Stakeholder Comment Matrix September 18, 2015
Stakeholder Comment Matrix September 18, 2015 The Timing for Implementation of the New Loss Factor Rule and Methodology and the AESO’s Proposal Not to Calculate New Loss Factors for 2016 Using the MLF/2 Methodology Date of Request for Comment: Comments Due: September 18, 2015 September 18, 2015 Comments From: Capital Power Corporation Date [yyyy/mm/dd]: 2015/09/30 through September 30, 2015 Contact: Steve Kanerva Phone: 403-717-8941 Email: [email protected] Please place your comments/reasons for position underneath (if any). Introduction, Background & Scope of Consultation Stakeholder Comments/Position Comment #1: Stakeholder Support th The AESO’s September 18 , 2015 letter requesting comments from market participants states that the Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC” or the “Commission”) suggested the AESO “consult with interested stakeholders regarding the timing for implementation of the new loss factor rule and methodology that will result from Proceeding 790, Phase 2, Module B, which is currently in progress.” Capital Power submits that the AESO’s present consultation does not fully address the intent of the th AUC’s suggestion. In the August 27 letter the Commission suggested that: ...the AESO consult with interested parties about how its proposal for a compliant line loss rule and methodology will be implemented so that parties understand and perhaps can come to an agreement regarding implementation that is in the public interest. While implementation timing details and options regarding an effective date for the forthcoming AUC Issued for Stakeholder Comment: September 18, 2015 Page 1 of 7 approved methodology have been proposed by the AESO, Capital Power submits that several relevant and key elements remain unspecified. In spite of these shortcomings, Capital Power nevertheless recognizes the importance of timeliness to the development of an implementation plan for the AUC approved loss factor rule and methodology. In light of the foregoing, Capital Power submits the following comments specific to implementation timing of a new loss factor rule and methodology but notes that these are subject to change as new information becomes available. Further, to satisfy the Commission’s suggestion to involve stakeholders in discussions regarding how the methodology is to be implemented, Capital Power anticipates additional AESO consultation subsequent to the issuance of the AUC’s Module B Decision. This consultation will establish details for the AESO’s implementation of the approved new rule and methodology. In general, Capital Power’s position regarding the AESO’s proposed implementation approaches remains unchanged from those presented in its Reply Argument (790-X0435, paragraphs 52-65). AESO Approach 1: New ILF loss factors for 2016 (slides 13-15 of presentation) New ILF loss factors expected to be available in Q1 2016 New ILF loss factors would be effective January 1, 2016 Risk: Decision on Module B may not approve ILF methodology Comment #2: ☐ Support Approach 1 includes the AESO’s proposal to seek the MSA’s agreement to forebear the production and issuance of 2016 MLF/2 loss factors in order to carry forward MLF/2 loss factors from 2015 as presented in th the AESO presentation September 17 , pages 13-15. ☒ Oppose ☐ Indifferent Slide 15 of the September 17 stakeholder meeting presentation indicates the AESO would begin development of programming code to calculate ILF Issued for Stakeholder Comment: September 18, 2015 Page 2 of 7 loss factors prior to the release of a Module B decision. Capital Power submits that this work is premature and inappropriate. The investment of significant resources to activities beyond the necessary Development of 2016 Base Cases while awaiting the Commission’s decision in Module B is imprudent and sets a dangerous precedence that costs be incurred for initiatives awaiting an AUC decision(s). The AESO is placing costs borne by others at risk while speculating the Commission will present an ILF outcome as identified as a Risk on Slide 13. The AESO should not be encouraged to place costs at risk – in this case generator costs as collected through the pool trading charge. Capital Power urges the AESO to direct its focus and invest resources to establish the GSO and uncorrected base cases for 2016. This scope of work is required regardless of the loss factor methodology being applied; including MLF/2 for 2016, as noted on slide 11. Capital Power encourages the AESO to include stakeholder review and comment ensuring the integrity of the base cases. It was made evident in Module B of Proceeding 790 that there is significant value from stakeholder participation evidenced by the identification of substantial errors in the AESO base cases. AESO Approach 2: New ILF loss factors for 2017 (slides 16-18 of presentation) New ILF loss factors for 2016 expected to be available for information only in Q2 2016 New ILF loss factors for 2017 would be effective January 1, 2017 Time period to be addressed in Module C would be extended to include 2016 Issued for Stakeholder Comment: September 18, 2015 Comment #3: Capital Power reiterates its view from Comment 2 above that loss factor methodology implementation activities performed in advance of an AUC Decision must be limited to work that can be applied to all methodologies. ☐ Support ☒ Oppose ☐ Indifferent Page 3 of 7 Capital Power submits that an effective date of January 1, 2017 provides sufficient time to produce 2016 MLF/2 loss factors and then correct the base case errors for application in the successor line loss methodology approved by the Commission in Module B. It is only reasonable that the AESO produce the 2016 MLF/2 loss factors as