The Academic Performance of Transfers from Blue Ridge Community College at
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The Academic Performance of Transfers from Blue Ridge Community College at
. The Academic Performance of Transfers from Blue Ridge Community College at James Madison University 1992-93 to 2011-12 Conducted by: Frank J. Doherty, Ph.D. October 2013 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Results ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Discussion .............................................................................................................................................................. 17 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF TRANSFERS FROM BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY, 2011-12 Introduction The college-parallel transfer program is a central aspect of the mission of the Virginia Community College System. While tuition increases moderated in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the budget crisis in the Commonwealth in the last few years resulted in significant tuition increases. Tuition in Virginia’s public higher education institutions is among the highest in the nation, resulting in students who are forced to take out large loans to afford a college education. The importance of the college transfer program has increased because of the quality of instruction provided, the greatly reduced price of the first two years of instruction at the community colleges, and increasing demands of Virginia citizens for higher education. National data have shown that the 1 average college graduate earns $11,000+ more annually than a person with an associate’s degree . If a student lives at home and attends classes at a Virginia community college, the cost of his or her first two years would be approximately one third of that which is required at the Virginia senior institutions. The costs are so much lower because a community college student does not pay the fees that a student at the four-year institutions pays. BRCC is an attractive alternative for people in a baccalaureate program because of the focus on teaching and the undiluted concentration on lower division general education. Finally, the community college is a good alternative for the more mature student to begin his or her education because of the more individual attention and the more convenient times the courses are offered. Close proximity to senior institutions like JMU is a distinct advantage for the BRCC transfer. The college transfer program has been offered at Blue Ridge Community College for more than 35 years. The college maintains close partnerships with Virginia's public senior institutions because the college parallel transfer program is designed to prepare students to transfer successfully to the senior institutions. Many Virginia fouryear institutions and BRCC have articulation agreements that enable transfers with the associate’s degree to be exempted from general studies courses at the four-year institution. More than 2,000 students who attended BRCC have enrolled in these institutions since 1993-94. Numerous studies conducted by this author (19) for Blue Ridge Community College, two other community colleges, and at James Madison University since 1984 have demonstrated conclusively that a student who performs well academically at a Virginia community college can perform well at the Virginia senior institutions. In 1988 the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) mandated that the Virginia community colleges annually study the academic performance of their transfers at the Virginia senior institutions. SCHEV guidelines require senior institutions to annually share information on transfer students with Virginia's statesupported two-year colleges. The purpose of this annual report continues to be to describe the results of an analysis of the academic performance of BRCC transfers at James Madison University between 1992-93 and 2011-12. Next year we anticipate continuing the study other four-year institutions in which BRCC students enroll. This year most of the tables were reorganized to display results by blocks of years. The purpose was to determine whether the performance of transfers has improved over the years, especially in most recent years. 