
Document 2167122

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Document 2167122
BOARD MEETING Thursday, September 30,2004 - 9:00 a.m. Coastal Hearing Room - Second Floor Joe Serna Jr./CaVEPA Building 1001 I Street, Sacramento DECLARATION OF A OUORUM
Arthur G. Baggett, Jr., Chair; Peter S. Silva, Vice Chair; Richard Katz, Member; Gary M. Carlton, Member; and
Nancy ~ . ' ~ u t lMember
PUBLIC FORUM Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the Board's jurisdiction provided the matter is not on the Board's agenda, or pending before the Board or a Regional Board. Presentations at the Public Forum will be limited to 5 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chairman. MINUTES The Board will consider adoption of the July 22,2004 and August 26,2004 Board meeting minutes. *****
1. Consideration of a resolution authorizing issuance of grant funds in the amount of $2,299,977 from the
Proposition 13 CALFED Watershed Management Program to the East Merced Resource Conservation District for
PIN 901, the Merced River Alliance Project, under the Consolidated Watershed Protection, Watershed Management,
and Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Grants Program
2. Consideration of a resolution adopting the proposed revision to the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000
(Proposition 13) Priority List, Pesticide Research and Identification of Source, and Mitigation Grant Program
(PIN 17 Project)
3. Consideration of a resolution adopting the proposed revision to the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000
(Proposition 13) Phase 111 Priority List (PIN 573 Project)
4. Consideration of a resolution adopting regulations that require electronic submittal of information for
groundwater cleanup programs
5. Consideration of a resolution approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles
Region revising a total maximum daily load for trash for Ballona Creek and Ballona Creek Wetland
6. Consideration of a resolution approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana
Region to incorporate an updated Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Nitrogen Management Plan
7. Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed emergency regulations revising the State Water Resources
Control Board's Water Right and Water Quality Certification fee schedules [For copies of the proposed revisions to the
regulations, visit our web site at l~trp:Nwww.waterri~I~ts.ca.pov/fees/
or call our fee phone line at 916-341-5431.]
8. Consideration of a proposed resolution adopting the draft staff report on the periodic review of the 1995 Water
Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco BaytSacramento-San Joaqnin Delta Estuary (To view the draft staff report
and associated documents go to I~ttr~://w~v~v.~~~afcrri~l~ts.cil.po~~/I~a~~IcIfaITri~~i~~iaIoA2OPla~~.l~tm)
9. Consideration of a resolution to adopt the Water Quality Control Policy I'or debeloping ('alifornia's ('lei~n\I a i r r
Act Section 303(d) List (The written comment period ended August 25, 2004.) (1'0wen dt.ati Sectlo110 2 ( d 1 I istl~lg
l istine.html)
Policy go to littp://www.swrcb.ca.cov/t1nd1/303d
The Board encourages submittal of written comments. Unless otherwise specified, written cotnments must hts >ublnitti~tl
to tile I < O ~ I I ~~t' '
by 5:00 p.m., September 27, 2004. Time limitations on presentations may he imposed. Scc "t'ut3sctltatiu~~>
http:Nwww.swrcb.ca.e.ov/board.html.Agenda items will be electronically availahlr Septcrnbcr 2 I. 2tJO.l
For a map to our building, see our website at htt~:Nwwu~.caleua.ca.~ovlEPABldeilocatio~~.l~tn~
>>Written comments on agenda items a r e to be addressed and submitted to Debbie Irvin, ('lerk to tllc Iloard. citllcr
by email at dirvinrii,,swrcb.ca.rov; fax (916) 341-5620; o r mail addressed to the State Water I<esourrr\ ('ontrol llo;~l.d.
P. 0. Box 100, Sacramento, California, 95812-0100. Please also indicate in the subject line. ~'('OV1111.:\'1 1.k. 1.1 1s.H
xx/xx/04 (date of meeting) WORKSHOP/BOARD MEETING. and ITEM NI'MRKR -". I'hank you.<..
All visitors are required to sign in and receive a badge prior to attending any mceting. \'al~(lpl~.tt~rc
~ ~ I L , I I I I ~ ' I L ~ ~ I I ,I>I II ;II \ hc
required due to the security level so please allow up to 15 minutes for th15 process. i n d ~ \ duals n11o ri.yh111c>pci.~ill
accommodations are requested to contact Adrian Perez, Office of Employee Assistance. at ( 0 16) 34 1 i X K O . I I 1' owr\
contact the California Relay service at 1-800-735-2929 or voice llne at 1-800-73-2922.
If you have questions about the September 30 agenda, contact Debble l r v ~ nvta emall
01 'all
(910) 34 I-7000
An audio broadcast of this meeting will be heard via the World W ~ d eWeb at httu://www.caleua.ca.mvlDroadcast/
rage I or 1.1
Craig J. Wilson Re: your 'review' command
"Lyris ListManager" <[email protected]> <[email protected]~ 9/17/04 2:47 PM
Re: your 'review' command Re: your 'review' command
> review ab-982 names
Here is the information you requested:
Name: ab-982
Topic: implementation of cwa section 303(d)
Short-description: AB 982 Public Advisory Group
Home-page: news://swrcb8.swrcb.ca.gov/ab-982
Keywords: TMDL Monitoring Listing
Security: open
Visitors: yes
Global: yes
Archives: yes
Archive-searching: yes
Newsgroup: yes
Newsgroup-URL: news://swrcbl8.swrcb.ca.gov/ab~982
Normal members:
[email protected] (Rudy Bennett)
[email protected] (ARTHUR LLAMAS)
[email protected] (Syed Ali)
[email protected] (Andre Macedo)
[email protected] (Anne Jackson)
[email protected] (anne thomas)
[email protected] (Alyson Tom)
[email protected] (Brian C. Lee)
[email protected] (Brad Hicks)
[email protected](Bruce Reznlk)
[email protected] (Chuck Curtis)
[email protected] (Christine Diemer Iger)
[email protected] (Charles Moothart)
[email protected] (Kenneth Coulter)
[email protected] (Craig Johns)
[email protected] (Clarence Martin)
[email protected] (Meredith E. Clement)
[email protected] (Cliff Moriyama)
[email protected] (David Albers)
[email protected](David Lennon)
[email protected] (David L. Melendrez)
[email protected] (Diane Holcomb)
[email protected]~(to AB 982 email)
[email protected] (Kerry Elliott)
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[email protected] (Fred Camarillo)
[email protected] (George T. Kammerer 111)
[email protected] (Gail Linck)
[email protected](H.K. SHARPE)
[email protected] (Herbert Stone)
[email protected] (Jeff Barnickol)
[email protected],ca.gov(James Bennett)
[email protected](Jarnne' Gardner)
[email protected] (Jonathan Schneeweiss)
[email protected](Judith Unsicker)
[email protected] (Jan Ennenga)
[email protected] (Jonathan Bishop)
[email protected] (John F. Cermak)
[email protected] (Jim Noyes)
[email protected] (Joe Glaspie)
[email protected] (Joseph Dillon)
[email protected] (Jane Vorpagel)
[email protected] (Karen Taberski)
[email protected] (Kathleen K. Schaefer)
[email protected] (Kim Forrest)
[email protected] (Fred Lacaro)
[email protected] (John Ladd)
[email protected] (Lee Huang)
[email protected] (Leslie Lundgren)
[email protected] (Mark Leymaster)
[email protected] (Lauren Beyenhof)
[email protected] (Elizabeth O'Brien)
[email protected] (Luis Suarez)
[email protected] (Leslie Lundgren)
[email protected] (Stan MARTINSON)
[email protected] (Margie Crawford Ryan)
[email protected] (Marian Duncan)
[email protected] (Mark C. Newton)
[email protected] (Mark Rentz)
[email protected] (Nancy Gardiner)
[email protected] (Patrick Blacklock)
[email protected] (Paul Martin)
[email protected] (Randol~hA. Shi~es)
, ,
( ~ o b & B'erry) '
[email protected] (Dan A. Cronquist)
[email protected] (Rob Saperstein)
[email protected](Roger W. Pearson)
[email protected] (Carole Missirlian)
[email protected] (Brad Luckey)
[email protected](Roy L Hays)
[email protected](Steve Andersen)
[email protected] (JAMES S. JENKS)
S ~ ~ ~ ~ l e a n @ a o(Storm~ater'1nspection
& Mainte)
[email protected] (Sandra L. Maxfield)
[email protected](Sandy stevens)
StaffQbayplanningcoalition.org (Ellen Johnck)
StaffQbecnet.org (Barbara Vlamis)
[email protected] (Stephen Lathrop)
[email protected] (Sunny Healey)
TEMQCPUC.CA.GOV (Debra Temple)
[email protected] (Tom Mumley)
- .
