
State Water R~sources Control Board

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State Water R~sources Control Board
StateWater R~sourcesControl Board
Wb8tOD H.lDckas
- Secra.-to, Califcxaia 95814- (916) 341-5615
P.O. Box 100- Sacr.-to, Calfcnia-9S812-O100
PAX (916) 341-5621- Web Si~ ~
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(RGP 63)
NUMBER 995007(xx)-BAH)
respondsto your request for Water Quality Certification for the subj~t project. This
"tic .on is i.n.rendedto streamline the approval processfor dredge and till activities n~essary
prev tor IDltigateanemergency.
D Order for Wai vcr of Waste Discharge
This certification action is subject to modification or revocation upon administrative or
judicial review, including review and amendmentpursuant to section 13330 of the
California Water Code and Article 6 (commencing with section 3867) of Chapter 28,
Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR 23).
2. This certification ~tion is not intended and shall not be construed to apply to any ~tivity
involving a hydroelectric facility requiring a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) license or an amendmentto a FERC license unlessthe pertinent certification
application was filed punuant to subsectioo3855(b) of Chapter 28. CCR 23. and the
application specifically identified that a FERC license or amendmentto a FERC license for a
hydroelectric facility was being sought.
California EnvironmentalProtectionAgency
0 R'c,.:'lId
Mr. David Castanon
This certification is conditioned upon total payment of any fee required under Chapter 28,
CCR 23, and owed by the applicant
1. This certification is limited to emergencyactions that meet the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) definition of ,'emergency." Under CEQA. California Public Resources
Code section 21060.3. an "emergency" is defined to be:
A sudden, unexpectedoccurrence, involving a clear and imminent danger, demanding
immediate action to prevent or mitigate loss oJ,or damage to, life. heDlth,property,
or essentialpublic services. Emergencyincludes such occurrencesasfire, flood,
earthquake, or other soil or geologic movements,as well as such occurrences as riot.
accident. or sabotage.
2. Emergencyprojects exempt from the ~irements of CEQA are defined by State of
California Administrative Code (CEQA Guidelines) section 15269as:
(a) Projects to maintain. repair. restore, demolish, or replace property or facilities
damagedor destroyed as a result of a disaster in a difaster stricken area in
which a state of emergencyhas beenproclaimed by the Goverrwr pur.:nlantof the
California EmergencyServicesAct, commencingwith section 8550 of the
Government Code.
(b) Emergencyrepairs to publicly or privately owned servicefacilities necessary
to maintain service essential to the public health, safety, or welfare.
(c) Specific actions necessaryto prevePltor mitigate an emergency. 11risdoes not
include long-term projects undertakenlor the purpose 01preventing or
mitigating a situation that has a low probability oloccurrence in the short-teml.
(d) Projects undertaken,carried out, or approved by a public agency to maintain,
repair, or restore an existing highway damagedbyfire, flood. storm, earthquake,
land subsidence,gradual earth movement,or landslide, provided that the projects
is within the existing right of way of that highway and is initiated within one year
of the damage occurring. This does not apply to highway designated4f official
Statescenic highways, nor any project undertaken,carried out, or approved by
public agency to expand or widen a highway damagedbyfire, flood storm,
earthquake, land subsidence,gradual earth movement,or landslide.
ClIlifomiG Environmental Protection Agency
Mr. David Castanon
( e) Seismicwork on highways and bridges pursuant to section 180.2 of the
Streetsand Highways Code, section 180 et seq.
3. Pennittedactivitiesshall not causea violation of anyapplicablewaterquality standards,
includingimpaimtentof designatedbeneficialusesfor receivingwaters,asadoptedin the
WaterQuality Control Plan (BasinPlan)by a RegionalWaterQuality Control Board
(RWQCB)or the StateWaterResourcesControl Board(SWRCB).
4. Pennitteesshall senda copyof the PinalReportrequiredunderRGP63 GeneralCondition
No. 26 (Reports)to SWRCBandthe appropriateRWQCB's addressto:
401 WaterQuality CertificationProgram
Division of WaterQuality
StateWaterResourcesControl Board
P.O.Box 100
CA 95812-0100
401 WaterQuality CertificationProgram
(Addressof appropriateRWQCB)
5. Permitted activities shall not result in the taking of any State endangeredspecies,threatened
species,or candidate speciesor the habitat of such a speciesunless the activity is authorized by
the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) pursuant to a perD1it,memorandum of understanding,
or other document or program in accordancewith Fish and Game Code sections 2081, 2081.1,
or 2086.
I hereby issue an order certifying that any dischargefrom the referencedproject will comply with
the applicable provisions of sections 301 (Effluent Limitations), 302 (Water Quality Related
Effluent Limitations), 303 (Water Quality Standardsand Implementation Plans), 306 (National
Standardsof Performance), and 307 (foxic and PretreatmentEffluent Standards)of the
Clean Water Act, and with other applicable requirementsof State law.
Except insofar as may be modified by any preceding conditions, all certification actions are
contingent on (a) the discharge being limited and all proposedmitigation being completed in
compliance with the applicants' project description (Enclosure 1) and the enclosedProject
Information Sheet (Enclosure 2), and (b) compliance with all applicable requirements of the
RWQCB's Water Quality Control Plan.
Mr. David Castanon
If you have any questions,pleasecontact Oscar Baiaguer, Chief of the Water Quality Certification
Unit, at (916) 341-5485 or balao(ti)Awa.swrcb.ca.gQv.You may also call JamesMaughan, Chief of the
Executive Director
cc: Mr. Bruce Henderson
Regulatory Branch
Los Angeles District
Ventura Field Office
u.s. Army Corp of Engineers
2151 Alessandro Drive, Suite 255
Ventura, CA 93001
U.S. EnvironmentalProtection
75 HawthorneStreet
SanFrancisco,CA 94105
u.s. FishandWildlife Service
Vent\n, CA 93003
California Environmental Protection Agency
Mr. David Castanon
If you have any questions,pleasecontact Oscar Balaguer,Chief of the Water Quality Certification
Unit, at (916) 341-5485 or balao(ii).dwa.swrcb.ca.aov.You may also call JamesMaughan, Chief of the
Regulatory Section, at (916) 341-5522.