1 “Median Annual Income, by Level of Education, 1990-2010 – http://www.infoplease.ccom/ipa/A0883617) THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY 2 Research Questions The following research questions have been developed and refined during the 18 years of this study. • How many former BRCC students were enrolled at JMU during the 1992-93 to 2011-12 regular sessions? What percentage of the BRCC transfers to JMU transferred 30 or more credit hours? • What percentage of the transfers had a BRCC GPA greater than or equal to 2.750? How well did the transfer students performed academically at JMU? What is the academic status of the transfers? What is the average GPA of students JMU? What is the average GPA of the transfers in each discipline area at JMU? • How does the average BRCC GPA compare with the other VCCS colleges (third time this year)? • What percentage of 2000-01 through 2008-09 transfers graduated from JMU by August 2013? How does the BRCC rate compare with the other VCCS colleges? • How do BRCC students who would have enrolled at JMU under the “Guaranteed Admissions Agreement” perform at JMU? The methodology employed to answer these research questions is described below. Methodology The State Council of Higher Education directed the Virginia public senior institutions to develop data sharing agreements with two-year institutions that transferred 5 or more students to the senior institution beginning with the 1988-89 academic year. Blue Ridge Community College developed agreements with many senior institutions. Each institution provides student-identifiable information to BRCC as long as BRCC agrees to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as it applies to the sharing of data. Releases or waivers from individual students were not required under this arrangement. The focus of this study is primarily on students who took 30 or more credits at BRCC and transferred to JMU. BRCC faculty members believe that only these students should be considered BRCC transfers. The data analysis was performed on a microcomputer using Microsoft Access®, Microsoft Excel®, Tableau® and SPSS®. As in studies conducted in 1995 through 2011, the large tables are placed in appendices. Due to the confidentiality of the data in the appendices, this report will not contain appendices when it is shared with other institutions. Results As in past studies, the results are presented in a format that relates the findings to the guiding research questions. Each question presented in the introduction is stated again and is followed by tables and explanations that relate to it. • How many former BRCC students were enrolled at JMU during the 1992-93 to 2011-12 regular sessions? What percentage of the BRCC transfers to JMU transferred 30 or more credit hours? Table 1 shows the number of credits accepted by JMU between 1992-23 and 2011-12. From 1992-93 to 199798 66 percent of the transfers had 30 or more BRCC credits. By 2011-12 this percentage had increased to 86 percent. These data clearly demonstrate that the BRCC transfers are earning more credits at BRCC and are more likely to have the Associate’s degree than in 1992-93. 