by user
z . STATE OF CALIFORNIA . STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD In the Matter of Application 24804 and License 8199 (Application 19877) of Big Basin Water Company to Appropriate from four Unnamed Streams and Hare Creek and of Application 24172 of Big Basin Water Company, Nagilluc, Inc., Thomas J. Culligan, Jr., and Kathleen Culligan to appropriate from Hare Creek all in Santa Cruz Courity ) > ) ) ) ) ._ -. . DECISION 1482 , ) ) ) DECISION APPROVING APPLICATIONS AND CHANGE PETITION . * BY BOARD MEMBER ADAMS: Big Basin Water Company and Boulder Creek Golf and Country Club, jointly, and Big Basin Water Company having filed Applications 24172 and 24804 respectively for permits to appropriate unappropriated water; Big Basin Water Company having filed a petition to add a purpose of use and to change the place of use under License 8799; protests having been received; a public hearing having been held before the Boa.rdon December 6 and 7, 1977; applicants and protestants having appeared and presented evidence; the evidence received at the hearing having been duly considered, the Board finds as follows: Substance of Applications and Change Petitions 1. Application 24172 is for a permit to collect to storage 61.5 acre- feet per annum (afa) in an existing reservoir on Hare Creek in Santa Cruz County from October 1 of each year to May 1 of the succeeding year for domestic and irrigation purposes within. the service area of the Big Basin Water Company (Company), being within Sections 2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, and 24, T9S, R3W, MDB&M. This reservoir is commonly known as hare Reservoir No. 2. The point of diversion 4 is existing Hare*Dam No. 2 located within the NE% of NE& of said Section 15. 24172 was filed by the Company and Boulder Creek Golf and Country xation Subsequently, the interests of Boulder Creek Golf and Country Club have been assigned to Nagilluc, Inc., Thomas J. Culligan, Jr., and Kathleen Culligan. hagilluc, Inc., et. al. intend to transfer their ownership in Hare Reservoir ho. 2 .- ., .. :.! . and Hare Dam No. 2 to the Company, if Application 24172 is approved. 2. Application 24804 is for a permit to appropriate 0.52 cubic feet per second ‘(cfs) by direct diversion from one or a combination of four &-u&%d streams and to collect'10 afa to offstream storage in existing Jamison Reservoir. The total amount of water to be diverted is not to exceed 335.25 afa and the season of diversion for both the direct diversion and the diversion to storage is from January 1 to December 31 of each year. . The water is to be used for fire protection and domestic purposes within the Company service area. The ,._ ..: 't &ink of diversion are within: . l.r. ::;, ! ...., N& of SW%, Section 14 (2 points) 7. iJ@ S& . .- > 1 ‘. p.:j;_ii:: ,’ 3. of NE%, Section 23, and NE& of SE%, Section 23, all : . within T9S, R3W, MDB&M. “..-_ License 8199 is a license authorizing the diversion to storage of 45 afa from Hare Creek behind Hare Dam No. 1 for the period from October 1 of each year to May 1 of the succeeding year. ~. the SW< of NW%, Section 14, T9S, R3W, MDB&M. The of diversion is within The purpose of use is irrigation and the place of use is 65.5 acres of golf course within Section 14 of the same ~ -township. The petition requests two changes: the addition of domestic use as a purpose of use and an increase&in the place of use to the Big Basin Uater Company service area being within Sections 2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, and 24 /-IO r‘ ‘\: 1) j of said township. . -& ” -* , , :=. . 4. Project of Applicant and Petitioner The Company is a private water purveyor supplying treated (chlorinated) (as of domestic water to 323 residential connections and 26 special .connections early 1977). It also provides untreated irrigation water to the Boulder Creek 601 f Course. On July 24, 1973 the County of Santa Cruz placed a moratorium on new construction within the Company's service area to be in effect until the 'Company secured an adequate supply of water for domestic and fire protection Grvices. The Company's objectives are to appropriate additional water to provide service residential units within its service area and to secure a water 'right entitlement to waters that it has historically usep. ?I, -1 -. 5. Hare Dam No. 1 was constructed in 1961 and No.'2 in 1972. .As explained above, License 8199 authorizes diversion of water at Hare Dam No. 1. Company and Nagilluc, ,Inc., The et. al. are not diverting water behind Hare Dam No. 2. In addition, the diversion facilities on the four unnamed streams and Jamison Reservoir have been in use for many years. t; 6. Protests I Protests against the approval of the two applications and the _ petition to change were filed as follows: a. 1; '. Application 24172 (Hare Reservoir N.o.2): County of Santa Cruz, Save San Lorenzo River Association, Valley Citizens for Clean Glater, Home Front, Northern California Council of Fly Fishing Clubs,'John B. Denault and the California Department'of Fish and Game (Department). b. _ Application 24804 (direct diversion and Jamison Reservoir): County of-Santa Ciuz , Save San Lorenzo River Association, -. Northern California Council of Fly Fishing Clubs, John B. Denault and the Department. ! -3- . "3.0 No water shall be diverted under this permit until permittee f' m has installed a device satisfactory to the State Uater Resources Control Board which is capable of measuring the flows required by clause Z(a) and 2(b) of this permit. Said measuring devices shall be installed in Hare Creek (1) above the Hare Reservoir, and (2) within 100 yards of the confluence of Boulder Creek." "4. In accordance with Section 6100 -and/or Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code, no water shall be diverted under this permit until the Department of Fish and Game has determined -. . that measures necessary to protect fishlife have been incorporated into the plans and construction'of such diversion. . construction, operation, or maintenance costs of any facility : :_. i required pursuant to this provision shall be borne by the D .* 0 The “. . . ., : . r _... t;_:) ..,. permittee." i-. 9. On February 14, 1978 the County of Santa Cruz withdrew its protest i ':: ;_ : _ tb.Applica&on 24804. L$ \ ._I ! ; ..j C.!. 7.: Id. In their answers to the protests, the applicants and licensee .. .. state that the Department's bypass requirements will mitigate any adverse effects . . .: ) ._: : qn__fish and wildlife in Hare Creek or on downstream riparian habitat. It was ";,;*\ .. _ pointed out that releases from storage from Hare Reservoir No. 2 during the . ‘., _ ., .~ <- “r : _- &irner~~o maintain the minimum flow ‘will in fact be beneficial since water r;* ,'; " -'~. wil!be- available when the creek is normally dry. The measuring devices required - agreement to be installed in Hare Creek both upstream and downstream L of the reservoirs have been installed and are in operation. The other concerns z. bjt’2aid . I I / of the protestants and the position of the applicants' and licensee relative /”“‘\ 0 ‘‘ L. thereto ,are discussed.infra. ; . ‘. . _’ ‘3.. Existence of Unappropriated Kater For Application 24172 cc:.Z _i i. ._ ,?r-,:. Hare : 7_--JIl.-.