring
Course Topics (Day 1)
Field Sampling and Quality Assurance
– Field & Sampling preparation
• Sample containers and preservatives
– appropriate sample containers
– maintaining appropriate sample
temperature and sample hold time
– Chemical Preservation
• Chain of custody record
• Field quality control
• Field testing
Course Topics (Day 1 & 2)
Monitoring program must have a data quality
Course Topics (Day 2)
 Introduction
 Laboratory Accreditation
 Quality assurance program
 PE samples
 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator
 Sample receiving and preparation
Laboratory automation
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Staff training
Laboratory equipment
Standards (solvents)
Quality control samples
Course Topics (Day 2)
 Laboratory Data Collection and Results
 Staff qualification
 Instrumentation
 Standard procedures
 Calculating final data
 External or internal standard
 Review and approval of final data
 Quality Assurance Check
 Independent of lab business and operation
 Procedure for rejecting data and re-analyses when QA fails
Course Topics (Day 2)
 Evaluation of sample and data from time of
collection to reporting
 Correct sample collected?
 Correct sample analyzed?
 Correct methods (standard) used to identify the pollutant (s)
of concern?
 Quality Assurance Program and QC Samples
 QA review to verify the results reported independent of lab
business and operation- qualifiers are used
 Quality control samples met the acceptance criteria?
Course Topics (Day 2)
– Don’t just read the reported pollutant
– Is the correct chemical or pollutant
– What is the unit of measurement?
– What is the lab reporting limits (detection
& quantitation)?
Water Quality Chemistry
• Learn the basic field sampling and laboratory
– learn the water quality sampling procedure
– learn how to read laboratory data
• when inspecting the sampling site
• when reviewing the data
Field Sampling and Testing
• Sample Collection
– Why samples are needed
– What questions need to be answered
• When to collect samples
• Where to collect samples
• How much to collect
Field Sampling and Testing
• Sampling Design
– Why is selecting an appropriate sampling
design important?
• The sampling design is a fundamental part of
data collection
• A well-developed sampling design ensure that
data are sufficient to draw conclusions
Field Sampling and Testing
• Sampling Design Cont.
• Appropriate sampling design helps in
generating accurate information about the
level of contamination in the environment
Field Sampling and Testing
• Sampling Design Cont.
• When designing a sampling plan consider the
following elements in relate to the study objective:
» sample location, sampling time and frequency
of sampling,
» the appropriateness and accuracy of the sample
collection and handling method,
» the quality and appropriateness of the
laboratory analysis, and
» the representativeness of the data collected
with respect to the objective of the study
• Representativeness should be addressed
through the sampling design
– Sample is representative of the environment
– Sample concentration is representative of the level
of contamination
• To determine the water quality impairment the
following information may be needed:
– variation in seasons
– variations at sampling points
– the amount of pollutant & extent of contamination
Accurate Information
• Developing a sampling design is a critical
– defensible data is needed for developing
regulatory tools
– data needed to investigate a problem
Sampling Designs
Two main categories of sampling designs
1) Probability-based
2) Judgmental sampling
Probabilistic and Judgmental
Sampling Designs
 Probabilistic Random Sampling Design
 apply sampling theory
 involve random selection of sampling
 Judgmental Sampling Design
 involve the selection of sampling units on the
basis of expert knowledge or professional
Probability-based versus
Judgmental Sampling Designs
• Provides ability to calculate
uncertainty associated with
• Provides reproducible results
within uncertainty limits
• Provides ability to make statistical
•Can be less expensive
than probabilistic designs
• Can be very efficient with
knowledge of the site
• Easy to implement
Disadvantages • Random locations may be difficult
to locate
• An optimal design depends on an
accurate conceptual model
•Depends upon expert
• Cannot reliably evaluate
precision of estimates
• Depends on personal
judgment to interpret data
relative to study objectives
What do you need to do?
• What are the objectives of the sampling
design process?