3 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Hours >=30 Hours < 30 Grand Total Percent >= 30 07-08 to 11-12 11-12 10-11 09-10 08-09 07-08 02-03 to 06-07 97-98 to 01-02 Hours Transferred Prior to 97-98 Table 1 Transfers from BRCC to JMU by Number of BRCC Credits Taken 1992-93 to 2011-12 Grand Total 211 109 320 303 88 391 506 92 598 120 21 141 122 19 141 107 13 120 101 28 129 150 24 174 600 105 705 1,620 394 2,014 66% 77% 85% 85% 87% 89% 78% 86% 85% 80% • What percentage of the transfers to JMU had a BRCC GPA greater than or equal to 3.00? How well have the transfer students performed academically at JMU? What is the academic status of the transfers? What is the average GPA of students at JMU? What is the average GPA of the transfers in each discipline area at JMU? • How does the average BRCC GPA compare with the other VCCS colleges? These are important questions because they relate to the primary assessment concern, the academic performance of the students. Table 2 shows that the percentage of BRCC transfers to JMU with a BRCC GPA >= 3.000 since 1992-93 varied from a high of 90 percent in 2010-11 to a low of 49 percent in 1997-98. When viewed in five-year blocks, the percent of transfers with GPAs >=3.000 increased from 64 percent in 1992-93 to 1996-97 to 82 percent in 2007-08 to 2011-12. Table 2 Number and Percentage of JMU Transfers with BRCC GPA>=3.00 and BRCC Credits >=30 Year (group) Prior to 97-98 97-98 to 00-01 02-03 to 06-07 11 >=3.000 21 Grand Total 32 Percent >=3.000 66% 9394 8 17 25 68% 9495 13 35 48 73% 9596 23 33 56 59% 9697 21 29 50 58% Total 76 135 211 64% 9798 29 28 57 49% 9899 24 27 52 52% 9900 22 35 57 61% 0001 23 36 59 61% 0102 35 44 79 56% Total 133 170 303 56% 0203 30 70 100 70% 0304 18 46 64 72% 0405 22 86 108 80% 0506 28 76 104 73% 0607 43 87 130 67% Total 141 365 506 72% Year 9293 <3.000 4 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Year (group) 07-08 to 11-12 34 >=3.000 86 Grand Total 120 Percent >=3.000 72% 0809 25 97 122 80% 0910 21 86 107 80% 1011 10 91 101 90% 1112 21 129 150 86% Total 111 489 600 82% 461 1,159 1,620 72% Year 0708 <3.000 Grand Total Table 3 displays the GPA ranges at JMU in ranges of years. Prior to 1997-98 33.2 percent of the transfers had an average GPA less than or equal to 2.50. Between 2007-08 and 2011-12 the percentage with an average GPA less than or equal to 2.50 declined to 25.7 percent. The percentage of transfers with a GPA greater than 3.000 prior to 1997-98 increased from 42.6 percent to 48.9 percent between 2007-08 and 2011-12. Table 3 GPA Earned at JMU First Enrolled During 1992-93 through 2011-12 Transfers with BRCC Credits >=30 Prior to 97-98 GPA Ranges HC Percent 97-98 to 01-02 HC Percent 02-03 to 06-07 HC Percent 07-08 to 11-12 HC Percent Grand Total HC Percent 4.000 - 3.501 38 18.0% 42 13.86% 73 14.34% 136 22.55% 289 17.77% 3.500 - 3.001 52 24.6% 58 19.14% 122 23.97% 159 26.37% 391 24.05% 3.000 - 2.501 51 24.2% 78 25.74% 140 27.50% 153 25.37% 422 25.95% 2.500 - 2.001 36 17.0% 66 21.78% 85 16.70% 86 14.26% 273 16.79% 2.000 - 1.501 24 11.4% 29 9.57% 49 9.63% 34 5.64% 136 8.36% 1.500 - 1.001 4 1.9% 16 5.28% 14 2.75% 15 2.49% 49 3.01% 1.000 or Less 6 2.9% 14 4.62% 26 5.11% 20 3.32% 66 4.06% Grand Total 211 303 509 603 1,626 <=2.50 70 33.2% 125 41.3% 174 34.2% 155 25.7% 524 32.2% Between 3.001 and 4.000 90 42.6% 100 33.0% 195 38.3% 295 48.9% 680 41.8% 5 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Table 4 Average GPA, First Enrolled Year at JMU BRCC and Other Virginia Two-Year Institutions Thirty or More Credits Transferred to JMU, Irregardless of Source Prev School BRCC and Other Prior to 0203 0203 to 0607 0708 to 1112 Grand Total Blue Ridge C C Headcount 145 619 695 1,459 Blue Ridge C C GPA 2.75 2.81 2.95 2.87 Other 2-Year Headcount 387 1,205 1,547 3,139 Other 2-Year GPA 2.66 2.71 2.81 2.75 Table 4 shows the average GPA at JMU in blocks of years. This GPA is for their first year at JMU. The average GPA of the BRCC transfers prior to 2002-03 increased