Celeste CantU
Executive Director
cc: Mr. Broce Henderson
Regulatory Branch
Los Angeles District
Ventura Field Office
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
2151 Alessandro Drive, Suite 255
Ventura, CA 93001
Wetlands Regulatory Office
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 9
7S Hawthorne Street
SanFrancisco,CA 9410S
u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service
2493 Portola Road, Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003
bc: DennisDickerson,LARWQCB
Harold Singer,LRWQCB
Phil Gruenberg,CRBRWQCB
RogerW. Briggs,CCRWQCB
JohnNorton,OS!, SWRCB
RubenA. Guieb,DWQ, SWRCB
C«liforni« Environmental Protection Agency
SPONSORAND ISSUING OmCE: U.s. Anny CorpsofEngi neen. ~
Angel~ ~
PERMrr NUMBER: Regional General Permit No. 63 (FIle No. 995007(XK}.BAH)
Public agendes.businesses,
oc pivate paIUes(Le..the public in general)
Note: The tenn -you- and its dmvattves, as used in this permit, means the pennittee. The term -this officeref~ to the Los Angeles DLstrkt oftke of the Corps ofEngi nea:s. whkh has judsdictlon over the pennitted
activity, or the appropriate offidal of this office acting under the aud¥>rtty of the comrnandb1g otBcer.
After you receive written apJX'Ovald1at yoor prqect comp1leswith the terms and conditions of this RGP from
this oftb. you are autlx>rized to perf«n1 work In accordaIM:ewith the Genm-a1Condltiom and any prqeaspedftc conditions spedfted below.
PROJECTDESCRIPI10N: ThJspennit auttKlrtzesdischargesof dredged (X'fUl material into Watersof the
United States.including wetJarKis.and/or work or structuresin NavigableWatersof the United Statesfor
necessaryrepair and protectionmeaswes~~ted
with an eJnergefK:Y
situation. An. emergencysituatk>n.Is
presentwhere ttee Is a clear.sudden.unexpected.and imminent threat to hfe <X'property demanding
immediateactionto preventor mitigate m of. or damageto. life. health.property (X'~tIaI
publk: services
(ie.. a situation that coold potentially result in an unacceptablehazard to life <X'a significantm of ~
actionrequiring a permit Is not urKIertakenimmediateJy).
PROJEcr LOCA110N: W1d1intik)Separts of ~ Stateof CalIforniasubj«:t to regulatfXYreview by thJsoffice.
including the coastalslopesof Sanluis ObispoCounty. all of SantaBarbara.Ventura. Los Ange~. San
Bernardino.Riverside,Orange.SanDiego arK!1mP81a1
~ties. eastwardof ~ crestof d1eSierraNevadaIn
InyOCounty. eastwardof the crestof the SierraNevadaIn Mono County to ~ Conway Summit.arK!the
southernslopesof ~ TehachapiMountains In Kern County. and all of the Stateof ArIzona. In the event of
future modificationsto DIstrict ooundaries,this permit would alsoapply in any areassorevised.
1. Time Period Covered: The time limit for completingwork authorized by this RCPendson August
31.2003.TIme extensionsof this permtt will Ukelybe morefavorabiy amsideredasoompJlarx:e
the reporting requirementon the part of the pennttteesIncreases(Le..in order for ~ RGPto be
availableIn the futtn. you MUST provide the tnfonnaUonrequestedregarding the prqect
currently being au~
in a timely manner).
N otifkatIon/Comm\mkadon;
a. Timing; The appUcant must notify the DIstrtct Engines' (DE) as --Iy as ~bJe
and shaD
not begin the activity until ~
by the DE ht the activity may ..~
tmder this RCP
with any slte-spedftc special amdItiom bnposed by the DI5tI1ct or DtvIskX1 ~.
office recognizes there may be s!ttJ~
where Imminent dnats to lJfe CX'property <XaJr
and die applk:ant has not ra::eIwd a rQice to pt-<X:eedmn the DE. It Is I¥:It the In~
this office to bnply that one allows such tlveat to life CX'property ~t
In actual loss. If ~
proceeds wittn1t such rX)tke frc:m die DE. orw must sm8'e that pricx' notice of such a
unilateral decision to proceed Is made to this oftke by telepoo~, facsimile, e-maU, dellven!d
written notice or other alternative ~
b. C6
The ootIftca&n sInJ)d be In writing and iJx:Iude d1e f~
(1) The name, address and teJepOOnenumber of die applk:ant and die designated point of
rontact and their ad~
and teiep}X)ne numbe!':
(2) The location of the prof)(*d ~
In detail Irrludlng the ldentlfk:atlon of the
watertx)<fy(les) (this sIDJ1d Include a ~y of a u.s. Geologk: Sur".oey(USGS)
topographic map, 11¥>maSGuide map, CX"hand-drawn location map with suitable
landmarks: the map ~
have suffldent detail to clearly Indk:ate the location and
extent of the ~
as wen as detailed directions to the site):
(3) A brief, but clear. description of the Imminent threat to life (X' property and the
proJ)(*d ~
's PtJrIXJSeand need:
(4) A description of met}xx1s anticipated to be used to rectify the sttuatk>n (-fleld
Is oot an adequate desa1ptk)n. It Is presumed If one mobW7R5mat,"el
and a partkular piece of equlp~t
to a site. then one probably has a fairly well
defined Intentloo for that mat«tel and equlpmenl Plans, drawings or sketd1es
showing the area to be Impacted, aoss sections showing detaI1s of construction, and
a stQ't nalTative desa1bing how the W«k Is to be completed ~d
be provided as a
minimum); and
(5) A brief description of the project area's existing conditions and antk:ipated IrnpKts
resulting from the proposed W«k (amount of dredge or fin material, reroova1 of
significant vegetation, loss of habl~t, etc.).
