
Request for Stakeholder Comments on AESO Recommendations for Revisions to

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Request for Stakeholder Comments on AESO Recommendations for Revisions to
Request for Stakeholder Comments on
AESO Recommendations for Revisions to
Generating Unit Owner’s Contribution Provisions
On October 16, 2012, the AESO published its Recommendations for Revisions to Generating Unit
Owner’s Contribution ISO Rule and ISO Tariff Provisions, which outlined proposed revisions related to
contributions paid by and refunded to owners of generating units in accordance with section 29 of the
Transmission Regulation. Those provisions currently exist in:
ISO rule 9.5: Annual Performance Criteria for Refund of System Contribution;
ISO tariff section 10: Generating Unit Owner’s Contribution; and
Generator System Contribution Policy.
The AESO proposes to implement the ISO rule and information document changes in January 2013 and
to include the ISO tariff changes in the AESO’s next tariff application in March 2013. The AESO is
seeking comments from stakeholders on the proposed changes as presented in the recommendation
Please use the comment form below when submitting comments to the AESO on the proposed revisions.
Please ensure that your comments represent all interests within your stakeholder organization with
respect to the proposed revisions. Please provide comments or questions no later than November 5,
2012, to Raj Sharma at [email protected] or 403-539-2632.
Consultation and Stakeholder Identification
Date of Request for Comments: October 16, 2012
Period of Consultation:
October 16 – November 5, 2012
Comments From:
Stakeholder Comments on AESO Proposals
Stakeholder Comment
Stakeholder Position
The AESO proposes that all provisions relating to generating unit owner’s contributions
should apply at the generating unit level (or at the aggregated generating facility level, in
the case of an aggregation of generating units designated as such by the AESO, as for a
wind generating facility using multiple wind-powered generators).
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
Recommendations for GUOC Provisions
Stakeholder Comment Form
Page 1 of 3
Confidentiality: Public
October 16, 2012
Stakeholder Comment
Stakeholder Position
The AESO proposes that generating unit owner’s contribution provisions relating to Rate
STS contract capacity be revised to accommodate:
increases or decreases in capacity included in a “staged” Rate STS contract; and
increases or decreases in capacity implemented through an amendment to a Rate STS
contract after commercial operation.
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
The AESO proposes to relocate content respecting commercial operation, reduction or
forfeiture of refunds, and payment of annual refunds from the ISO rule to the ISO tariff.
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
The AESO proposes to eliminate the self-reporting requirements from the ISO rule and
ISO tariff.
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
The AESO proposes to use an availability-based criterion where possible instead of the
current production-based criterion to assess utilization of the interconnected electric
As well, the AESO proposes that the annual refund amount would vary linearly from zero
refund to full refund across a range of average availability, to avoid the “cliff” created by a
single threshold level.
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
The AESO proposes to use a volume-based criterion instead of the current event-based
criterion to assess generation above contract capacity.
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
The AESO proposes that subsection 2 of section 10 of the existing ISO tariff be relocated
to section 2 of the tariff.
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
Recommendations for GUOC Provisions
Stakeholder Comment Form
Page 2 of 3
Confidentiality: Public
October 16, 2012
Stakeholder Comment
Stakeholder Position
The AESO proposes to use all generation projects that have passed Gate 2 of the
connection process, including all projects that have entered commercial operation, in the
calculation of the regional factor to determine the generating unit owner’s contribution
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
The AESO proposes to use inter-regional flows under normal winter peak conditions from
the latest available AESO system study to determine dominant flows between regions.
 Support
Reasons for Stakeholder Position:
 Oppose
 Indifferent
Additional comments
Please return this form with your comments by November 5, 2012, to:
Raj Sharma
Senior Regulatory Analyst
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (403) 539-2465
Fax: (403) 539-2632
Recommendations for GUOC Provisions
Stakeholder Comment Form
Page 3 of 3
Confidentiality: Public
October 16, 2012
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