Document 2171730
Contents Welcome! 3 Senior Capstone Projects! 4 Designing a Sustainable Health Care Center for Sub-Saharan Africa! 5 Autonomous Fire-Fighting Robot! 6 Biomimicry on the Road! 7 Design and Development of a Campus Composting Facility! 8 Electric Commuter Scooter! 9 Energy Modeling Project! 10 Home Brew Volume Sensor! 11 Testing Apparatus and Procedure to aid in the Characterization of Semi-Conductor Photoelectrodes! 12 Redesign and Construction of a Piezoelectric Oligonucleotide Synthesizer and Microarrayer (POSaM)! 13 Resource Recovery Facility Centralized Vacuum System! 14 Junior Capstone Projects! 15 Aero Team! 16 High Energy Battery Development Team! 17 Electric Assist Bicycle Trailer! 18 Converting Waste Cooking Oil to Biodiesel! 19 Building Energy Optimization! 20 Energy Modeling Project! 21 Assessment of Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Mining on Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed! 22 Design and Construction of a Versatile Distributable Stereo Hearing Testing Machine! 23 Robotic Teaching and Learning Platform! 24 Development of a Sustainability Assessment Matrix (SAM) as a Decision-making Tool to Evaluate a Medical Clinic Design in Benin! 25 Solar Hydrogen/Sulfurization Chamber! 26 Stormwater Filtration System! 27 Vehicle Integration Team! 28 Wind Harvesting Capstone Project! 29 Engineering Capstone Project Solicitation! 30 Welcome It is a pleasure to welcome you to the First Annual School of Capstone Symposium Day. The Engineering Symposium showcases junior and senior projects from the School of Engineering capstone experience. The School of Engineering capstone experience is a culminating engineering design experience that enables our students to address a real-world need through the application of a design process, design methods, systems thinking, and sustainability perspectives. The experience spans two years (junior and senior years) with students working in teams of four to six students. The projects on display today were done with the assistance of a variety of sponsors and funders to whom we are most grateful. The specific sponsors and funders are listed with each project. If you or your firm is interested in becoming a project sponsor, please contact me. We would love to connect you with our students. We hope you enjoy seeing the fruits of the students' labors and getting a chance to meet the engineering leaders of tomorrow. Thanks for coming. Bob Kolvoord, Ph.D. Interim Director, School of Engineering ______ 3 ______ Senior Capstone Projects ______ 4 ______ Designing a Sustainable Health Care Center for Sub-Saharan Africa Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa lack the critical infrastructure to address basic medical needs of the people who live in third world countries. Most of these people have to walk miles to get clean water and have poor health and sanitation. The mission of this project is to provide Sub-Saharan Africa with a sustainable health center design that can help address the needs of the people in the surrounding communities by providing medical services as well as health education. The first task was to determine how to design a sustainable and holistic health clinic. This lead to a conceptual design of the clinic including subsystems such as sustainable building materials, solar energy, a rainwater collection system, telecommunications, water treatment, architecture, and on-site waste management. A specific subsystem was then chosen to be designed, constructed, and tested. The first subsystem chosen was the rainwater collection system. A prototype of the rainwater collection system was completed this semester and tested with a flow rate comparable to a rainstorm in Benin, West Africa, the headquarters of one of our main stakeholders. The results indicate that the collection system was able to capture about 80% of the water from the rainstorm simulation. Senior Project Team Starting at the top left: Dan Wolfe, Adib Amini, Bryan Morrison Starting at the top right: Dana Anderson, Valentina Sanmiguel, Leah Haling, Ericka Smith Adib Amini Dana Anderson Leah Haling Bryan Morrison Valentina Sanmiguel Ericka Smith Daniel Wolfe Advisors Adebayo Ogundipe, Ph.D. Bradley Striebig, Ph.D. ______ 5 ______ Autonomous Fire-Fighting Robot The mission of this project is to design an autonomous robot to find and extinguish a fire within a simulated household as defined by the guidelines set in the Trinity College Firefighting Home Robot Competition (TCFFHRC). One of the primary goals of this project is to acquire the knowledge necessary to program and interface microcontrollers with a mobile platform of sensors and motors. Customer needs and constraints for this system were determined, prioritized, and assigned a level of difficulty based on the competition guidelines and ability to complete the robot by April 2012. There is potential that the technology and skills acquired from this project could be useful for creating cheaper widespread personal and commercial robotic applications. (From left to right) Peter Epley, Joey Lang, Matt McHarg, and Jed Caldwell testing sensors on “Optimus Primitive” before placing the robot in the arena to navigate autonomously. (Not pictured: Pat Byerly) Senior Project Team Pat Byerly Jed Caldwell Peter Epley Joey Lang Matt McHarg Advisor Robert Nagel, Ph.D. ______ 6 ______ Biomimicry on the Road Biomimicry on the Road is a design group that contains six undergraduate engineers at James Madison University School of Engineering. In the fall of 2010 the design group was given the capstone