from 2.75 to 2.95 between 2007-08 to 2011-12. The overall GPA for the BRCC transfers since 1992-93 is 2.87. The overall GPA for the 3,139 other Virginia two-year institution transfers was 2.75. The average GPA of BRCC transfers was higher than for transfers from the other two-year institutions. Table 5 compares the average GPAs of transfers by gender and by institution (BRCC vs. all other two-year Virginia institutions). For the students that transferred 30 or more credits, the women’s average GPA was higher than the men’s at both BRCC and the other Virginia two-year institutions. The average GPA’s of men and women from BRCC exceeded those of students from the other two-year institutions. 6 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY The average GPA of male BRCC transfers increased from 2.76 in 2002-03 to 2.85 from 2007-08 to 2011-12. Female BRCC transfers average GPA increased from 2.88 to 3.06 during this same time period. The average GPAs of BRCC males and females were greater than from the other two-year institutions. Table 5 Average GPA by Gender, BRCC Transfers, and Number of Credit Hours Transferred to JMU 2002-03 to 2011-12 Transfers Blue Ridge >=30 >=30 HC GPA Other 2-Year <30 HC <30 >=30 GPA HC >=30 <30 GPA <30 Gender Year (group) Male 0203 to 0607 354 2.76 8 2.80 635 2.64 HC 68 GPA 2.55 Male 0708 to 1112 371 2.85 11 2.32 837 2.76 46 2.67 Male Total 725 2.81 19 2.54 1,472 2.71 114 2.60 Female 0203 to 0607 264 2.88 11 3.01 566 2.78 47 2.72 Female 0708 to 1112 324 3.06 17 3.06 702 2.87 58 2.88 Female Total 588 2.98 28 3.04 1,268 2.83 105 2.82 7 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Table 6 below compares the average GPAs for BRCC and other Virginia two-year institutions by the major in which they first enrolled at JMU. The majors in which the BRCC transfers had higher GPAs are highlighted in yellow. Table 6 Average GPA by JMU Major Discipline BRCC and Other Virginia Two-Year Institutions 2002 to 2011-12 0203 to 0607 BRCC Hour s At JMU Accounting Anthropology Art and Art History Major Name Other VCCS GPA Hour s At JMU 435 3.01 332 2.78 372 3.26 Athletic Training Biology 550 2.49 Chemistry Communication Sciences Communication Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Dietetics 007-08 to 1112 Other VCCS GPA Hour s At JMU GPA BRCC GPA Other 2Year GPA 304 2.76 1,370 2.87 2.91 2.85 0.06 86 2.87 377 2.71 2.80 2.81 (0.01) 667 3.39 1,466 3.22 3.34 3.14 0.20 161 2.86 2.66 1,528 2.52 2.58 2.44 0.14 2.2 154 2.34 2.14 2.58 (0.44) 388 2.97 2.86 3.04 (0.18) 2.74 2.58 0.16 GPA Hour s At JMU 1,019 2.82 369 2.91 900 3.01 129 2.69 1,115 2.34 664 243 2.74 116 Diff Positiv e#= BRCC 2.79 213 2.86 591 3.09 287 2.73 452 2.69 639 2.75 727 2.51 239 2.91 819 2.58 294 2.51 1,159 2.75 2.69 2.68 0.01 377 3.15 677 2.64 552 2.85 1,229 2.78 2.97 2.73 0.24 96 2.71 396 2.86 104 3.23 538 3.21 2.98 3.06 (0.08) 57 3.27 3.27 2.82 0.45 2.71 2.52 0.19 Earth Science Economics BRCC 0203 to 1112 Total GPA and Difference 218 2.74 491 2.39 Engineering 423 2.66 238 2.7 2.70 English 740 3 1,460 2.92 494 3.07 1,055 3.03 3.03 2.96 0.07 Finance 813 2.93 1,511 2.9 396 2.74 1,088 2.74 2.87 2.83 0.04 Foreign Languages 158 3.49 255 3.28 114 3.14 149 3.53 3.34 3.37 (0.03) General and Individual Studies 204 2.78 556 2.78 319 3.02 318 2.86 2.93 2.81 0.12 Geography 190 3.04 422 3.03 228 2.96 165 2.99 3.00 3.02 (0.02) 276 2.82 127 2.9 348 2.7 2.90 2.75 0.15 717 2.96 1,144 2.71 930 2.79 1,685 2.65 2.87 2.67 0.20 111 2.41 81 2.8 260 2.6 3.05 2.54 0.51 Geology Health Sciences Health Service Admin History 461 2.57 832 2.56 771 2.95 1,326 2.89 2.81 2.76 0.05 Hotel Tourism MGT 305 2.9 400 2.76 52 3.1 523 2.55 2.93 2.64 0.29 Integrated Science and Technology 276 2.89 311 2.35 324 2.9 639 2.84 2.90 2.68 0.22 127 2.81 Intelligence Analysis 2.81 Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies 716 3.01 1,063 2.59 1,154 3.1 1,803 2.84 3.06 2.75 0.31 International Affairs 128 3.15 347 2.45 183 3.03 563 2.61 3.08 2.55 0.53 International Business 109 3.12 345 2.47 69 2.8 379 2.54 3.00 2.51 0.49 8 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY 0203 to 0607 BRCC 007-08 to 1112 Other VCCS BRCC 0203 to 1112 Total GPA and Difference Other VCCS BRCC GPA Other 2Year GPA Diff Positiv e#= BRCC 2.63 2.57 2.48 0.09 1,918 2.75 2.79 2.66 0.13 2.79 2,218 2.83 2.69 2.75 (0.06) 341 2.83 1,448 2.78 2.78 2.73 0.05 2.62 81 3.39 430 2.59 3.01 2.60 0.41 752 2.76 372 2.69 759 2.99 2.62 2.87 (0.25) 3.05 214 2.98 51 3.72 397 3.4 3.37 3.25 180 2.7 385 2.99 820 3.37 1,175 3.04 3.25 3.03 0.22 Philosophy and Religion 151 2.88 281 2.95 68 3.01 300 3.14 2.92 3.05 (0.13) Physics 104 2.33 126 2.5 110 2.98 139 2.83 2.66 2.67 (0.01) Political Science 150 2.57 656 2.52 196 2.59 821 2.62 2.58 2.57 0.01 Psychology 612 2.83 2,114 2.88 1,063 3.18 2,699 2.71 3.05 2.78 0.27 Public Administration 160 2.88 154 2.73 169 3.05 485 2.66 2.97 2.67 0.30 Recreation Management 119 2.73 70 2.69 69 2.68 128 2.85 2.71 2.79 (0.08) Social Work 233 2.96 490 2.84 350 3.32 497 3.03 3.18 2.94 0.24 Sociology 551 2.59 988 2.66 373 2.66 452 3.03 2.62 2.78 (0.16) 237 2.55 81 3.16 154 3.34 3.02 2.86 0.16 416 2.14 1.84 2.14 (0.30) Hour s At JMU GPA Hour s At JMU GPA Hour s At JMU GPA Hour s At JMU GPA Justice Studies 126 2.08 255 1.99 382 2.74 831 Kinesiology 935 Management, OpMgtBBA 2.67 1,352 2.52 1,135 2.89 974 2.62 1,967 2.67 621 Marketing 441 Mathematics and Statistics 2.74 1,157 2.66 137 2.79 327 Media Arts and Design 349 2.54 57 Nursing Major Name Music and Music Industry Theater and Dance Undeclared 224 1.84 126 3.43 250 2.47 76 3.18 301 2.97 3.34 2.74 0.60 13681 2.81 28457 2.71 15180 2.95 35378 2.81 2.88 2.76 0.12 WRTC Grand Total 0.12 Table 7 displays the average GPA for BRCC transfers at JMU and their corresponding average at BRCC. For both males and females, the average GPA at BRCC is significantly higher than at JMU, but the average has consistently increased over the last 15 years. Table 7 Average Four-Year and BRCC GPAs for JMU Transfers 2007-08 to 2011-12 Transfers GENDER Male Female Grand Total Year (group) 97-98 to 01-02 02-03 to 06-07 07-08 to 11-12 97-98 to 01-02 02-03 to 06-07 07-08 to 11-12 Total BRCC Avg GPA 3.10 3.21 3.29 3.14 3.29 3.36 3.27 JMU Avg GPA 2.73 2.76 2.86 2.77 2.87 3.06 2.87 Headcount 71 283 310 67 222 289 1,242 9 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Table 8 displays the number of credits and GPAs by discipline for BRCC transfers, the other Virginia two-year institutions, and JMU native students (those who entered as first-time freshmen). The courses at JMU are upper division (300 and 400) only. Table 8 Average JMU Grades by Discipline JMU Native Students, BRCC Transfers, Other VA Two-Year Transfers JMU Native Freshmen and Transfers Upper Division (300 and 400) Courses at JMU (2006-07 to 2011-12) JMU Native Students Type MathOriented HEGIS Group Credits Blue Ridge GPA Credits Other 2-Year GPA Credits GPA Credits Accounting 3597 2.95 173 2.74 783 2.44 Banking and Finance 4568 2.9 426 2.44 991 2.5 10037 2.96 1110 2.58 2775 5229 2.47 280 2.09 Computer Programming 2742 2.85 444 Economics 2798 2.86 Geology 1153 2.98 Information Sciences 2916 Mathematics, General Business and Commerce, General Chemistry, General (exclude Biochemistry) Other, Science and Technology Physics, General (exclude Biophysics) At BRCC GPA 636 2.97 2.51 1596 3.38 480 1.99 1475 3.25 2.54 834 3.02 2661 3.55 135 2.68 762 2.27 1425 3.08 212 3.3 391 3.25 240 3.09 3.41 301 2.71 998 3.06 4007 3.1 255 3.15 551 2.7 4704 2.99 7562 3.46 384 3.24 870 3.24 653 3.54 52 3.04 105 3.03 380 2.82 10 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY JMU Native Students Type HEGIS Group Subtotal