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[email protected] (Tom Howard)
[email protected] (Tanya N. Valli)
[email protected] (David Ellis)
[email protected] (Tim Hemngton)
[email protected] (Timothy John Nilmeier)
[email protected] m n a Lunt)
[email protected] (Will Roaers)
~ ~ l l ~ t t @ ~ i . ~ n t a r(Yvonne
i o . C AE~~ioit)
[email protected] (Andrea L. Arenovski)
[email protected] (Andrea Fecko)
[email protected] (Paul Able)
[email protected] (Allen Campbell)
[email protected] (Angela G. Carpenter)
[email protected] (Dee E Swearignen)
[email protected] (Audrey Cooper)
[email protected] (Adam McMillen)
[email protected] (Anne G. Davis)
[email protected](Allan De Lorme)
[email protected](Amy Donohue-Babiak)
[email protected] (Tony Francois)
[email protected] (Antonio Calhau)
[email protected](Andrea Harrington)
[email protected] (Allen Harthorn)
[email protected] (Alex N. Helperin)
[email protected] (Aaron Johnston-Karas)
[email protected](Alan Doyle)
[email protected] (Anna Lantin)
[email protected] (Alan Levine)
[email protected] (Al Levine)
[email protected] (Dr. Ali Tabidian)
[email protected] (Jeff Allred)
[email protected] (Mark DeMaio)
[email protected] (Al Pettit)
[email protected] (Amy Ruth Macaux)
[email protected](Erik Anderson)
[email protected] (Alan Nelsen)
[email protected] (Amir H. Rangchi)
[email protected] (Armand Ruby)
[email protected] (Armand Ruby)
[email protected] (Anne Schubert-Reyes)
[email protected] (Aubrey Baure)
[email protected] (Alison Brown)
[email protected] (Christine Bailey)
[email protected] (Ryan Bailey)
[email protected] (Barry J. Snyder)
[email protected] (Tracy Egoscue)
[email protected] (Bernice a. Bigelow)
[email protected](Barbara A. Brenner)
[email protected]~
(Bruce Charestj
bdepoto~dpw.co.l~.ca.us(Bill ~ e ~ o t o )
[email protected] (Diane Beaulaurier)
[email protected] (chris beegan)
[email protected] (Belinda Allen)
[email protected] (Rob Hutsel)
[email protected] (Beth Gentry)
[email protected] (Bill Fabre)
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[email protected] (Robert Finn)
[email protected] (Brad Glassman)
[email protected] (Bonnie Hard)
[email protected](Bill Hays)
[email protected] (Bridget Hoover)
[email protected] (Bill Johnson)
[email protected] (William Ketscher)
[email protected] (Janet Blake)
[email protected] (John P Blalock)
[email protected] (Michael S. Blankinship)
[email protected] (Roberta Lanon)
[email protected] (beeseng lee)
[email protected] (Bryan L. Stuart)
[email protected] (Bonnie Mallory)
[email protected] (Robert Meleg)
[email protected] (Brenda Meyer)
[email protected] (Bob kennedy)
[email protected] (Bob Lucas)
[email protected] (Bob McKenzle)
[email protected] (Brendan O'Hara)
[email protected] (James Boles)
[email protected] (Jerry Boles)
[email protected] (Bonnie Ahrens)
[email protected] (Dan Bounds)
brads@f;o~tieranalyti&i.com (Brad Silverbush)
[email protected](Kerty Brenton)
[email protected] (BRIAN HENSLEY)
[email protected] (Richard Brown)
[email protected](Bruce Daniels)
[email protected] (Bruce Goff)
[email protected] (Brian S. Haughton)
[email protected] (Robert Stearns)
[email protected](Brandon Steets)
[email protected] (Barbara Todd)
[email protected](Mary Lynne Calkins)
[email protected] (Bill Campbell)
[email protected] (Ren Wakefieid)
[email protected] (Cannon Michael)
[email protected](Caroi Schweiger)
[email protected] (Caroi Atkins)
[email protected] (Christine Baumgardt)
[email protected] (Casey Walsh Cady)
[email protected] (christine caldweli)
[email protected] (Loretta M. Carrico)
[email protected](Chris Ehrler)
[email protected]~(Colleen Ferguson)
[email protected] (Carol Fihgerald)
[email protected] (Craig Fusaro)
[email protected] (Charles Goodman)
[email protected] (Clayton Yoshida)
[email protected] (Chad Biais)
[email protected]
(chien N ~ O ~
[email protected] (Dianne Chocholak)
[email protected] (Chris Coburn)
[email protected] (Chris Savage)
[email protected] (Chris Coburn)
rage 9 o t 1 1
[email protected] (Cheryl Huber)
[email protected] (Chuck Cleeves)
[email protected] (Chuck Lackey)
[email protected] (Gail Cismowski)
[email protected] (Carl 3. Ciccarelli)
[email protected] (carolyn jensen)
[email protected] (Chip Johnson)
[email protected] (Claludia Reid)
clauss@lwadavls,com(Claus Suverkropp)
[email protected] (Clint T. Meyer)
[email protected] (Carl Hulick)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Colin Moy)
[email protected] (Rixanne Wehren)
[email protected] (Llnda Cochran)
[email protected] (Art Coe)
[email protected] (Conner Everts)
[email protected] (Cory LaNeave)
[email protected] (Francisco Costa)
[email protected] (Carol Peach)
[email protected](Central Petroleum Maintenance)
[email protected] (Carlos G. Reyes)
[email protected] (Christine Schmidt)
[email protected] (Cor Shaffer)
[email protected](Chris Sommers)
[email protected] (Chris White)
[email protected] (Cindy Word)
[email protected] (Charles Martinson)
[email protected](David Albers)
[email protected](Daniel Alexander)
[email protected] (Dan Chung)
[email protected] (Daniel Askenaizerl
[email protected] ( ~Smith)
4 '
[email protected] (David W. Martin)
[email protected] (Dave Paradies)
[email protected] (David Bolland)
[email protected] (David Ivester)
[email protected] (David C. Nunenkamp)
[email protected] (David W. Tucker)
[email protected] (David W. Tucker)
[email protected] (Dave Jennings)
[email protected] (David C. Smith)
[email protected] (David Beckman)
[email protected] (Daniel Marcum)
[email protected] (Don Bunts)
[email protected] lGreao Bates)
[email protected] G b r a ~:~iebersbach)
[email protected] (Derrick Coleman)
[email protected] (Donald C. Reh)
[email protected] (Doug Dahme)
[email protected] (Diane C. De long)