assignment of solving an engineering problem with the implementation of a biologically inspired application, which is known as biomimicry. The biomimicry team is focusing on reducing aerodynamic drag on a class 8 over-the-road tractor trailer. The two areas that the design team is focusing on to reduce aerodynamic drag are the gap, which is between the cab and the trailer, and the surface of the tractor trailer. Currently, the group has purchased twelve scale model tractor trailers for testing purposes. Six of these models are 1:32nd scale of an actual class 8 over-the-road tractor trailer and the remaining six models are 1:53rd scale. The design team has conducted two interviews with experts in the trucking industry. Bill Demastus, Dan Smith, and Alvin Showalter all express that there is a significant market for aerodynamic drag reducing attachments and applications. The existing gap designs that are currently on the market are limited in motion and in coverage of the entire gap. The shark-skin surface modification has been adopted on boats and planes but no such application exist for road vehicles. If Biomimicry on the Road is able to produce data that proves a reduction in aerodynamic drag by 3% or more, there is a possibility of significant gains in reducing fuel emissions, diesel fuel consumption, and major fuel costs for trucking companies. Senior Project Team Biomimicry on the Road consists of (left to right): Ross Mowchan, Vincent Iosso, Aaron Story, CJ Schlager, Michelle Beatty, and Stefan Jobe Michelle Beatty Vinny Iosso Stefan Jobe Ross Mowchan CJ Schlager Aaron Story Advisors Casey Flanagan Olga Pierrakos, Ph.D. Heather Watson, Ph.D. John Wild ______ 7 ______ Design and Development of a Campus Composting Facility The objective of this project was to explore the possibility of providing James Madison University (JMU) with sustainable means of recycling food waste from the dining halls. The project team did this by designing an aerobic composting reactor for use on the JMU campus. The final deliverable of this project is to be a prototype reactor and a proposal for a composting facility to provide JMU with quality humus for use as fertilizer by grounds crews. In addition to producing an organic alternative to chemical fertilizer, this system will also significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, and consequently, will reduce green house gases associated with compostable landfill waste. Description: The implementation of a composting reactor on the JMU campus will have a notable impact on the overall environmental, social and economic sustainability of the institution. It will help reduce environmental impacts from JMUʼs operations associated with land use and production of greenhouse gases, specifically methane from landfills and carbon dioxide from waste transportation. From a social perspective, implementing a composting facility at JMU will contribute to and promote the collective consciousness of sustainability within the community and may provide opportunities for job creation. This facility will provide an experiential learning opportunity for faculty and students to study decomposition, sustainability, green engineering, data acquisition and carbon-nitrogen ratio testing. Implementing the proposed composting system will improve economic prosperity by eliminating costs associated with the current disposal systems and fertilizer purchases. Humus may also be sold locally for gardening applications. Senior Project Team Tim Brooks Jack Cash Kent Graham Connor Heede Bobby McCloud Advisors The compost team is setting up an initial trial with the reactor prototype. (From left to right: Kent Graham, Tim Brooks, Connor Heede, Jack Cash. Robert McCloud is taking the picture) Robert Nagel, Ph.D. Adebayo Ogundipe, Ph.D. External Sponsors Environmental Protection Agency, P3 Phase I Grant ______ 8 ______ Electric Commuter Scooter Our Capstone team is building a scooter to meet the needs of a James Madison University Student who lives in an apartment complex near the college campus. We have designed the scooter using an analytical model, geo-spatial data, and 3D modeling programs. We have also fabricated and tested a working prototype Kenan OʼKeefe, Gary Kenealy, Paul Boots, and Drew Joyner Senior Project Team Paul Boots Drew Joyner Gary Kenealy Kenan OʼKeefe Advisor Robert Prins, Ph.D. External Sponsors Mark Jenkins, President, Battery Mart John Salatino, Vice Chairman and Executive Vice President, NuGen Mobility ______ 9 ______ Energy Modeling Project This project has three overarching goals: (1) to create a mathematical model which assess the energy efficiency of different residential wall systems, (2) to create a physical model that will be able to validate the accuracy of the mathematical model, and (3) to have the mathematical model generate a cost benefit analysis of different building systems to determine which is the most efficient. In order to accomplish these tasks, a mathematical model has been created using the software package, MATLAB. This model currently generates a set of graphs that models how the walls transition to steady state. This mathematical model will be verified using a physical testing setup which will reflect the variables in the MATLAB code. This experimentation method will be used to compare the efficiency of four different wall systems: Insulated Concrete Foam, Structural Insulated Panel, two-by-four inch with open cell spray foam, and two-by-four inch with fiberglass sheet insulation. The short term and long term costs of these four walls will be