– The sampling design process should match the
needs of the project with the available resources
– when and where to collect samples
• If seasonal variation
• If temporal and spatial
– frequency of monitoring
Field Sampling and Testing
Field Sampling and Quality
• Sample containers and
• Chain of custody record
• Field quality control
• Field testing
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
Field and Sample preparation
• Sample containers and preservatives
– Glass, polyethylene or others
– Keeping samples at prescribed temperature
– Use of chemical preservatives and prescribed
• Sample holding time
– Degradation of chemicals
– Regulatory requirements
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
Sample preservation
• Methods of preservation are relatively limited
• Preservation achieve the following:
– retard hydrolysis of chemical compounds and
– retard biological action,
– reduce volatility of constituents, and
– reduce absorption effects.
– preservation methods are generally limited to pH
control, chemical addition, refrigeration, and freezing.
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
• Field sampling
Sampling procedures
• Integrated sampling
– To represent average concentration
• Composite sampling
– A sample of material which is obtained by blending
two or more individual samples
• Grab
– A sample collected at a specific time and specific
location, used to determine the nature of the water
for that specific time and location only
Mercury Low Level Sampling
• EPA Method 1669: Sampling Ambient
Water for Trace Metals at EPA Water
Quality Criteria Levels
• Known as the “Clean hands, Dirty
Hands”sample collection technique
• Use An ultra-clean sample collection
• Two-Person Sample Collection
Mercury Low Level Sampling
• Equipment:
– 1000-ml Teflon Beaker Dipper with 6-foot handle
• Supplies:
Standard Gloves
Shoulder Length Gloves
40 ml VOA Vials
Cooler for Sample Transportation
Mercury Low Level sampling
• Sample Collection Procedure
• Two Samplers are required
1. “Clean Hands”sampler
2. “Dirty Hands”sampler
• The bottom two feet of the Teflon dipper (near the
beaker) and the 40 ml sample vials are pre-cleaned at the
laboratory and double-bagged prior to the sample
collection event
Mercury Low Level Sampling
• Both samplers put on PPE
– Tyveksuits
– Shoulder-length gloves
– Standard gloves
• Dirty handles the top of the Teflon dipper and removes
the outer bag
• Clean removes the inner bag and handles only the
pre-cleaned and double-bagged portion of the Teflon
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
• Field quality control samples
– Trip blank
– Field blank or equipment blank
– Field duplicate (split sample)
– Field spike (Matrix Spike)
• Procedure for spiking sample
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
• Trip Blank
– To check contamination during sample handling and shipment from
field to the laboratory
• Field Blank:
– To check cross contamination during sample collection, sample
shipment, and in the laboratory. Also to check sample containers
• Field Duplicate
– To check reproducibility of laboratory and field procedures. To
indicate non-homogeneity.
• Matrix Spike (Field spike)
– Required by laboratory’s contract to check accuracy and precision of
organic analyses.
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
• Trip Blank
– Every sampling trip
• Field Blank
– Every sampling day
• Field Duplicate
– One per 20 samples (5%)
• Matrix Spike (Field spike)
– One per 20 samples (5%) when required
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
• Chain of Custody Record
– Recording the correct information
 Pollutant specific instead of a method number or scan
 Sample preservation
 Date and time of sample collection
 Other appropriate communication with the laboratory
Field Sampling Quality Assurance
• Field Testing
– Field equipment
• Supplies
– Equipment calibration
– Record keeping
Field Testing
Procedure for basic field equipment
– At each station, turn the meter on and place the probe
into the water column
– Obtain the reading for each station
– Rinse the probe with distilled water
– Turn the meter off
– Be careful to handle the probe carefully so as not to
damage it while in the field
– Recheck the standard (calibration) at the end of the day
and record the reading
Field Testing
Dissolved oxygen
Conductivity/ TDS
Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia nitrogen
Field Testing
• pH
– pH, "potential of hydrogen", is a measure of the concentration
of hydrogen ion in the water
– pH measurement indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the water
– On the pH scale of 0-14, a reading of 7 is considered to be
– Naturally occurring fresh waters have a pH range between 6
and 8
– pH of the water affects the solubility and availability of nutrients,
and how they can be utilized by aquatic organisms
Testing pH Level
Field Testing
• Dissolved Oxygen
• DO is the amount of oxygen dissolved in water,
measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L)
– DO in water is critical to the survival of various
aquatic life in streams, such as fish
– The ability of water to hold oxygen in solution is
inversely proportional to the temperature of the
Dissolved Oxygen
• Dissolved Oxygen (dissolved gas)
decreased as temperature increased in the
Field Testing
• Temperature
• Temperature is a measure of how cool or
how warm the water is
• expressed in degrees Celsius (C).
