Water Resources Control Board
341-5488 (916) at would approval conditional a with compliance or application completed a request the with eligibility Act Bond 84 Proposition link to proposal staff the approves Board Control Resources Water State the If 2007. 31, December by received be must exception an for application approved conditionally or complete a funding, Assistance Financial for eligible be to order in that proposing is Staff ASBS. complying waste Plan's Ocean California the me funds. 84 Proposition the for compete to exception, an for aside set been has funds 2006 of Act Not less than $35 million of the Proposition 84 Bond contact to hesitate not do please questions, any have you you allow with 2007. 31, December than later no Anderson Constance Ms. contact please approval, conditional requesting are and application incomplete an submitted already have who those For approved. conditionally their submit may application completed a submit cannot that Those incomplete. deemed application an submitted have you or prohibition, discharge waste ASBS Plan Ocean California the to exception an for applied not either have you letter, this receiving are you If STATUS APPLICATION EXCEPTION PLAN OCEAN CALIFORNIA (ASBS) SIGNIFICANCE BIOLOGICAL SPECIAL OF AREA Mayor: Dear I I 93921 CA Sea the by Carmel of Mayor McCloud Sue Honorable The 2007 15, November Protection Governor 341-5463' (916) FAX for Secretary Schwarzenegger Arnold 95812-0100 California' Sacramento, 100' Box P.O. Address: Mailing Adams S. Linda 95814. I or California Agency ([email protected]) Protection [email protected]). ( in Sacramento, Paper Sincerely, Environmental 1001 I Street. Recycled 0 Environmental ~1~"'?~~ ~~ G agencies into ,_c Chief Gregorio, Dominic to assist local public discharge prohibition California Quality Water Unit Ocean Should of Division Carmel, Quality Water of Division ~ State ~ Water Resources Control Board (916)341-5455 PO Box M-1 partial application by December 31, 2007. The receipt of your partialapplicationmay be Division of Constance Anderson at (916) 341-5280