compared using a cost benefit analysis which will be delivered to the teamʼs customer, Charles Hendricks at the end of next semester. The following year, the juniors on this project will continue to work on improving the accuracy of the mathematical model as well as testing different wall systems for Charles Hendricks. Senior Project Team From left to right: Bobby Kostinas, Leslie Bland, Peter Gelsomino, and Anthony Bonadies working on the construction of the Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) physical model which will be used to gather real-world data to compare with their mathematical model. Leslie Bland Anthony Bonadies Robert Dwyer Peter Gelsomino Bobby Kostinas Advisor Robert Nagel, Ph.D. External Sponsor Charles Hendricks, The Gains Group, PLC ______ 10 ______ Home Brew Volume Sensor The team is designing and prototyping a sensor to monitor volume in the hot liquor tank and boil kettle of a typical home brewing system to provide home brewers with repeatable results. Repeatable results are important for home brewers so they can attain the same beverage characteristics, such as potential alcohol content, specific gravity, texture, taste, color, and bitterness. The volume sensor will be cost-affordable, ranging from $100-$200. It will have a resolution of 6-12 ounces. Installation of the volume sensor to the home brewery system will take less than two hours, while detachment of the volume sensor will take less than five minutes. The overall goal of the project is to have a working volume sensor specifically made for a typical home brewing system. From Left to Right: Brandon McKearney is monitoring the volume displayed on the LCD from the alpha capacitor volume sensor prototype in the bucket, Mitul Patel and Rishi Patel are ensuring the circuitry is correctly connected to the prototype, Andy Whetzel is checking the programming to the microcontroller, and Matt Passarge is monitoring the step input response on the oscilloscope. Senior Project Team Brandon McKearney Matt Passarge Mitul Patel Rishi Patel Andy Whetzel Advisor S. Keith Holland, Ph.D. ______ 11 ______ Testing Apparatus and Procedure to aid in the Characterization of SemiConductor Photoelectrodes Hydrogen has the potential to be one of the most promising renewable, clean sources of energy. It is the most abundant element in the universe and is an excellent energy carrier. When hydrogen is used as the energy source in fuel cells to power electric motors, the only outputs are electricity, heat, and water. Current methods, however, for hydrogen production, most notably steam-methane- reformation (SMR), require large energy inputs and emit harmful greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. A more sustainable means to create hydrogen if it is to be a true clean energy source. One such method is photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen production, where hydrogen gas is produced through solar-aided electrolysis. During PEC hydrogen production, semi-conductors are used to generate the voltage necessary to split water into its component parts, hydrogen and oxygen. Photoelectrochemical electrodes utilizing the semi-conductors are submerged into an electrolyte solution and illuminated. As a result of the material properties of the semi-conductor, the incident light energy creates a potential across the electrode, powering the electric circuit it is part of. The resulting electric current causes oxidation and reduction reactions at the surfaces of each of the two electrodes, effectively creating hydrogen and oxygen gas. This project focuses on the development of a standardized testing apparatus and procedure used to evaluate the photoelectric properties of PEC electrodes. By altering the material composition of the semi-conductors and varying the deposition techniques used to fabricate the electrodes, researchers can attempt to optimize the photoelectric properties for hydrogen production. The reliability between and consistency of data collected across experimental trials is therefore key to giving researchers the best chance of producing efficient, viable electrodes. Our universal testing procedure and standardized testing system allow researchers to compare results from distinct trials, knowing that their data is reliable and consistent. In future semesters, researchers at JMU will conduct testing of PEC electrodes utilizing the testing apparatus and procedure, collecting data from their trials to inform the electrode design. Other universities can develop similar systems to compare results or pursue research on novel PEC electrode materials and designs. Ideally, the project will spur the exploration of this promising, yet nascent, technology. ______ 12 ______ Senior Project Team Brandon Journell John Murdock Patrick Nutbrown Bradley Wenzel Advisors S. Keith Holland, Ph.D. David Lawrence, Ph.D., (Department of Integrated Science and Technology) External Sponsor The ʻShenandoah Valley as a National Demonstration Project Achieving 25 Percent Renewable Energy by the Year 2025ʼ under U.S. Department of Energy Grant #DE-EE0003100 DOD-ASSURE/NSF-REU grant # DMR-0851367 Redesign and Construction of a Piezoelectric Oligonucleotide Synthesizer and Microarrayer (POSaM) This project, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, involved redesigning and constructing a piezoelectric oligonucleotide synthesizer and microarrayer (POSaM). This microarrayer uses phosphoramidite synthesis in conjunction with piezoelectric inkjet technology to synthesize custom DNA sequences on an aminosilane substrate. The