Christine L. May, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
curriculum vitae Christine L. May, Ph.D. Assistant Professor James Madison University Department of Biology Harrisonburg, VA 22807 [email protected] (434) 242-6500 Bioscience 1028d FACULTY James Madison University, Department of Biology, Assistant Professor James Madison University, Department of Geology, Research Associate 2009 – present 2006 – 2008 POST-DOCTORAL EXPERIENCE U. C. Berkeley, Department of Earth and Planetary Science Advisor: Dr. Bill Dietrich Joint Appointment with Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management Advisor: Dr. Vince Resh U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Arcata, CA Advisor: Dr. Tom Lisle 2005 – 2006 2003 – 2004 EDUCATION Ph.D. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 1998 – 2002 M.S. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Forest Engineering 1996 -1998 B.S. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Natural Resources 1990 - 1994 GPA: 3.9 Major: Fisheries Science, advisor: Dr. Robert Gresswell Minor: Forest Science, advisor: Dr. Fred Swanson Dissertation: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Sediment and Wood in Headwater Streams in the Oregon Coast Range GPA: 3.9 Major: Forest Hydrology Minor: Statistics Thesis: Debris Flow Characteristics Associated with Forest Practices in the Central Oregon Coast Range Honors Student Major: Watershed Minor: Natural Resource Planning RESEARCH INTERESTS Primary interests are in interdisciplinary research that focuses on the interactions between physical and biological processes in river systems. Specifically, I am exploring hydrologic and geomorphic processes that shape river systems, and the role of disturbance in aquatic ecosystems. Of particular interest is the effect of vegetation changes on the frequency and magnitude of sediment fluxes, and how these processes influence biotic communities. PUBLICATIONS May, C.L., and B.S. Pryor. (in review) Explaining spatial patterns of mussel beds in a northern California river: The role of flood disturbance and spawning salmon. Submitted to Freshwater Biology. Lawrence, J.E., M.R. Cover, C.L. May, and V.H. Resh. 2014. Replacement of culvert styles has minimal impact on benthic macroinvertebrates in forested, mountainous streams of Northern California. Limnologica doi: 10.1016/j.limno.2014.02.002. Courtwright, J. and May, C.L. 2013. Importance of terrestrial subsidies for native brook trout in Appalachian intermittent streams. Freshwater Biology doi:10.1111/fwb.12221. May, C.L., and B.S. Pryor. 2013. Initial motion and bedload transport distance determined by particle tracking in a large regulated river. River Research and Application, doi:10.1002/rra.2665 May, C.L., Roering, J., Eaton, L.S., and K.M. Burnett. 2013. Controls on valley width in mountainous landscapes: The role of landsliding and implications for salmonid habitat. Geology, vol. 41(4):503-506, doi:10.1130/G33979.1. May, C.L., and T. E. Lisle. 2012. River profile controls on channel morphology, debris flow disturbance, and the spatial extent of salmonids in steep mountain streams. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 117, F00A03, doi:10.1029/2011JF002324. May, C.L., Pryor, B.S., T. Lisle, and M. Lang. 2009. Coupling hydrodynamic modeling and empirical measures of bed mobility to predict the risk of scour and fill of salmon redds in a large regulated river. Water Resources Research, 45, W05402, doi:10.1029/2007WR006498. May, C.L., Eaton, L.S., and S. Whitmeyer. 2009. Integrating student-led research in fluvial geomorphology into traditional field courses: A case study from JMU’s field course in Ireland. In: Special Issue on Field Geology Education: Historical Perspectives and Modern Approaches. Geological Society of America, pp. 195-204. Cover, M., May, C.L., Resh, V.H., and W.E. Dietrich. 2008. Quantitative linkages between sediment supply, streambed fine sediment, and benthic macroinvertebrates in streams of the Klamath Mountains. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27(1):135-149. May, C.L. 2007. Sediment and wood routing in steep headwater streams: an overview of geomorphic processes and their topographic signatures. Forest Science 53(2):119-130. Hassan, M., Hogan, D.L., Bird, S.A., May, C.L., T. Gomi, and D. Campbell. 2005. Spatial and temporal dynamics of wood in headwater streams of the Pacific Northwest. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Special Issue on Headwater Streams 41(4):899-919. Benda, L., Hassan, M., M. Church, and C. May. 2005. Geomorphology of steepland headwaters: The transitions from hillslopes to channels. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Special Issue on Headwater Streams 41(4):835-851. May, C.L. and D.C. Lee. 2004. The relationship between in-channel sediment storage, pool depth, and summer survival of juvenile salmonids in the Oregon Coast Range. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24(3):761-774. May, C.L. and R.E. Gresswell. 2004. Spatial and temporal patterns of debris flow deposition in the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A. Geomorphology 57:135-149. May, C.L. and R.E. Gresswell. 2003. Large wood recruitment and redistribution in headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 1352-1362. May, C.L. and R.E. Gresswell. 2003. Processes and rates of sediment and wood accumulation in headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28(4): 409-424. May, C.L. 2003. From being mentored to becoming a mentor. Fisheries 28(6):40. May, C.L. 2002. Debris flows through different forest age classes in the central Oregon Coast Range. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 38(4): 1097-1113. 2 SELECT PRESENTATIONS Invited Speaker, Society for Freshwater Sciences, Portland, OR. ‘Post-fire sediment fluxes in steep mountain landscapes: The intertwining of salmonid habitat and geomorphic process domains.’ 2014. Speaker, American Fisheries Society national meeting, Little Rock, AK. ‘How flood disturbance structures the spatial pattern of mussel beds and salmon spawning redds in a large regulated river. 2013. Invited Speaker, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. ‘Initial motion and bedload transport distance determined by particle tracking in a large regulated river.’ 2012. Speaker, Society for Freshwater Science, Louisville, KY. ‘Using hydrodynamic modeling to understand spatial patterns of flood disturbance in regulated rivers.’ 2012 Contributing author, Society for Freshwater Science, Louisville, KY. ‘Food web subsidies in intermittent streams: Implications for small isolated populations of native brook trout.’ 2012 Contributing author, Geological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. ‘The effects of deep-seated landslides on the width of valleys and the habitat for salmon.’ 2011 Speaker, Geological Society of America, Portland, OR. ‘Spatial patterns of sediment deposition and the effects on salmonid survival.’ 2009. Speaker, American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN. ‘Predicting the impacts of flooding on salmon redds by coupling hydrodynamic modeling and empirical measures of scour and fill in a large regulated river.’ 2009. Co-Authored Poster Presentation, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. ‘ Road-crossing restoration on alluvial creeks in the Klamath National Forest, California.’ 2008. Invited Speaker, Society of Conservation Biology, Chattanooga, TN. ‘Prioritizing salmonid conservation areas through basin-scale predictions of network connectivity and disturbance severity in steep mountain streams.’ 2008. Co-Authored Presentation, Geological Society of America, Denver, CO. ‘Integrating student-led research in fluvial geomorphology into traditional field courses: A case study from JMU’s field course in Ireland.’ 2007. Speaker, Geological Society of America, Pittsburg, PA. ‘Steepness and concavity controls on the expression of reach-scale channel morphology, debris flow deposition, and the spatial distribution of salmonids in the Pacific Northwest.’ 2006. Invited Speaker, Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union and the North American Benthological Society, New Orleans, LA. ‘Coupling a Hydrodynamic Model and Empirical Measures of Bed Mobility: Implications for a Large Regulated River.’ 2005 Speaker, Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. ‘Basin-Scale Controls on the Expression of ReachScale Channel Morphology, Debris Flow Deposition, and the Spatial Distribution of Salmonids in the Pacific Northwest.’ 2005 Speaker, North American Benthological Society, Vancouver, Canada. ‘The relationship between in-channel sediment storage, pool depth, and summer survival and growth of juvenile salmonids.’ 2004 Speaker, Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. ‘The effects of channel aggradation on water availability and summer survival of juvenile coho in the Oregon Coast Range.' 2003 Speaker, Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado. ‘Sediment accumulation in headwater streams during the interval between debris flows in the Oregon Coast Range.’ 2002 Speaker, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California. ‘Processes and rates of sediment and wood accumulation in headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A.’ 2001 3 RESEARCH GRANTS Jeffress Memorial Trust, PI: Christine May. Competitive grant award ‘Developing an Innovative Mathematical Simulation Model to Inform Recovery Strategies for the Endangered James Spinymussel’ 2014-2015 ($100k) 4-VA, Consortium of Universities mini-grant to support development of a one day symposium on Mountain Streams in collaboration with UVa, VT and VNHM. 2012 ($5k) JMU, Geospatial Technology mini-grant. 2012 ($1k) and 2014 ($850) Meierjurgen Fellowship for Visiting Scientists, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, spring term visiting faculty fellowship. Spring - Summer 2011 ($15k) JMU, College of Science and Math. Faculty assistance summer research grant recipient. 2011 ($3k) & 2014 ($4k) Jeffress Memorial Trust, PI: Christine May. Competitive grant award to conduct experiments on the effects of sedimentation on brook trout survival. 2009-2011 ($20k) U.S. Geological Survey, State Water Resources Research Program, PI’s: Christine May and Stephen Lancaster, competitive grant award to support research on the effects of sediment deposition on the emergence success of juvenile salmonids. 2008-2010 ($44k) Canaan Valley Institute, co-PI on interdisciplinary science team, competitive grant award to investigate stream restoration practices in Shenandoah Valley. 2006 ($30k) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, PI’s: Christine May and Tom Lisle, competitive grant award to support research on the relationship between river discharge and stream bed scour: implications for redd scour on the Trinity River. 2003 - 2005 ($240k) U.S. Forest Service, PI’s: Christine May and Bret Harvey, internal competitive grant program, funding award to support research on the influence of channel aggradation on growth rates of juvenile coho salmon. 