-: Creek, the source under Application ,@$t$~n-islope+-of Y'4.I,.. ,_.. pen Lomond Mountain for approximately and flows in a generally 7,700 feet to its confluence aLs%theasterly 24172, originates direction with Boulder for approximately easterly Creek. on the direction Boulder three miles Creek to its con- ?_, II.. the San Lorenzo River. fi.7..** Meanannua.1 ap$ off, a precipitation rtt :-s:--::_ii ;::_i;y_ bo&'a"v'erage and median through is estimated A?i-il 30 t; 1*jm,e I- j 1-r f 13 3 f- -j 8-i ;I : Hare Reservoir No. 1 ,nf fIE_Jr gqt(fio&# the . U.-n,,-: y1-_-. .above13?"ALailability p&~pg~&c$#e_5&his Average Runoff (af) Annual run- 1/ Median- Runoff (af) - 525 800- 900 530 590 900-1000 600 775 1200- 1350 800 of unappropriated caSe as follows: E s'cr?edinc iP are “c r&k may $&'compared to be 58 inches. as follows: Drainage Area (acres) Mare Creek ,is?$"Pi.-: LocatF'Ch" s is estimated water may be analyzed first, to the proposed the median annual demand annual .2/ ; . with the runoff of second, the measured Hare Pap I‘40 ? icr annual‘ flow'of the“San Lorenzo River at the Big Trees gauge may be compared with $0 supply the app?i estimated that 9;” 293 ~ j+"s:Jsp e!e%?n*runoff typically equals 65 to 75 percent of average runoff. The figures the~~e~e~fe$,in,this column are the product of the fraction (2/3) and the lower These figures are also rounded off to figure in the average runoff column. Finally, in an area where rainfall varies greatlv from year of /?$ n.ea@st,,!Q:af. of a median rather than an average (mean) figure approximates t o y&a?, theuse g conditions,more likely to prevail most years in the watershed. The forepri$#?< I~._ii,Li c; going method & used because of the need to assure that availability of a domestic water supply is not overestimated. It omits any inflows of the Hare Creek 2' This again conservative. watershed downstream of Hare Dam No. 1. However, this approach also assumes -no~~~-~~--f~~-~vaporation or seepage of the releases necessary to satisfy the _?r qepar~me?-t!,s_bypass requirement for fish and wildlife. It is assumed that ~~~~s~~st~~.~,~~;f;ac!tors will offset each other. 5.3 miles IlOft;, -6- $j The.Big Treesgauge is .that'stream gauge station operated by,the United- I f..:States:Gcol.ogic- Survey on:the..Ssn Lorenzo. River at-Bi-g Trees z.7 ,~> _ I.;',.~~. . :5~~3lmiPe~:north:dfthe City of Santa Cruz.,:;:_:.: ;::: :::iii?,::.:fr-1;:--I> - c’^_. 4 .:-,:,.,,.:;‘ *.., ,”_: tr .zd’ e? _.,, ---;.:-‘...t’:’ “- . . 1 ._. (_ . -79 . ; p. a . 15. Sit&e hydraulic and the San Lorenzo Boulder on vested 'River. However, Ideally, rights Hare Creek, Boulder an analysis of the.confluence this analysis in Boulder to determine of the effect of Hare Creek and \r!ouldexamine analysis the affect is not available. the flow at the Big Trees gauge can be examined 'w+th the demands downstream Creek of Creek and in the San Lorenzo data for such a comprehensive .Bn"alternative, between of the year, on rights downstream Creek is necessary. $he appropriation exists River during portions of this appropriation 8, continuity if unappropriated AS and compared water is available ‘in the river. a. . and 7200 .‘, / The City of Santa Cruz holds Licenses (Application and 6.0 cfs, respectively, municipal ., ,.‘-/_. , I and industrial sions downstream -.? . ~ 5215), which bypass ;,c&‘.; authorize-a These diversions of the Big Trees for fish and wildlife gauge. 4017) direct d.iversion of 6.2 cfs from the San Lorenzo use. 1553 (Application River, year-round for are the only known diver- The licenses do not require any purposes. ‘,’ _, b. '_,. 1. - The' City of Santa Cruz also holds Permits 16123 (Application ; -. .., 22318) ~ and 16601 (Application 23710) for diversion sari Lorenzo River near Felton, which is upstream "Permit 16601 requires at:Felton _.? for the protection .*.. ... -. .__. ..__ ri : . _-~ i : ‘.:‘_ ;,;,ie. \- 0““, !. gauge. flows in the San Lorenzo River . . of fish:/ . .I_ October - 25.cfs November 1 to May 31 - 20 cfs c. Assuming :%::~'Felton should k., I’-- minimum of the Big Trees *: : _ the following of 3,000 afa from the o)'the minimum that the minimum fl.ows in the San Lorenzo also apply dok/nstream to the Ocean, and assuming c bypass River at !: extension of 20 cfs for fish protection through the remaining 51 Permit 16123 requires a minimum bypass of 10 cfs in the San Lorenzo River for However, during negotiations \:lithprotestants on the month of September. Application 23710, the City of Santa Cruz,agreed not to divert from the river in September. -8- . -* , v * months,- analysis following excess of the data from the Big(Trees flows in acre-feet that would gauge results in the have been available . for f-' 0 appropriation during (a moderately dry year), Year u.s;G.s.* a representative six-year and a forty-year period period city Diversion Fish Bypass Excess* from 1970-1975, of record. Excess per square * mile of watershed 1970 '134,900 2466 13,458 118,976 1120 1971 42,446 4259 11,811 26,370 250 ""-33,790 4193 -10,260 19,337 180 '17j,200 1227 13,883 158,090 119,000 2297 14,604 102,099 960 73,390 . . 3216 13,619 56,555 530 Average 96,120 2943 12,940 80,200 755 .40-year Average 98;080 8820 74,764 (max) 74,500 700 1.861 17,990 7,067 2,834 25 l9k i473 1g7$ r 1975 , c; 1961 . .. .’ : . “- 1500. . ( max 1 8089 (max _ available) * Does not account II. ?: ;I :: . . < ML_ for the City of Santa Cruz diversions mits 16123 and 16601 (3,000 afa), which diversions “” at Felton under Per- did not begin until 1976. .: .. i’“::. I ., i,+ ., ,:.I... ,.“ :‘i,! 7._ i .: i. :. . ‘.a. . water .- The above table indicates available for appropriation further indicates Accordingly, : amount from the river during most years excess of water . excess an anaJys-J,sof the effect . of and per square mile of water-. of the appropriation ._ fish flows contained in Permit 16601 are more recent in Permit 16123, it was assumed that the minimum 20 cfs :requirement should apply to the months of June through September. There is ,no current requirement for minimum flows during these months in any permit or license on the lower San Lorenzo River except the 10 cfs previously _ ,_i. mentioned for September (see footnote 4). -6/ t ,i);’ . -- ’ on -5/- Since the negotiated -5: .than.those contained I ’ a substantial a substantial The watershed of Hare Creek differs from the watershed of the majority of the San Lorenzo River. For example, the watershed of Flare Creek is both steeper and possesses a heavier soil-mantle than the rest of the watershed. Accordingly, minor storms produce less runoff than normal -- a result of the moisture As the soil mantle becomes saturated holding properties of the soil mantle. during moderate storms, Hare Creek approaches or exceeds the regional runoff average. For intense storms, the steeper slopes produce more runoff than normal, -9- - . - : . c the entire San Lorenzo River watershed 0 available in an average year analysis also indicates r’ .r__. indicates to satisfy that sufficient the proposed The appropriation. that there may be insufficient water for this appro- I priation in a dry year, especially .;. .. if the full 3,000 afa diversion under : Permits 16123 and 16601 of the City of Santa Cruz is taken into consideration. .I -.;,. L. 16. ."__ ..t; : I .