POSaM is an open-source design that was originally created by the Hood Laboratory in 2004 to be an affordable alternative to a commercial microarrayer. Because most of the components used in the original design are no longer in production, the device had to be redesigned to incorporate modern parts. This device will be used for undergraduate bacteriophage classification and gene expression research and teaching at James Madison University as well as four other local colleges and universities. This research is significant because it can lead to improved diagnosis of diseases such as Tuberculosis. Senior Project Team Taylor Clark Steve Danielson (Computer Science) Christina DiMarino Tim Eisenhardt Zack Murter Jared Price Advisors Ronald Kander, Ph.D., (Philadelphia University) Robert Kolvoord, Ph.D. Richard Scott Padgett Louise Temple, Ph.D., (Department of Integrated Science and Technology) External Sponsor National Science Foundation ______ 13 ______ Resource Recovery Facility Centralized Vacuum System Our capstone project involves designing a centralized vacuum system that can be integrated into the local municipal solid waste incineration plant known as the Resource Recovery Facility. Currently, the Resource Recovery facility is facing an issue with ash escaping during the incineration process causing maintenance issues, health concerns, and reducing the usable life span of plant equipment. This project focuses heavily on the research of vacuum systems as well as understanding how the multiple processes in the incineration facility operate and interact. The scope of our project includes creating a design of a centralized vacuum system; which includes a ducting system, a vacuum pump, and a filtration system. The stakeholders for this project include the Resource Recovery Facility, Novo Engineering, LLC, the city of Harrisonburg, and the School of Engineering. The deliverables of this project include a proof-of-concept prototype that has been scaled to behave like the system designed for the Resource Recovery Facility, a dimensioned design of the proposed system, and an installation and maintenance manual to supplement the design. (From left to right) Top Row - Nick Thiel, Grant Morgan. Middle Row - Patrick Williams, John Tran. Bottom Row - Christen Rhodes Senior Project Team Grant Morgan Christen Rhodes Nick Thiel John Tran Patrick Williams Advisor Heather Watson, Ph.D. External Sponsor City of Harrisonburg Resource Recovery Facility ______ 14 ______ Junior Capstone Projects ______ 15 ______ Aero Team The Purpose of the Aero-Car project is to design an add-on device to enhance the aerodynamic performance of a Volkswagen R32 race car. The Volkswagen R32 competes in the national amateur racing series, the German Touring Series (GTS), which is organized under the National Auto Sports Association (NASA) and the goal of this capstone project is to use knowledge of thermodynamics testing, materials, and design software to develop, model, and test conventional and unconventional car parts that will optimize the Volkswagens aerodynamic performance. The GTS series consists mostly of Porsches, BMWʼs, and Audiʼs; which are high-performance cars that are built with a much higher aerodynamic efficiency relative to a Volkswagen R32. The Aerocar team will be working with Dr. Beck and Mid Atlantic Motorwerkes, of Harrisonburg to acquire knowledge about different parts, materials, fabrication, and testing methods so the Volkswagen R32 will not only be competitive but will start to win races on a more consistent basis. Junior Project Team The aero team after a day at the track and a ride with professional drivers. Team members from left to right, Mike Twardy, Alex Mancil, Emilio Jimenez, Chris McShane. Emilio Jimenez Alex Mancil Chris McShane Mike Twardy Wade Wennik Advisors Olga Pierrakos, Ph.D. Heather Watson, Ph.D. External Sponsors Mr. Greg Shaffer, Owner of Mid Atlantic Motorwerkes Dr. Avent Beck, Owner of VW R32 ______ 16 ______ High Energy Battery Development Team The High Energy Battery Development Team has been commissioned to conceptualize, design, prototype, test, and construct a mass productionworthy high voltage, high amperage battery pack to power a motorcycle entirely by electricity. The battery pack must be capable of propelling the motorcycle to a speed of 70 miles per hour and maintain this speed for a minimum of 150 miles. The battery pack will be comprised of multiple Lithium Ion cells that are given a size designation of “18650.” These “18650” cells are similar in shape but slightly larger than a common “AA” battery. These cells were chosen for their energy density, their ability to recharge over numerous discharge cycles, and their potential technology and cost improvements. Other desirable Li-Ion battery properties include lightweight, near-flat discharge voltage, and no “memory effect”; a reduction of energy capacity of the lifecycle of the battery. Key goals will be to minimize volume and weight and maximize power output, reliability, and serviceability for potential customers. The High Energy Battery Development Team worked in conjunction with the Vehicle Integration Team to produce an Alpha prototype electric motorcycle using an existing combination of prismatic Li-Ion cell and an electric motor to validate our calculations for energy requirements and demonstrate the feasibility of the project. The testing and development for the Beta prototype electric motorcycle has begun; with plans to design and construct a new, unique battery pack and battery management system to supply an all