c. Form of NodfkatIoa: The standard Application f(X' Department of the Army PennIt
(Form ENG 4345), available from the District's Webstte at
may be ~
as the notlftcatkm and must
include all of the Infonnation required In General Condltk)n 2.b. Items (1)-(5) above. A
letter or facsimUe transmission may aJsobe used. In certain situations where there Is an
Imminent threat to life or property and the applicant Is unable to make direct rontact with
this office, a message shall be left on voice mall (X' an e-mail message shall be senl Again,
those messages should Include the Informatioo Identified In General CondIUon 2.b. Items
(1)-(5) above. FCX"rnaIwritten notiftcat1on sIkJu]d be ~nt to this office as ~
as ~ble.
d. Apncy CoordlnatIon: Upon ~Ipt
of a not1f1catlon.the DE will immediately provide
(I.e., by facsimile transmlssk)n. overnight mall or ~
expeditious man.-) a «)f)Y to the
approptiate offices of the EnvlroIUnentaI ProtectIon Agency (EPA), the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife ServIce (fWS), the National MarIne FIsheries ServIce (NMFS), the Monterey Bay
National Marine Sanctuary, the CalIfornia Department of fish and Game (CDFG), the
ArIzona Department of Came and Fish (ADCI-1, the California State Water Resources
Control Board (SWRCB), the ArIzona Depal'tlnent of Envtronmental Quality, the
appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the California c~
CommissIon(CCC),and the StateHIstorIc PreservationOffice (SHPO).as appropriate.
TheseagenciesWiDbe requestedto telephoneor facsimile transmit to the DE (c/o the
RegulatoryBranchPrqect Manager).as expeditiously as possible,a JK)ticeindicating
whedter or not they intend to proVide substantive.site-specifica)Inments regarding the
propcRd project. If oottfled that commentswill be provided by an agency,the DE will
allow them to provide their commentsin a short tlmeframe determined by this omce on a
case-by~ baststo not likely result in loss of life or property before making a ~n
00 the pI~
The DE will fully considerany commentsfrom Federalor Stateagencies.received
Within the specifiedttmeframe.oona5ntng the propad activity's compUara With the
condtt1onsof their authority and the needfor mitigatk)n to red\M:ethe ~'s
environmentaleffectsto a mlntmallevel. The DE will tndk:atethe resultsof that
considerationin the admtn1Sb'ative
record ~~~ted With d1eoottftcation,but will not
a fannal responseto the agencycomments.
Mitipmn: Dischargesof ~
or flU material into Watersof ~ United Statesmust be
avoidedor mtntmIzedto d1emaximumextent~le
at the~
site. Compen18tlon
for unavoidabledischargeof flU matertab may require appropriate mitigation ~
Factorsthat the DE will considerwhen determtntngthe ac<:eptab1ltty
of appropriateand
rntttgattonwill tocIude.but are not Ilmtted to:
(1) The approximate furKtions and values of the aquatic resoorcebeing impacted.such
as habitat value. aquifer recharge.sediment oonveyanceor retention. flood storage.
(2) The permanenceof the ~'s
impacts on the resource:and
(3) The potenttallong-term effectsof the adton on rematntng fuoctlons and valuesof the
impacted aquatic resource.
To be pI"actlcable.the mitigation mtJstbe available and capableof being done
consideringcosts.existing technology,and 1ogistksin Ught of the overall ~
Examplesof mitigation that may be appropiate and practicableinclude. but
are not limited to: ~ucing the size of the prqect; establtshtngwetland or upland buffer
zonesto protect aquatic resoun:evalues:replacing the lossof aquatic resoun:evalues by
aeatlng. restoring. or enhancingstm1larfunctions and values: or using bloremedtation
techniquesin conjunction With other methOOsto offset project 1mP-=i5-To the extent
appropriate. applkants should consider mitigation banking and odter forms of
mitigation. including conbibutions to wetland trust funds. "in-lieu" fMS to organizations
sum asThe Nature Consel'Vancy,or Stateor couMy natural ~
ageocies.where such f~ contrtbute to ~ restoration.aeattoo. replacement
enhancementor preservationof aquatic resources.
DIsarkt En~.
Dedsioo: In reviewing the nottft<:ationfor the propo!ed activity, the
DE will determine whether the activity auttmzed by this RGPwill result in ~
minimal indMdual or cumulative adverseenviromnental effectsor may be axttrary to the
public's interest The applicant may. as an option, submit a plooposedmitigation plan
With the notification to expedite the processand the DE will oomtder any mitigation (See
GeneralCondition 2.e.above.)~ applkant has included in ~ ~
in determtning
whedter the net adverseenvironmental effectsfor the proposedwork are m1nJmal.If the
DE determinesthe activity compliesWith the tenns and conditions of this RGPand the
adverseeffectsare minimal. this oftlce will oottfy the applicant and include any sltuationspedftc conditions deemedn~~ry.
If the applicant electsto submit a mitigation plan as part of the fX'Olaed prqec:t the
DE will expeditiously review the proPCRd plan also. However. the DE may approve the
mitigation ~
after the proposal for the work b approved and ~
work has
If the DE detenntnesthe adverseeffectsof the proposedwork are more than
m1nImal.the DE will notify the applicant either:
(1) That the prqect does not qualify for authorization under this RGPand Instruct the
applicant on the proceduresto ~k autOOrtzationunder an individual pennit. or
(2) That the prqect is authorized under this RGPsubjectto the applicant submitting a
mitigation proposal that would reduce the adverseeffectsto the m1nImallevel.