[email protected] (Dean 3 Hill)
[email protected] (Daniel E. Glaze)
[email protected] (Bill Jennings)
[email protected] (Wally Pearce)
[email protected] (Dennis O'Connor)
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[email protected] (Dennis Marcin)
[email protected] (Derrick Coleman)
[email protected] (David ~ u t o f f )
[email protected]
(David Hix)
[email protected] (dina khadavi) [email protected] (David Lewis) [email protected] (Dave Kiff) [email protected] (David Lewis) [email protected] (Dave Lewis) [email protected] (Dan Marino) [email protected] (David A.Martinez) [email protected] (Dave Arrieta) [email protected] (Jesse Diaz) -.
[email protected] (Katherine Domeny) [email protected] (Don Trueblood) [email protected]
(Donna Meyers)
[email protected](Don W. Zylstra)
[email protected] (Doug Carson)
[email protected] (Steve Dow)
[email protected] (Donald Iannicelli)
[email protected] (John W. Hamsen)
[email protected](David Shissler)
[email protected],us (Devin Slaven)
[email protected] (Debbie Smith)
[email protected](Dale Stanton)
[email protected] (Dennis C. Tristao)
[email protected] (Denise Vance)
[email protected] (John Dvonky)
[email protected] (Dan Waldman)
[email protected] (Daniel Wall P.E.)
[email protected]~(DeeAnne ati ins)
[email protected](Debbie Webster)
[email protected] (David Wood)
[email protected] (David W. Pierce)
[email protected] (David W. Pierce)
[email protected] (Earl Byron)
[email protected](John Trotti)
[email protected] (Ed Chung)
[email protected] (elizabeth dyer)
[email protected] (Elizabeth Erickson)
[email protected] (Everett Butcher)
[email protected] (Mary Elizabeth)
[email protected] (Elma S. Austodillo)
[email protected] (Elva Rogers)
[email protected] (Eric McGuire)
[email protected] (Emily Roberson)
[email protected] (Eileen Nottoli)
[email protected](Mark Smith)
[email protected] (klaus rohwer)
[email protected] (Eric Dunlavey)
[email protected] (Eric Berntsen)
[email protected] (Eric Garcia)
[email protected] (Erich Delmas)
[email protected] (Erik Lust)
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[email protected] (Brian David Erlandsen) [email protected] (Erin Shannon) [email protected]~~ric
smalstigj [email protected] (Evan Pfaff) [email protected] (Eric M. Wang) [email protected] (Robert 3. Collins) [email protected] (Ste~henA. Faaundesl [email protected] (Carol ail) '
[email protected] (David W. Cory)
[email protected] (Zeke Grader)
[email protected] (Fredrik J. Jacobsen)
[email protected] (Fredrik Jacobsen)
[email protected] (Fred Krieger)
[email protected] (Terry Flemming)
[email protected] (Karen Folks)
[email protected] (Sharon E. Duggan)
[email protected] (francesca parsons)
[email protected] (Freya McCamant)
[email protected] (Randal Friedman)
[email protected] (Frank Wu)
[email protected] (Fe Wunsch)
[email protected] (Geoff Brosseau)
[email protected] (Garry E. Sanchez)
[email protected] (Gary Pestana)
[email protected] (Gary Peterson)
[email protected] (Gary Nakagawa)
[email protected] (George B. Smith)
[email protected] (David Goneycutt)
[email protected] (Gene Estrada)
[email protected] (G. Fred Lee)
[email protected] (Dave Gibson)
[email protected] (David Bufkin)
[email protected] (Bob Ashabraner)
[email protected] (Gerald McGowen)
[email protected] (George W. Muse Jr.)
[email protected] (Teresa Gonzales)
[email protected] (Brian S. Gordon)
[email protected] (Gordon Plantenga)
[email protected](Gretchen Parker)
[email protected](Guss Pennell)
[email protected](Gary Piker)
[email protected] (Catherine Graham)
[email protected] (Max Puckett)
[email protected] (Greg Hurner)
[email protected] (Dominic Gregorio)
[email protected] (Beatrice Griffey)
[email protected] (Les Grober)
[email protected] (Geralda Stryker)
[email protected] (Julio S. Guerra)
[email protected] (Kimberly Guignard)
[email protected] (Gus Steppen)
[email protected] (Hans W. Herb)
[email protected] (Noel A. Hansen)
[email protected] (Dane Hardin)
[email protected] (Ken Harris)
[email protected] (Janet Hashimoto)
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[email protected] (Hugh Bermudez) [email protected] (Howard Colburn) [email protected] (Heather Gerken) [email protected] (Howard Gest) [email protected] (Holly Grover) [email protected](Heather Hoecherl) [email protected] (John ~ills) [email protected] (Holly Price) [email protected] (William G. Hoppes) [email protected] (Howard Hirsch) [email protected] (Harvey Porter) [email protected] (Harold 1. Singer) [email protected] (Shari Rokni) [email protected] (Hoan Tang) [email protected] (Heather Trim) [email protected] (Jim Hyde) [email protected] (In-Ae Huh) [email protected](Patti Krebs) [email protected] (Curt Barry) [email protected](jared saylor) [email protected] (Andy Iturriria) [email protected] (John R. Clayton)
[email protected] (John Reay)
j-aveggiomshn-engr.com (John Aveggio9)
[email protected] (Joe Hoffman)
[email protected] (James A. Jordan Jr)
[email protected] (John Albright)
[email protected] (James Downing)
[email protected] (Jamie Anne Miller)
[email protected] (Junior Andrews)
[email protected] (Janet Fahey)
[email protected] (Jared Saylor)
[email protected](Jared Saylor)
[email protected] (Jared G. Carter)
[email protected] (james Glennon)
[email protected] (John Aveggio)
[email protected] (Jay Officer)
[email protected],gov (Deborah Jayne)
[email protected] (Stan Brodecki)
[email protected] (Joshua Borger)
[email protected] (Judith C. Bumann)
[email protected](Jennifer Carbuccia)
[email protected] (Joan Huang)
[email protected] (Joe Cochran)
[email protected] (Jim Colston)
[email protected] (James Cowan)
[email protected] (lace Cuje')
[email protected] (Jacques DeBra)
[email protected] (Jeffrey H. Piui P.E.)