electric motorcycle to a new market segment. The sustainability goals will be to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and eliminate vehicle emissions, all while being capable of a full energy recharge overnight. Junior Project Team Evan Bowen Brandon Cash John Edinger Matt Muller From left to right: Brandon Cash, Evan Bowen, Matt Muller, and John Edinger. Advisor Robert Prins, Ph.D. External Sponsor John Lowitz, O.D., Founder and CEO, Outlier EV ______ 17 ______ Electric Assist Bicycle Trailer Bicycle trailers today are able to transport groceries and children safely at a much larger power output at the expense of the rider. Team Electric Bike Trailer (EBT) sets out to design a trailer able to seat children and haul groceries that “pulls its own weight” so the bicyclist is applying only the necessary force to pull the bicycle and not the additional trailer load. This trailer will be able to recognize different terrain and traveling scenarios. For example, when the rider is traveling up-hill, the trailer will in turn apply a larger power output to pull the trailer up the hill. This variable motor output will also be adjustable by the bicyclist in case he/she desires a better cycling exercise. Team EBT is currently developing concepts. Team EBT analyzing the rear axel of a memberʼs mountain bicycle. The rear axel of many bicycles is the most common point of attachment for recreational bicycle trailers. Junior Project Team Blake Anderson Chad Earhart Danny Ford Devin Imholte Advisors S. Keith Holland, Ph.D. Jacquelyn Nagel, Ph.D. External Sponsor Greg Lewin, Manager, 2RW Engineering ______ 18 ______ Converting Waste Cooking Oil to Biodiesel The purpose of this project is to design and construct a portable continuous flow biodiesel reactor (CFR). This reactor will be capable of converting waste cooking oil into biodiesel that will meet ASTM standards and that can be used in a standard diesel engine. The reactor will also be easily transportable so that it can be brought to locations where waste oil will be stored and biodiesel will be used. Although there are many variants of a CFR, a packed bed reactor (PBR) is the choice of the design team. A PBR is characterized by a reaction chamber that is filled with inert beads that serve to diffuse and mix the liquid inputs of the reaction and ensure a consistent and predictable reaction. The PBR was the choice of the team due to its simplicity of design, lack of moving parts, and bench-scale characteristics, all of which allow for the design to be completed within the time frame and budget provided. The simplicity of the design and the lack of moving parts increase the ease of the use of the product as well as minimizing required maintenance. Ease of use is an important design aspect due to the potential of users coming from a non-technical background. In addition to ease of use and reduction of maintenance, the simplicity of the PBR concept allows for the final design to be relatively small compared to other CFR concepts. Considering that a key aspect of the design is mobility, a smaller scale concept is important. Biodiesel team constructing alpha prototype continuous flow reactor. (From left to right: Parker Helble, Danny Vargas, Nate Collins, Rekan Mirawdaly) Junior Project Team Nate Collins Parker Helble Rekan Mirawdaly Danny Vargas Valerie Wade Advisor Adebayo Ogundipe, Ph.D. ______ 19 ______ Building Energy Optimization Currently commercial buildings are designed and built to run at optimal efficiency, however, energy is still being wasted. The equipment will preform the necessary operations; therefore the inefficiencies are the result of poor system maintenance. These inefficiencies produce higher CO2 emissions and higher energy bills. Prior to the automation of building energy optimization, the energy systems were monitored and assessed by hiring a professional energy auditor. This manual process is costly and time consuming which inevitably leads to infrequent evaluations. To solve the problem of building energy inefficiencies in commercial buildings, the team will develop methods of mathematical modeling to be used for intelligent analysis of the energy data. The process will consist of analysis techniques through data manipulation using Excel and MATLAB that will be transfigured into pseudo code. The final deliverable will be a process designed to report inefficiencies and predict where problems may occur when applied to a set of data. This will allow building owners to quickly and efficiently optimize their building energy consumption, as well as prevent any future problems that may arise. The benefits of this process, is a professional energy expert will not be the only person able to analyze the building functionality. The system will continuously produce information specifically identifying where the issues are. Junior Project Team From left to right: Andrew Almquist, Thomas Brus, Brittany Crichton, Matt Hulvey, Brittany Murphy Andrew Almquist Thomas Brus Brittany Crichton Matt Hulvey Brittany Murphy Advisor S. Keith Holland, Ph.D. External Sponsor Greg Lewin, Manager, 2RW Engineering ______ 20 ______ Energy Modeling Project This is a two year project that will be completed by May of 2013 by James Madison Universityʼs Engineering Students. This team is creating an accurate, user friendly, energy-modeling system to test the energy efficiency of wall systems that can be tested in both a laboratory and real-world setting. The wall systems that will be tested are 2x4 stud walls, Structurally Insulated Panel (SIP) walls, and Insulate