• critical water quality parameter
• directly influences the amount of dissolved oxygen
that is available to aquatic organisms.
• water temperature that exceeds 18 degrees
Celsius has a deleterious effect on several fish
species in streams.
• Salmonids, for example, prefer waters of
approximately 12 to 14 degrees Celsius
Field Testing
• Temperature
• Temperature of Cold and Warm waters not to
increase more than 5 degree (F)
• After taking the pH reading from the pH meter, obtain
the temperature reading at each station and record it
on the data sheet.
• Place the thermometer or pH meter in the water column.
• After the reading stabilizes, record it on the data
Field Testing
• Conductivity
Conductivity is the ability of the water to
conduct an electrical current
• an indirect measure of the ion concentration.
– The more ions present, the more electricity can be
conducted by the water.
– This measurement is expressed in microsiemens per
centimeter (uS/cm) at 25 degrees Celsius.
Total Dissolved Solid
• Total dissolved solids is a measure of the
amount of particulate solids that are in
• TDS shall not exceed 125 mg/l
• This is an indicator of nonpoint source
pollution problems associated with various
land use practices.
• The TDS measurement is expressed in
• Turbidity is a measure of the clarity of the
• Turbidity is the amount of solids suspended in
the water.
• Turbidity can be in the form of minerals or
organic matter.
• Turbidity is a measure of the light scattering
properties of water, thus an increase in the
amount of suspended solid particles may be
visually described as cloudiness or
• Turbidity is measured in Nephelometric
Turbidity Units (NTU).
Field Testing
• Turbidity
• Where natural turbidity is between 0 and 5
NTU's, increase shall not exceed 1 NTU
• Equipment- Turbidity Meter Kit, sterile tissues
(kimwipes), distilled water, and data sheet.
• Using a clean sterile , empty water bottle
unscrew the cap
• DO NOT touch the inside of the bottle, nor the
inside of the cap. It should remain as sterile as is
• With the cap off the bottle, turn the bottle upside
down and place the open end into the column of
Field Testing
• Turbidity
• With the bottle upside down in the water column,
turn the bottle to face upstream to fill with stream
• Bring the bottle back out of the water column and
secure the cap.
• While preparing the turbidity meter for use, let the
turbidity sample bottles adjust to room
Field Testing
• Chlorine
Two methods are recognized by the EPA for
mandated testing on wastewater discharge:
– DPD and the Ion Selective Electrode (ISE)
– Because of the fragility of the sample
conditions, these tests are most accurate when
done on site.
– DPD is a colorimetric method, and is affected
by turbidity and color in the sample, scratches
on the sample vial, and stray sunlight.
– The ISE method is unaffected by these issues,
making it an accurate as well as convenient
method to make these measurements in the
Residual Chlorine
• The amount of measurable chlorine remaining after
treating the water with chlorine
• There are 3 primary types of chlorine residual
– Free Residual - Strong disinfecting power, relatively
– Combined Residual - Weak disinfecting power, relatively
– Total Residual - Free Residual + Combined Residual
– Surface water may have free and/or some combined
– Wastewater have combined and free residuals, depending
on the treatment process.
Chlorine Residual
• The most common field test method for determining
chlorine residual concentration is the (N,N-diethyl-pphenylenediamine) DPD Colorimetric
– Using DPD Colorimetric, DPD is added to a sample
and, through a series of reactions, a chemical is
produced that is red in color.
– The color intensity correlates to the residual chlorine
• A spectrophotometer is used to measure this intensity of
the red color
• For a quick non-NPDES check, the sample’s color is
compared to DPD- specific color wheel to determine
chlorine concentration.
– The easiest method to use
– But it is affected by a number of interferences, most
notably color, turbidity, and oxidizing agents.
Conventional Parameters
•Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
• BOD is a measure of how much oxygen is used
by microorganisms in the aerobic oxidation
• Usually, the higher the amount of organic
material found in the stream, the more oxygen is
used for aerobic oxidation.