3. A~
Work: Any work authoriZedby this RGPmust be the minimum necessaryto alleviate
the immediate emergency.unlesscomplete reconstructiondoes not result in signiftcantly
increasedimpacts to aquatic resourcesand logistkal concernsindicate such reconstruction is as
expedient considering the condition of the project site and is limited to in-kJnd replacementor
refurbishment. Moderate upgrading would be consideredif the applicant wishes to use
bioremediation or other environmentally sensitive solutions. For example.it may be determined
that reconstructionof a bridge aossing or a roadway damagedby flood flows is a more
appropriate courseof action than temporarily shoring up the facillty to allow an immediate return
of its use. When continued public safety is an issue,such reconstructionwill remain a viable
option for considerationfor authorization under this RGP. The RGPmay NOT be used to
upgrade an existing structure to current standardswhen that activity would result in additional
adverseeffectson aquatic resoun:es,exceptin very unusual and limited drcurnstances. Such
upgrade projectsare consideredseparateactivities for which other fonDSof authorization will be
4. Start Work Date: Any projectsauthorized under this RGPmust be Initiated within seven (7) days
of receiving auth(X'izationto proceed. Projectsthat cannot be Initiated within this immedJate
timeframewould not meetthedefinitionof an wemergency.
w If the prqect start time can be
delayed for more than a week, the Immb1entthreat of impending loss Is hkely to have diminished
in magnitude as well as tmmed1acy.On the other hand. the RGPcould be used to authorize
projectsas they becomediscovered.such as with the recedtrigflows of a river sometime after a
flood event occurred but which hkely was the immediate causeof the damage. Further. this RGP
cannot be used to autmrtze long-planned-for projects,nor shall it be used for prOjectsthat are
likely to have beenknown to the applicant but for which an application was not submitted in a
timely manner. That Is. the applicant's failure to act in a timely manner prior to the storm .ason
will not obligate the Corps or other agendesto authorize work becau~ of an wemel'gencyw
situation unless we ~
that the situation qua1Jflesasan emergencyas defined on page 1.
S. Accessto Site: You must allow representativesfrom thJsoffice and other agendesto Inspectthe
authorized activity at any time deemednecessaryto emure the prqea is being or has been
accomplishedin accordancewith the terms and conditions of this RGP.
6. Tribal Rights: No activity or its operation may impair reservedtribal rights. including. but not
limited to. reservedwater rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights.
Water Quality CertL~~n:
The California StateWater RescxucesControl Board and the
ArIzona Department of Environmental QuaUty both Issuedconditional certiftcationsfor RCP 63.
The CaUforniaSWRCBissuedits certification on March 7. 2001. Pennttteesin the Stateof
California within the Los AngelesDJstrictboundariesmust comply with the conditions spedfted
in that ceI1iftcationas specialconditions to this RCP. For your convenience.Conditions of
Certlftcation for activities speciftedwithin RCP 63 are repeatedhere verbatim:
WJthJn tInse activities SP«JiJ«l wJthln RGP 63, C8Ufkatton is llmlted to the following:
(l.J Th1scettlfkattonis limlted to mwgency actJonsthat nwt theCEQAdeIlnlttond" -~.UnderCEQA,and -emtrgencyis definedto be: -a ~
a dmr
and Jmmment danser. demanding ImmedJate action to preVPnt or mitigate Jtm
«; «'
damage to lJfe,
health. property. or ~tlSl
publJc setVlces.EnJergenCyincludes such ~
as' /ire. /kxKl.
earthquake.«' other sol1or geologic11K)vements.
as wen as such ~
as'dot. acddent. «'
(2.) EmeI'geIx:yprojects ex«npt from the requirementsof CEQA as deIlnedby the State CEQA
Guidelines § 15269 as:
(a) Pro.J«ts to maintain. repair. restore.derooltsh.«' replace~
«' fadlitJes damagedIX'
destroyedas a result of a disasterin a d1sast..stricken arM in whIdJ a state of ai"1iI-P':;Y
has '-npcocla Imed by the Governorpursuant to the California EmeI.,-ncy Servicm-Act,
with sectIon8550 «the Gowmment COOe.
(b) EmeI'8efx:ytf1MJrsto publkly or privately owned servicefadlitJes IJeCesSaIY
to maintain
service 5WI1t1alto the publIc health. safety. or ~
(c) Spedik actions '~7
to prevent «' mitigate an ~Ja#z.cy. ThLsci)eSnot lnclude longteIm proj«:ts wJdertakm for the PU1'fXR of fS'eVenting
or mitigatinga situationthat hasa
low probablllty of fx:cUn'enceIn the sOOrt-term.
(d) Proj«:ts undertaken.camed oot. or approvedby a publJc asency to maintain. repair. restore
an existing hJ8hwaydamagedby /ire. BtXXl.storm. ealtlXIuaR. JaIxi subsldena. gradual
earth movenwnt. or landslide.provId«l that the pro.J«t Is within the existing right of way of
that highway and is lnItiated within oneyear « the damage«x:urrlng. ThJsdoesnot apply
to highways desisnatedas oIBdal State scenJchighways. nor any proj«t undertaken.
carried oot. or approvedby a publk as-1'Y to expand«' wJdena hJghwaydamasedby Ore.
fllXxl. storm. Mrthquake. land subsidetn. sracIual eaIth movmJent,or JandsJlde.
(e) Selsmk WOIt on highways and bcldsespursuant to..uon 180.2 of the S~
Highways Oxle. S«t1on 180 It 5«i.
(3). Pennltted activJtI~ shaHmt causea vi)/ation of any applicablewafs' quality standards.
lnduding deslBnatedben«kJa1~ for fe(»fving watets at»pt«l by a RegD'Ial Wat.. Quallty
Control Board (RWQCB) or dJeStat~ Wafs' R~
Cootrol Board (SWRCB).