Concrete Foam (ICF) walls. The teamʼs research on the different types of wall systems will help a local architect in the Harrisonburg area explain to his customers the differences between the quality and cost efficiency of each wall system. The analysis will show the customer the amount of heat lost during the course of time (in years) and incorporate the cost of each wall. Each customer will be able to determine how many years it will take to earn back the money spent on the wall system. The teams overarching goals are: (1) to finish a mathematical model which assesses the energy efficiency of different residential wall systems, (2) to create a testing device to validate the accuracy of the mathematical model, (3) to perform a cost benefit analysis of different building wall systems to determine which is the most cost efficient, and (4) to define new types of wall systems by possibly combining different known insulation types. The team has finished the 2x4 stud wall physical prototype and is currently working on the SIP wall physical prototype. The team will finish the SIP wall physical prototype by May of 2012 and compare the data results of both the 2x4 stud wall and the SIP wall physical prototypes. Junior Project Team Leslie Bland (Senior) Anthony Bonadies Robert Dwyer Peter Gelsomino Bobby Kostinas From left to right: Bobby Kostinas, Leslie Bland, Peter Gelsomino, and Anthony Bonadies; the team is shaping the Styrofoam core of a Structurally Insulated Panel (SIP) section for the teamʼs SIP wall physical model. Advisors Robert Nagel, Ph.D. Olga Pierrakos, Ph.D. Heather Watson, Ph.D. External Sponsor Charles Hendricks, The Gains Group, PLC ______ 21 ______ Assessment of Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Mining on Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed This project will address the impact of frac-water from Marcellus Shale Natural Gas mining on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed by creating a model to evaluate water quality. Frac-water is the wastewater from the hydrofracking process that is recovered and contains harmful chemicals and sand. In order to create the model, we will describe the process of MSNG mining, wastewater treatment processes, and how chemical and dissolved solids affect water quality. In order to form a baseline for our research, we will research historical data on the contents and pollutants of the Chesapeake Bay. In addition, the impacts of Marcellus Shale Natural Gas mining will be compared to those of coal produced electricity using Sima Pro life cycle software. The net environmental impact of natural gas will be compared to energy production from coal. The results of this study will assist the Chesapeake Bay Foundations and environmental policy makers develop scientifically sound energy development policy in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. From left: Hillary Benedict, Matt Wisniewski, Chase Delans, and Cari Troupe. In this photo, the team is working on writing a report and looking at data. Junior Project Team Hillary Benedict Chase Delans Cari Troupe Matt Wisniewski Advisor Brad Striebig, Ph.D. ______ 22 ______ Design and Construction of a Versatile Distributable Stereo Hearing Testing Machine Differences found in bilateral versus unilateral hearing result in measureable variances to specific hearing capabilities such as sound localization and enhanced ability to understand speech in noise. Current research does not accurately understand how the brain learns to use two ears. Binaural hearing unlike binaural vision is not clearly understood, given the defined age ranges for optimal corrective hearing surgery is still under investigation. Patients with unilateral aural atresia gain bilateral hearing once they receive corrective surgery for their hearing loss. The length and severity of the unilateral condition is well known because it spans from the date of birth until surgery. The pre and post operation creates isolated events for observations of the change in the patientʼs quality of hearing. The unilateral aural atresia population is currently under study at James Madison University. While these investigations at James Madison University as well as other institutions provide information on how the capability of bilateral hearing develops, additional long term patient data is needed. Traditional means for collecting long term data is cost prohibitive for most patients due to the need for them to return to a testing facility periodically. The goal of this project is to develop a platform to implement hearing tests, which will be used to collect long term data at a site local to the patient. The project serves as Portable Hearing Team having dinner at Dr. Lincoln a case study into the Gray residence. (Names from left to right: Brian feasibility of building Allen, Amy Byers, Brittany Harwell, Dr. Lincoln Gray, such a platform. Anticipated challenges Sofie Ganev, Dr. Robert L. Nagel, Brandon Lancaster, Dr. Bradley Kesser, Michael Kessler, of the case study Jonathan Smith) include integrating system adaptability, elimination of environmental noise, and ensuring a repeatable identical physical setup. The current system design implements multiple audio and video inputs and processes the signals with custom written software. Junior Project Team Brian Allen Amy Byers (Communication Sciences and Disorders) Sofie Ganev (Communication Sciences and Disorders) Brittany Harwell Michael Kessler Brandon Lancaster Jonathan Smith Advisors Lincoln Gray, Ph.D, (Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders) Robert