• This depletes the amount of dissolved oxygen
available to other aquatic life.
• BOD measurement is obtained over a period of
five days, and is expressed in mg/L.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
• No
Standard for BOD 5-day.
• Equipment Needed: BOD Bottles, various
reagents, 250mL graduated cylinder, 25mL
buret, 2 droppers, and data sheet.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Field sampling
• Collect a water sample in a clean 300mL glassstoppered BOD bottle.
• Add one Sulfate Powder Pillow and one Alkaline
Iodide-Azide Reagent Powder Pillow.
• Insert the stopper immediately into the bottle so that
no air is trapped in the bottle. Invert several times to
• Wait for the precipitate (floc) to form in the solution
and settle. Again invert the bottle several times and
wait until the floc has settled.
• Remove the stopper and add one Sulfamic Acid
Powder Pillow. Replace the stopper without trapping
air bubbles, and invert to mix several times.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Field Sampling Cont.
• Pour the prepared sample into a 250mL graduated
cylinder to the 200mL mark
• Pour the contents of the graduated cylinder into a 250mL
erlenmeyer flask.
• Fill a 25mL buret to the zero mark with PAO Titrant,
0.025 N
• Titrate the prepared sample with PAO Titrant to a pale
yellow color, and record the number of mL used
• Add two droppers full of Starch Indicator Solution and
swirl to mix
• Continue the titration until the solution changes color
from dark blue to colorless, and record the number of mL
Bacteriological Test
• A bacteriological test shows if water is free from
disease-causing bacteria
• It is possible to test for virtually every water-borne
disease-causing bacteria and virus, but such a test
would be costly
• The most common test is total coliform bacteria
– Because coliform bacteria commonly inhabits the
gastrointestinal tract of warm-blooded animals,
– They serve as indicators of fecal contamination and
as a marker for other, possibly pathogenic
Flow measurement
• When monitoring water quality, a flow measurement
should be obtained.
• Follow the manufacturer's instructions and calibrate the
flow meter.
• Determine where to take the flow measurement in the
– Do not take the measurement in a pool.
– Take the measurement in a riffle or the tail out of a pool.
– The cross section of stream should be fairly uniform in
depths across the section you will measure.
– There should be no major obstructions upstream or
downstream of where the measurement is taken.
– Remove any movable obstructions from the stream such
as debris, leaves, large rocks, sticks, etc. that would
disrupt the flow or divert the flow of the stream.
Flow measurement
• There should be enough water to submerge the
flow meter
– If there is no available water at the station, for example, the
water has gone subsurface, record this observation on the
data sheets.
• Spread the measuring tape out from left stream
bank to right stream bank.
• The tape should be secured above the surface of
the water on each bank and pulled taught.
• The tape should be within the wetted perimeter of
the stream.
• Record the entire width distance from left to right
bank on the data sheet. Leave the tape in place.
Flow Measurement
• Prepare the flow meter for use.
• Depending on the width of the stream, determine the
increments across the width of the stream to obtain
an accurate flow measurement.
– Approximately 10 to 20 measurements may be
necessary for accurate recordings of flows.
– Increments should be equal distances apart. At each
increment, record the tape value, or distance (width),
depth, and velocity.
Flow measurement
• To begin, read the measuring tape out to where the
water starts from the bank and record the distance.
– If there is no water at this distance record "no flow" on
data sheet.
– Take the first flow measurement at the edge of the
bank where the bank meets the water, and record the
flow data.
– This will be your second width distance recording, but
probably your first depth, and velocity measurement.
– Record all flow measurements on data sheet.
• Proceed across the width of the stream recording
the distance, depth, and velocity (as above) until
you reach the other bank.
Flow Measurement
• When all flow data has been collected, reel up
the measuring tape, secure all equipment, and
travel to next station.
• The actual discharge factor will be derived at the
office with the use of a calculator and discharge
Why Field Testing?