[email protected] (Jeff Pratt)
[email protected] (Jeff Roubal)
[email protected] (Jerry Llvingston)
[email protected] (Jenna Settino)
[email protected] (Jill Falcone)
[email protected] (Julie Fallon)
[email protected] (Justin Fredrickson)
[email protected] (Jay Gan)
[email protected] (Jay F. Golida)
[email protected] (Joe Grant)
[email protected] (Jack H. Gregg)
[email protected] (John M. Gregson Ph.D.)
[email protected] (Joseph R. Gully)
[email protected] (John Fortuna)
jharri~@&~law.com(John J. ~arris)
[email protected] (Janet Hebertson)
[email protected](Jay Heiman)
[email protected] (John Hewitt)
[email protected] (James Aaron Hipp)
[email protected] (John L. Hunter)
[email protected] (Javed Hussain)
[email protected] (Janet Huston)
[email protected] (Jim Grabarczyk)
[email protected],co,alameda.ca.us (Jim Scanlin)
[email protected] (Jed Ireland)
[email protected] (John Ivancovich)
[email protected] (JoAnne Kelly)
[email protected] (Jerry A. King)
[email protected] (James Maiek)
[email protected] (Jim Marchese)
[email protected] (John M. Connor)
[email protected] (Josue Medellin)
[email protected] (Jeffrey T. Melby)
[email protected] (30 Ann Weber)
[email protected] (John Locke)
[email protected] (John Blasco)
[email protected] (John Clayton)
[email protected] (John Zastrow)
[email protected] (Jeroen Olthof)
[email protected] (jon gustafson)
[email protected] (Jon Van Rhyn)
[email protected] (Jorge P. Sanchez)
[email protected] (Jeffery 31 Ortmeier)
[email protected] (Joy Winckei)
[email protected] (Jennifer Quickel)
[email protected] (John C, rivera)
[email protected] (Jeff Naumann)
[email protected] (Jennifer Rotnem)
[email protected] (John C. Skance)
[email protected] (Jeff Steen)
[email protected] (jon swidler)
[email protected] (Jennifer Taggart)
[email protected] (John Townsel)
[email protected] (John L. Turner)
[email protected] (Julie Hampel)
[email protected] (Craig Justice)
[email protected] (justin fischbeck)
[email protected] (Juliana Vidich)
[email protected] (Jennifer Ware)
[email protected] (John Hunt)
[email protected](Steve Kalvelage)
[email protected] (Karen McDonough)
[email protected] (Karen McDonough)
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[email protected] (Joe Karkoski)
[email protected] (Karl Longley)
[email protected](Karl Longley)
[email protected](Kathy Grant)
[email protected] (Lisa Kay)
[email protected] (Kevin Calcagno)
[email protected] (K. C. Bishop 111)
[email protected](Kristin Carter)
[email protected] (Kathryn K. Curtis)
[email protected] (Ken Borngrebe)
[email protected] (Kenneth Schlff)
[email protected],gov (Kent L. Foster)
[email protected] (Kris Escarda)
[email protected] (Katherine Fry)
[email protected] (Kris Gardner)
[email protected] (Kathryn Gies)
[email protected] (Karl Hans)
[email protected] (kristen hard)
[email protected] (Kevin Haroff)
[email protected] (Kenneth P. Henderson)
[email protected] (Kelly Huff)
[email protected] (kimberiy orlando)
[email protected] (Kip Wiley)
[email protected](kirk willard)
[email protected] (Keith Jones)
[email protected],gov (Robert R. Klamt)
[email protected] (Kumcha Neely)
[email protected] (Katherine O'Connor)
[email protected] (Peter Kozelka)
[email protected] (Krista Jack)
[email protected] (Kathleen Ritzmanl
[email protected] (~ennethM ~obbins)
[email protected] (Kyle Snay)
[email protected] (Keith Starner)
[email protected] (kwablah Attiogbe)
[email protected] (Katharine Wagner)
[email protected] (Kerry Whelan)
[email protected](Keith Whitman)
[email protected] (Karen Worcester)
[email protected] (Kenneth D. Landau)
[email protected] (Karen Larsen)
[email protected] (Randy Roth)
[email protected](Laura Hunter)
[email protected] (Laura Young)
[email protected](Lynn Barris)
[email protected] (Lou Blanck)
[email protected] (Laurie Briden)
[email protected](Lena Brook)
[email protected](Linda B. Wales)
[email protected] (L. Garcia)
[email protected] (Liz Clark)
[email protected](Lldia Peterson)
[email protected] (Nicole Murano)
[email protected] (Lee Taubeneck)
[email protected](Lee Axelrad)
[email protected](Leighanne Reeser)
Page 11 of 17
[email protected] (David Leland) [email protected] (Leiahton Fona) igal6rd@~b4.~wrcb,ca.~~v
(Laura ~alla;do)
[email protected] (Laura Giudici Mills)
[email protected](lisa haws)
[email protected] (Lisa M. Holm P.E.)