(4). P;-~~\Ie ~ttees
shall senda copy of any Flnal ReJXKts(requJrwlwm- Dlstrlct General
C«xlltim No. 26) to the appropriate RWQCB(s) at dJeaddress(~) 1oc1uded
in dJeEIx:l~UlY and the
SWRCB (CatiBcatlon Unit. Division «Wafs' Quallty. State Wsw ~l'Cm'
Control Board.
A1TN:Emet:geI JCYA.ssJstance
P;-~T.. P.O. Box 944213. Saaamento. CA 94244-2130).
(5). ActIvI~ ,.mitred shaHmt ruult In dJetaking of any StateelxIanseI.t species.thl'eltened
SI*ies. or candIdatespeciesor the habitat of sudJ a SfJ«:l~ unless the activity is autlk)l"lzedby dJe
of Flsb and Game(DFG) pursuant to a pemJit. meIlD"andum «Ill.
mxumentlX' program In acWIdaIx:ewith dJeDFG C«desa:tJons2081. 2081.1. or 2086 cmdItIons tX'
mitigation requ1rementswhim the DFG D1strlct ~.
(6). ThLs celttBcation action is subj«t to nxxlIlJcation IX'moocaUon uJUl admlnJstl3tive or Judldal
miew. lncluding review and ~t
punuant to S«t1on 13330« dJeCallfornia Waw Oxle aIx#
section 3867 «TItle 23 of the California ~
Ii" Regulatlom (23 CCR).
(7]. 17Jlscert18cationaction is mt interxled and shaHnot be aJnStruedto apply to any dJscharsefrtxn
any activity involving a hydrwlectrk fadlity l*IUlring a FederalEnerxy RegujatoryColnmm Jon
(FERC) 1Jcense
or an amendmentlD a FERC license.unless dJepertin«lt certlBcation awllcatlon was
fIl«l pursuant to 23 CCR subsection3855(b) aIxI the appllcatlon SfJ«:lI1callyIdentIn.I that a FERC
lk«Jse or amendmentto a FERC 1kensefrr a h~trlc
fadlity was being sought
The Artzona Department of Environmental Quality mued its certtftcatlonon January 24. 2001.
Permitt~ 10the Stateof Arizona must comply with the conditiom specifted10that certification as
SpecIalconditions to this RCP. SpedftcaUy.the ADEQ appUedthe foUowtng conditions to all waters
of the state (MUniqueWaters- and MOd1eJ'
1. Notit1catJon
permittee must notify ADEQ in writing within 48/nus of InItiating repair
and/or prot«t1on activtties. NotilkatJommay befax«i. addressedto:
rtment of EnvlromDental Quality
FedtI'al Permits aIxi Program Development Unit
Attn: Andy Cajel'O-Tra\e'S
3033 N«th Central A venue,MO4O1A
Fax (602) 207-4674
2. Contentsof NotIfication
a.N~. addressand telephonenuml8'S of the p.w~-Uve [J«'Inlttte. and approprJatefKJint
d' contact addressand J-'IOntnumber.
b.LocatJonof the propos«l proj«t In detail (include a ~
of a USGS tofKJmap. 7}H)mas
Guide map. harxl-drawn location map with suitable larxImarks, etc.). ~ map sl»IJ1d
clMrly indicate the I«at1on and extmt of the proj«t. as MH as directions to the site.
c. Brief and clear description of the proj«t's ~
and need.
d. Desa"ipt:lonof anticipated metlKK1s
to be usedto I'K'tIfy the sltuatJoo.
General CondItIons
A Regional GeneralPermit and CWA 401 CerttBcationdo not OOvtatethe needto 00taln any
other J*'mlts. mtiBcations and lketJSeSthat may be I8Iu1cedby fdral. state « l«al
ErosDJ ProtKtlon Mea5Ul8
a.EmsIon control and/or other bankprot«:tJon /ea~
(sllt fences.straw bales,multhlng.
or rtH:krip rap) shall be usedto mtnlmize ermlon and soI11~. whereapproprIate.
Denuded arss shall be revegetatedas soonas possiblewith native plants and seed.
b.UfKJI1completion d'mI.c.p-xy actlvitles, the wwt arM shaHmtDIe or maintain the
stability of uFa.tn and<*'~
of waterof the U.S. with resp«:t to
and sedln8Jtatlon.
Chemicalsand Materials Handling
a.77JeJMnJ1ltt. shall u.w ~ted
arMSf« chemical (herbIdde)andpetn)iet1mstorase,
solid wastecontainment, and Iqulpment washing- Thesedesignatedarss shall all be
locatedoutstde ofjur/sdlctlonal wa~
shall havea spill containmentplan and an lqulJHDff1tmaintenanceplan
on site at all times.
CMtamlnated Solls and Materials
TheJ*'mlttee is responsiblefcr emur1ng ~oo
materlal and/or BU.placed within the
ordinary high water malt. befree frtRIJsumtaIX'ethat can causeor contribute to pollution of a
8. C~
Zone ManageIDeDt:FOI'~
projectsaffecting ~ or ~urces of the ooastalmne, the
FederalCoastalZone ManagementAct (CZMA) requJresthat the pennittee obtain concurrence
from the CaUfomlaCoastalCommissionthat the project is consistentwith the State'scertifted
CoastalManagementProgram. FCX'
activities withJn the ~
mne that requJrea coastal
developmentpennit from the comrnlss1on,the pennitteesshould contactthe Commissionoffice to
requestan emergencypermit, and no additional federal consistencyreview is necessary.For
activities withJn the coastalmne that requJrea coastaldevelopment pennlt from a local
governmentwith a certlfted local ooastalprogram, the pennittee should contactthe appropriate
local government Becausea coastalpermit Issuedby a local agencydoesnot satisfy the federal
consistencyrequjrementsof the CZMA, the penntttee should also contactJamesRaives,(415)9045292.FederalConsistencyCoordinator for the Comm1ssIonto detennlne the approprtate
emergencyprocedures. For any activity outside the coastalmne, but with the potential to affect
coastalusesor resources,or fOl'any activity conductedby a federal agency,the permittee should
contactJamesRaives.(415)004-5292.FederalConsistencyCoordinator for the Commissionto
detennine the appropriate emergettCyprocedures.
