WHAT: Public Informational Workshop Kanawha Falls Bridge Project Fayette County
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WHAT: Public Informational Workshop Kanawha Falls Bridge Project Fayette County
WHAT: Public Informational Workshop Kanawha Falls Bridge Project Fayette County WHERE and WHEN: January 31, 2012 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Falls View WVDOH Substation 5727 Midland Trail (US 60) Charlton Heights, WV 25040 NO FORMAL PRESENTATION WHY: To get your comments on the project. Don't miss this opportunity! The West Virginia Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Federal Highway Adminstration ABOUT THE PROJ JECT The purp pose of the p project is to rehabilitate e or replace the existingg bridge to m meet current design standard ds including suitable weight limits to o efficientlyy and effectiively serve tthe residential, commerccial and business comm munity. The existing Kanawha Falls Bridge iss on the list o of historic briddges and conn nects US 60 to the commu unities of orough and Kaanawha Falls in Fayette Co ounty, West V Virginia. The bridge was o originally operrated as a toll Boonesbo facility and was purchaased by the W WVDOH in 197 77 and renov ated in 1979 and then agaain in 1999. The bridge spans a Norfolk Southe ern Railroad ttrack from the e west, the K anawha River, a CSX Corporation trackk, and Fayette e County Ro oute 13/2 (CR R 13/2) from tthe east. The e average dailly traffic (ADTT) for the year 2005 is 450 0 vehicles per day and iss projected to o increase to 550 vehicles per day in 20025. The Prefe erred Alternattive is to rehaabilitate the existing bridgge and this reequires closin ng the bridgee during constructtion. Severral Alternatives have beeen Evaluateed Alternatives 1, 1A, 2,, and 2B propose a new bridge upstrream from tthe existing b bridge location. Alternatives 3, 3A, 3B B, and 3C propose a new w bridge dow wnstream fro om the existting bridge location. Alternatiive 4 is the p preferred altternative. A Alternative 44 rehabilitattes the existting bridge in the current location. Th he bridge willl need to be e closed on aand off duriing differentt phases of tthe rehabilitation. Alternative 4A replacces the existting superstrructure of thhe bridge and utilizes thee existing su ubstructure in the current locatio on. Alternative 4B propo oses to replace the entire structure iin the curren nt location. No forma al presentattion will be ggiven. You m may attend anytime beetween 4:00 P.M. and 7::00 P.M. Your com mments are important: ccomment sh heets will bee provided att the worksh hops; they caan be dropped in a comme ent box at the workshop, or mailed tto: Gregory B Bailey, P.EE., Directorr, Engineerring Divisio on West Virgin W nia Division of Highw ways Capiital Complex Building Five, Roo om 317 nawha Bou ulevard Eaast 1900 Kan Charleston, W West Virgiinia 253055‐0430 A Any additionaal questions or comments can be sent to Sondraa Mullins (So [email protected]) or Traci Cum mmings ([email protected]) or visit the WVDOH Weebsite at ww ww.transporttation.wv.go ov for project in nformation aand the opp portunity to ccomment on n the projectt. Commentts are due b by February 29, 2012. The West Virginia a Department of Transportation will, upo on request, prrovide reasonaable accommoodations includ ding auxiliary y aaids and servicces necessary to afford an in ndividual with h a disability aan equal oppoortunity to parrticipate in ou ur services, proggrams and acttivities. Pleasee contact us att (304) 558-381 11. Persons w with hearing orr speech impaairments can rreach all state agencies a by callling (800) 982 2-8772 (voice to t TDD) or (8000) 982-8771 ((TDD to voicee), toll free.