
Eric J. Pyle James Madison University Department of Geology & Environmental Science

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Eric J. Pyle James Madison University Department of Geology & Environmental Science
Eric J. Pyle
James Madison University
Department of Geology & Environmental Science
MSC 6903, 7100A Memorial Hall
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
[email protected]
A. Professional Preparation
University of North Carolina-Charlotte,
Emory University,
University of Georgia,
B.S. cum laude, Earth Science - 1983
Geology – 1986
Science Education – 1995
B. Appointments
I. James Madison University (1/05-present). Professor of Geology – Geoscience Education. Responsible
for instruction in introductory and upper division geology courses and courses in JMU General
Education program. Responsible for geology curriculum revisions and interactions with state education
policy makers regarding geoscience education issues at the middle and secondary levels; ongoing
interactions with local in Earth science teachers; Department Assessment Coordinator. Co-Director,
JMU Center for STEM Education and Outreach.
II. West Virginia University (8/95-12/04). Associate Professor of Science Education; Adjunct Associate
Professor of Geology & Geography. Responsible for instruction of Secondary Science Methods
courses in science education; supervising student teachers in middle and high school science
classrooms; increasing inservice teachers' capacities within science instruction; Principal Investigator,
Co-Principal Investigator, and Project Director for NSFand NASA-funded projects. Department Chair:
Dr. Elizabeth Dooley.
III. Monroe City Schools (11/86-6/92) High School Teacher/Department Head: responsible for teaching
Earth science, physics, chemistry, computer math, technical math, algebra, and physical science; served
on local textbook adoption committee; acted as student council advisor and assistant wrestling coach.
Supervised by Dr. D. John Morris and Mr. Lloyd Ratliff.
C. Publications relevant to this proposal
Pyle, E. J. (2011). The last thirty years of planetary science in K-12 education: Getting onboard the reform
train? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43(5), 243.
Pyle, E. J., and St. John, K. (2011). Low-stakes evaluation vs. high-stakes assessment: Student performance
motivation for paleoclimate content in a general education geoscience course. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, 43(5), 593.
Fichter, L. S., Pyle, E. J., & Whitmeyer, S.J. (2010), Strategies and rubrics for teaching chaos and complex
systems theories as elaborating, self-organizing, and fractionating evolutionary systems. Journal of
Geoscience Education, 58(2), 65-85.
Pyle, E. J., & Brunkhorst, B. (2009). Developing and applying the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed
for effective Earth science teaching. In A. Collins & N. Gillespie (Eds.) The Continuum of Secondary
Science Teacher Preparation: Knowledge, Questions, and Research Recommendations, pp. 103-128.
Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Pyle, E. J. (2008). A model of inquiry for teaching Earth science. Electronic Journal of Science
Education, 12(2). http://ejse.southwestern.edu/volumes/v12n2/articles/art1-pyle.pdf. Retrieved 1/2/09.
(d) Synergystic Activities
Executive Director, Virginia Earth Science Teachers Association (VESTA)
Earth Science Committee Chairperson, Virginia Association of Science Teachers (VAST)
Principal Investigator, Mathematics and Earth Science Teachers’ Resource Organization (MAESTRO);
National Science Foundation Grant, 2013-2015. $149,728
Earth Science Design Team, A Conceptual Framework for K12 Science Education (2010), sponsored by the
National Research Council. Team includes Michael Wysession, Don Duggan-Haas, Scott Linneman,
Eric Pyle, & Dennis Schatz.
President, Virginia Association of Science Teachers (2009). Includes President-Elect and Professional
Development Institute Chairperson (2008), and Immediate Past President (2010).
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