Due to the often limited time constraintswith emergencyactions,the Corps would not
require the permittee to provide proof of review by the Commi$ion. If such an action would
result in undue hann to life or property. However. the Corps wt11require the permittee to
provide evidenceof consistencyupon completion of the project unlessthe Corps is already aware
that a particular project classof projects.or projectsIn a particular area desaibed by the
Commission.have receivedsuch detenntnattonsor waivers.
Dtsposalof t100d-deliveredsedimentsinto the marine enVironmentare not authorized
under RGP63 due to potential adverseeffectsto the habitat and water quality. If such actlvtty is
proposed.it shall be addressedthrough other permitting procedures.
EndangeredSpecies: No activity is authorized under this RGPwhich is Ukely to jeopaidJzethe
continued existenceof a threatenedor endangeredspeciesor destroy or adversely modify
designatedcrttical habitat as identIfied under the FederalEndangeredSpeciesAct (ESA).
Authorization of an activity by the RGPdoesNOT authorize the .take. of a listed
threatenedor endangeredspecies.as defined under the FederalESA. Applkants shaI1notify the
DE if any listed or proposed speciesor designatedor proposed critical habitat might be affected
by or is in the vidnity of the project. The applicant shaDnot begin work on the activity until
notIfied by the DE that the requirementsof the ESA have beensatisftedand the activity is
aut}X)l1zed.In all circumstances.the applicant should. if aware of the potential presenceof listed
or proposedspeciesor designatedor proposedcritical habitat, make considerableefforts to
contactthis office and/or personnelat I'WS and/or NMFS. In somecasesthe I'WS and NMFS
may be able to make a priori determinationsthat listed Speciesare not present.
Information on the location of listed or proposed threatenedor endangeredspeciesand
their designatedor proposed crttical habitat can be obtained directly from the I'WS or NMFS or
from their websltesat:
USI'WS- http:/ / endangered.fws.gov/
NMFS - http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/protJe5/overvtew/es.htm1
To the extent possible.this office will implement any programmatic biological opinions and
incidental take statementsthat may be available. Any terms and conditions inherent to these
documentswill becomeconditions on a particular applicant'sutilization of this RGP.
In many cases.infonnation on the presenceof listed or proposed s~es at a Spedftcprqect
site may rot be available. In such cases,the nature of the emerserM:Y
may prevent an applicant
from conducting the surveys necessaryto makea reasonabledetermination. Therefore.the
applicant may assumethe speciesis present,if suitable habitat occursonstte,and requestthat the
emergencyprovisions of Section7 of the ESAbe implemented.
10. Historic ~j)eIties: Impacts to historic properti~ listed. pro~
for listing. or potentially
eligible for listing In the National Registerof Historic Placeswill be avoided to the maximum
extent practicable. If such resourcesare impacted becauseof actionsauthcxizedunder this RGP.
you shall provide a full report of the action and the impacts Incun'ed by the resourceto this office
within 45 days after completion of the action. The Corps. the SHPOand/or the Advisory Coundl
for Historic Preservationwill then jointly make a determination as to appropriate procedures
and/or mitigation to be addressed
If you dJscoverany previously unknown historic or archeologicalrematm while
accomplishingthe activity authorized by thb RGP.you must immediately notify this office of
what you have found. We wID Initiate the Federaland Statecoordination required to detennlne if
the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing In the Nati<X1al
Historic Places.
II. Regional and Case-by-CaseConditions: The activity must comply with any regional conditions
added by the Division Engineer (SeeCFR Part 330.4(e).)and with any ca5e-spedftcconditions
added by this office.
12. ErosIon and Siltation Controls: Every effort must be made to ensureany material dred~ or
excavatedfrom Waters of the United Statesis not likely to be washed back Into any Watersof the
United States.When feasible.erosion and siltation controls. such as siltation or turbidity curtains.
sedimentationbasins.and/or straw (or hay) balesor other meansdesignedto mlnlmlze twbidlty
In the watercourseabovebackground levels existing at the time of construction. shall be used and
maintained In effectiveoperating condition during constructionunlessconditions preclude their
use,or if conditions are such that the proposed work would not Inaease turbidity levelsabove the
background level existing at the time of the work. All exposedsoil and other ft1Is.as well as any
work below the ordinary high water mark or high tide line. must be stabilized at the earliest
practicabledate to preclude additional damageto the prqect areathrough erosion or siltation.
13. Equipment When feasible.and if personnelwould not be put into any additional potential
hazard. heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placedon mats.or other measuresmust
be taken to minimize soUdisturbance.such as use of wide-treaded equipment or floatation
14. Suitable M8terial: No discharge of dredged or ftll material may consist of unsuitable material
(e.g.. trash. debris. car bodies. asphalt, etc.) and material discharged must be free from toxic
pollutants in toxic amounts. (SeeSection 307 of the Clean Water Act (CW A»
15. WDd and Scenic Rivers: No activity may occur In a component of the National Wild and Scenic
River System. or In a river offidally designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible
inclusion In the system while that river is In an official study status, un1e.u the appropriate Federal
agency with direct management responslbWty for that river has detennined In writing that the
proposed activity would not adversely effect the Wild and Scenic River designation or study
status. Information
on WUd and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the appropriate Federal land
management agency In the ~
(e.g... fWS. National Park Service. USDA Forest Service. Bureau of
Land Management).
Currently the only designated Wild and Scenic River systems In the Los
Angeles District are the main stem of Sespe Creek from its cont1uerx:e with R£x:k Creek and
Howard Creek downstream to where it leaves SectIon 26. TSN. R20W. and the Sisquoc River from
its origin to the Los Padres National Forest boundary In California. and the Verde River from the
section line between Sections 26 and 27. T13N. RS£. Gila-Salt River meridian to the conf1ue~
Red Creek with the Verde River within Section 34. 1'9 V2N. R6£ .
