
Dispatchable Interties Workgroup Session

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Dispatchable Interties Workgroup Session
Dispatchable Interties Workgroup
February 7, 2013
Dear Market Participants and Other Interested Parties:
Re: Dispatchable Interties Workgroup Session
On November 29, 2012 the AESO began consultation on Dispatchable Interties Rules Changes (ISO
Rules Sections 201.5 Block Allocation, Section 201.6 Pricing, and Section 203.1 Offers and Bids for
Energy). On January 10, 2013, the AESO held a Dispatchable Interties Stakeholder Information Session.
At the request of several market participants, the AESO will be holding a follow-up Dispatchable Interties
Workgroup Session to provide greater detail regarding the AESO’s proposed implementation of
dispatchable interties using the Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS). Topic areas for discussion will
DSS system functionality and mechanics.
Examples to illustrate operational details regarding energy offers, ATC allocation and
counterflows, scheduling and submission of e-tags, dispatching and settlement.
Transaction ramp rates, dispatch tolerance ranges, and AOR implications.
Implementation of the DSS in other WECC jurisdictions and expected timelines.
Tariff treatment of dispatchable intertie transactions.
The session will be held on February 21, 2013 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm in the Nakiska room at The Westin
Hotel, 320 – 4 Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta.
Market participants interested in attending are requested to R.S.V.P. by February 15, 2013 to Kevin
Dawson at 403-539-2623 or [email protected].
Yours truly,
Kevin Dawson
Senior Program Manager, Interties
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