Lo splendido e storico Parco della Versiliana, presso il
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Lo splendido e storico Parco della Versiliana, presso il
SHOWS AND EVENTS by Edoardo Giuseppe Boccalini ❚ photos by Nicoletta Abelli L o splendido e storico Parco della Versiliana, presso il comune di Marina di Pietrasanta, ha ospitato, il 2 e 3 giugno scorsi, l’ottava attesa edizione de “L’Arte Del Cavallo”, rassegna equestre che ha sempre attratto un buon numero di addetti ai lavori e pubblico. Quest’anno un numero non elevatissimo di soggetti purosangue arabi hanno dato luogo ad uno spettacolo piacevole durante il concorso morfologico nazionale di categoria “C” Ecaho. Molto è stato fatto dal comitato organizzatore dell’evento, l’Assessorato al Turismo ed allo Sport del Comune di Pietrasanta coordinato, per la parte tecnica, dal sig. Luciano Borzonasca, per rendere quanto più interessante questa manifestazione, accomunando la grazia 192 TUTTO ARABI O n June 2 and 3, the wonderful and historical Versiliana Park (in Marina di Pietrasanta) hosted the eighth edition of “L’arte del cavallo”, which has always attracted a good number of horse lovers and spectators. This year, even though the number of purebred Arabians was not very high, the show at the ECAHO national “C” conformation event was very enjoyable. The organizing committee, the Tourist and Sport Office for the Municipality of Pietrasanta led, for the technical part, by Luciano Borzonasca did a lot to ensure that the event would be as pleasant as possible, combining the grace and beauty of the Arabian horse with the charm of quarter, paint and Appaloosa horses, which competed in ridden competitions on Saturday as www.tuttoarabi.com SHOWS AND EVENTS e la bellezza del cavallo arabo al fascino del montato con cavalli americani, Quarter Horse, Paint Horse e Appaloosa, che si sono confrontati in gare montate sia nella giornata di sabato che in quella di domenica. Chiamati al compito sempre impegnativo di giudici, la sig.ra Angelica Farenski (IT), la sig.ra Cristina Valdes (ES) e l’ing. Marco Pittaluga (IT). Ottimo, come sempre, il lavoro svolto dal sig. Ivo Ludi in qualità di ring master, dai sigg. Moreno Cardelli, Nicola Guglielmi e dalla dr.ssa Elisabetta Tizzani, nel ruolo di Commissari Disciplinari e dal sig. Maurizio Rio, responsabile A.N.I.C.A. presente all’evento. Vari spettacoli per l’intrattenimento dei più piccoli, una fiera eno-gastronomica dei prodotti tipici della zona, dimostrazioni di maestri maniscalchi, hanno fatto da cornice alla bella gara disputatasi nella due giorni versiliana, che ha visto in campo ottima qualità. A partire dalla prima categoria, quella delle puledre di un anno, sempre più numerosa delle altre, in cui si impone *Magic Ma Cherie ( Windsprees Mirage x Elettra) del sig. Giuseppe Fontanella, puledra molto equilibrata e dotata di movimento rilevato. Parimerito tra la seconda e la terza piazza, dove un maggior punteggio in tipicità designa, al secondo posto, *Rozka Rose (IM Icare Cathare x Rozalinda MSC) dell’Az. Agr. La Matellina del sig. Sergio Gobbi. Terzo posto quindi per *MA Zoara (Frasera Ramses Shah x Glorys) del sig. Alberto Mozzanica. Solo cinque partecipanti hanno dato vita alla categoria delle puledre di due anni in cui si impone nettamente *Adonia BPA (Meridien ATL x LC Mon Amie) grazie ad un movimento molto rilevato che le fa ottenere il consenso della giuria per la gioia del proprietario, il sig. Giuseppe Reina. Secondo posto per *Wanaba (OR Walkir x DC Manaba Moniet) che ottiene