2003 ($20k) Women’s International Science Collaboration Program, American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Foundation. Funding to support collaborative research in headwater streams. 2003. International Research Exchange, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Long-Term Ecological Research sites in China and Taiwan. 1999. TEACHING Courses taught regularly at JMU: BIO 124 Ecology and Evolution (72 person lecture sections, and 24 person lab sections) BIO 459/559 Freshwater Ecology BIOL 400/GEOL 400 Geology and Ecology of the Bahamas BIOL 49x Undergraduate Research series BIO 660 Graduate Seminar GSCI 104 Natural Hazards ENVT 400 Environmental Studies Capstone Additional summer field course: BIO 4510, Methods in Stream Ecology, Mountain Lake Biological Research Station Prior teaching experience: FISH 685, Disturbance Processes in River Systems, Humboldt State University. Spring 2003. FW 454/554, Fisheries Biology, Hatfield Marine Science Center, OSU. Fall 1999 and 2000. 4 JOURNAL REVIEWS Water Resources Research Geomorphology Ecological Applications Forest Ecology and Management Canadian Journal of Forest Research Forest Science Journal of the American Water Resources Association Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Environmental Biology of Fishes North American Journal of Fisheries Management Environmental Management Society for Computer Simulation Transactions Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences University of Washington Press PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Host for Mountain Stream Symposium II: Continueing Challenges for Critical Ecosystems, a one-day symposium showcasing 14 invited speakers & contributed posters, Sept. 21 st, 2013. JMU Biology Department Seminar Series Coordinator. 2012. Panel Member, elected by the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology division, Geological Society of America. 2007 – 2009. Technical Advisory Board for the Rivanna River Basin Commission. 2008 - 2009 Convener, ‘Biotic and Abiotic Processes in Headwater Streams’ session at the annual meeting of the Society of Northwest Vertebrate Biologists. 2003. Redwood Sciences Lab Seminar Series Convener, organizer of a weekly seminar series that brought together a diverse group of researchers interested in forestry, watershed, and wildlife issues in the Pacific Northwest. Spring and Fall 2002. Invited Book Review, Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 2003. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Representative, provided oral and written testimony for the Natural Resource Committee, Oregon Senate on amendments to the state Forest Practices Act in House Bill 2163. 2001. Convener, Riparian Areas Workshop jointly sponsored by the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society. Portland, Oregon 2001. Co-President, student chapter of the American Water Resources Association. The student chapter hosted monthly speakers, organized field trips each term, hosted social events, prepared a web site and email list to serve students involved with water resource issues from six departments at OSU. Our chapter was awarded honorable mention in the best student chapter competition by the national AWRA chapter. 2000 – 2001. Founding Member and Secretary, Student Chapter American Water Resources Association, OSU. 1998. Student Representative, Academic Affairs Committee, OSU. 1998. Graduate Student Senate, Oregon State University. 1998. 5 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE James Madison University Assistant Professor Harrisonburg, VA 2009 - present Department of Biology. Primary responsibilities teaching, research, and service. Research Associate 2006 – 2008 Joint appointment with the Department of Geology and Environmental Science and Department of Biology: Mentor student research projects and support an active research program. Part-time instructor of classes in aquatic ecology and general science. University of California Post-Doctoral Scholar Berkeley, CA 2003 – 2006 Joint appointment with Dr. Bill Dietrich, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Dr. Vince Resh, Ecosystem Sciences Policy Management: Develop a research program that links sediment supply to biologically significant river attributes in a cumulative watershed effects framework. USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station GS-12 Watershed Scientist (post-doctoral position) Arcata, CA 2003 Post-doctoral research position with Dr. Tom Lisle: Design and implement research that investigates the linkages between hillslopes and channels in forested mountain drainage basins managed under the Northwest Forest Plan. GS-12 Research Ecologist (post-doctoral position) 2002 Post-doctoral research position with Dr. Danny Lee: Develop a probability based, risk assessment of largescale effects of fire and fuels management strategies on watershed processes and aquatic biota. Humboldt State University Associate Faculty Arcata, CA 2003 Instructor for Watershed Disturbances Processes (FISH 685). Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University & USGS Forest and Range Ecosystem Science Center Graduate Research Assistant Corvallis, OR 1998 - 2001 Designed and implemented research projects related to the routing of sediment and wood through the channel network, with special emphasis on landslide and debris flow processes and landforms. Graduate Teaching Assistant 1999, 2000 Co-instructor with Dr. William Liss for Fisheries Biology (FW 454/554). The purpose of this course was to provide an understanding of physical processes and ecological principles to the conservation of fishes and their ecosystems by focusing on field-based learning experiences. 