Non-MathOriented African Studies Anthropology Credits Blue Ridge GPA Credits Other 2-Year GPA Credits At BRCC GPA Credits 45262 3.02 3772 2.7 9540 2.67 16 4 1 4 1 4 GPA 13117 3.19 1284 3.31 2955 3.21 406 3.1 582 2.81 Applied Design 622 3.68 71 3.85 242 3.63 Arabic 261 3.35 33 2.64 1891 3.48 240 3.35 618 3.36 445 3.94 45 4 105 3.83 Art History and Appreciation 2494 3.53 181 3.43 528 3.21 Biology, General 6242 3.18 618 2.94 1026 2.85 3956 3.15 Business Management and Administration 2877 3.15 486 2.83 1335 2.99 353 3.03 540 3.79 9 3.33 57 3.92 Communication Media (use of videotape, film, etc.) 5522 3.37 340 3.22 487 3.26 Communications, General 6819 3.51 408 2.98 575 3.25 2136 3.49 Criminology 1471 3.31 96 3.48 221 3.3 Dance 1834 3.67 10 3.6 83 3.26 Dramatic Arts 1998 3.35 133 2.98 164 3.5 Education, General 7188 3.75 364 3.49 593 3.48 Elementary Education, General 7961 3.89 622 3.84 999 3.78 243 3.58 English, General 5427 3.72 405 3.58 811 3.55 8053 3.34 640 3 8 3.5 Art (Painting, Drawing, Sculpture) Art Education (Methodology and Theory) Chinese Family Relations and Child Development Foods and Nutrition (include Dietetics) Foreign Languages, General 375 3.8 9 3.67 18 3.55 2956 3.82 121 3.72 602 3.75 557 3.66 51 3.28 91 3.78 French 1567 3.4 9 4 93 3.18 General Liberal Arts and Sciences 1756 3.83 62 3.58 86 3.61 Geography 3282 3.65 470 3.32 745 3.46 566 3.54 6 4 21 2.63 27 3.22 6 3 6 3 237 3.82 4 4 4 4 1230 3.77 6504 3.08 970 3.01 1452 2.75 6102 3.26 2038 3.25 101 3.13 283 3.05 932 3.52 103 2.89 134 3.38 1163 3.88 84 3.43 106 3.52 32 3.5 501 3.92 72 3.73 96 3.92 Interior Design 598 3.7 192 3.72 155 3.7 International Business 118 2.98 3 2 9 2 International Relations 366 2.95 20 1.8 59 2.53 Italian 962 3.79 69 3.5 Japanese 42 3.71 9 4 Junior High School, General 72 3.97 6 3.67 German Greek, Classical Health Professions, General History Hospital and Health Care Administration Hotel and Restaurant Management Humanities and Social Sciences Industrial Arts, Vocational and Technical Education 6 4 11 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY JMU Native Students Type HEGIS Group GPA Credits Other 2-Year GPA Credits At BRCC GPA Credits Literature, English 4637 3.22 642 3.17 801 3.02 Marketing and Purchasing 3570 3.27 459 2.95 906 2.95 Mathematics Education (Methodology and Theory) 96 3.75 6 2.5 2053 3.96 73 3.88 275 3.95 7280 3.79 53 3.91 246 3.96 1182 3.64 5 4 34 3.65 5703 3.25 125 3.21 498 3.35 8264 3.59 865 3.64 1002 3.5 Operations Research 42 3.71 12 2.25 Other, Business Law 861 3.11 159 2.83 Other, Environmental Science 45 3.8 3 4 719 3.69 202 3.47 Other, Gerontology 90 3.27 3 4 Other, Portuguese 3 0 3 3 369 3.92 13 4 9 2.67 6 2.85 36 3.42 15 1.6 Philosophy 1598 2.87 99 2.59 306 2.77 Physical Education 6683 3.48 844 3.2 1454 3.14 8611 3.12 691 2.6 1489 2.76 821 3.78 114 3.75 28 3.57 Military Science (Army) Music (Performing, Composition, Theory) Music Education (Methodology and Theory) Music History and Appreciation (Musicology) Nursing Other, Film Arts Other, Teaching English as a Second Language Other, Technological and Scientific Communication Political Science and Government Pre-elementary Education (Kindergarten) 57 93 2.89 3.77 Psychology, General 11268 3.6 1215 3.25 2221 3.02 Public Administration 555 3.12 145 3.04 173 2.8 21594 3.34 1435 3.11 2540 3 2825 3.94 285 3.83 346 3.87 1033 3.09 90 2.83 174 2.72 195 3.71 3 4 21 4 1470 3.83 139 3.69 183 3.75 Public Health Reading Education (Methodology and Theory) Religious Studies (exclude Theological Professions) Russian Secondary Education, General Social Sciences, General Grand Total Credits Blue Ridge GPA 178 3.43 1083 3.3 792 3.56 531 3.68 2101 3.33 9 3 12 2.75 12 2.18 Social Work and Helping Services (other than Clinical Social Work) 2971 3.56 477 3.57 653 3.46 Sociology 2712 3.19 518 3.13 793 2.87 Spanish 