16. Aquatic Ufe Movements: No activity may substanUallydisrupt the movement of th~ Spedesof
aquatic liCeindigenous to the water body. including thosespeciesthat normally migrate tiUQJgh
the area. Culverts placedin streamsmust be installed to maintain low flow conditions.
17. Shellfish Produdion: No discharge or dredged or fill material may occur In areas or concentrated
natural or commercial sheUftshproduction, unlessthe dischargeIs directly related to a sheUftsh
harvesting activity authorized by the Corps' Nationwide PermIt (NWP) 4.
18. Spawning Areas: DischargesIn spawning areasduring spawning seasommust be avoided to the
maximum extent practicable.
19. Waterfowl Breeding Areas: Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be
avoided to the maximum extent practicable.
20. Navigation: No activity may causemore than a minimal adverseeffect on the courseor capacity
of a navigablewater. You understand and agreethat. If future operationsby the United States
require the removal. relocation.or other alteration of the structure or work herein authodzed. or
If. in the opinion of the Seaetary of the Anny or his authorized representative.said structure or
work shall causeunreasonableobstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters.you will
be required. upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers.to remove.relocate.or alter the
structural work or obstructionscausedthereby.without expensesto the United States. No claim
shall be made against the United Stateson accountof any such remova1or alteration.
21. Water Supply Intakes: No discharge of dredged or flU rnatertal may occur in the proximity of a
public water supply intake except where the discl1arge Is for repair of the public water supply
intake structures or adjacent bank stabUization.
22. OlJsb'Udlon of HiIh Flows: To the maximum extent practicable.dischargesmust not
permanently restrict or Impedethe passageof nonnal or expectedhigh flows or causethe
relocation of the water exceptwithin the exJstingriver plain (unlessthe primary purpose of the fU1
is to Impound waters).
23. Adverse ED'ectsfrom Impoundments: If the dischargeaeates an impoundment of water.
adverseeffectson the aquatic systemcausedby the acceleratedpassageof water and/or the
resb1ctionof its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable.
24. Proper Maintellallc:e: Any structure or flU autmrlzed by this RGP shall be maintained. including
maintenance to ensure public safety. unless it is later detennined that the structure is further
contributing to other adverse COnditiOM to private or public property. In such situations.
corrective measu~ will be taken to rectify these adverse conditioM. including removal and/or
redesign of the original emergency corrective action. or appropriate mitigation as detennlned
through coordination with you and the appropriate Federal and State agencies. Temporary levees
constructed to control flows sha1Inot be maintained beyond the current storm season (I.e..
maintenance of temporary levees is not authorized after the stonn season In which the need
25. Removal ofTempc.-ary FlUs: Temporary ftUs shall be removed in their entirety and the affected
areas returned to their pre-existing elevations and revegetated with appropriate native riparian or
wetland vegetation common to the area. If an area impacted by such a temporary ffil is
considered Ukely to naturally re-establish native riparian or wetland vegetation to a level stmi1ar
to pre-project or pre-event conditions within two years, you will not be required to do so.
26. Reports: You shall provide a written report to this office as ~
as practicable (within 45 days of
completing the project) after completion of any action conducted under this RGP. PROVIDING
This office has additional respoMibilities pursuant to
consultation with the I'WS and NMFS under Section 7 of the ESA. Further. these reports enable us
to b'ack the use of this RGP to verify that the minimal effects determination is being met as
required by Section 4O4(e)of the CW A. Failure to provide timely reP«tS following responses to
emergencies Is non-compliance with the General Conditions of this RGP and would be considered
a violation (33 CFR Pan 326.4(d». Furthermore. fai11ft to IXOVide dIese post-activity Jepcxts
wUljeopardize the possibWty of extending this pel'mit when it expires.
At a minimum the Report shall include the following:
The name. address,and telephonenumber of:
(a) the appUcant
(b) the appUcant'sagent (If appropriate)
D. Full description of the activity including:
1. desa1ption of the emergencyand the potentJalfor loss of life or property
2. purpose of the activity
3. final goal of the entire activity
4. ~tion (e.g..1atitude/longitude or UI'M C(X)rdtnates:
section/township/range on
appropi1ateUSGStopo map: ThomasGuide map. or other sourceto accurately
portray project location)
5. size and desa1ption of project area (include maps or draWingsshowing the areal and
lineal extent of the project. and pre- and post-constructtonphotographs)
6. quantities of materials used
7. Infonnation on receiving waterbody impacted including:
a) name of waterbody
b) type of receiVingwaterbody (e.g.,river/streambed. lake/reservoir.
ocean/estuary/bay, riparian area.wetland type. etc.)
c) temporary/pemtanent adverseimpact(s) in ~/cubic
yards/Unear feet
d) compensatorymitigation in aaes/ cubic yards/Unear feet
e) other mitigation steps (to avoid. m1n1m1ze.
8. Information on federally Ustedor proposed endangeredspeciesor designatedor
proposed cr1t1ca1
habitat (notlftcation must be provided to I'WS and/or NMFS as
appropriate) including:
a) temporary/ pennanent adverseimpacts
b) compensatorymitigation
c) other mitigation steps(to avoid. m1n1m1ze.
If there are a substantialnumber of projectsand this requirement would consumelarge quantities of your
staff resources.you may. as an option. submit a comprehensivereport providing all of the information
required in the notification condition (Item 2.b.)above. The report shall Include a description of the
emergencyand the potential for loss of life or property. maps to the prqect location. maps or drawings
showing the areal and Unealextent of the project.quantities of material used.and pre- and post-comtructjon
photograph5. If the project was conducted In an areaknown to harbor Federally listed or proposed
endangeredspeciesor designatedor proposed aitlcal habitat, you must include a list of measurestaken to
minimize harm to the speciesand! or habitat and provide a copy of the report to the fWS and! or the NMFS.
as appropriate. If mitigation was determined to be appropriate for a specific project or group of projects.a
mitigation proposalmust be submitted to this office for review and approval. We will forward the report to
the appropriate agenciesfor their review and comment.