6 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (continued) Department of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University Graduate Research Assistant Corvallis, OR 1996 – 1998 Designed and implement a research project on landslide and debris flow characteristics following a large regional storm event. USFS Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Research Technician Corvallis, OR 1995 The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of summer holding habitat for adult spring chinook salmon in eastern Oregon. Specific activities included determining migration patterns, pre-spawning distribution using snorkel surveys, spawning distribution using redd surveys, characterizing holding and spawning habitats, and examining the influence of stream temperature on habitat use by juvenile and adult spring chinook. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Research and Development Research Technician La Grande, OR 1994-1995 Conducted field sampling activities needed to carry out life history and natural production studies of salmon and steelhead. Duties included operating rotary screw traps, surveying juvenile fish populations utilizing methods of electrofishing, seining and snorkeling, PIT tagging wild juvenile chinook salmon, conducting winter habitat surveys, and analyzing and summarizing data for monthly reports. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Research and Development Biological Technician Corvallis, OR 1994 Conducted habitat surveys as a member of the aquatic inventory crew. The purpose of this survey was to gather statistically viable habitat estimates, with sufficient measurement verifications, of fish habitat characteristics and riparian stands. Surveys were conducted on state, federal, and private land. Oregon Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Oregon State University Biological Technician Corvallis, OR 1994 The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of collection, handling, and transportation on the stress response, performance capabilities, and behavior of spring chinook salmon and steelhead trout at key Snake and Columbia River dams. Job duties included assembling and testing equipment, tagging and tracking radio-marked fish, sampling blood plasma, conducting behavioral and physiological tests, and performing as a member of a field and laboratory team. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Humboldt State University Project Co-director Arcata, CA 1993-1994 Conducted fieldwork to monitor a restoration project and determine the run size and timing of cutthroat trout; traps and weirs were installed to intercept the spawning migration. Student Research Assistant 1993 The goal of this project was to identify the impacts of Benbow Dam (S. Fork Eel River) on juvenile salmonids and the thermal regime of the river downstream of the dam. 7 HONORS AND AWARDS Richard A. Herbert Memorial Education Scholarship, national chapter, American Water Resources Association, 2001. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Graduate Student Scholarship, 2000. Thomas Scott Achievement Award, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, OSU 2000. Phi Kappa Phi, National Honor Society, OSU 1998. Forest Engineering Fellowship Award, College of Forestry, OSU 1996. Magna Cum Laude, College of Natural Resources and Sciences, Humboldt State University, 1993. Presidential Scholar Award, Humboldt State University, 1992 and 1993. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Geophysical Union American Fisheries Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Geological Society of American American Water Resources Association Association for Women Geoscientists 1997 - present 1994 - present 2002 - present 2002 - present 1997 - 2003 2003 PERTINENT COURSE WORK Watershed Management Forest Land Use & Water Quality Forest Hydrology Fluid Mechanics Coastal Stream Management Limnology Limnology of Flowing Water Wetland Restoration Water Pollution Biology Geomorphology Adv. Landscape Ecology Forest Geomorphology Stream Ecology Sediment Budgets Fish Ecology Forest / Range Soils Quantitative Ecology Geomorphology of Soils Advanced Sampling Origin & Classification of Soils Environmental Statistics Geomorphology of Mtn. Streams Env. Impact Assessment Silvicultural Practices Evolutionary Significant Units Forest Science Teaching Practicum & Conservation Planning REFERENCES Dr. Robert Gresswell Aquatic Scientist USGS - NRMSC 229 AJM Johnson Hall Bozeman, MT 59717-3492 (406) 994-7084 email: [email protected] relationship: Ph.D. major professor Dr. Stephen Leslie Department Head Department of Geology & Environmental Science James Madison University MSC 6903 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (540) 568-6144 email: [email protected] relationship: colleague and co-instructor Dr. Tom Lisle Research Hydrologist (retired) USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station 1700 Bayview Dr. Arcata, CA 95521 email: [email protected] relationship: Post-doctoral advisor & research collaborator Dr. Joanna Mott Department Head Department of Biology, James Madison University MSC 7801 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (540) 568-6227 email: [email protected] relationship: Department Head 8