• Water samples are in a chemically
dynamic state chemical, biological,
and/or physical processes change their
• Analyte concentrations may become
altered due to volatilization, sorption,
diffusion, precipitation, hydrolysis,
oxidation, and photochemical and
microbiological effects
Field Measurements
• Choosing Appropriate Field
– Each method has advantages and
– Inexpensive and easy-to-use methods are
usually not as accurate, while highly
accurate methods often cost more
– Select a method that fits the goals of your
water quality project
Field Instrument
• Field instruments are portable batterypowered instruments
– with a probe that can be dropped into a stream to
get a digital water quality reading
• These instruments are relatively easy to use
and are moderately expensive
– Once purchased they can be used over and over,
and in the long run are cheaper than test kits
when measuring a large quantity of samples
• Field instruments are available for limited
water quality parameters
– dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and
conductivity and other conventional parameters.
Field Instrument
• Significant Advantage
– can be used directly in the stream or river, thus
avoiding errors that occur when you handle samples
• when collecting a dissolved oxygen sample must be
very careful not to trap extra air bubbles in the sample
• Using a dissolved oxygen
• field equipment
– can simply drop the probe
into the river and get a direct
reading of dissolved oxygen
Field Test Kits
• Field test kits can measure water
quality in the field and require very
little training or equipment
• The exact methods vary, but most
involve adding tablets to a 5- to 10milliliter water sample
– The tablet contains a chemical that reacts
with the water sample, causing it to change
color after a short period of time
– The concentration of the chemical is then
shown by the intensity of the color
Field Test Kits
• These test kits are great teaching tools, but
are too imprecise and inaccurate for
detailed scientific studies
– difficult to get repeatable results, since different
people will see different colors depending on their
eyesight and the amount of light
• Field test kits are most often used for
educational monitoring and as a quick way
to identify gross water quality problems
– not appropriate for studies designed to measure
changes in water quality or to check if a water
body is meeting water quality standards.
Field Testing Training
• Multiparameter sensor instruments
provide reliable data for baseline water
quality studies
Easy to use in the field
Calibration capability
Store the data
Most are portable
If calibrated and used correctly, produce
reliable and reproducible data
Colorimetric Analysis
• Colorimetric – the measurement of color
– Technique used to evaluate an unknown
color in reference to known colors
– The intensity of the color from the reaction
is mostly proportional to the concentration
of the substance
• Accurate results are limited by eyesight or
inconsistency in the light source
• To eliminate inconsistencies a colorimeter can
be used to photoelectrically measure the
amount of colored light absorbed by a colored
sample in reference to a colorless sample
Course Topics (Day 1 & 2)
Data Quality Objectives
• Monitoring program must have a data quality
Course Topics (Day 2)
 Introduction
 Laboratory Accreditation Certification
 Quality assurance program
 PE samples
 Wastewater Operator Certification
 Sample receiving and preparation
 Laboratory automation
 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
 Staff training
 Laboratory equipment
 Standards (solvents)
 Quality control samples
Course Topics (Day 2)
 Laboratory Data Collection and Results
 Staff qualification
 Instrumentation
 Standard procedures
 Calculating final data
 External or internal standard
 Review and approval of final data
 Quality Assurance Check
 Independent of lab business and operation
 Procedure for rejecting data and re-analyses when QA fails
Field Instrument
• These instruments are accurate if they are
calibrated frequently
– Calibration is done by checking the meter against
a sample with a known concentration of chemical
being measured (standard solution)
• If the instrument reading is in error, the
instrument is adjusted to match the correct
– Calibration should be done using a range of
standard solution concentrations, to ensure that
the instrument reads both low and high
concentrations correctly
Course Topics (Day 2)
 Evaluation of sample and data from time of collection to
 Correct sample collected?
 Correct sample analyzed?
 Correct methods (standard) used to identify the pollutant (s) of
 Quality Assurance Program and QC Samples
 QA review to verify the results reported independent of lab
business and operation- qualifiers are used
 Quality control samples met the acceptance criteria?
Course Topics (Day 2)
– Don’t just read the reported pollutant concentration.
– Is the same pollutant listed on the report as listed on
– What is the unit of measurement?
– What is the lab reporting limits (detection &
Data Quality Objectives
• Precision
• Accuracy
• Representative
• Completeness
• Comparability
• Precision is a measure of how reproducible the
data collected
– It determines the consistency of procedures for collecting
– It determines the consistency of repeated samples that
are tested.
• Precision measurements are obtained by taking
duplicate samples each sampling day for each
parameter recorded.
