e @ Water Quality Control Board California Regional
e Alan C, Lloyd' Ph.D. AgehcySecretary CaliforniaRegionalWater Quality Control Board Central Valley Region Robert Schneider, Chair Sacramento Main Olfice 11020SunCenterDrive#200.RanchoCordova,Califomia95670-61l4 (916)464-3291. Fax(916)4644645 gov/centralvalley hllp;//*r'w. r,! TO: Antonia Vorster Engineer Supervising FROM: DATE: 24 February2000 SIGNATI]RE: @ Arnold Schrvarzenegg€r Cottemor Kenneth Landau AssistantExecutive Offi cer SIJBJECT: EXPLANATION OF INTERIM OPERATING LIMITS FOR HILMAR CHEESE PROCESSINGFACILITY AS CONTAINED IN PARAGRAPH 5(d) OF THE FEBRUARY 10,2006 TENTATIVE REVISED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PROSECUTION STAFF OF THE CENTRAL VALLEY RTGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, CENTRAL VALLEY REGION, AND THE HILMAR CHEESE COMPANY, INC. AND HILMAR WHEY PROTEIN, INC, As leaderofthe Board's ProsecutionTeam in this matter,I am sendingyou, as a representativeofthe Board's Adjudicatory Team,this memorandumthat containsan explanationof how the Prosecution Team views the Interim OperatingLimits in the tentativerevisedSettlementAgreement. I requestthat this memorandumbe included in the AgendaPackagefor this item at the March 2006 RegionalBoard meeting,or be otherwisetransmittedto the Board membersand public for their review and consideration. This documentis not part ofthe SettlementAgreement,but provides an explanationof the purposeand derivation ofthe Interim OperatingLimits containedin Paragraph5(d) of the TentativeRevised SettlementAgreement(Agreement). The RegionalBoard tlpically imposesinterim effluent limits, interim dischargeconditions,and other constraintsas appropriatein wastedischargerequirementsand enforcementorders(e.g.,ceaseand desist orders)when an existing dischargecannotachievecompliancewith prescribeddischargespecifications. The purposeofany interim limit is to establishthe thresholdthat defineswhether a dischargeris "doing the best it can" until full compliancecan be achieved. Interim limits are developedby examining recent operationalhistory ofa facility and deriving conditionsthat the dischargercan reasonablymeet with the existing treatmentsystemsand operationsat the facility. Interim limits generallyare set at a level that approximatesthe current dischargeconditionsand doesnot allow for expansionsbeyondthe current dischargeat a facility. Interim limits take into accountthe normal variability of influent wastewater characteristics,treatmentsystemoperation,and samplingand laboratoryanalyses.Interim limits also acknowledgethat existing treatmentsystemsmay not be as reliable as either the RegionalBoard or dischargerwould like, and so must accountfor somedegreeof systemfailure or operationaldifficulties. Prescribingnumeric effluent limits is in part an analysisofexisting effluent data,but professional judgment is also applied in settingthe final limits. Interim limits remain in effect for a prescribedperiod of time until an enforceablecompliancetime schedulerequirescompliancewith final limits. It has been Caldornia Environmental Protection Agency {6 Re+cted Paper AntoniaVorster -2- 24February2006 this and other regional boards' practiceto not take enforcementaction for violations of final limits (such as those in WasteDischargeRequirements(WDRs) OrderNo. 97-206 in this case)as long as a dischargeris in compliancewith interim limits. This Agreementwould formalize that practiceby making the commitmentnot to take enforcementexplicit while Hilmar is in compliancewith interim limits. Existing treatmentfacilities of Hilmar CheeseCompany,lnc. and Hilmar Whey Protein,Inc. (Hilmar Cheese)are not capableof treating all wastewaterto comply with all the dischargeconditions contained in WDRs OrderNo. 97-206 (violations of which are allegedin the Administrative Civil Liability Complaint (Complaint No. R5-2005-0501)). The lnterim OperatingLimits in the Agreementare intendedto requireHilmar Cheeseto operateits existing cheeseproductionfacilities and wastewater treatmentsystemas effectively as is feasibleto precludean increasein salinity impactsto groundwater during the Interim OperatingPeriod specifiedin the Agreement. Clarifuing languagehasbeen added that effectively would precludeflow or salt greaterthan the limits in the Agreement. If Hilmar Cheese violates the Interim OperatingLimits, the RegionalBoard would be free (subjectto statutoryexceptions) to seekcivil liability for violations of WDRs OrderNo. 