. California Regional Water Quality Control Boal4d p.l
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. California Regional Water Quality Control Boal4d p.l
805 543 0397 Ma~ 13 04 02:5?p RWQCB C.n~~.l Coast 805 543 0397 p.l California Regional Water Quality Control Boal4d Central Coast Region . T~rry TlIlIJIlUnen ,SeCrelar}"for f-nvironnIOc'/I/al Protection 895 AcruvislB PIIiCC,Suilc 101. Sltn Lui~ Obi~pu, Caliromllt 93401-7906 {805} 549-3147 Fax {805) 543-C397 t\rnold http' I\vww ~wrcb cagov1r\\'qcb3 SCh\\arZfncggcr Covern(Jt TM elNrgy challenge facillg California is real Every Californlall needr 10 lake Immedlak action 10 rgduce etto/rgy consumplion. For a li.rt of.riMpie \"ays you can reduce de,nand and CUI}'OUr ellergycost.t, vl.rlt web.rite htlp//w\"""",,'rcbca.gov May 12,2004 Frank Roddy Division of Water Quality State Water ResourcesControl Board P.O. Box 100 Sacramento,CA 95812-0100 DearFrank: RE: CALIFORNIA OCEAN PLAN (OCEAN PLAN) - TRIENNIAL REVIEW On January23 and February3, 2004 the StateWater ResourcesControl Board (SWRCB) held scopingmeetingsregardingfour amendmentsproposedfor the OceanPlan. Four itemsdiscussed included: ) Choice of Indicator Organisms for Water Contact Recreation Standards 2) Estab~ishing a FecalColiform Standardtor ShellfishHarvestingAreas 3) Recl~sifying "Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS)" to"State W'ater Quality Protection Areas (SWQPA) 4) ReasonablePotentia] The Central Coast Regional Board agrees with the need for statewide consistency of bacteria objectives and supports amendment of the Ocean Plan to address both water contact recreation and shellfish harvesting. Additionally, the Central Coast Regional Board supports an evaluation of the use of reasonablepotential analysis for inclusion in the Ocean Plan. At the sameSWRCB scopingmeeting,the StateBoard directedStateBoard staff to determineif additional issuesshouldbe consideredfor potentialrevision of the OceanPlan. Below are a few additional iSSlles for YOW'consideration: For Ocean Plan Tables B, C, and D please specify "total' versus "dissolved" concentrationstor eachparticularconstituent. 2 For Table A consider amendingthe suspendedsolids effluent limitation so that. it is consistentwith the USEPA promulgatedminimum level of suspendedsolids effluent quality attainableby secondat"Y treatmentin 40 CFR 133.102. California Ellvironmenta/ a Protectioll Agellc)' R~cycledPapel' Ma~ 13 04 02:5Bp RWQCB Central Coast Frank Roddy 805 .2. 543 0397 p.2 May 12,2004 If you need additional infonnation or if you have questions,pleasecall' Howard Kolb at (805) 549-3332. Sincerely, H\WINWORD'Surtace WatmOcean Plan TRL OS-I 2-04 doc TAsk: 401 -0] File Basin Pial!, Oceall Plan Revision C'alifornia Environlnental Protection ,4genc)' 0 Rc'()'\:(c'd f'apcl