[email protected](David Li)
[email protected] (Linda Prendergast)
[email protected] (Lindley Siemsen)
[email protected] (Lisa D. Williams)
[email protected] (Lisa Y. Morgan)
[email protected] (Laura Larsen)
[email protected] (Lisa Horowih McCann)
[email protected](Lawrence McCauley)
[email protected] (Leslie Mintz)
Imlyashiro@pillsburyw[nthrop.com(Lois Miyashiro)
[email protected] (John Locke)
[email protected] (Ken Kellogg)
[email protected] (Lori Okun)
[email protected](Lupe Green)
[email protected](Linda Sheehan)
[email protected] (Lynda Smith)
[email protected] (Lynda Smith)
[email protected] (Leigh Johnson)
[email protected] (Marcie Adams)
[email protected] (Marco Gonzales)
[email protected] (Maher Nawar)
[email protected] (Kathy Barnum)
[email protected] (Mark Angelo)
[email protected](Marcie Commins)
[email protected]
(Margo Treihaft)
[email protected] (Maria Francesca Di Meglio)
[email protected](Marilyn Schwarh)
[email protected] (Mark Pumford)
[email protected] (Mark E. Bryant)
[email protected] (Matthew 3. Adams)
[email protected] (Matthew Philipp)
[email protected](Max Stevenson)
[email protected]~(Michael Bakaldin)
[email protected] (Melinda Barrett)
[email protected] (Melinda Bartlett)
[email protected] (Mark Biddlecomb)
[email protected] (Marilyn Blume)
[email protected] (Michael Rochette)
[email protected] (Mike Buck)
[email protected] (Joan McCoy)
[email protected](Marcus Cole)
[email protected] (Mike Crisostomo)
[email protected] (Matthew L. Denison)
[email protected](Maria DiMeglio)
[email protected] (Michael Reason)
[email protected] (Mark D. Stutes)
[email protected](Mark Toland)
[email protected] (Mohamed El-Amamy)
[email protected] (Melissa Swarts)
[email protected] (Michael R. Meuser)
Page 12 o f 17
[email protected] (Michael Bloom)
mfife@hatch~arent.com(Michael Fife)
[email protected] (~lchaelFlack)
[email protected] (Matthew Geisert)
[email protected] (Masood Ghassemi)
[email protected] (Michael Hall)
[email protected] (Michael Hall)
[email protected] (Marcos Hedrick)
[email protected](Michael Higgins)
[email protected](Minghua Zhang)
[email protected] (Michael McElhiney)
[email protected](Michael B. Moeller)
[email protected]~(Michael R. Sample)
[email protected] (Michael Buttress)
[email protected] (Michael Wolf)
[email protected] (Mike Oscarsl
[email protected]~(Michael Broadwater)
[email protected] (Michael Gibbs)
[email protected](Milt McGiffen)
[email protected] (Terrie Mitchell)
[email protected] (Michael Zimmerman)
[email protected] (Mary Keller)
[email protected] (Marshall Lee)
[email protected](Michael J. Levy)
mlynch@waterrights,swrcb.ca.gov (MaryLisa lynch)
[email protected] (Mary McClanahan)
[email protected] (Michael McNamer)
[email protected] (Markus Meier)
[email protected] (Mike Mulllin)
[email protected](Margaret Nellor)
[email protected] (Alan Monji)
[email protected] (Patrick Morris)
[email protected] (David Moryu)
(Mark Pawlicki)
mpboldt@aol.;om (Pat ~ o l d t )
[email protected](Martyn Hoffmann)
[email protected](Melanie Richardson)
[email protected] (Jim Roney)
[email protected] (Michael Sextonl
[email protected] j ~ a r t ystevenson)
[email protected] (Michael Murrell Stevenson)
[email protected](Mark Subbotin)
[email protected] (Mike Taugher)
[email protected](Melissa Thorme)
[email protected] (man truong)
[email protected] (Jennifer Mu)
[email protected] (Trish Mulvey)
[email protected] (michael ure)
[email protected] (Mary L. Walker)
[email protected] (Michael Wall)
[email protected] (Michelle White)
[email protected] (NCMA Governmental Relations)
[email protected] (MK Veloz)
[email protected] (Noelle G. Cremers)
[email protected] (Neil Hancock)
[email protected] (Laurie E. Nelson)
Page 13 of 17
[email protected] (Nettie R. Drake)
[email protected] (Neal Fujita)
[email protected] (Dante John Nomeilini Jr.)
[email protected] (Norman N. Hantzsche)
[email protected](Nigel Philpot)
[email protected] (Nino Mascolo)
[email protected] (Noelle Mattock)
[email protected] (Neftali Nevarez)
[email protected] (Noor Tietze)
[email protected] (Nadia Wetzler)
[email protected] (Oliver D. Iberien)
[email protected] (&ul Olson)
[email protected] (Charles Grace)
[email protected] (Lisa Ohlund)
[email protected] (Peter W. Otis)
[email protected] (Jovita Pajarilio)
[email protected] (Linda Pardy)
[email protected] (Patrick Tam)
[email protected] (Patrick M. Covert)
[email protected] (Paul Johnson)
[email protected] (Paui Singarella)
[email protected] (Paula Carroll)
[email protected](Paui Brown)
[email protected] (Peter Dean)
[email protected](Peter Y. Dobbins)
[email protected](Rinta Perkins)
[email protected] (Peter Haipin)
[email protected] (Peter Baty)
[email protected] (Peter M. Schafer)
[email protected] (Paul G. Romano)
[email protected] (Kevin L. King)
[email protected] (Paul Johansen)
[email protected](Richard Barnum)
[email protected] (Patrick Lendway)
[email protected] (Leah Wills)
[email protected] (Peter McGaw)
[email protected] (Pat Netsch)
[email protected] (Bruce W. Posthumus)
[email protected] (Philip Shakhnis) [email protected] (Periann Wood) [email protected] (Norma Medina) [email protected] (Rae Lynne Black) [email protected] (Rich Maertz) [email protected] (Rodney Andersen) [email protected] (Ray Arnold) [email protected] (Rik Rasmussen) [email protected] (Rosario Aston) [email protected] (Raymond J. DeSa) [email protected] (Richard Raymond) [email protected] (Raymond E. Oueilette) [email protected] (Ray Reece) [email protected] (Richard Bailey) [email protected](Ramon Batista) [email protected] (Richard Blood) [email protected] (Ralph T. Boyajian P.E.) [email protected] (Robert K. Brodberg) Page 14 o f 17
[email protected] (Rob DalFarra)
[email protected] (Renee DeShazo)
[email protected](Robert Putnam)
[email protected] (Ron Young)
[email protected] (Rebekah Sluss)
[email protected](Reily Smith)
[email protected] (Renee Pinel)
[email protected] (Roger Collins)
[email protected](Rex S. Hime)
[email protected] (David Reznick)
[email protected](Robert L. Falk)
[email protected] (Randolph Flay)