-. The data from the Big Trees gauge for the six-year 1970-1975 and for the moderately . ..' :: \ dry year was also disaggregated period from to provide theoretical analysis of monthly and daily flows in the San Lorenzo'River. .. '_! .>.,;: ; I, : analysis is summarized in the following table: ,,, 1970 through 1975 ‘. 0 ; Feh , :. Mar Apr sq. mi. (af) Av. # days w/o excess 20,000 188 0 17,300 163 0 19,300 182 7,900 74 (af) Jan i . _* r.:; May 2-,200 Jur;' Ju] Aug .“) _ _.. 0 13 0 . 735 2 6 3 * % of time 24 75 8 29 1313 13 42 10 0 24 80 ,16 0 31 100 23 0 30 100 - -5, 20 ._ 7.5 i 240** 2.2 19 61 0 31 100 55** 0.5 26 84 0 31 100 1do. 0 30 87 o 3l 27' 0 28 94 0 _. 773 25 81 ..- . -. 50 NW 4,800 DtX 7,600 _.: .,. \ % of time 1961 #days Exe? w/o (af) ext. --: 0.1 (ji5 42 . . __’ _.. '7.2 _- - 30‘ --. " -‘- 27 -* 8' ,’ ‘. -‘^ ; : ..> : 0 _ - a This 800** 12** Sep fit Excess per Av, Excess* Month I. is water _. 700 .._ 100 Does not consider the City of..Santa Cruz diversions from the San Lorenzo River at Felton under Permits 16123 and 16601 (3,000 afa October 1 through June 1) which did not begin unti1,1976. 1970-1975 average excess flow for June, July, August and September would be 1840, 1250, 840, and 215 acre-feet respectively if the assumed 20 cfs fish bypass was not considered (see footnote 5). _;o_ , -’ ’ . I. . . . . 17. The' above table indicates that substantial excess flow exists in the lpwer San Lorenzo River during the months of November through April, except in dry years. Flows drop off sharply in May. In June through September, little excess water is available if the minimum fish flow required the rest of the year is also considered during those months. If no provision is made for fish flows during the summer, significant amounts of water are available in the river. The above table further indicates very little excess water in the lower San Lorenzo River during October. The requested diversion season for Application 24172 on Hare Creek is from October 1 of each year to May 1 of the succeeding Since ., continuity of flow exists at times between Hare Creek and the San _ y,y- _. .. _ L/ Lorenzo River during October the diversion season under Application 24172 Should-be reduced-to the period November 1 of each year to April 30 of the _ _. _ _. _. _ _ __ _ _ _.. succeeding year. ... I : . - _ T;_., _~ 1... -.-. .-;*. ._- _ ._ _ __:. . . ,. _. _ _ . . 18.. ..In .summary,,..findings 11.through 1,7establish that unappropriated I. _,__ _ i ; : : ._.,_ _’ ~.. r.;. 1’ - - F$zy,._.isavailable to-supplythe applicants under Application 24172, but-that .I *.. _.,. -_'__ :- I~__. _I..:..._._____ __-._ -_ ’ _.. ____ .. _.__:_ __ _ _ . _-...-: _._._._._ 4he diversion season should be,r~duced_as_foung,,abovet __ . _~ te L,___ __ i i .. .I _ I. i . i ; I _ __ -_ ‘- 1 L I : L _: : . l?._,,The:intended -:use_'is_benefjcjaT.__ ‘L.-,_-__-‘_. ._ _-: _ _ _ _ * , :. L -‘_ _I.._ - ; . i ,. ~~'&'"~urisdiction over the sources of water for Application 24804. .:. --__* Heretofore, 3/ Permit progress reports for Application 19877 indicate that Hare Creek does flow in October sometimes. P -ll- - -% - .- c - I - . . that the sourcesBare springs located on property owned by the Company, that c. they are not streams or other water sources with defined channels, that they 0 are true percolating waters, and that therefore the Company. they are owned outright by In the alternative, the Company contends that, if the Board determines that it has jurisdiction with regard to these sources, the Company ... po_netheless possesses a riparian right to use some of the water from these springs. I?:any event, the Company agreed not to exercise its claimed existing rights $0 the four unnamed streams so long as a permit or license remains in effect. r .’ ‘.i <.>' 21. ;.iii :.i 'i Application 24804, as first submitted by the Company with a _. cover letter dated April 15, 7975, identified the points of diversion as three 8/ springs: Jamison Spring, Corvin Spring, and Forest Spring- . The map submitted with the application suggested that there may be two springs or points of diver. sion at the location identified as Jamison Spring. :,_ By a telephone contact with the Company on April 29, 1975, this ambiguity was clarified. m It was determined that the points of diversion are not located at the springs but rather are . yecated some distance downstream and that there were four points of diversion. _ ‘; ... i ,_A .! _, .*: Two-of the four unnamed streams are tributary to Jamison Creek; the other streams are tributary to Boulder Creek. :.7 ;>;c. \ iI 22. i_' 1'. . The evidence at the hearing established.that water flows out of '., .. the ." springs into unnamed streams and at times maintains surface continuity yi th Jamison Creek or Boulder Creek and that this surface flow may be largely attributed to the installation of a lateral pipe system in the springs by the . ^. ;pypY l The evidence further establishes that subsurface waters not diverted from the~spring percolate through the debris deposits and the upper zones of l the underlying rock to emerge in the perennial seepage faces in the Bracken -. ,,‘.’ _ . l s/ Staff suggested the filing of Application 24804 by the Company during the initial investigation relating to Application 24172. . -12- . Brae reach of Boulder Creek. . If the springs had not been improved, much' of the water presently diverted would have continued as this subsurface seepage 9/ to Boulder Creek- . 23. The Board, under Water Code Sections 1200 and 1201, has jurisdic- tion over a diversion or use of water from a surface body of water, or from subterranean streams flowing through known and definite channels, which is initiated after December 19, 1914, and which is not used under exercise of a riparian right. Here there is a diversi,on and use of water from the following three separate classesof water: (1) surface runoff which is collected in the unnamed streams durin,g heavy rains; (2) flow from the springs to the unnamed streams that would have occurred in a state of nature; (3) flow from the springs to the unnamed streams that occurs solely from the man-made improvements. Since there was no evidence submitted of a pre-1914 appropriative right to the use of water from the first two classes, the Board has jurisdiction, if the Company does not possess a riparian right to the use of such water. Three general requirements must be satisfied to establish a riparian right: (1) the right attaches to land which abuts a stream, lake, or pond; (2) the right attaches only to the smallest parcel held under one title in the chain of title; (3) the place of use of water under a riparian right is limited to riparian lands within the watershed of the particular stream. See Hudson v..West, 47 Cal 2d 823,306 P. 2d 807 (1957); Hudson v. Dailey, 156 Cal. 617, 106 P. 748 (1909). , The first requirement evidently is satisfied. "The second requirement can only be determined by a comprehensive review of the chain of title, a review which neither the Boardnor the Company has undertqken. determined from a topographic map. area of use of the water 3 The third requirement may be easily Such a review indicates that the principal from these unnamed streams is outside their watershed. During heavy rains the majority of the water flowing in the unnamed streams would be surface runoff collected in those streams. Little of this storm runoff would be diverted for use. . Accordingly, the*Board has jurisdiction from the first two classes, the watershed 24. over the diversion to the extent lO/ of those streams-. In Churchill 'California Supreme v. Rose,'136 Court concluded that such water and use of water is not used within Cal. 576, 69 Pac. 416 (1902) the that an owner (the defendant) increases the flow of a spring on his property possesses of land who the right to use the increased flow of the spring even though said spring was in hydraulic with a stream that flowed off the defendant's land. concerning above. the third class of water drier to December indicated 19, 1914 -- the effective Act (Stats. 