dei punteggi strepitosi sia in tipicità che in testa e collo ma che, in questa occasione, non è riuscita ad esprimersi come saprebbe. Bella prova comunque per questa puledra di proprietà del sig. Luciano Zenti. Al terzo posto troviamo *Magic Perfection (Windsprees Mirage x Aisha bint Shahil) di proprietà di Fontanella Magic Arabians. Le tre partecipanti alla categoria delle puledre di tre anni hanno comunque dato sfoggio di se stesse, facendo un buono spettacolo. Nettamente al primo posto la bella *Pyrea (Psytadel x Priscilla), puledra molto corretta di proprietà del sig. Antonio Amicucci. Secondo posto per *Magdalena Galaa well as Sunday. Called to the ever demanding task of judging were Mrs. Angelica Farenski (IT), Mrs. Cristina Valdes (ES) and Mr. Marco Pittaluga (IT). Excellent as usual were Ivo Ludi as ring master, Moreno Cardelli, Nicola Guglielmi and Elisabetta Tizzani as Disciplinar y Commissioners and Maurizio Rio, A.N.I.C.A. representative attending the event. Children entertainment, a wine and food fayre of local products, demonstrations by master blacksmiths were events organized as collateral to the lovely competition held over two days in the Versilia area, which saw very high quality horses on the ring. The first category reserved to yearling fillies, which has always more entries than the others, was won by *Magic Ma Cherie (Windsprees Mirage x Elettra) owned by Mr. Giuseppe Fontanella, a very balanced filly with remarkable movement. The tie between the second and the third place, decided by a higher score in type, saw *Rozka Rose (IM Icare Cathare x Rozalinda MSC) owned by the La Matellina stud of Mr. Sergio Gobbi take the second place. Coming in third was *MA Zoara (Frasera Ramses Shah x Glorys) of Mr. Alberto Mozzanica. Only five participants for the category of two-year-old fillies, which was clearly won by *Adonia BPA (Meridien ATL x LC Mon Amie) thanks to her remarkable movement that won the jury over, to the joy of her owner, Mr. Giuseppe Reina. Second place for *Wanaba (OR Walkir x DC Manaba Moniet), which obtained an outstanding score for type and head and neck but this time did not express as well as she could have done. In any case, it was a good performance for this filly owned by Mr. Luciano Zenti. *Magic Per fection (Windsprees Mirage x Aisha bint Shahil) owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians was third. The three participants to the category of three-year-old fillies really showed off. The clear winner was the beautiful *Pyrea (Psytadel x Priscilla), a very correct filly owned by Mr. Antonio Amicucci. She was followed in second place by *Magdalena Galaa (WH Justice x Mareva) of Mr. Leonardo De Filippo, whereas *KJ Galia (Kir Galaa x Giamila by Kapron) owned by Mr. Roberto Bolzieri came third. The categories reserved for mares aged 4 to 7 had also just three entries, but the quality level www.tuttoarabi.com TUTTO ARABI 193 SHOWS AND EVENTS WARES Champion Stallions SAHIR PSZ Champion Colts 194 TUTTO ARABI www.tuttoarabi.com SHOWS AND EVENTS WARINA EL SHAMS Champion Mares PYREA Champion Fillies www.tuttoarabi.com TUTTO ARABI 195 SHOWS AND EVENTS TEXAS MAGIC Res. Champion Stallions ALFABIA NASIK Res. Champion Colts 196 TUTTO ARABI www.tuttoarabi.com SHOWS AND EVENTS ASRA MONISCIONE Res. Champion Mares MAGIC MA CHERIE Res. Champion Fillies www.tuttoarabi.com TUTTO ARABI 197 SHOWS AND EVENTS ROZKA ROSE ADONIA BPA 2 Cl. Yearling Fillies 1 Cl. Fillies 2 years old (WH Justice x Mareva) del sig. Leonardo De Filippo mentre al terzo posto chiude *KJ Galia (Kir Galaa x Giamila by Kapron) del sig. Roberto Bolzieri. Anche la categoria delle fattrici dai 4 ai 7 anni era purtroppo composta da soli tre elementi che hanno tuttavia reso un ottimo servizio, la qualità non è di sicuro mancata. Primo posto per la tipica *Warina El Shams (Wagner x Nikita El Shams) dotata di testa molto bella e camusa di proprietà della sig.ra Beatrice Bigotti. Con pochissimo scarto si attesta al secondo posto la bella *Magic Night (Windsprees Mirage x Lucky’s Majarra) di Fontanella Magic Arabians mentre chiude al terzo posto *Saraabi Al Tiglio (FS Ritz x Shamilah Soraya) del sig. Fabrizio Colombo. La categoria delle fattrici di 8 anni ed oltre vede al primo posto *Asra Moniscione (Padrons Ghibli x Armonia), tipica e dotata di ottima testa camusa di proprietà del sig. Moreno Radicchi. Al secondo posto *Gameelah (Ruminaja Ali x Kelada), ottimo soggetto di proprietà dell’All. Gaughof Araber del dr. Philipp Selva. Terza posizione per * Mata Hari Al D’Ama ( Jaragon Al D’Ama x Mahalia) del sig. Nelio Taboga. Per la categoria dei puledri di un anno si attesta al primo posto con largo margine *GHS Nazareth (WH Justice x Kirinova), puledro molto corretto autore di un ottimo show. Al secondo posto troviamo *GHS Montego Bay (Psytadel x HS Kiova) di proprietà, così come il primo classificato, di Fontanella Magic Arabians che ottiene un piazzamento invidiabile. Terza posizione per SG Fator (SDP Taylor x Agena Di Loris) dell’Az. Agr. Montecucco della sig.ra Gloria Gatti. Per i puledri di due anni prima posizione per *Sahir PSZ (WH Justice x Lady Padrona) puledro molto tipico autore di un ottimo show e di proprietà dell’Az. Agr. Ongarine della sig.ra Marina Pasquali. Al secondo posto si attesta *Alfabia Nasik (Padrons Immage x Alfabia Jasmina) dell’Az. Agr. San Pietro del sig. Paolo Da Milano. Al terzo posto chiude 198 TUTTO ARABI WANABA 2 Cl. Fillies 2 years old MAGDALENA GALAA 2 Cl. Fillies 3 years old was very high and the spectacle was excellent. Top place for the typey *Warina El Shams (Wagner x Nikita El Shams), a filly owned by Mrs. Beatrice Bigotti and gifted with a lovely head and snub nose. Second by a very narrow margin was the gorgeous *Magic Night (Windsprees www.tuttoarabi.com SHOWS AND EVENTS GHS NAZARETH ROYAL MAGIC 1 Cl. Yearling Colts 1 Cl. Colts 3 years old GHS MONTEGO BAY DANUBE BLEU 2 Cl. Yearling Colts 2 Cl. Colts 3 years old *Magic Aufidar (Redwood L. Abadaar x PP Aufidena) di Prato Palazzo del sig. Paolo Persia. Nella categoria dei puledri di tre anni conquista il primo posto *Royal Magic (Ansata Shaamis x Magic Mirage) della sig.ra Luna Colomba, al secondo posto si attesta *Danube Bleu (Missouri x Daphne) del sig. Fabrizio Bertini mentre chiude al terzo posto *DA Chanell (Prussia MG x Cyra) del sig. Luca Rosi. Per la categoria stalloni, unificata per l’esiguo numero di partecipanti, si classifica al primo posto l’ottimo *Wares (Piruet x Wernera), autore di un’ottima prova per la gioia del proprietario, la Scuderia Groane del sig. Marco Franchini. Seconda posizione per l’altrettanto ottimo *Texas Magic (Windsprees Mirage x Mirage x Lucky’s Majarra) of Fontanella Magic Arabians, while in third place was *Saraabi Al Tiglio (FS Ritz x Shamilah Soraya) owned by Mr. Fabrizio Colombo. The category of 8-year-old and more senior mares was won by *Asra Moniscione (Padrons Ghibli x Armonia), a typey and snub-nosed mare owned by Mr. Moreno Radicchi. Second was *Gameelah (Ruminaja Ali x Kelada), an excellent subject owned by the Gaughof Araber stud of