obligated because, as illustrated on Slide 17, there are available resources to develop the 2016 MLF/2 loss factors in the gap presented between August 2015 and December 2015. Doing so will eliminate the need to request forbearance from the MSA to avoid submitting 2016 MLF/2 loss factors and does nothing to alter the Approach 2 schedule requirements. Also, producing the 2016 MLF/2 loss factors avoids creating unnecessary challenges if 2015 MLF/2 losses were rolled forward as explored in Comment #4. AESO’s proposal not to calculate new loss factors for 2016 using the MLF/2 methodology, but rather to continue the existing 2015 loss factors into 2016 until a new methodology can be implemented (as discussed at meeting) AESO would seek MSA’s agreement to forebear Comment #4: Approach 1 and Approach 2 both include the AESO's proposal to seek the MSA’s agreement to forebear the AESO’s obligation to produce 2016 MLF/2 loss factors. ☐ Support ☒ Oppose ☐ Indifferent It is understood that there is sufficient time for the AESO to produce the 2016 MLF/2 loss factors within the prescribed deadline set forth at subsection 2(4) of ISO Rule 501.10. Despite being derived under an impugned methodology, Capital Power submits that important information can and will be established from 2016 MLF/2 loss factors including, but not limited to overall system losses, the impact to losses from the two HVDC transmission lines set to begin service by year-end, and other changes to Alberta’s interconnected electric system topology. Such information would be missed if the 2015 MLF/2 losses Issued for Stakeholder Comment: September 18, 2015 Page 4 of 7 were simply rolled forward. Presently, the loss factors from 2013 onward are understood to exist on an interim basis. Simply rolling the 2015 loss factors into 2016 does not provide a consistent baseline and approach for establishing the 2016 interim loss factors relative to the historic practices. As a result, a one-off dissimilar set of loss factors is created for 2016. Capital Power is concerned that introducing a third point of reference – first; 2016-2012 (actual under MLF/2), second; 20132015 (interim under MLF/2), and third; 2016 (2015 MLF/2 rolled over) - creates unnecessary complexity in Module C. Capital Power contends it will be of value to have the 2016 MLF/2 loss factor results to provide a consistent basis with respect to the historic MLF/2 loss factors. It is similarly reasonable to expect the 2016 MLF/2 loss factors will be requested as part of Module C as a basis for comparison. Preserving a consistent base line calculation and methodology will provide greater efficiency when correcting the 2016 test year loss factors. In addition, the AESO has acknowledged that certain “changes in its loss factor practices” will need to be incorporated over the course of implementing whatever line loss rule and methodology receives Commission approval. In the absence of an approved methodology and rule, development of 2016 MLF/2 loss factors provides the AESO with the opportunity to test the changes to its loss factor practices. Capital Power submits that the 2016 MLF/2 loss factors be similarly produced in conjunction with these changes. Issued for Stakeholder Comment: September 18, 2015 Page 5 of 7 Alternative: Calculation of new MLF/2 loss factors for 2016 (slides 19-21 of presentation) New ILF loss factors would not be calculated for 2016 New ILF loss factors for 2017 would be effective January 1, 2017 Time period to be addressed in Module C would be extended to include 2016 Comment #5: Capital Power understands that the AESO must establish the GSO and base cases consistent with historic practice as a means to establishing corrected base cases for use in the methodology replacing the impugned MLF/2. ☒ Support ☐ Oppose ☐ Indifferent As mentioned in Comment 4 above, the results for 2016 MLF/2 loss factors will be valuable in assessing differences between the MLF/2 methodology and the successor methodology. Again, once the MLF/2 base cases are determined these base cases can then be turned for corrections (use in successor methodology) or to compute the 2016 MLF/2 losses. Capital Power continues to support an efficient and transparent regulatory process. Producing 2016 MLF/2 loss factors preserves a consistent historic base line for comparison in Module C, advances development of the GSO and base cases for the successor methodology, eliminates risk of unreasonably deploying resources for activities in advance of the Commission’s decision, does not introduce new considerations that could affect or influence Module C, and honours the AESO’s obligations under Rule 501.10. Additional alternative Please provide sufficient detail to allow the alternative to be compared to those discussed at the meeting Issued for Stakeholder Comment: September 18, 2015 Comment #6: Capital Power provides no comments regarding additional alternatives. ☐ Support ☐ Oppose ☒ Indifferent Page 6 of 7 Other Stakeholder Input Comment #7: Capital Power appreciates the concern with ongoing delays and the need to have a compliant line loss rule and methodology in place; however, it must be noted that failing to ensure stakeholders are confident that the new rule is implemented properly will create ongoing and protracted conversations addressing errors that should have and could have been avoided in the first place. To this end, Capital Power expects that the AESO will work constructively with stakeholders during the implementation phases to ensure that parties have sufficient opportunity and information to understand the details of how the new methodology will be implemented once the AUC’s Module B Decision has been issued. Issued for Stakeholder Comment: September 18, 2015 Page 7 of 7