1913, Ch. 586, page 1012). ,extent of the Board's jurisdiction 1423 concluded Decision available by an administrative Churchill No appellate over such waters. by the salvagor. Defense was court has decided However, by artificial The construction agency charged with its execution Environmental weight. This is the situation here decided date of the klater Commission that water made available for appropriation continuity Fund v. California the Board in work was then of a statute is entitled Air Resources the to great Board, 30 Cal. Z;:,” ;...‘i, I : Finally, the State has a substantial interest in assuring Ape. 3d 832 (1973). I,..: ._.. .tha,t!,the water resources of the state be,put to beneficial. use to the fullest t.2.: L , This goal can best be accomplished through .$ent of which they are capable. _ _: . . I- the administration c..._:; _ _ -. : ..- of.water _. rights as required by Part 2, Division 2 of the : Wpter Code. Existence r-:': -:' i-i_. . _ .I i q, .,.I _~:i .,.~_ yf.. s /’,> -25.'-"The four iomond Mountain . ..I * .j * .,-. ,i *. ._ ‘LLL. . 1 . of Unappropriated Application 24804 unnamed in drainages streams south of Hare Creek. -14- for I. originate -lO/ This statement assumes. that the applicant ment, a matter of some doubt. . Water ‘_ on the eastern The combined could satisfy ’ : ,’ slope of Ben tributary the second area 4 require- . is_ .- _ about _ 240 acres. The only known diversion from the four unnamed _ streams ac, of _the ___.__. Company and of another water purveyor who shares water from L_.< .-. __ _ _ _ _, - . t,he unnamed _ - __ - s_tream which is fed by Forest Spring. As- earlier f$o~~,th:eseY~,unnamed.-streams_,has been.used. for many years._ i.._. _I . .- : _ _ :-_ I _ : _ . f 4t t ese diversions indicate a great ,h, htc_.2.A, I _..,i. .?,. :.-!,:I, ,‘j=. :._3 ,-I u&art& variability indicated, _ ._~ Al though the rqcords _‘ _ i,n the flow o_f.these.fou.r,\, _.<f’,_ : ‘_ ._ _ ,. :. _ ..: L .>. streams..,_the.reques$.ed,annua.l -yield of -335 .acre-feet .(averag.e_ flow of, r!i:LZ.;i.:,,._Lc;! ..,i __: ..‘; .,. (. I... ,_, \.,:;.c.. : (#f&q&),-7 .msmaMlr,_% ::appws L-.,2:_-"..,.'., _ayt .th.e..inStantan.epus:~~~e_rsion i _ ‘_‘L :_ .I : _ <:: c$ w&l~.k~!,,;lable. during a_porti.on.of the year. . Nonetheless, Uti yi'itrll i; / ‘_$‘J,<.!_.: _._. L ‘. i ,‘,- : : i . :’ I: ‘. ’ : _ i L ,p , I C!_ : ‘ i: f&@$i $p$) C.52; cfs:. rl.-.vr: .rj __. ‘_ _ : ‘_’ i : ‘the ,re_cpr_ds _ . _._ c> the- years_ the ,requested__approp,_ri_a~~,_,_ _ pp. ,!:11 i-n ,?5_G - .&O~.R.ercent...of L&._-) 1 .-rui_ L.:;, ._,, ii : J : r: .A : .. _ / _. s 2 c.3 ._,1; 33 r’ L,dZi I y$ ,j,~~c~:~d~__~?~~31,_the applicant ti'briCtiili. pot' r bpvffJ!ibJ_e: *.: .‘ .: in water will have to anticip.ate _:L,. s,uch periods 'and!rop,riatem.e.asuresto__reduce.thg water demand durjng . ..a_ _. . . - j-ho& dry p&i ‘.‘-ter* 78. 2’6. . fa’-$y L:.,1,1- .’.‘.~.__!._~_‘~l~_~~..._- ’ .: ads. LL:-.1 ;‘L”>cr‘ stream conditions the p.T -t&l y_I;“_s,T Ttio factors p?aceof use ,,-7-: the 'l1_...._ -.-x.__. *-777 r --i’^ _- -_ bear’on“ the question of the appropriate ,?_ qf*‘,.r’L.-, --’ f,., _ -‘.,i,: and the second is the effect to - ._1.._._L....._____ . %enti‘re service area , ,.f __ - of the Company's ;f the Cc.y:i.,q;r I I_:.. divers~ion ..---.,Z i..q -. enhancement"" I;:- 1-j ,f--;~sz 8153, Big Trees gauge showed that there is substantial excess flow in the lower ?his petition :sj3..s si,:b~;_iS tt~it_py+zr<:y tn $j::i~?:,+~~ L;;;?,-,z-_:; ;‘:. z,yz_rats cl;t;sf Some surplus water is present San Lorenzo River during the winter. and spring. _.. __- .: _ 1 _ ? :,, [.-JSt~-~~-j and bypass condu-jts fcr Ha;ce Reservoir :jo. 2, &ii-)j i; b: f - ;i.‘ ., I.. 1: __, Big Trees in June through September (the most critTca1 month) even with res~.c-.vs~j y af Hare Resorvgir No. 1; ?‘gsj-z,r=!j, #;=t.zj- ;-2;~?~:i;~d frsa ~p,~ CFI~i;.zcPl iit* allowance for the minimum flows of 20 cfs, which are not presently required. ts frc,;+i_ia':'a T'_I.L:--,,z,7jy= >i LkL’ j may be rediverted utilizing the existing c,zr;d;;;i The Board has held in past decisions that an applicant who enhances the$ield to zse :::c ;~~.~~-:,nder L'CE-?SC The Company ropresenIs that it intenls to c*o:;"in:,!a of a system is entitled to use of the water so produced (see Finding 24, above). ) _. i , ,_- tyic Z-7;: YE;_ : 1:!- ” .,. _-. F; v r]:+* fi, o 2 .z5 .:; .ii.b_i 8159 for irrigation of th;! go1f course'; r; I ” L. L During critical ,dry months, it is likely that substantially all the water availd' c.;*'_' 8+:.g;~ that y:,z_Iej priations will nc comingled and iiccns~e 1;:i she5 to ;:,!ci 8ble for diversion from the unnamed streams is that which results from the appli3s being us?< for a:] g~a&i.,o;:-ized ;,$:*.>zse, iant's imt.;ovem9;"t efforts i7. water would &;.:‘,i ‘- 3 2 -* :4 c: eventually ! :, ,a- ... .: 1 ,-. ,, _. ^ c.: ;icLi at the upstream -2 ^__ LltJfl :> ~ ..._- _. __ 2’ “i!Lr’Jg i flow by subsurface , ~, _ : _.2. ,‘. _ L’- _ L.:;e means _ L _,,i ; ; :1 j :: i ss-Li;,l-;_-,i to Boulder _ _ - If not diverted, springs. .: i’ i‘;l such ‘.‘q i %‘” , Creek thence down-, .’ However, given the relativelylong time frames required stream to the ocean. .:~,~-:.t_;2;.; event, y':_' ..'I:':-';: ;':r,',; ';‘i',: 1 i“:,.):; <FT., .;. -_ _ L..I C;. i,:,_ ,.;: , ,-s;,i; -doubtful -that water diverted percolation for sut$urface _'. the applicant during the dry season would .. -- "1E; improve f-- +s~y,;rJy~ by .. * . *,. , downstream conditions prior to the winter rains, if it were allowed to continue ~ (” ~a in its natural course. Some of the water diverted from the unnamed streams by'the applicant is consumptively used. Some runs off from lawns, etc. into Hire and Boulder Creeks; part enters the waste treatment system which carries to subsurface leaching fields or to the golf course for irrigation. Any -;r-.of'the irrigation water which runs off would flow directly to Hare Creek. The it .i; foregoing considerations taken together with the fact that the applicant should be'given a preference to unappropriated water, (if available) for what is .,,'I +;y essentially a .municipal use , indicate that an all year divers ion season is proper. ?':,L;: ., ! 