97-206 occuning during the period of noncompliance. The following is a brief descriptionof the Hilmar CheesewastewatertreaEnentsystemand the discharge conditionsthat would be allowed by the Agreementdwing the Interim OperatingPeriod. Statedsimply, salt is removedby Hilmar Cheesethrough a processcalled reverseosmosis(RO) in which water containingsalt is forced under high pressuretluough thin membranes.The membraneshave small holes that allow water, but not salt, to passthroughthe membrane.The water that has passedthrough the membranes(called RO Permeate)is relatively low in salt and is appliedto land for crop irrigation. The remaining water that did not passthrough membranes(called RO Concentrate)containshigh concentrationsof salt. The RO Concentrateis currently further concentratedby evaporationand is then trucked offsite for disposalinto SanFranciscoBay though the East Bay Municipal District Wastewater TreatmentPlant in Oakland. Hilmar Cheesedisposesof wastewateron two setsof land. The "Primary Fields" are fields owned and operatedby Hilmar Cheeseor ownersof Hilmar Cheese.The "SecondaryFields" are fields owned by otherswho have agteedto receiveRO Permeatefrom Hilmar Cheesefor irrigation purposes. The WDRs Order No. 97-206 requirethat wastewaterdischargedto land not contain salt concentrations (as measuredby electricalconductivity at 25'C, or EC) that exceed900 pmhos/cm. The treatment systemcurrently in useby Hilmar Cheesecannottreat all wastewaterto meet the 900 pmhos/cmsalt limil. Hilmar Cheesehashistorically limited dischargeof wastewaterthat exceeds900 pmhos/cmto the Primary Fields and directedwastewaterthat meets900 pmhos/cmto the SecondaryFields. The Agreementwould requirethat wastewaterdischargedto the SecondaryFields continueto meet the 900 pmhos/cm limit and that the wastewaterapplied to the Primary Fields be no greaterthan 3700 pmhos/cm. The numeric Interim Operating Limits (seeAgteement, paragraph 5(d) and corresponding discharge specifrcationsin WDRs Order No. 97 -206 aresummarizedin the following table. -3- AntoniaVorster 24 February2006 InterimOperating Limit OrderNo. 97-206 Parameter MaximumTotalNon-RODischargeTo PrimaryFields Partof 0.75mgd total dischargelimit I .2 mgd' MaximumEC' To PrimaryFields 900pmhosicm 3700pmhos/cm Discharge MinimumRO Permeate Not Applicable 0.6mgd MaximumEC of RO Permeate 900 pmhos/cm 900 pmhos/cm MaximumTotalDischargeTo Land 0.75mgd 1.9mgd 2 Million gallonsper day Electricalconductivityat 25"C appliedto the PrimaryFields TheInterimOperatingLimit maximumof 3700pmhos/cmfor wastewater discharge.FigureI is a graphof the salinity is baseduponrecentoperatinghistoryof Hilmar Cheese's to the PrimaryFieldsoverthepastyear. Thehorizontalline on the gaph of wastewater discharged pmhos/cmInterimOperatingLimit. As canbe seenfrom Figure1, the proposed 3700 showsthe to the discharge 3700pmhosicmInterimOperatingLimit is lowerthanthe salinityof Hilmar Cheese's prevent to operate system to will have the treatment so Hilmar Cheese for some months, PrimaryFields This InterimOperatingLimit wouldprevent a recurrence of thehighesthistoricsalinityconcentrations. Primary Fieldsthatis saltierthanthewastewater wastewater to the Hilmar Cheesefrom discharging discharsed in recentmonths. 3,900 3,700 3,500 3,300 -= U 3,100 2,900 2,700 2,500 r T i t r c >-) V1 ta) Y i 4 d o tn Y h i : : . + tar T h Y Y ( ! 3 tr) r - i t.r Y Y = : o - ra) Y V) J a X rr) L\ Figure l. Electrical Conductivity of WastewaterApplied to Primary Fields in 2005. AntoniaVorster -4- 24 February2006 To assurethatHilmar Cheesecontinuesto operatethetreatmentsystemto removesaltfrom the prior to landdisposal,anInterimOperatingLimit wouldrequirethat a MINIMUM of 0 6 wastewater be producedeachday. Hilmar Cheesecan,at times,produce million gallonsper dayof RO Permeate difficultiesprevent moretreatedwaterthanrequiredby this lnterimOperatingLimit, but operational productionof morethan0.7mgd ofRO Permeate. consistent thevolumes OtherInterim OperutingLimitswouldpreventHilmar Cheesefrom continuingto increase from the plant. Figures2 and3 showtheproposedInterimOperatingI-imitsfor of waterdischarged flows reportedby Hilmar Cheese.TheInterim flow ashorizontallines,andtherecentwastewater are: OperatingLimits for flow . Themaximumvolumeof waterNOT TREATEDBY REVERSEOSMOSISto removesalt (Non-RODischarge) that canbe appliedto the PrimaryFields(1.2 million gallons concentrations perday). TheInterimOperatingLimit for Non-RODischargewouldrestrictthevolumeof this that canbe appliedto thePrimaryFields' saltierwastewater Lands . Thetotal maximumvolumeof wastewater thatcanbe appliedto the PrimaryandSecondary (1.9million gallonsperday). This InterimOperatingLimit for TotalMaximumDischargeto Land flow from theplant,whichwouldpreventHilmar in totalwastewater wouldrestrictfurtherincreases capacityduringthetermofthis Agreement.' Cheesefrom expandingits processing '1..4 t.J Inte rim Operating Limit 1 1 l l o, - 0.8 0.7 0.6 q + q q q q E - s , q q H q E E S T g E E f l5 EE A Figure 2. Flow to Primary Fields in 2005. I ln addition, the Agreementprovidesthat ifthe United StatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency issuesan injection conffol permit for deepwell injection, followed by an "Authorization to Inject" letter, Hilmar would reduceits allowed Total Maximum Dischargeto Land during the Interim OperatingPeriod by an amountequal to the amountit is injecting into the well(s). Antonia Vorster 24 Fehruary2006 2.0 1.8 Interin OperatingLimit l.o 1.4 t 7 b, 9 l o ' "- a 0.8 0.6 WDR OrderNo,9T-206 Flow Limit = 0.75 msd 0.2 0.0 Figure 3. Total dischargeflow to land in 2005.' ' TotalFlow duringAugustandSeptember 2005includesdischarges of SBRdecantto ponds.Thetotal flow for September wascalculated by summingtheflowsfor eachwastewater source(PrimaryFields,SBRdecantto ponds,RO permeate) for eachwastewatet source. dividedby thenumberof daysin themonth,not thenumberofdaysdischarged