– The samples should be taken at the same time and the
same place
– The relative percent difference will show how precise the
data is for the parameters sampled.
• Accuracy is a measure of confidence that the data
collected in the field and in the laboratory reflect the
true value of a given parameter.
• Each instrument will have various ranges of
expected values.
– for example, when calibrating the pH meter, a known pH buffer
solution of 7.0 will be sampled using the pH probe.
– If the value of the pH measured shows a reading of 8.1, the
difference between the average pH value is off, or biased, by
1.1 unit.
• Accuracy is a quantification of the difference
between the measured value and the true value.
• Representativeness is a measure of the extent to
which the measurements obtained actually depict
the true environmental condition being evaluated.
– for example, a sample taken near a manure spill
will not be indicative of the entire stream.
– Or samples taken from upstream location will not
be indicative of the water quality.
• The completeness of data relies on how many
samples need to be taken to be able to use the
information that is collected.
– for example, when monitoring includes required
parameters at each of the fifteen stations plus a duplicate
sample at each station, if all samples are collected, the
completeness factor will have been met.
– however, should only 10 stations be sampled out of 15,
then the percent completeness would be approximately
– percent completeness is the number of planned
measurements judged valid divided by the total number
of measurements taken multiplied by 100.
• Comparability can only be measured by data
gathered on the same stream or on a similar
stream with similar conditions.
– Data are compared for various reasons
– If the data is gathered over a period of two years,
the data may be compared on an annual basis
Laboratory Procedure
Sample Analyses
Data Collection & Report
Reading and Reviewing
Laboratory Data
Laboratory Analyses
Laboratory Accreditation
 Certification
 Performance Evaluation (PE) samples
 Staff qualification and training
 Provision for utility owned lab
Wastewater Operator Certification (being certify as
wastewater operator is not sufficient lab analyses)
 Required by Water Code
Public wastewater treatment, public industrial treatment plant
Private wastewater or industrial plants, regulated by PUC
Private sewage plants with WDR
Sample receiving system
– Interpretation of chain of custody
– Tracking samples in the laboratory
– Sample storage
Utility Owned Laboratory
• Health & Safety Code: 100825
– Level of certification for utility owned lab
• Utility own lab staff certification
– Required for utility staff that conduct analyses
for compliance
– Certification offered by California Water
Environmental Association
– Apply to Lab Director and analysts
– Certification are specific to types of analyses
• Laboratory Accreditation
– Audit by DPH
– Qualification, instrumentations, procedures
• Wastewater Operator Certification
– Five level of operator certification
– Must meet the minimum experience and
education requirements and pass a written test
• Minimum experience requires depends on level
of certification
Laboratory Analyses
Sample Analyses
Standard procedure
Instrument calibration
Calculating sample results
Internal QA – frequency
Data collection and Report
Errors that can occur during
Laboratory Analyses
Reading laboratory data
Pollutants and concentration
Unit of measurement
Reporting limits
Qualifiers used by the laboratory
total vs. dissolved
non detect results
internal QA relation with data
Laboratory Analyses
• Laboratory Quality Assurance
• Internal Quality Control Samples
– Laboratory Standards
– Equipment blanks
• Extraction
• Analyses
– Laboratory Control Spikes
– Matrix Spikes
Laboratory Analyses
Data Validation
Begin with Chain of custody record
Is the correct pollutant analyzed?
Is correct sample analyzed?
Is the unit of measurement lower than
Is result lower than reporting limits?
What does qualifier mean?
Does internal QA verify the data is
Laboratory Analyses
Volatile Organic
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Laboratory Analyses
• Volatile Organic
– Gas chromatograph Purge and
– Clean environment
– No headspace in samples
– Surrogates and Internal
Standards to check sample
Laboratory Analyses
• Pesticides
– Gas Chromatograph
– Sample extraction
– Surrogate added prior to extraction
Laboratory Analyses
• Petroleum
– Sample extraction
– Gas chromatography
– Multination peaks
– Fingerprinting
Laboratory Analyses
• Metals
– Sample digestion techniques
– Different laboratory instruments used
– Low level metals
Organic Analyses
Volatile Organic Analyses
Fly UP