9332 3.58 309 3.54 603 3.49 Special Education, General 4527 3.91 197 3.5 265 3.72 Speech Pathology and Audiology 5152 3.65 120 3.32 435 3.37 Subtotal 197458 3.5 15847 3.25 28365 3.19 28722 3.34 Total 242720 3.41 19619 3.15 37905 3.06 44276 3.29 12 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Table 9 displays the number of transfers who transferred at least 30 credit hours to JMU and their overall JMU GPA by VCCS college. The average BRCC GPA, increased from years prior to 2002-03 from 2.75 to 2.95 in the years since 2007-08, while the transfers from the other two-year institutions increased from 2.66 to 2.81. Table 9 Average 1st Year GPA of VCCS Transfers to JMU All Former Transfers Enrolled at JMU, Transfer Credits Accepted >=30 College Blue Ridge Prior to 0203 Credit HC Hours GPA 145 3,217 2.75 0203 to 0607 Credit HC Hours GPA 618 13,678 2.81 0708 to 1112 Credit HC Hours GPA 695 15,153 2.95 Central Virginia 12 304 2.88 37 889 2.67 39 849 2.68 Dabney Lancaster 14 334 2.57 18 432 2.62 21 512 2.99 Danville 9 252 2.78 11 274 2.81 21 458 2.88 Eastern Shore 2 33 2.05 4 108 2.17 11 248 2.44 23 542 2.39 69 1,552 2.56 90 2,011 2.69 J Sargeant Reynolds 4 94 2.91 32 807 2.72 44 1,000 2.79 John Tyler 5 114 2.59 24 558 2.44 33 784 2.88 77 1,668 2.67 275 6,141 2.74 321 7,086 2.85 2 35 2.51 2 49 2.50 Germanna Lord Fairfax Mountain Empire New River Northern Virginia Patrick Henry 1 12 3 10 160 2.56 16 391 2.63 121 3,109 2.64 332 8,106 2.73 516 12,055 2.74 7 172 2.11 15 358 2.64 11 270 2.95 5 89 2.72 2 45 2.23 Paul D Camp Piedmont Virginia 45 1,019 2.72 137 3,356 2.73 146 3,313 3.00 Rappahannock 1 31 3.26 7 155 2.48 19 414 2.55 Southside Va 3 67 2.85 12 216 2.57 11 235 2.47 2 53 3.15 5 119 3.06 Southwest Va Thomas Nelson Tidewater Virginia Highlands Virginia Western Wytheville Grand Total n 4 90 2.94 28 702 2.47 38 949 2.92 23 624 2.65 87 2,014 2.74 104 2,465 2.74 1 29 2.6 5 116 2.85 5 92 2.90 18 479 2.92 68 1,753 2.8 60 1,396 3.04 1 26 3.24 5 95 2.02 4 96 2.96 516 12,216 2.69 1,803 41,647 2.74 2,216 50,032 2.85 What percentage of 2000-01 through 2008-09 transfers graduated from JMU by August 2013? How does the BRCC rate compare with the other VCCS colleges? Table 10 displays the graduation outcomes for transfers from BRCC and the other Virginia public two-year institutions. The percent graduated for BRCC was almost exactly the same as for all the institutions. Seven percent of the BRCC graduates also earned a post-graduate degree at JMU. Many of these were education students who earned the Master’s degree for certification. 13 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Table 10 Graduation Outcomes of Transfers to JMU By College, Transfers Enrolling 2000-01 to 2008-09 (Allowing Four or More Years to Graduate) Institution Blue Ridge Transfers Did Not Graduate Bachelors Percent Bachelors Earned Graduate Degree 1,046 829 217 79% 74 70 54 16 77% 2 1 1 Dabney Lancaster 39 30 9 77% 2 Danville 26 22 4 85% 3 6 2 4 33% 128 107 21 84% 6 J Sargeant Reynolds 43 37 6 86% 4 John Tyler 37 30 7 81% 466 351 115 75% 3 3 17 12 5 71% 593 486 107 82% 31 Patrick Henry 27 22 5 81% 1 Paul D Camp 5 4 1 80% 237 184 53 78% Rappahannock 13 11 2 85% Richard Bland College 34 24 10 71% Southside Va 19 10 9 53% 4 4 46 38 8 83% 2 144 113 31 78% 8 8 6 2 75% 103 91 12 88% 10 8 5 3 63% 1 3,123 2476 3,123 79% 192 Central Virginia College of Health Sci Eastern Shore Germanna Lord Fairfax Mountain Empire New River Northern Virginia Piedmont Virginia Southwest Va Thomas Nelson Tidewater Virginia Highlands Virginia Western Wytheville Grand Total 100% 38 100% 10 100% THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY 14 In many ways the ultimate measure of transfer success is graduation from the four-year institutions. Table 11 shows the number and percentage of BRCC transfers from 2000-01 to 