27. The intended use is beneficial. Effect of the Proposed Changes on any Legal User of the Hater Involved 28. Water Code Sections 1701 and 1702 allow any licensee to change the place of use and purpose of use, if the licensee establishes and the Board finds that the change will not operate to the injury of any legal user of the water involved. The Company has petitioned to add domestic use and to enlarge the place of use to the entire service area of the Company, under License 8199. This petition was submitted primarily to eliminate the need for separate outlet and bypass conduits for Hare Reservoir No. 2, which is immediately upstream of Hare Reservoir No. 1; instead, water released from the upstream reservoir may be rediverted utilizing the existing conduits from Hare Reservoir No. 1. The Company represents that it intends to continue to use the water under License 8199 for irrigation of the golf course; nevertheless, water from the two appropriations will be comingled and licensee is being used for an unauthorized pdrpose. . ,F‘ i 0 29. wishes to avoid any charge that water . If said petition is granted, the water stored in Hare Reservoig No. 1 could be used to supply existing or future residential connections. In that , event, any return flow from irrigation of the golf course would be decreased -16- . ’ /I i . ll/ . and the flow in Hare Creek may be diminished.- However, since the water would serve a domestic purpose, two principal uses may be made of it: (1) lawns and outside shrubbery may be irrigated; (2) water may be used inside dwellings, ,which will result in an increased flow of sewage. The first such use would be essentially equivalent to irrigation of the golf course. The second such use Iwould result in discharge to a leach field, which is in hydraulic continuity The net result will probably be either no change in the with Boulder Creek; :ket'urnflow regimen or a slight increase in the flow of Boulder Creek; In any event, the fish,and wildlife terms to be included in the permit on Application 24172 assure an adequate flow in Hare Creek. Furthermore, reuse of domestic . wastewater for such purposes as irrigation is consistent with the Board's reclamation policy and any change in operation which enhances the possibility of.sudh reclamation should be considered favorably. The Board, therefore, .concludes that the proposed changes will not operate to the injury of any legal user of the water involved. \ ____ i.. t I: _ .. _.“__I._ _ .-.. .._.._._ . .^- -. -. ,. 8.. -> * :j .. fl,: : .- fl/ The Final EIR concludes that the irrigation'water presently is completely If consumed. The above paragraph assumes that some return flow occurs. there is no existing return flow, the proposed changes will not operate to the injury of any legal user of the water. I ~._. . _17______ . 30. PUBLIC The major Path the appropriation b. ‘I to Application water The approval .,-. .it.: i 24172 will induce new develop- impacts; Hare Dam No. 1 and No. 2 present C. . a seismic safety . . hazard 12/ an earthquake'- x \’ :.t. adverse ; ’ d. The appropriation e. The Board should will injure the vested right of John B. DeNault. .: L . completion -. required r. ._ ~0’: for flow requirements; . ‘: @ring in Hare Creek to provide minimum of Application the area with its associated I 24172 are as follows: is available and the Department's ..- : objections Insufficient a. ;' i.._ INTEREST CONS!DERATIONS RELATED TO APPLICATION 24172 of the final waterway by the State Protected delay action management Waterways on Application 24172 until plan for the San Lorenzo Act (Calif. Stats. River as 1971, c. 761, ., I... p. 1508; amended by Calif. Stats. 1975, c. 858, p. 1925). ‘. j. ._ ‘. ‘. !.,.F’ __ _‘ i I. , ‘” 1. ‘? ::j;::. I: i. i ^, .r .. .. . I. .I .. . . .._..........~~.. * The concerns expressed in subd+visions (b) and (c) also apply td the petition Our responses to these concerns will.not be separately to change License 8199. stated in the discussion regarding the petition to change License 8199.. In addition; these concerns also are interrelated with the Final EIR prepared by Matter discussed'in one section of this decision will the Board in this matter. These not‘be repeated elsewhere and other minor conce,rns are omitted here. are addressed in the Final EIR. . . -18- . -~ 31. (-- m The Board's response to these concerns is as follows: a. . , The findings.rkgarding the availability of unappropriated water indicates that sufficient water is available in most years. b. -. The Final EIR discusses the impact of new development in considerable detail and this discussion will not be repeated. The requested appropriation could provide domestic water during normal years for between 60 and the intended 141 additional residential connections (without severe rationing such as that practiced during 1977) depending on what.unit supply rate or‘method of calculation is used. Although approval of this application does not guarantee any specific development, since additional environmental c clearances, approvals, and permits would be required by other public agencies, the denial of this application might effectively prohibit the intended development for lack ofanadequate , a water supply. A denial by this Board based solely on the ground of growth inducement is not warranted. The appro- priate level of growth in this area is principally a matter for local agencies to-decide. Where, on the other hand, such growth may substantially adversely .’ effect other areas within the Board's expertise, such as water quality, a .. denial of an application may be appropriate. , ~’ .- . -5 , C. . .. , : ! :. . .. . ,. of'l-lare Dam No. 1, it may be that this dam presents a safety hazard. . a, . . Due to a lack of information on the design and construction Records concerning Hare Dam No. 2, however, indicate that a soil mechanics, foundations, and materials consulting engineer performed design studies and prepared placement specifications for the foundation and fill material of the dam. During % construction, the consultant also performed materials testing and inspected all foundation and embankment operation.;. Upon completion, the consultant indicated that the project was constructed in accordance with its'recommendations. /.-‘ 0: is apparent that neither dam is within the jurisdiction of the Division of -19- It . . Safety of Dams, Department ,c mendations mostly of Water Resources. regarding The Final EIR contains In addition, the safety of Hare Dam No. 1. _ recomHare 0 Dam No.‘2 may require developed due to nonuse Bo,ard concludes . .. ._ Chapter .. ,_ maintenance that, 3 of Title Change Order --. in the State . . .. work to correct and minimum repair in accordance conditions since constructi on in 1972. with Section 781, Article 23, Cal. Adm. Code, the permit for License 8199 should be withheld of California, the EIR have been completed i . ‘.-f. certifies that may have 19, Subchapter fir Application and that any necessary maintenance 2, 241_72_and the ‘__.:. until an engineer, that the recommendations The registered contained work - in on Hare Dam No. 2.has been accomplished. ** s ,=.y, ; .- . .,. concludes priation ‘I ( ~ i a d. ._ The discussion that there is sufficient and satisfaction .Furthermore, .; y .., :. : (. _’ since the measuring .,can be assured ;:, i-i -__ *I',:I LIL). :' 1 : : :,. ..- e. of adequate : :reason to withhold . _-of the'final :.