Nagel, Ph.D. External Sponsor Bradley Kesser, M.D, Department of Otolarngology, University of Virginia ______ 23 ______ Robotic Teaching and Learning Platform The goal of this capstone project is to create a robot that can be used as a learning platform for Elementary Education (IdLS) majors and high school students in Rockingham County who may be interested in pursuing a Robotics Minor at James Madison University. The team is working with Dr. Gabriel Niculescu and Lt. Dominic Swayne to build a curriculum and teaching platform which teaches students how to build and code a robot. The robot has to meet the following criteria: weigh less than five pounds, fit within a 10”x10”x10” box, be autonomous andmodular, and use the the Arduino microcontroller. With parts received from Dr. Niculescu, the team has been designing both the hardware and software that will comprise the learning platform robot that will make it easy for students to learn the aspects of robotics and teaching STEM concepts. Michael Nguyen, Pavan Panjeti, Patrick Southerly and Kritika Vayur are working on controling the motors velocity through the Arduino Microprosessor. Junior Project Team Michael Nguyen Pavan Panjeti Patrick Southerly Kritika Vayur Advisors Jacquelyn Nagel, Ph.D. Robert Nagel, Ph.D. External Sponsors Gabriel Niculescu, Ph.D., JMU Physics and Astronomy LTC Dominic Swayne, JMU College of Education ______ 24 ______ Development of a Sustainability Assessment Matrix (SAM) as a Decision-making Tool to Evaluate a Medical Clinic Design in Benin One of the major problems in Porto-Novo, Benin is the poor quality of health clinics that serve the people. Many clinics there are dark with little lighting, no air-conditioning, are cramped, and have no proper disposal of waste. The Songhai Center is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) located in PortoNovo that seeks to create viable socio-economic environments in Africa. They currently propose to build a sustainable clinic to serve the local community and serve as a model for other clinics. The Songhai Center currently has no way of knowing if any proposed design is truly sustainable. The basis of this capstone project is to design a decision-making tool that will not only evaluate the sustainability of a new medical clinic design for the Songhai center, but can also apply to any proposed medical clinic in SubSaharan Africa. The final deliverable of this product will be a software application that allows users to choose appropriate criteria indicators for their own specific design. The software application is based off of a sustainability assessment matrix. The criteria of this sustainability assessment matrix (SAM) will be a function of the four dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social, economical, and technical. The SAM will also evaluate the three life cycle stages of the medical clinic: the construction, life, and end of life stages. This product will benefit NGOʼs and future stakeholders by producing a numerical indication of their designʼs sustainability. Junior Project Team (From left) Charles Ohrnberger, Paulina Hoang, Sara Bethel, Zurisadai Pena, and Emily Cummings Sara Bethel Emily Cummings Paulina Hoang Charles Ohrnberger Zurisadai Pena Advisors Adebayo Ogundipe, Ph.D. Bradley Striebig, Ph.D. ______ 25 ______ Solar Hydrogen/Sulfurization Chamber The objective of this project is to develop equipment for the fabrication of thin film Copper Zinc Tin Sulfuide (CZTS) coatings for photovoltaic (PV) and photoelectrochemical (PEC) applications. CZTS is of interest as a semiconductor material for solar applications due to its composition of more earth-abundant and relatively low-toxicity elements. Currently, researchers at JMU do not access to eqipment for annealing compounds in a sulfur atmosphere. Therefore, such a sulfurization chamber will be designed, fabricated, and tested for use in the JMU Materials Fabrication Laboratory. The Sulfurization chamber is separated into two chambers, one containing the solid sulfur source, and the other containing the CZT compound. The sulfurization process will begin by producing a sulfur atmosphere by evaporation of a solid sulfur source through heating. Once the sulfur atmosphere is induced, an inert gas will flow through the system, transferring the vaporized sulfur to a CZT coated sample. Reaction between the CZT coating and the sulfur atmosphere will result in the creation of the CZTS thin film. Upon completion the project will benefit the JMU School of Engineering by creating a cheaper, sustainable, and more efficient process of creating and studying next-generation PV and PEC materials. It will also supply the school with a sulfurization chamber that can be used in various experiments requiring differed temperature and pressure. Junior Project Team Project Team Members (from left to right) Dylan Joyner, Chris Nutbrown, Ian MacIsaac, Chris Lundquist Dylan Joyner Chris Lundquist Chris Nutbrown Ian MacIsaac Advisors S. Keith Holland, Ph.D. David Lawrence, Ph.D., (Department of Integrated Science and Technology) ______ 26 ______ Stormwater Filtration System The focus of the team is to remove contaminants from stormwater runoff. The project objective consists of analyzing stormwater filtration media in order to determine the factors that have a significant impact on the filtration efficacy. The parameters to be investigated are pore size, grain size, surface area, pH, porosity, and bed depth. These parameters will be used to analyze various filtration media such as peat, perlite, and zeolite. The