Dr. Philipp Selva. T h i r d place www.tuttoarabi.com TUTTO ARABI 199 SHOWS AND EVENTS Azali LR) del sig. Giancarlo Rubino mentre chiude al terzo posto *Mukassas (Mosalli x Imperial Imphayana) di proprietà di Fontanella Magic Arabians. for * mata Hari Al D’Ama ( Jaragon Al D’Ama x Mahalia) of Mr. Nelio Taboga. The category of yearling colts was won by a large margin by *GHS Nazareth (WH Justice x Kirinova), a very correct colt that performed very well. A brilliant second place was awarded to *GHS Montego Bay (Psytadel x HS Kiova) owned, as the winner, by Fontanella Magic Arabians. Coming in third was SG Fator (SDP Taylor x Agena Di Loris) owned by the Montecucco stud of Mrs. Gloria Gatti. The winner of the two-yearold colts category was *Sahir PSZ ( WH Justice x Lady Padrona) a very typey colt that performed excellently. He is owned by the Ongarine stud of Mrs. Marina Pasquali. The second place went to *Alfabia Nasik (Padrons Immage x Alfabia Jasmina) owned by the San Pietro stud of Mr. Paolo da Milano. *Magic Aufidar (Redwood L. Abadaar x PP Aufidena) owned by Prato Palazzo of Mr. Paolo Persia. The category of three-year-old colts was *Royal Magic (Ansata Shaamis x Magic Mirage) owned by Mrs. Luna Colomba. He was followed by *Danube Bleu (Missouri x Daphne) of Mr. Fabrizio Bertini, while *DA Chanell (Prussia MG x Cyra) owned by Mr. Luca Rosi was third. In the stallions category, which was unified due to the limited number of participants, the winner was *Wares (Piruet x Wernera), which performed very well to the joy of his owner, Scuderia Groane of Mr. Marco Franchini. *Texas Magic (Windsprees Mirage x Azali LR) of Mr. Giancarlo Rubino was second while third was *Mukassas (Mosalli x Imperial Imphayana) owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians. Con la tensione solita si è svolto il campionato finale che ha laureato Campionessa Puledre la bella *Pyrea di proprietà del sig. Antonio Amicucci. Riserva Campionessa l’altrettanto bella *Magic Ma Cherie del sig. Giuseppe Fontanella. Il titolo di Campione Puledri per il tipico *Sahir PSZ di proprietà dell’Az. Agr. Ongarine della sig.ra Marina Pasquali mentre il titolo di Riserva Campione Puledri è stato conquistato da *Alfabia Nasik dell’Az. Agr. San Pietro del sig. Paolo Da Milano. Il titolo di Campione Stalloni va a *Wares di proprietà della Scuderia Groane del sig. Marco Franchini mentre il titolo di Riserva va a *Texas Magic del sig. Giancarlo Rubino. The final championship took place accompanied by the usual tension. The winner of the Filly Champion title was the lovely *Pyrea owned by Mr. Antonio Amicucci. Reserve Champion was another beautiful filly, *Magic Ma Cherie owned by Mr. Giuseppe Fontanella. The title of Colt Champion went to the typey *Sahir PSZ owned by the Ongarine stud of Mrs. Marina Pasquali, whereas the Reserve Colt Champion title was awarded to *Alfabia Nasik owned by the San Pietro stud of Mr. Paolo da Milano. Champion title was *Wares, owned by Scuderia Groane of Mr. Marco Franchini, while the Reserve title went to *Texas Magic of Mr. Giancarlo Rubino. Complimenti ai vincitori ed all’organizzazione che continua a riservare un grande impegno per questo atteso appuntamento annuale che, ci auguriamo, aumenti nei numeri. ❏ Congratulations to all the winners and the organizers, who continue to put in a lot of effort in this much-awaited annual appointment. We hope that it will continue to grow in the years to come. ❏ MAGIC NIGHT 2 Cl. Mares 4/7 years old GAMEELAH 2 Cl. Mares 8 years old and above 200 TUTTO