[email protected] (Rebecca Hager)
[email protected] (Robert C. Hawkins)
[email protected](Ricky Hoiston)
[email protected] (Jennifer Rice)
[email protected] (Richard Rusnak)
[email protected] (Rick Kennedy)
[email protected](Rick Thomas)
[email protected] (Revltal Kahnelson)
[email protected] (Ruth Kolb)
[email protected](Robert C. Longstreth)
[email protected] (Rafael Maestu)
[email protected](Roger K. Masuda)
[email protected] (James Robert McRae)
[email protected](Rich Sandman)
[email protected] (Mark Roberson)
[email protected] (Robert Aaserude)
[email protected] (Robert Reid)
[email protected] (Bob Caustin)
[email protected] (L. Robert Ulibarri)
[email protected] (Bob Wu)
[email protected] (Robert C. Ehn)
[email protected](Robert C. Ehn)
[email protected] (Josh Romeis)
[email protected] (Ron Kilmartin)
[email protected](Peter M. Rooney)
[email protected] (Richard Prima)
[email protected] (Bob Reed)
[email protected](Ryan Reeves)
[email protected] (Robert Reinhard)
[email protected] (Rene Silva)
[email protected] (Ryan Kohagura)
[email protected] (Robin Stafford)
[email protected] (Richard Smith)
[email protected] (Ren Wakefieid)
[email protected] (Richard Watson)
[email protected](Roger W. Cole)
[email protected](Stacy Lawson)
[email protected] (Sam Mehta)
[email protected] (Sandy Nurse)
[email protected] (Sarah Shaeffer)
[email protected] (Sat Tamaribuchi)
[email protected] (Scott Bauer)
[email protected] (Jessica Altstatt)
sbrady@ci,santa-r0sa.ca.u~(Steve Brady)
Page 15 o f 17
[email protected] (Seema Chavan)
[email protected] (Sheri Clawson)
[email protected] (Sarah Connick)
[email protected] (Scott Valor)
[email protected] (Caitlin Cornwall)
[email protected] (Seema Mehta)
[email protected] (Steve Schillinger)
[email protected] (Sandra Nurse)
[email protected] (Steve Ford)
[email protected] (Steve G. Gapuzan)
[email protected] (Sheri Gill)
[email protected] (Sharon Green)
[email protected] (walt shannon)
[email protected] (Sam Harader)
[email protected] (Laura Jean Sharpe)
[email protected] (Douglas I.Sheeks)
sherri.dugdale@mail,co.ventura.ca.us (Sherri Dugdale)
[email protected] (Shawna Hilgert)
[email protected](Steve Zebovitz)
simbacli@~acbell.net(Clive R. Sanders)
[email protected].&.us (Stuart 1toG)
[email protected] (loann Toscano)
[email protected] (Shanta Keeling)
[email protected] (G. Scott Koken)
[email protected] (G. Scott Koken)
[email protected] (Dennis Slota)
[email protected] (Dennis Slota)
[email protected] (Shelley Luce)
[email protected] (scott mcmorrow)
[email protected] (David Smith)
[email protected] (Steven Monk)
[email protected] (Scott Nygren)
[email protected] (Sandra Olliges)
[email protected] (Steve Palmisano)
[email protected] (Steven E. LaMar)
[email protected] (Majorie L. Trudgen)
[email protected] (Steve Knell)
[email protected](Steve Knell)
[email protected] (Steve Robinson)
srubalcava@wbcounsel~com(Sharon ~~;balcava)
[email protected] (Sarah Stevenson)
[email protected] (Susan Stark)
[email protected] (Stephen Levesque)
[email protected] (Stephanie Pacey)
[email protected] (Steve Ekstrom)
[email protected] (Steven Arita)
[email protected] (Steven Inn)
[email protected] (Steven Osborn)
[email protected] (Hank Stevens)
[email protected] (Tim Stroshane)
[email protected](Susan Lattanzio)
[email protected] (Thomas Suk)
[email protected] (Susan LaGrande)
[email protected] (susanne zechiel)
[email protected] (Suzanne Iyer)
Page 16 o f 17
[email protected]~
(Andres J. Leal)
[email protected] (sheila k. vassey)
[email protected](Arnel)
[email protected] (Tamara Gallentine)
[email protected] (Tammy Hebrard)
[email protected] (Trever Parker)
[email protected] (Theresa Ballaine)
[email protected](Terry Catlin)
[email protected] (Thomas Crossno)
[email protected] (Tess Dunham)
[email protected] (Terl Olle)
[email protected] (Terran Nyberg)
[email protected] (Tom Funal
tgociwin@geot;andnc.com (fim Godwin)
[email protected] (Thomas Trexler)
[email protected] (Kathleen Thomasberg)
[email protected] (Katherine Thompson)
[email protected] (William Tibbitts)
[email protected] (Theresa Illare)
[email protected] (Tim Anenson)
[email protected] (Tish Berge)
[email protected] (TJ Kim)
[email protected] (Traci Minamide)
[email protected] (Travis Lange)
[email protected] (Tom 8. Meregillano)
[email protected] (Deb Taylor)
[email protected] (Marcia Tobin)
[email protected] (Thomas Mitchell)
[email protected] (Thomas R. Grovhoug)
[email protected] (foni danzig)
[email protected](Tonya Howard-Taylor)
[email protected] (Ted P. Winfield)
[email protected] (Anthony Rattonetti)
[email protected] (Teresa Rochester)
[email protected] (Teresa Tung)
tvandenbera@hatch~arent.comnhomas A. Vandenberal
twhitehead@&fo.cdm (Tom ~ i t e h e a d )
[email protected](Ulf Lindmark)
[email protected] (~alentinConstantinescu)
[email protected] (Valerie Nera)
[email protected] (Vicki Conway)
[email protected] (Vern Knoop)
[email protected] (Vicky Isensee)
[email protected] (Victoria Taylor)
[email protected] (violet jakab)
[email protected] (Jim Schneider)
[email protected] (Rex Sharp)
[email protected] (Valerie Watt)
[email protected] (Kristen 8. Ward)
[email protected] (William Bemis)
[email protected] (William Darsie)
[email protected] (Elizabeth Weaver)
[email protected] (Lori Webber)
[email protected] (Debbie Websterl
[email protected] (Harold elb born)
[email protected] (Kellie Welch)
Page 17 o f 17
[email protected] (Dennis W. Westcot)
[email protected] (Jim Wilde)
[email protected] (William Lester)
[email protected] (Craig Wilson)
[email protected](Wim Hokken)
[email protected] (William L. Breh)
[email protected] (wade major)
[email protected] (Walter N Heady)
[email protected] (Carol E. Woolf)
[email protected] (Warren P. Felger Esq.)
[email protected] (William T. Stringfellow)
[email protected] (Bill)
[email protected] [wendy Wert)
[email protected](Wayne
M. Whitlock)
[email protected] ( ~ e n d ~
y ikl)
[email protected] (John Niblett)
[email protected] (York Gorzoila)
[email protected] (Youn Slm)
[email protected] (Sam Ziegler)
There are 883 Normal members in ab-982.