* .’t .1 ;,\+q L ) .,‘,‘_L: ;-. . .I .., .. for service _._ 0 .y Deflault's alleged riparian right. point of the jIepartment's minimum of protestant DeNault's flow requirements diversion water to supply his claimed Waterway Management be desirable Plan, there is no good pending preparation I,... :_. -; ,: -PUBLIC IKTEREST CONSIDERATIONS RELATED TO APPLICATION 24804 is no objection to existing connections . a. The approval to Application in the Company's 24804 insofar system. ,;r ._.i ( ,: as it provides Other con: : growth; -2o- .)‘. ,.. ..’ of Application point, he riparian ;right. that while it would action on this application -.cernsare as follows: / \ water for both this appro- Plan. : 5,‘I,i i_.-..,:1_.... _ a)^ .! 32.. There :,I i I’ .I.,:: t “ 7,),..-. -4 : ‘; of unappropriated in normal years The sinal EIR confirms to have the completed c $: ..- ,-,s ‘: water of protestant ;could be located downstream -iI of availability 24804 will allow increased .i - , . ‘- ‘ b . d. There no proposed fFsh and wLldlife are _ I. minimum flow r&quirements as in Application. 24172, f- 35, 33. 0 fey %e-td t-i.2 ;i5y+~c:: &c-;_<,T-~ ~L.c_ The Board's -. a, The response 1 -. be The four irffhwc-~ntitha.portion -$BWIa-eti:Cic~k and in Finding The concerns 31(b) streams Creek Creek. mitigate, to these unnamed of Boulder Hare sm&tsFhdtherefore, response ultimately of Department's in part, follows: applies. downstream at least is as the to confluence of flow minimum the contribute adverse require- impact of c&&se-iidf_ivWsions as well. jnfomatf TO LICENSE 8199 37. -I-h? 34. There'is no major objection to the petition to change the purpose:,_ __..--,'I cawet crznt; i PUBLIC INTERESTCONSIDERATIONRELATED 03 Uy T;liC C!i;pi- and place of use under License 8199. change L-icanse 2;i; Hare' Dam No. 1,awhich was discussed The two major concerns - - are the safety of above, and, the applicability of the a Dep~~Jm~t:s~_mi_n_imum flow requirements Cjeo1uyy IJiiLit liii;. Since the Deparzment did not protest LI. to the water the change petition, pinjmum. flowirequirements s: ;Ls.;? do not apply to it. No. 2 could drained So In:t?al be ;ompletely . . stored sLfmer the Department's because for downstream in the order for Application that the the first water balance on the first of each month The sixth provision November, substantlai?y red.. Hare Reservoir To assure in this manner, No. 2 could be reserved w'th a specified declining o -? water tram the under this license. No. 1, the permittee flow requirements. flow is not circumvented *fo,H:re Reservoir n i.’.I F i - Moreover, into Hare Reservoir could evad,$Cz;hzz_tDepartment's minimum -_?I P PCI2z f?>*: llll&lii~r)\r" bl'A# .L‘y i minimum downstr;am stored release purposes from May through 24172 implements the above condiiion. . 35. License area and this d;r: 8199 does not presently The third and fourth provision contain several standard terms. . in the order for License resi,dentiaf const;. -21- 8199 adds these terms-; , . .. t ---- ---.e. .a._ .. _ ., FlNDINGS CGXCERNING THE CALIFORNIA ENVIROi\\%iENTALQUALITY-ACT ; _ 36. -The Board prepared an EIR for Application --\ .; ._i r-. .. 24172 and 24804 and for the petition to change'.License8199'. A public.hearing on the Draft EIR was On May 18, 1978, the Board certified [iyf ,*, 7 *: .- ” -: ‘F- :? i-- >, * - “._l.‘,$_ in Resolution No. 78-32 thit the Final EIR had been completed in compliance with from* co;'s_I,-iiC": .,-- :_-Ai r:f J...&F. the California-Environhknt"ai Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. i;j A lon9 tC:.ii-: seq.) and the State EIR Guidelines (Chapter 3, Title 14 of the Cal. Adm. Code, a.z;S:z,f i. Y y.: from in_rr-_,>rs:...“ .__& 2;; _” -I:_1 - - ti.,if.:ip commencing with Section 15000) and that the Board had reviewed and considered the . (4) $r!c.;-eassd ey-gs; information contained therein. following the residential ccnstruction: -37. The Final EIR identified the following (7) Natural \;e<et;i impacts that could be caused by the approval of Applications 24172 and 24804 and the petition to will be f'ei;,;ji;iId G!.+~$f'~4'e~ by ccj;isi;-!;_ change License 8199: restrict root gzrztration; .~. a. The Final EIR indicated no significant (3) geology +hp>flJ=QP?Z;J Dcvel ep:;::r,i; c-; - impacts but it noted that the project was in an area of geologic a rat-2 and endancsred 5.: “,h; relating to activity. b. Increased turbidity of water in Hare Creek may occur due no plants ok this species; to initial siltation during filling: (9) Inc;-eased:-..,.n-..i 1‘ir:l!l J L Dissolved oxygen may be reduced and water temperature C. $.-.LIC_,L. on w;ldlffe and cc.-.:, ir!rl i I IJCIUI LCIL,, fncreased during late summer in both reservoirs; (10) Domestic dr?gs : y_ . u<d. Presently, golf course irrigation during dry years depletes an adverse effect cn vii1dlicz ?~:etn pi%:. Sumner flows. Approval of Application 24804 will continue the consumptive use (11) There will be c. of water from the four unnamed streams. Approval of Application 24172 will with increased residential grsq&h; ’ substantially reduce the underflow drainage to Boulder Creek. (12) There will be 5. e. Residential growth may occur within the Company's service -<. i with increased growth; area and this direct_jmpact may cause the following secondary impacts: I~~;~~~ em orary' in&ease in erosion may occur from the (#A ty._ PjiJS 5.G _ j _... &st_emissions ~.,< ,‘_-~,J;-, ;‘= b (2) :._ _-_ _ A temporary from construction - -! ., .T. of air quality may occur of air quality may occur equipment; ! ;iL. A long-term _.. 7~._ 7.: IL5 degradation : ;. .,.i _; ,.* : - ... -. - .from increased traffic-associated - _ ._._ ^ -,wit_k_res5,dential,,oFcupancy;_ .op, -f’ c_z r”.*%Tr-p^ _._ (. ._ ..T... i -... ._ ._.1 i_..-... .L.-.-. i .” i’ “.I -_. :_ .p .“ . _ i _ _ L-.i _.‘ .. f’]j::t& f<e;‘i EIE from .z.; ..(3) ‘2 z degradation . I; _ ._ . _~ __ _ _ .: (4) .,.,_ P ty$syy ,_jyyyse _)z :,of ;qmbi m-.: ent .l>,.F noi se s....yw repour e+. 1 eve1 rF,.“ -.‘;” -cc; .__._ ._ .__.... .::.1. 8 s _____ ,.*,_,i.,_ _.. .C, ., i _“c.,.l”_-_ ., f./.s4._Ii -7 .‘_.:,.,z. “‘..= frqm_Jcc;o_nstruction activity; r ; .. ,’.: )I*,. n, 3-2iG,k._LttCS iu ;C ! ii.2 it:= 2i.C. : -.-up L..-,_arL, ;:;.z 3;; 1 -:-..d,i,.(-; 7 ‘; ;;r< r;.;y;r; 1j, fr ; _:3 -;; ;:; e .z (6) , Increased erosion may occur for two .t_o. three years $7rql:'~~,~~;~--c; Thi< >mpac-;-,zli-i?-:ii:;;; a:,jv:~e, 13 not _.2:.. . . ..w (7) will be vegetation :. around residential development There will be an increase in sewage flow associated There will'be in ~ sites removed o d. w&f&Jncreased mcl Natural ix with increased residential (12) growth; ." growth; (13) an increase .a. - r i23_ electrical energy -j .. .. 38. r” The Board makes the following findings concerning the impadts indicated in Finding 37: e a. The geologic on the use of storage facilities insthe Final EIR recommended As indicated in Finding permit on Application engineer certifies 1,;L: ’ :; activity of the area was treated on Hare Creek. several changes, The dam safety mostly order for License that the recommendations b. This impact, c’. This impact although study concerning 31.~. above, the Board will withhold 24172 and a change as a constraint included Hare Dam No. 1. issuance of a 8199 until a registered have been completed. adverse., is not significant. is an unavoidable impact of any small storage -,L. -. _2 -2s --zT %+c*:__ _ . . ,I_ . . :I reservoir'. d. mitigation . ’ The Department's minimum and represents. a beneficial there is insufficient water flow requirements long-term impact. for the Department's minimum will assure In those years .