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c STATE OF CALIF0RNIA ( 0 STATEWATERRESOURCES COIVTROLBOARD In the Matter of Application 25878 PACIFIC GAS AND E~ZXXPIC co. Applicant ) 1 ! DEP-OF FISHANDGAME Protestant Decision: 1591 Source: Benner Creek Ccunty: Plumas ! 1 Decision Approving Application 25878 By the Board: Pacific Gas and Electric Carpany (PC&E) having filed Application 25878 for a permit to appropriateunappropriatedwater; a protest having been received: the applicant and protestanthaving stipulated to proceedings in lieu of hearing as provided for by Title 23, CaliforniaAdministrativeCode, Section 737; a field investigationhaving been made by the State Water Resources Control Board pursuant to said stipulations:the Board having considered all available information,finds as follows: Substance of the Application 1. Application 25878 is for a permit to divert three cubic feet per second (cfs) fran January 1 to December 31 fran Benner Creek tributary to Butt Creek thence North Fork Feather River for generation of hydroelectricper. The point of diversion is within NE% of J9& of Section 13, T26N, R7E, MDB&M. -2Applicant’s Project 2. The applicant feet high, located Butt Creeks. proposes to construct a rock rubble dam about four about 1,000 feet~ upstream from the confluence of Benner and The water is to be conveyed through a conduit. to existing Valley Reservoir. After regulation in Butt Valley Reservoir Butt water is to be conveyed through a tunnel to Caribou Powerhouse #2 and released into Nort.h.Fork Benner Creek enters Butt Creek less than 100 feet below Butt Feather River. Valley Dam. Protest The Department of Fish and Game ( and Game) protested 3. Application 25878 on the basis of possible riparian habitat is important. in Benner Creek but that the riparian Fish and Game set forth proposed terms to be included in any permit issued on Application 4. terms. to the Fish and Game The PG&Eterm would elimi.nate the need for’ measuring devices to be sure that a certain wcu1.d require an open 2.5-inch pipe. would produce a flow of 0.27 cfs. water and wculd eliminate Calculations PG&Ereplied j nf easi.ble. i.ndicat,e that this pipe the need for’ expensive monitoring equipment. requested that the pipe be 3.5-inches of 0.53 cfs. The PG&Eterm An open pipe would automatical1.y by-pass Fish and Game accepted the basic features 5. f inanci.alIy bypass is taking place. and pipe to be placed through the dam 2.67 feet below the invert of the diversion parties 25878. PG&Esubmitted a term as an alternative observations I and the After furt.her eval.uati.on, Fish and Game of Benner Creek. concluded that there is no fishery habitat injury to the fishery in diameter. of the term, but This would produce a bypass that a bypass of 0.5 cfs would make the project After further discussi.on with Board staff, agreed that an intermediate 0.37 cf s would be acceptable. both bypass flow reguirement of approxi.mately -3Availability of Unapproprjated The record 6. September flow indicates cfs. The photographs, 4ori.l 1980 show substantial. there is suff ici.ent can be diverted time. flow for The staff’s flow and wildlife mer Initial Study indicates diversion River Butt Valley that the reduced and that are not. expected that indicat,es flow in the application is not expected substantially There is a. gaging Dam. a substantial flow year-round flow that most of the in Benner to reduce the critical to be adversely fisheries affected flow of about one-thjrd Environmental of Butt by the station indicates foot per second at the station through 200 feet below that Butt Creek carries diversion 1979 seepage 11~miles should not deplete the Butt Va.lley Dam produced below the dam. on Butt Creek was 15 cubic feet At the per second. Considerations The Board has prepared 8. the California Environmenta and the State no significant effect Record Matter in this Application maps published a Negative Qua1i.t.y Act (PubJic Gujdelines, Declaration Resources and the Board determines on the environment The records, 9. are: cubic on Butt Creek about and the proposed In September significantly. same time flow station of that The record flow matter The record i on in from’ Benner Creek. 7. et seq.) diversion investigat and above the bypass as proposed up in of 1979 showed the the field in Benner Creek. generation habitat Creek and Feather taken during in Benner Creek over Creek caused by the proposed fish that Benner Creek sometimes dries A measurement by PG&E in September and October. to be 0.08 Water as a result documents and information 25878 and a1.J information by the U.S. Geological Code, 21000 Section that. there with will be of the project. used in deciding on file Survey covering in accordance therej.n; this topographic the area under consideration;the USGS publication,Water Resources Data, California,Volume 4, Northern Central Valley Basins and the Great Basin fran Honey Lake Basin to Oregon State Line. Conclusions and Reccmendations 10. EYm the foregoing, the Board concludes that water is available which can be used without causing injury to downstream users or the eriviromnt, and that Application 25878 should be approved and a pemit issued subject to the conditions set forth in the order follckJing: ORDEX IT IS HEZ?FBYORDERED that Application 25878 be approved and a permit issued subject to vested rights. The petit shall contain all applicable standard permit term (6, 10, 11, 12, and 13)* in addition to the follming conditions: 1. The water appropriated shall be limited to the guantity which can be'beneficiallyused and shall not exceed three cubic feet per second to be diverted fran January 1 to December 31 of each year. 2. Constructionwork shall begin within two years of the date of this permit and shall thereafter be prosecutedwith reasonable diligence, and if not so cmmranced and prosecuted, this permit my be revoked. 3. Constructionwork shall be aqleted 4. Ccrmpleteapplication of the water to the authorized use shall be by December 1, 1986. made by Decsmber 1, 1987. *The Board keeps a list for standard permit tears, copies of these are available upon request. \0 -5- s. Nater Jivcrted under tnis pernit is for nonconsunpt.ivenisi? <anti is to bc released to North Fork Feather River within NT;!< of N'?<of Section 25, T2GW, R'IE,L!JIB&M belw 6. Caribou No. 2 Pcxerhouse. Permittee shall install and pr0perl.y maintain an adequate water bypass system which provides flcws to maintain riparizn habitat dcx~nstrcam. be defined of th.i.s permit, an adequate water bypass system shal.]. For pqoses as a pip 3-inches insiclediameter ccntcred 2.67 feet belw di.versionpipe. the invert of the Permittee shall.keep the pipe open, free of debris and opxati.ny at al.1times. This permit Canal any l.icenseissued hrxeafter are subject to the continuing authority of the Board to modify the required wter by-piss system to ensure that the system continu;lllybypasses a flcxiof 0.37 cfs or the entire flcxrof the stream, if less than 0.37 cfs. 1x-it.cul: June 16, 1983