Desi Alvarez
Stormwater Program
1111 Brookshlre Avenue
Downey, CA 90241
Desi Alvarez
Stormwater Program
1111 Brookshlre Avenue
Downey, CA 90241
Desi Alvarez
Los Angeles County Executive Advisory Committee
1111 Brookshlre Avenue
Downey, CA 90241
Desi Alvarez
Stormwater Program
1111 Brookshlre Avenue
Downey, CA 90420
Roberta Larson and Sharon Green
P.O. Box 4998
Whittier, CA 90607
Rodney Anderson
City of Burbank Public Works
275 E. Olive Avenue
Burbank, CA 91510
Linda Sheehan and Sarah Newklrk
The Ocean Conservancy '
116 New Montgomery Steel, Suite 810
San Francisco, CA 94105
Rodney Andersen
City of Burbank
275 East Olive Avenue
Burbank. CA 91510
Steven Arita
Westem States Petroleum Association
1415 L Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95814
Steven Arita
Western States Petroleum Association
1415 L Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95814
Karen Ashby
California Stonwater Quality Association
P.O. Box 2313
Livermore, CA 94551
Steven Arita
Western Petroleum Association
1115 11th Street. Suite. 150
Sacramento. CA 95814
Karen Ashby
California Stormwater Quality Association
707 4th Street, Suite 200
Davis, CA 95616
Karen Ashby
California Stormwater Quality Association
P.O. Box 2105
Menlo Park. CA 94026
William Ault
City of Fountain Valley
10200 Slater Avenue
Founlaln Valley. CA 92708
Charles Bell
National Resource Conservatbn Sewice
430 G Street $41 84
Davis, CA 95616
Rodney Anderson and Bonnie Teaford
City of Burbank
275 East Olive Avenue
Burbank. CA 91510
Roger Briggs
Central Coast RWQCB
895 Aerovista Place. Sulte 101
San Luis Obispo. CA 93401
Bill Busath
Department of Utilities. City of Sacramento
1395 35th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822
David Beckman
Natural Resources Defense Council
6310 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 250
Los Angeles, CA 90048
273 Postcards from Concerned Citizens
Bill Busath
City of Sacramento
1395 35th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822
James Colston
Orange County Sanltation District
10844 Ellis Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Vat Connor
SWRCB, SWAMP Roundtable
1001 1 Street
Sacramento, CA 95812
Victoria Conway
County Sanilalion Districts of Los Angeies County
1955 Workman Mill Road
Whinier, CA 60607
Victoria Conway
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
1955 Workman Mill Road
Whinier, CA 90607
Chris Crompton
County of Orange Resources & Development Management
300 N. Flower Street.
Santa Ana, CA 92702
Susan Damron
Los Angeles Depallment of Water and Power
1 11 North Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90051
Jane De Lay
345 Lake Avenue, Suite A
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
Dennis A. Dickerson
Los Angeles RWQCB
230 West Foullh Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tess Dunham
California Coalition for Clean Water
1127 11th Street. Suite 626
Sacramento. CA 95814
Eric Escolar
City of lnglewood
One Manchester Boulevard, Suite 300
Inglewood, CA 90301
David Fike
City of Monrovia
415 South Ivy Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016
Larry Forester
Coalition for Practical Regulation
2175 Cherry Avenue
Signal Hill, CA 90755
Emily Dean
Sonoma County Water Agency
2150 West College Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Sharon Duggan
Envifonmental Protection Information Center
2070 Allston Way, Suite 300
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tracy Egoscue
Santa Monica Bay Keeper
P.O. Box 10096
Marina del Rey, CA 90295
Conner Everts
Southem California Watershed Alliance
5321 Amestoy Avenue
Encino. CA 91316
Mary Jane Foley
Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works
30200 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite B
San Juan Capistrano. CA 92675
Blane Frandsen
City of Lawndale
14717 Burin Avenue
Lawndale, CA 90260
Donald Freitas
Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
Mark Gold
Heal the Bay
3220 Nebraska Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Mark Gold
Heal the Bay
3220 Nebraska Avenue
Sania Monica, CA 90404
Sharon Green
Tri-TAC and CASA
P.O. Box 4998
Whittier, CA 90607
Phillip Gruenberg
Colorado River RWQCB
73-720 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 100
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Paul Heliiker
Department of Pesticide Regulation
1001 1 Street
Sacramento. CA 95812
Tom Herman
P.O. Box 173
Eureka, CA 95502
Rex Hime
California Buslness Properties Association
I121 L Street
Sacramento, CA 95812
Robelt Howard
Operations and Maintenance Department
115 Elm Street
Modesto, CA 95354
Paul Gosselin
Department of Pesticide Regulation
1001 1 Street
Sacramento, CA 95812
Gerald Greene
City of Downey
11111 Brookshire Avenue
Downey, CA 90241
John Headlee
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Sacramento District
1325 J Street
Sacramento. CA 95814
Karen Henry
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program, The Clty of San Dlego
19710 B Street, MS 27A
San Diego, CA 92102
Thomas Herman
Barman & Hennan
P.O. Box 173
Eureka. CA 95502
A.J. Hoimon ill
City of Garden Grove
13802 New Hope Street
Garden Grove, CA 92842
Williams Huber
City of San Juan Capislrano
32400 Paseo Adelanto
San Juan Capistrano. CA 92675
Carrie lnclong
Department of Public Works, Los Angeles County
900 South Fremont Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91803
Lawrence Jackson Jr.