~ ‘2 .z: when flow requirements, . , a the fish resources is an unavoidable 13/ to change.- i ._ and riparian impact of the approval In those years, ,supply its customers be undertaken. habitat will be adversely of these applications the Company and a stringent water The tenth provision effected, but this and the petition also will have insufficient conservation of the order _r-.- program would for Application water to have to 24172 mandates .. stich‘ a program. I..‘” ; .I. _ I . ,. - - .Y’ .._, . 4’ . I ~ j-‘ 0 131 The only years when there will be insufficient or no water for the Department's minimum flow requirements will be iti those years when no water is available for appropriation under Applidation 24172. -24- . r-'-M --(I)et, f“ 0 &tigated by controlled -&~ociated-tiith .R#onaTL;Nater -shall assure -The-applicants construction said construction QuaTityZControl protection indicate practices. is within Board;. that this impact Any water the jurisdiction Central quality can be problems of the-Cafifornia Coast Region;:the:~Recjional:Board of water quality .-. ,r. ..- from said construction activities. . From the foregoing 24172 and 24804 and the petition that permits subject I._.-. should IT IS HEREBY the Board concludes to change License be issued to the applicants to the limitations _’ : findings, and conditions and a change be approved order set forth in the orders ORDERED that Application issued to the applicants 8199 should that Applications subject to the licensee, following: 24172 be approved to vested and that a rights and to .the following terms and conditions: . 1. ‘. appropriated shall be limited to the quantity used and shall not exceed 61.5 acre-feet from November .o; : ( The water be beneficially 1 of each year to April Permittee 2. Fteelhead trout yearlings in the San Lorenzo for losses of steelhead he.,done by the Department per annum 30 of the succeeding shall pay for annual . area to mitigate and replacement of Fish and Game, subject can to be-collected year. planting River drainage and habitat. which of 1,000 below the project This planting to the approval shall of the Fish and Game Commission\ under Section 5942 of the Fish and Game Code. 3.: Water from the reservoir for maintenance @Ilowing of downstream shall be released fishlife and riparian in sufficient habitat according (1) From November 16 through April' 30, the downstream shall be 0.5 cubic foot per second or the natural inflow, whichever : _: be 0.05 cubic (2) From May 1 through October foot per second or the natural c (3) r‘\ to the schedule: , i quantity inflow, whichever is less. flow shall is more. From November i to November 15, the downstream flow shall be a minimum of 0.05 cubic foot per second. ,O’ -26. 31, the downstream flow 4 . .. 4. installed No~water devices shall be diverted satisfactory under this permit until to the State Water Resources are capable of measuring Natura 1 inflow shall mean the total streamflow upstream of the project in-Hare Creek within case upstream measuring II ._ ‘1 , _ the flows required reservoir. 100 yards of the existing devices In'accordance 5. and Game Code, no water have been incorporated construction, -“- 6. of Boulder of John B. DeNault. 6100 of the Fish under this permit that measures necessary until the Department to protect fishlife of such diversion. costs of any facility required The pursuant -,- under this permit to satisfy shall first the maintenance life and riparian habitat as required by the conditions this end, 19.5 acre-feet of water, or the total amount shall be retained in storage on May 1 of each year. succeeding a quantity determined month from said 19.5 acre-feet, from May 1 through November Permittee storage be considered of.downstream fish- of this permit. To in .the reservoir if less, three acre-feet in the reservoir for releases during per on the period 15 of each year. shall instail and maintain the State Water Resources Control Board to measure in the reservoir -,.,. i .On the first day of each by subtracting or the total amount such date ,if less, shall be retained'in in storage Said . into the plans and construction releases , but in no shall be borne by the permittee. reserved for necessary 7. Creek, 1603, and/or Section shall be diverted Water held in storage month, of this permit. maintained. operation , or maintenance to this provision Board which in Hare Creek immediately facilities with Section of Fish and Game has determined has flow shall mean the flow of the confluence shall be properly Control by the conditions Downstream diversion permittee for maintenance habitat.' -27- devices satisfactory the quantity of downstream of water fishlife to held and riparian 8. /+-.. Permittee shall maintain downstream inflow into the reservoir, 0 volume and releases life and riparian for irrigation from storage records flow in Hare Creek, to satisfy withdrawals habitat, Said records purposes. shoi/ing the quantity reserved the maintenance for domestic storage of downstream purposes, shall be compiled of natural fish- and withdrawals no less frequently weekly. Copies of such records shall be forwarded to the State Water than Resources *.i5 Board no less frequently Control ,_ Permittee 9. than bimonthly. shall assure that all connections to its water system are metered. .’ .: - 10. If precipitation for the months of October April: of any water year is less than 50 percent pitation for those months (as measured through of the median at the precipitation preci: station . nearest -7 * 1 the Boulder permittee Creek with a minimum shall, by period of record of ten years), 15, submit a water May conservation program * to the Board for review in paragraph @cified with the continuing in accordance 16 next below. 11. -This permit does not authorize collection I/ outside of the specified season to offset evaporation . or for any other purpose. . . .’ ’ *:_.i_. _.*‘ “-.12. i 8 . . license _; ; The amount \ authorized ., of water to storage and seepage losses _ -. for appropriation. may be reduced in the . if investigation ~ _- , 13. Complete warrants. application made on or before.Decemberl, i requested Progress 14; by,the Resources Control 2’ of the water to the proposed Resources use shall be ., 1982. reports shal! be submitted State Water Permittee 15. c: authority Control Board until shall allow.representatives Board and other parties, -28- promptly by permittee license when is issued. of the State Vater as may be authorized from time -. to-time by said Board, 'bliance with reasonable the terms of-this Control Board to project works permit. EZ ..’ i.. 2 .i -- -"16.T~PursuantVto'California Resources access ._ Water Code Section _. com._ 100, all rights-and if, after notice to the permittee -29- to determine and an opportunity f’ a for hearing, theaBoard quality objectives in water may be dstablished.or action will adequate . hith quality modified be taken pursuant waste respect pursuant to all waste discharges in the area involved, solely J .'IT IS HEREBY through of California, has certified to Division which 7 of the Water unless the control of waste (I) effect upon objectives discharges. that the Executive 24172 until an engineer, Director registered actions investigation No and are in effect and (2) the water quality A soils and geotechnic Code. the Board finds that have any substantial that the following * to meet water have been or hereafter have been prescribed FURTHER ORDERED issue a permit on Application is necessary plans which to this paragraph requirements cannot be achieved 1. control discharge tiater quality (1. .