Pollutant Transport in Soil (PTS) apparatus and protocol provided by the department of ISAT will be utilized as the basis of filtration media evaluation. The effluent samples from PTS will be examined via an atomic absorption spectrometer in order to determine the constituents in the after filtered samples. The results will aid in the understanding of the relationship between the parameters and their impact on contaminant filtration. Upon completion of the design of experiment, conditions which indicate significant impacts on contaminant filtration will be selected to maximize filtration efficiency. A spherical prototype filtration device will also be designed by the team and filtration efficiency will be evaluated against a standard column filtration device. The members of the Stormwater Filtration Team: Zach Goehring, Gail Moruza, and Brittany Toney Junior Project Team Zach Goehring Gail Moruza Brittany Toney Advisor Kyle Gipson, Ph.D. ______ 27 ______ Vehicle Integration Team The Vehicle Integration Team is working with the High Energy Battery Development Team to construct a high-range electric motorcycle for a realworld client, John Lowitz. Throughout the two year duration of this project, there are two prototypes to be designed, an Alpha and a Beta. The first iteration of the Alpha Prototype was completed in October of 2011. Ever since the teamʼs proof of concept, there has been continual improvement within the fields of aerodynamics, data acquisition, street legality, aesthetics, and ergonomics. The Alpha is also targeted for completion by May 2012. The component hardware of the project has been and will continue to be researched and manufactured in-house within the AFV (Alternative Fuel Vehicle Lab). Testing of the vehicle has been conducted by the team members locally and remotely at a land speed racing venue in Maxton, NC. The final deliverable for the Vehicle Integration Team will be the Beta Prototype. This motorcycle will be able to achieve a top speed of at least 100mph, run for 150 miles at 70mph, to resist inclement weather, be driven on public roadways, and quickly accelerate from a dead stop. This model will contain custom battery packs produced by the High Energy Battery Development Team and efforts toward this prototype will begin in August, 2012. This is a picture of the team as it prepared to race at the “the Maxton Mile” and break the East Coast Timing Associationʼs non-faring class, electric motorcycle record. (From left to right: Sam Osterhout, Richard Arena, Brandon Cash, Dr. Prins, Grant Haskins, Dr. Lowitz, O.D. , Matt Muller, and Travis Knight) Junior Project Team Richard Arena Grant Haskins Travis Knight Sam Osterhout Advisor Robert Prins, Ph.D. External Sponsor John Lowitz, O.D., Founder and CEO, Outlier EV ______ 28 ______ Wind Harvesting Capstone Project The objective of the Wind Harvesting Capstone Project is to design and develop a wind harvesting system that captures wind energy produced by tractor-trailers travelling under overpasses and converts this into electrical energy. To meet our objective, the capstone team has researched items regarding; possible system locations, conventional and unconventional wind harvesting devices, aerodynamic modeling of the systemʼs environment, and potential output usages. Two wind generators are currently being prototyped. The first prototype is of a wind belt, which uses the aerodynamic flutter of a band to oscillate an attached rare-earth magnet between magnetic coils to produce electricity. The second prototype is of a Savonius Wind Turbine. This vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) takes the rotational force resulting from wind captured in its turbine blades and converts this mechanical work into an electrical current. Using design process methods such as characterizing user needs, creation of target specifications, testing of prototypes in simulated and actual settings, conceptual system design generation, and final design selection and construction will lead the team to successful and groundbreaking wind harvesting device. Wind Harvesting Team members working on the construction of the Savonius Wind Turbine prototype. From left to right: Alexander Price, Grand McDaniel, and McKenzie Miller Junior Project Team Brian Elliott Grant McDaniel McKenzie Miller Jacob Powell Alexander Price Advisors Steven Harper, Ph.D. Olga Pierrakos, Ph.D. ______ 29 ______ Engineering Capstone Project Solicitation The School of Engineering aims to offer a variety of capstone projects that address a real-world need or problem, and ideally have a specific client or user in mind. Our capstone projects involve the design of a product, process, software, or system over a two-year period. The longer timeframe allows students to dive deep into each phase of the engineering design process, but also apply systems thinking and analysis. Analysis from multiple viewpoints ensures a well thought out deliverable that meets the design need or problem as well as assures a sustainable design. If you or your company is interested in taking part in the JMU Engineering Capstone Experience and would like to sponsor a future engineering capstone project please fill out the contact information below and submit it to the JMU School of Engineering in HHS 3232, or send an email with the following information to [email protected]. Thank you for attending our Engineering Capstone Symposium! Name: Company: Telephone: Email: Capstone Project Idea: Will this capstone idea be sponsored by and individual or company? Individual Company ______ 30 ______ ______ 31