Ventura County Watershed Protection District
800 South Victoria Avenue
Ventura. CA 93009
Sujatha Jahaglrdar
3435 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 385
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Davld Jenkins
Davld Jenkins and Associates
11 Yale Circle
Kensington, CA 94708
Bill Jennings
3536 Rainier Avenue
Stockton. CA 95204
Donald Jensen
City of Santa Fe Springs
11710 Telegraph Road
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Craig S. J. Johns
Partnership for Sound Science in Environmental Policy
980 9th Street. Suite. 2200
Sacramento, Ca 95814
Craig Johns
California Manufacturer's and Technology Association
980 Ninth Street. Suite 2200
Sacramento, CA 95814
Craig Johns
AB 982 PAG Regulated Caucus
980 9th Street, Suite. 2200
Sacramento, CA 95814
Craig Johns
Paltnership for Sound Science in Environmental Policy
980 9th Street, Suite 2200
Sacramento, CA 95814
Leslie A. Keane
City of Laguna Woods
24264 El Toro Road
Laguna Woods, CA 92653
Wendell Kido
Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
10545 Armstrong Avenue
Mather, CA 95655
Donald Kendall
Calleguas Municipal Water District
2100 Olsen Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Peter Kozelka
USEPA, Region 9
75 Hawthome Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Patti Krebs
Industrial EnvironmentalAssociation
701 "8" Street, Suite 1445
San Diego, CA 92101
Patti Krebs
Industrial Environmental Association
701 B Street
San Diego. CA 92101
Rod Kubomoto
Department of Public Works, County of Los Angeles
900 South Fremont Avenue
Alhambra. Ca 91803
Rod Kubomoto
Department of Public Works, County of Los Angeles
P.O. Box 1460
Alhambra, CA 91802
Gary W. LaForge
City of Costa Mesa
77 Fair Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
Heather Lamberson
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
1955 Workman Mill Road
Whittier. CA 90601
Travis Lange
City of Santa Clarita
23920 Valencla Boulevard, Suite 300
Santa Ciarita. CA 91355
G. Fred Lee.
G.'Fred Lee and Associates
27298 East El Marcero Drive
El Macero, CA 95618
Alan I-evins
Coast Action Group
P.O. Box 215
Point Arena, CA 95468
Mike Livak
Squaw Valley Ski Corporation
P.O. Box 2007
Olympic Valley, CA 96146
Roberta Larson
California Association of Sanitation Agencies
925 L Street, Suite 1400
Sacramento, CA 95814
Alan Levine
Coast Action Group
P.O. Box215
Point Arena. CA 95468
Mike Livak
Squaw Valley Ski Corporation
P.O. Box 2007
Olympic Valley. CA 98149
Gary Lorden
California institute of Technology
355 South Holliston Avenue
'Pasadena, CA 91125
Gary Lorden
California Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics
355 South Holliston Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91125
Mike Loving
City of llvine
One Civic Center Plaza
Ilvlne, CA 92623
~ o b e rLucas
California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance
100 Spear Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Bob Lucas
California Council for Environmental Economic Balance
1121 L Street, Suite 407
Sacramento, CA 95814
Peter McGaw
Turlock Irrigation District
2033 Norlh Main Street, Suite 800
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Larry McKenney
County of Orange
300 Norlh Flower Street
Santa Ana. CA 92702
Larry McKenney
Orange County Flood District
300 ~ o r t hFlower Street
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Heather Merenda
City of Santa Clarlta
23920 Valencla Boulevard
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Laura Giudici Mills
LCM Consulting
P.O. Box 7112
Spreckels, CA 93962
Clifford Moriyama
California Coalition for Clean Water
1121 L Street, Suite 809
Sacramento. CA 95814
Sterling McWhorler
Humboldt Cattlemens Buckeye Conservancy
P.O. Box 210
Petrolia, CA 95558
Raymond C. Miller
Southern Califomla Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works
30200 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite B
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
David W. Moore
WEC Westem Solutions
2433 Impala Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Carl W. Mosher
City of San Jose
801 Norlh First Street, Rm 308
San Jose, CA 951I 0
Tom Mumley
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
1515 Clay St., Ste. 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
Tom Mumley
San Francisco Bay RWQCBflMDL Roundtable
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
Thomas E. Mumley
TMDL Round Table, San Francisco Bay RWQCB
1515 Clay Sleet, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
Valerie Nera
California Chamber of Commerce
1215 K Street
Sacramento. CA 95814
Valerie Nera
California Chamber of Commerce
1215 K Street, Suite 1400
Sacramento, CA 95812
Sarah Newkirk
The Ocean Conservatory
116 New Montgomery Street. Suite 810
San Francisco. CA 94105
Mark S. Norris
Public WorksMlastewater Division
6001 South Perkins Road
Oxnard. CA 93033
Leo O'Brien
P.O. Box 29921
San Francisco, CA 94129
Phyllis Papen
City of Signal Hill
2175 Cherry Avenue
Signal Hill, CA 90755
David Paradies
The Morro Bay Foundation
875 Santa Ysabel
Los Osos. CA 93402
Art O'Brien
Wastewater Utility
2005 Hilltop Circle
Roseville. CA 95747
Nicolas Papadakis
Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
445 Reservation Road, Suite G
Marina, CA 93933
David Paradies
The Bay Foundation of Morro Bay
875 Santa Ysabel
Los Osos. CA 93402
Tim Piasky
Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality
1330 South Valley Vista Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Timothy Piasky
Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality
2149 East G a ~ e Avenue,
Suite A-11
West Covina. CA 91791
Thomas Pinkos
Central Valley RWQCB
II020 Sun Center #ZOO
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Sharon Green and Raymond Miller
Tri-TAC and SCAP
P.O. Box 4998
Whinier. CA 90607
John Rice
Department of Statistics
University of California. Berkeley
Berkeley. CA 94720
Terry Roberts
State Clearing House
1400 Tenth Street
Sacramento, CA 95812
Lawrence Pierce
Department of Public Works
33282 Golden Lantern
Dana Point, CA 92629
John K. Pran
City of Bellflower
16600 Civic Center Drive
Bellflower, CA 90706
Bruce Reznik
California CoastKeeper
2515 Wiishire Boulevard
Santa Monica. CA 90403
Robin Rierdan
9232 Lapeer Court
Santee, CA 92071
John A. Robertus
San Diego RWQCB
9174 Sky Park, Suite 100
San Diego. CA 92123
Rita Robinson
City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works
433 South Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Rita Robinson
City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation
433 South Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E.
City of Laguna Hills
25201 Paseo de Alicia
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Armand Ruby
County of Sacramento
707 4th Street
Davis. CA 95616
Armand Ruby
1032 Morris Circle
Woodland, CA 95776
Kerry Schmitz
Sacramento County Depanment of Water Resources
827 7th Street, Room 301
Sacramento, CA 95814
Greg Scoles
City of Santa Rosa
100 Santa Rosa Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Greg Swles
City of Santa Rosa
100 Santa Rosa Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Linda Sheehan
Environmental Caucus of the AB 982 Public Advisory Group
116 New Montgomery Street, Suite 810
San Francisco, CA 94105
Linda Sheehan
The Ocean Conservatory
116 New Montgomery Street. Suite 810
San Francisco, CA 94105
Byron Sher
California State Senate
State Capitol 2082
Sacramento, CA 95814
Allen Short
San Joaquin Tributaries Association
P.O. Box 4060
Modesto, CA 95352
Mark Smith
Charles Abbot Associates, Inc.
371 Van Ness Way
Torrance, CA 90501
Harold J. Singer
Lahontan RWQCB
2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard
South LakeTahoe, CA 96150
William E. Snyder
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
P.O. Box 944246
Sacramento. CA 94244
Douglas S. Stack
City of Brea
1 Civic Center Circle
Brea, CA 92821
Gabriel Solmer
San Diego Bay Keeper
2924 Emerson Street, Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92106
Jack M. Stewart
California Manufacturers and Technology Association
980 Ninth Street, Suite 2200
Sacramento. CA 95814
Alexis Strauss
USEPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco. CA 94105
Gerald J. Thibeault
Santa Ana RWQCB
3737 Main Street, Suite 500
Riverside, CA 92501
Richard Watson
Coalition for Practical Regulation
2175 Cherry Avenue
Signal Hill, CA 90755
Donald Weston
University of California, Berkeley
3060 Valley Life Science Building
Berkeley. CA 94720
Rick Wilson
Surfrider Foundation
215 South Highway 101, # 206
Solana Beach. CA 92075
Clayton Yoshida
City of Los Angeles
433 South Spring Street
Los Angales. CA 90013
Alexis Strauss
USEPA Region 9
75 HawUlome Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Jon Van Rhyn
Department of Public Works, County of San Diego
5555 Overland Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
Victor Weisser
California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance
100 Spear Street, Suite 100
San Francisco. CA 94105
David Williams
East Bay Municipal Utility District
P.O. Box 24055
Oakland. CA 94623
Bruce Wolfe
San Francisco Bay RWQCB
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
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