<. finds that such modification shall not in the State I have been completed: shall be carried out to . determine “.” /’ 0 the adequacy :; sny necessary '. 2. of the Hare Dam No. 1 embankment and foundation, remedial work shall be completed. Spillways of Hare Dam No. 1 shall be reconstructed to pass a 1,000 year flood safely with 1%. feet of freeboard. :, ? 3. and Roadway br:'dge supports . <j:. ..C_ from the'spi llways shall be removed of Hare Dam No. 1. I I 4. 'Debris barriers )‘j. !‘, to prevent upstream of the Hare Dam No. 1 -_ spi 11ways.' c.._f shall be installed 5. Repair work further erosion shall be undertaken and damage GIooden boards shall be removed 7. Maintenance work necessary b from the spillway for initiation of brush and repair of surface shall be completed. -3o= ...--._ ., _, of Hare Dam No. 2 to the structure. 6. -:1$o;..2, such as removal on the spillway . of Hare Dam No. 2. of storage erosion behind Hare Dam of the embankment, IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that Application /‘- d 0 that a permit be issued to the applicant subject 24804 be approved to vested rights and and to the following terms and, conditions: 1. -- The water be beneficially appropriated used and shall not exceed 0.52 cubic diversion and 10 acre-feet.per Of each year. ‘3. I‘&_,.: :. ~: 335.25 acre-feet .~ a Complete foot per second ;, . 2. .The amount authorized 3. f - to the quantity from January 1 to 31 ., shall not 30. may be reduced in the- warrants. application can by direct -’ 1 to September for appropriation which December to be taken from the sources per water year of October license if investigation . _ annum by storage The total amount of water exceed . 'i.;i shall be limited . of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before 'December 1, 1982. 4. I.. ‘4 -..:_ .,: ’ requested Progress reports shall be submitted by the State Water Resources 5. Permittee Control promptly Board shall allow representatives reasonable access to project works until license when is issued. of the State Water Control Board and other parties, as may be authorized said Board, by permittee Resources from time to time by to determine compliance with the terms of this permit. 6. 1 Pursuant to California Water Code Section privileges under this permit and under any license including . method are subject Board of diversion, to the continuing in accordance with method'of authority 100, all rights issued pursuant use, and quantity of the State law and in the interest Water and ,, thereto,. of water diverted, Resources Control of the public welfare to ‘ prevent was'te, unreasonable use, unreasonable method method of diversion of said water. *".. \ \ “ ,c,' -31- * of use, or unreasonable _. , This continuing authority of the Board may be exercised by imposing speci fit requirements over and above those contained in this permit with a view to mini,mizing waste of water and to meeting the reasonable water requirements of permittee without unreasonable draft on the source. Permittee may be required to implement such programs as (1) reusing or reclaiming the water aTlocated; (2) restricting diversions so as to eliminate agricultural tailwater or to reduce return flow (3) suppressing evaporation losses from water surfaces; (4) controlling phreatophytic growth; and (5) installing, maintaining, and operating efficient water measuring devices to assure compliance with the quantity limitations of this permit and to determine accurately iater‘use as against reasonable water requirements for the authorized project. NO action will be taken pursuant to this paragraph unless the Board determines, after notice to affected parties and opportunity for hearing, that such specific requirements are physcialTy.and financially feasible and are'appropriate to the particular situation. 2- =,a; t : I-; ,... ., / ‘, 7. .The quantity of water diverted under this permit and under any license issued pursuant thereto is subject to modification by the State Water Resources Control Board if, after notice to the permittee and an opportunity. for.:hearing, the Board finds that such modification is necessary to meet water qua-lity objectives in water quality control plans which have been or hereafter ma$be :established or modified. pursuant to Division 7 of the Water Code. No a'&ion will be taken pursuant to this'paragraph unless the Board finds that (1) &dequate, waste discharge requirements have been prescribed and are in effect fith?espect to all waste discharges which have any substantial effect upon : water quality in the area involved,'and (2) the water quality objectives cannot be.achieved solely through the control of waste discharges. , <CL* : ; _J 'bf 'water -8. Permittee shall not exercise nained herein so long as this thereto 'remains-in-.effect_ IT I&REREBY ===,=i :=.. I _ T’s”: permit any other existing right or any license issued to the use pursuant I, FURIHER'BRDl!REDSthat the petition to change License 8199 * (2) the water quality objectives cannot be achieved solely through the control of waste discha&- : _ :. :_..:--‘: controlling #gJ=. ““j’g~‘p~, ($73 I_# ‘4 .’ _:-_‘,-- -1: _ _. phreatophytic growth; and (5) installing, maintaining, and operating efficient to assure . ‘_’ _ _water m$tsurin.g_devices ,._ Cti&!+;_!.r<.: y’,TT /. ‘- compliance with the quantity limitations of this license and to determine the Board determines, after notice to affected parties and opportunity for feasible and are appropriate to the partic'ularsituation. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER DRDEiED that the Executive Director_shall not-4 issue a change order for License 8199 until an engineer, registered in the State of California, has certified that the following actions have been conipleted: ._. . -34- 4 1. _. $ A soils and geotechnic investigation shall be carried out to determine the adequacy of the Hare Dam No. 1 embankment and foundation, and any necessary remedial work shall be completed. 2. Spillways of Hare Dam No. 1 shall be reconstructed to pass a 1,000 year flood safely with 1% feet of freeboard. 3. Roadway bridge supports shall be removed from the spillways of Hare Dam No. 1. 4. ,Debris barriers shall be installed upstream of the Hare Dam No. j spillways. 5. Repai,rwork shall be undertaken on the spillway of Hare Dam No. 2 . to prevent further erosion and damage to the structure.. I : = - 6. .Wodden boards shall be removed from the spillway of Hare Dam No. 2. ,‘..’ 7.. -Maintenance work necessary for ini-tiation of storage,kQJnd : ‘ Hare Dam No. 2, such as removal of brush and repair of surface erosion of the embankment, shall .be comp,leted. Dated: June 15, 1978 WE CONCUR: ii/ JOHN E. BRYSON John.E. Bryson, Chairman /s/ W. W. ADAMS W. W. Adams, Member- /s/ W. DON MAUGHAN W. Don Maughan, Vice Chairman . * .'.-35 _