
Document 2234051

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Document 2234051
May 11, 2015
To: Market Participants and Other Interested Parties
Re: Market Systems Replacement and Re-engineering (MSR) Project
The AESO invites market participants to attend an upcoming workshop May 26 in Calgary from 9 a.m. to
12 p.m. on the Market Systems Replacement Project – Phase III (Design).
The MSR Project started just over two years ago to proactively address the long-term needs of the market
systems and ensure reliable operation and timely evolution of the wholesale electricity market.
As has been the philosophy from the start, it is critical to the success of this project to obtain appropriate
industry input into system requirements for the current, expected and possible future system such that the
AESO continues to fulfill its mandate. As such the AESO has engaged market participants over the past
two years in a series of workshops and information sessions to better understand relevant issues and
Workshop Objectives
As the MSR Project is now well into the design phase of implementation, the AESO would like to update
market participants on the following:
An overview of the current state of AESO market systems
A summary of issues and opportunities identified by market participants (of which the AESO will
attempt to address through the development and deployment of the replaced and/re-engineered
components of the market systems environment)
An overview of the target state for AESO market systems
This overview will provide some early information so that market participants and other interested parties
can begin planning any needed changes to their systems or processes in order to ensure a seamless
transition to the new market systems environment.
In addition, the AESO and MSR Project team would appreciate feedback on the AESO’s understanding of
market participants’ issues and opportunities, and as well as the strategy for addressing issues going
The AESO is inviting representatives from your company with the following expertise to participate in the
discussion around these specific areas:
Registering as a Market Participant
Managing your assets
Agency Arrangements
Managing authority levels and system access
Authentication / certification process
Following the workshop, the AESO will summarize the minutes and high-level highlights and report back
later in 2015.
Please also save the date for a second workshop on June 22, 2015. We will be sending further
information in the next several weeks.
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For more information on these sessions and to RSVP, please contact
[email protected] or via phone at 403-539-2693. Once your representatives’ attendance is
confirmed, the AESO will send out a pre-workshop package for your review and completion.
Yours truly,
“Original signed by”
Mike Law
Vice-President, Market Services
Bill Baker, Vice-President, Information Technology
Miranda Keating-Erickson, Vice-President, Operations
Todd Fior, Vice-President, Finance
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