ARABI www.tuttoarabi.com SHOWS AND EVENTS Madre/Dame: DC MANABA MONIET Allev./Breeder: RAZZA DEL COLLE SAS DI BRIZIO MARTINO&C. Propr./Owner: ZENTI LUCIANO RESULTS Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco YEARLING FILLIES 1. MAGIC MA CHERIE G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: WINDSPREES MIRAGE T 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Madre/Dame: ELETTRA TC 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Allev./Breeder: BIGOTTI BARBARA DA 8,0 8,0 7,0 23,0 Propr./Owner: FONTANELLA GIUSEPPEA 4,0 5,0 6,0 15,0 FATTORIA FONTANELLA M 8,0 9,0 9,0 26,0 Tot. 118,0 2. ROZKA ROSE Padre/Sire: IM ICARE CATHARE Madre/Dame: ROZALINDA MSC Allev./Breeder: AZ. AGR. LA MATELLINA DI GOBBI SERGIO M Propr./Owner: AZ. AGR. LA MATELLINA DI GOBBI SERGIO M 3. MA ZOARA Padre/Sire: FRASERA RAMSES SHAH Madre/Dame: GLORYS Allev./Breeder: MOZZANICA ALBERTO Propr./Owner: MOZZANICA ALBERTO T TC DA A M Tot. T TC DA A M Tot. G1 9,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 G2 8,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 G3 9,0 10,0 6,0 5,0 9,0 Tot. 26,0 28,0 20,0 16,0 26,0 116,0 G1 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 G2 8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 7,0 G3 8,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 Tot. 25,0 24,0 24,0 19,0 24,0 116,0 Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco YEARLING COLTS 1. GHS NAZARETH G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: WH JUSTICE T 9,0 9,0 8,0 26,0 Madre/Dame: KIRINOVA TC 9,0 8,0 8,0 25,0 Allev./Breeder: HEIKE & GUENTHER DA 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 SCHERLE (DEU) A 5,0 7,0 7,0 19,0 Propr./Owner: FONTANELLA MAGIC M 8,0 9,0 9,0 26,0 ARABIANS srl Tot. 120,0 2. GHS MONTEGO BAY Padre/Sire: PSYTADEL Madre/Dame: HS KIOVA Allev./Breeder: HEIKE & GUENTHER SCHERLE (DEU) Propr./Owner: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS srl G1 T 9,0 TC 8,0 DA 7,0 A 6,0 M 8,0 Tot. G2 8,0 8,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 G3 8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 Tot. 25,0 24,0 21,0 17,0 24,0 111,0 3. SG FATOR Padre/Sire: SDP TAYLOR Madre/Dame: AGENA DI LORIS Allev./Breeder: AZ. AGR. MONTECUCCO di GATTI GLORIA Propr./Owner: AZ. AGR. MONTECUCCO di GATTI GLORIA T TC DA A M Tot. G1 8,0 7,0 7,0 5,0 7,0 G2 8,0 7,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 G3 7,0 7,0 6,0 3,0 6,0 Tot. 23,0 21,0 20,0 14,0 21,0 99,0 Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco FILLIES 2 YEARS OLD 1. ADONIA BPA G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: MERIDIEN ATL T 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 Madre/Dame: LC MON AMIE TC 9,0 8,0 9,0 26,0 Allev./Breeder: BP ARABIANS LLC (USA) DA 9,0 8,0 9,0 26,0 Propr./Owner: REINA GIUSEPPE 2. WANABA Padre/Sire: OR WALKIR A M 5,0 7,0 6,0 18,0 9,0 10,0 9,0 28,0 Tot. 122,0 T 3. MAGIC PERFECTION Padre/Sire: WINDSPREES MIRAGE Madre/Dame: AISHA BINT SHAHIL Allev./Breeder: BUONGIORNO ARISTIDE Propr./Owner:FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS srl TC DA A M Tot. T TC DA A M Tot. 10,0 8,0 4,0 7,0 10,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 7,0 29,0 23,0 14,0 22,0 115,0 G1 8,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 G2 8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 G3 8,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 Tot. 24,0 25,0 24,0 17,0 24,0 114,0 Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco COLTS 2 YEARS OLD 1. SAHIR PSZ G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: WH JUSTICE T 10,0 9,0 9,0 28,0 Madre/Dame: LADY PADRONA TC 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Allev./Breeder: AZ. AGR. ONGARINE DA 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 DI PASQUALI MARINA A 7,0 6,0 6,0 19,0 Propr./Owner: AZ. AGR. ONGARINE M 10,0 9,0 9,0 28,0 DI PASQUALI MARINA Tot. 126,0 2. ALFABIA NASIK G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: PADRONS IMMAGE T 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Madre/Dame: ALFABIA JASMINA TC 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Allev./Breeder: AZ. AGR. S. PIETRO DA 8,0 8,0 9,0 25,0 di DAMILANO P. A 5,0 6,0 7,0 18,0 Propr./Owner: AZ. AGR. S. PIETRO M 9,0 10,0 10,0 29,0 di DAMILANO P. Tot. 126,0 3. MAGIC AUFIDAR Padre/Sire: REDWOOD L. ABADAAR Madre/Dame: PP AUFIDENA Allev./Breeder: PRATO PALAZZO srl di Persia Paolo Propr./Owner: PRATO PALAZZO srl di Persia Paolo T TC DA A M Tot. G1 9,0 8,0 9,0 6,0 8,0 G2 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 G3 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 Tot. 27,0 26,0 23,0 18,0 24,0 118,0 Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco FILLIES 3 YEARS OLD 1. PYREA G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: PSYTADEL T 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Madre/Dame: PRISCILLA TC 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Allev./Breeder: SCHOLL FRANZ (DEU) DA 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Propr./Owner: AMICUCCI ANTONIO A 6,0 6,0 5,0 17,0 M 9,0 8,0 8,0 25,0 Tot. 123,0 2. MAGDALENA GALAA Padre/Sire: WH JUSTICE Madre/Dame: MAREVA Allev./Breeder: EL GALAA DI GRASSI P.L. & GILIOLI G. SS Propr./Owner: DE FILIPPO LEONARDO 3. KJ GALIA Padre/Sire: KIR GALAA Madre/Dame: GIAMILA BY KAPRON T TC DA A M Tot. G1 8,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 G2 9,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 9,0 G3 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 Tot. 26,0 27,0 22,0 16,0 27,0 118,0 G1 G2 G3 Tot. T 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 TC 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 G1 G2 G3 Tot. 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 www.tuttoarabi.com TUTTO ARABI 201 SHOWS AND EVENTS Allev./Breeder: FRESCHI MASSIMO DA 8,0 7,0 7,0 22,0 Propr./Owner: AZ.AGR. BOLZIERI ROBERTO A 6,0 6,0 6,0 18,0 M 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 Tot. 112,0 Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco COLTS 3 YEARS OLD 1. ROYAL MAGIC G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: ANSATA SHAAMIS T 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Madre/Dame: MAGIC MIRAGE TC 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Allev./Breeder: FONTANELLA MAGIC DA 9,0 7,0 8,0 24,0 ARABIANS srl A 6,0 6,0 6,0 18,0 Propr./Owner: LUNA COLOMBA M 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 Tot. 120,0 2. DANUBE BLEU Padre/Sire: MISSOURI Madre/Dame: DAPHNE Allev./Breeder: BERTINI FABRIZIO Propr./Owner: BERTINI FABRIZIO 3. DA CHANELL Padre/Sire: PRUSSIA MG Madre/Dame: CYRA Allev./Breeder: DARIUS FRANZ-JOSEF (DEU) Propr./Owner: ROSI LUCA T TC DA A M Tot. T TC DA A M Tot. G1 9,0 8,0 9,0 6,0 8,0 G2 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 G3 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 6,0 Tot. 27,0 26,0 24,0 18,0 22,0 117,0 G1 8,0 7,0 8,0 6,0 7,0 G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 G3 8,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 Tot. 25,0 23,0 24,0 19,0 23,0 114,0 Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco MARES 4-7 YEARS OLD 1. WARINA EL SHAMS G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: WAGNER T 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Madre/Dame: NIKITA EL SHAMS TC 10,0 9,0 9,0 28,0 Allev./Breeder: ANDRIOLI DR. GIORGIO DA 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 Propr./Owner: BIGOTTI BEATRICE A 7,0 6,0 6,0 19,0 M 8,0 9,0 8,0 25,0 Tot. 123,0 2. MAGIC NIGHT Padre/Sire: WINDSPREES MIRAGE Madre/Dame: LUCKY'S MAJARRA Allev./Breeder: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS srl Propr./Owner: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS srl 3. SARAABI AL TIGLIO Padre/Sire: FS RITZ Madre/Dame: SHAMILAH SORAYA Allev./Breeder: AZ. AGR. IL TIGLIO Propr./Owner: COLOMBO FABRIZIO T TC DA A M Tot. T TC DA A M Tot. G1 9,0 9,0 9,0 6,0 8,0 G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 Tot. 27,0 26,0 25,0 18,0 25,0 121,0 G1 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 G2 8,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 G3 8,0 9,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 Tot. 25,0 25,0 23,0 18,0 28,0 119,0 Allev./Breeder: AHMAD E. AMER (USA) Propr./Owner: SELVA DR. PHILIPP ALL. GAUGHOF ARABER 3. MATA HARI AL D'AMA Padre/Sire: JARAGON AL D'AMA Madre/Dame: MAHALIA Allev./Breeder: H. & U. SCHLAFLI/W. & V. HAENSLI (CH) Propr./Owner: TABOGA NELIO 202 TUTTO ARABI T TC DA A M Tot. G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 7,0 G2 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 Tot. 27,0 27,0 24,0 17,0 23,0 118,0 Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco STALLIONS 1. WARES G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: PIRUET T 9,0 9,0 8,0 26,0 Madre/Dame: WERNERA TC 8,0 9,0 9,0 26,0 Allev./Breeder: SCUDERIA GROANE S.R.L. DA 8,0 8,0 9,0 25,0 Propr./Owner: SCUDERIA GROANE S.R.L. A 6,0 6,0 6,0 18,0 M 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Tot. 122,0 2. TEXAS MAGIC Padre/Sire: WINDSPREES MIRAGE Madre/Dame: AZALI LR Allev./Breeder: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS srl Propr./Owner: RUBINO GIANCARLO 3. MUKASSAS Padre/Sire: MOSALLI Madre/Dame: IMPERIAL IMPHAYANA Allev./Breeder: ARIELA ARABIANS LTD (ISRAELE) Propr./Owner: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS srl CAMPIONATO FINALE FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP Champion Fillies Champion: PYREA Reserve: MAGIC MA CHERIE Champion Colts Champion: SAHIR PSZ Reserve: ALFABIA NASIK Champion Mares Champion: WARINA EL SHAMS Reserve: ASRA MONISCIONE Champion Stallions Champion: WARES Reserve: TEXAS MAGIC Giudici/Judges: G1:Farenski Angelica; G2:Valdes Cristina; G3: Pittaluga Ing. Marco MARES 8 YEARS OLD AND OVER 1. ASRA MONISCIONE G1 G2 G3 Tot. Padre/Sire: PADRONS GHIBLI T 9,0 9,0 9,0 27,0 Madre/Dame: ARMONIA TC 9,0 8,0 10,0 27,0 Allev./Breeder: BUZZI GIANCARLO DA 9,0 8,0 9,0 26,0 Propr./Owner: RADICCHI MORENO A 6,0 6,0 7,0 19,0 M 8,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 Tot. 123,0 2. GAMEELAH Padre/Sire: RUMINAJA ALI Madre/Dame: KELADA DA 9,0 8,0 8,0 25,0 A 7,0 6,0 6,0 19,0 M 7,0 8,0 8,0 23,0 Tot. 121,0 G1 G2 G3 Tot. T 9,0 9,0 10,0 28,0 TC 9,0 8,0 9,0 26,0 www.tuttoarabi.com T TC DA A M Tot. T TC DA A M Tot. G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 G3 9,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 Tot. 27,0 27,0 24,0 18,0 25,0 121,0 G1 9,0 8,0 9,0 6,0 8,0 G2 9,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 9,0 G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 Tot. 27,0 25,0 24,0 19,0 25,0 120,0