Congnssional Authorities: Actlvttlm oonduded under this RCP are autho~
(X) Section10of the River and Harbor Act of 1899(33U.S.C.403).
(X) Section404of the Clean Water Act (33U.s.C. 1344).
pursuant to:
2. Umits of this auth0ri78ion:
a. This penult does not obviate the needto obtain other Federal.State.or local authorizations
required by law.
b. This pennlt does not grant any property rights or exclusivepriVileges.
c. ThJspennlt doesnot authorize any Injury to the property or rights of others.
d. ThJspennlt does not authorize Interferencewith any existing or proposed Federalproject.
3. Limits of FedenlUability: In Issuingthis pennit,theFederalGovernmentdoesnot assumeany
lJabUltyfor the foUowing:
a. Damagesto the pennltted project (X'usesthereof as a result of other pennltted or unpennitted
activities or from natural causes.
b. Damagesto the permitted project or usesthereof as a result of CUlTentor future activities
undertaken by or on behalf of the Untted StatesIn the publJcInterest.
c. Damagesto persom. property. or to other pennitted or unpennitted activities or structures
causedby the activity authorized by this pennit.
d. Designor construction deftdendes associatedwith the permitted work.
e. Damageclaims associatedwith any future modification. suspension.or revocationof this
ReUaoceon AppUcant's Data: The determination of this office that Issuanceof this permit is not
contrary to the public interest was made in relianceon the Infonnation you provided.
Reevaluation: This office may reevaluateits decisionon d'IJspermit at any time the circumstances
warrant. Circumstanc~ that could require a roovaluationInclude. but are not Jtmttedto, the
a. You fail to comply with the tenns and conditions of this permit.
b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been
false,incomplete.or inaccurate. SeeItem 4 above.
c. Signtftcantnew information surfaceswhich this office did not consider in reachingthe original
publk interest decision.
Sucha reevaluationmay result In a detennJnationthat it is appropriate to use the suspension.modification.
and revocationprocedurescontained In 33 CFR 325.7or enforcementproceduressuch as thosecontabtedIn
33 CFR 326.4and 326.5.The referencedenforce~nt proceduresprovide for the issuanceof an
administrative order requiring you to comply with the tenns and conditions of your permit and for the
Initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any COITective
by this office. and if yoo fail to comply with such directive. this office may. In certain situations (suchas
t)X)5espedfied in 33 CFR209.170).acoompUshthe correctivemeasuresby contract or otheJW1se
and bill you
for the cost.
This pennit becomeseffectivewhen the Federaloffidal. designatedto act fCX'the Sea'etaryof the Anny. has
signed below.
lieutenant ColoneL
Ading DIstrict Engineer
1. Applicant & Agent
u.s. Army Corpsof Engineers(USCOE),Los AngelesDistrict.
Reauthorization of Regional General Permit 63 (RGP 63) for
Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations
RGP 63 authorizesdischargesof dredgedor fill materialinto
watersof the United States,including wetlands,and/orwork or
structuresin navigablewatersof the United Statesfor necessary
repair andprotectionmeasuresassociatedwith an emergency
situation. An "emergencysituation" is presentwherethereis a
clear, sudden,unexpected,and imminent threatto life or property
demandingimmediateactionto preventor mitigate loss of, or
damageto, life, health,propertyor essentialpublic services(i.e., a
situationthat could potentially result in an unacceptablehazardto
life or a significant loss of propertyif correctiveaction requiring a
permit is not undertakenimmediately).
USCOE originally issuedRGP 63 in March 2001 and it was
certified by the StateWater ResourcesControl Board (SWRCB) on
March 7, 2001. USCOEis now reissuingthe pennit with only the
following substantivechanges:
1. GeneralCondition 1: The "Time PeriodCovered"will be five
yearsfrom the adoptiondate.
2. GeneralCondition 2(d): Will include the White Mountain
ApacheTribe in the list of notified agencieswhen an action
takesplaceon tribal lands.
3. GeneralCondition 2(t): If a project cannotbe authorizedunder
RGP 63 (e.g.,it doesnot constitutean imminent threat),USCOE
will inform the applicantthat it would haveto be addressed
underan individual permit or underanotherapplicablegeneral
4. GeneralCondition 7, Water Quality Certification: Will reflect
certification conditionsfor the currentre-issuance.
5. GeneralCondition 26: Redundantsecondboldfacedsentencein
the first paragraphwill be removed.
Hydrologic Unit(s);
Water Body
Type(s) & Area of
Filled! Excavated
RGP 63 can authorizedischarges
in all waterswithin the
jurisdiction of the USCOELos AngelesDistrict. Project-specific
infonnation will be includedin the post-projectreportswhich will
be providedto the USCOE.appropriateRegionalWater Quality
Control Board.and StateWater ResourcesControl Board.
Non-Compensatory The RGP requiresavoidanceandminimization to the maximum
extentpracticable,limits work to the minimum necessaryto
alleviatethe immediateemergency,is not applicablewherefederal
-listed endangeredor threatenedspeciesmay bejeopardized,
specifieserosioncontrol measures,andincludesother management
measuresto limit impactsfrom the authorizedwork.
RGP 63
None. Project-specificcompensationmay be requiredin
considerationof the value of impactedresources,permanenceof
impact, and potentiallong-temeffectson remainingfunctionsand
11, Optional Additional Water Quality Certification for the activities authorizedunderRGP
63 is statutorily exemptfrom the requirementsof CEQA pursuant
CEQA Compliance to Public ResourcesCodesections21080[b][2]-[4].
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