2008-09 who graduated from James Madison University by August 2013. Only JMU provides data that can be used to determine whether the transfers graduated. Seventy-nine percent of BRCC students who transferred 30 or more credits to JMU graduated from JMU within four years. Seventy percent of the students who transferred less than 30 credit hours graduated within four years. More than 90 percent of JMU native students who reach their junior year graduate within six years of matriculating at JMU. Approximately 85 percent of JMU native students who reach their sophomore year graduate within six years of matriculating. 15 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Table 11 Graduation Rates, BRCC Transfers To JMU, 2000-01 to 2011-12 Credits Transferred >=30 Year Graduated Did Not Graduate Total Credits Transferred < 30 Percent Graduated Graduated 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 37 74 85 79 100 16 18 26 18 27 53 92 111 97 127 70% 80% 77% 81% 79% 2 7 3 2 4 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 106 126 109 113 99 24 28 39 21 20 130 154 148 134 119 82% 82% 74% 84% 83% 2 4 4 3 2 2010-11 2011-12 Grand Total 78 35 48 134 126 169 62% 21% 1,041 419 1,460 829 217 1046 2000-01 to 2008-09 • Did Not Graduate Percent Graduated Total 2 4 7 4 3 4 50% 100% 75% 67% 100% 2 3 4 2 6 7 7 2 100% 67% 57% 43% 100% 1 4 7 5 7 20% 0% 71% 34 24 58 59% 79% 31 13 44 70% 1 1 How well do BRCC students who would have enrolled at JMU under the “Guaranteed Admissions Agreement” perform at JMU? On November 17, 2000 Presidents Linwood Rose of JMU and James Perkins of Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) signed a “Guaranteed Admission Agreement (GAA)” for transfers from BRCC to JMU. The two institutions agreed that: “If the GAA student completes an associate of arts and sciences degree from BRCC and meets JMU's admissions requirements for transfers, then: § JMU will waive the transfer application fee. § All courses accepted by JMU will be applied toward a bachelor's degree from JMU. § Completion of an associate of arts and science degree at BRCC will satisfy all general education requirements at JMU. The associate degree must be earned with a cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 (4.0 scale); and a minimum grade of C must be obtained in each course the student transfers to JMU, unless otherwise indicated. § JMU will guarantee acceptance of all transferable credits from BRCC and grant the GAA student junior standing at JMU.” (JMU Media Relations) The minimum GPA has since been raised to 3.00. Table 12 summarizes the academic performance of BRCC transfers at JMU who met the admission requirements since 2000-01 (including the author’s son). Between 2000-01 and 2008-09 the average GPA and graduation rate of transfers who met the GAA requirements were higher than for those who did not meet the requirements. In particular, the average GPA of the GAA-eligible transfers at JMU was 2.99 compared to 2.42 for those who did not meet the requirements. 16 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Table 12 Academic Performance of GAA Eligible and NotGAA Eligible Transfers, BRCC Transfers To JMU, 2000-01 to 2008-09 GAA Eligible = BRCC GPA >= 3.00 and BRCC Associate Degree GAA Eligible Not GAA Eligible Grad JMU 28 Pct Grad JMU 78% HC 23 BRCC GPA 2.75 Grad JMU 16 Pct Grad JMU 70% YEAR 2000-01 HC 36 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 44 70 46 86 2.91 3.03 2.94 2.99 3.38 3.45 3.46 3.43 37 54 35 67 84% 77% 76% 78% 36 30 18 22 2.48 2.49 2.23 2.28 2.73 2.75 2.82 2.79 28 21 16 16 78% 70% 89% 73% 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Total 76 87 86 97 628 2.99 2.92 3.02 3.08 2.99 3.50 3.43 3.47 3.46 3.45 56 74 67 73 491 74% 85% 78% 75% 78% 28 45 37 25 264 2.55 2.21 2.52 2.72 2.42 2.77 2.64 2.62 2.78 2.72 23 30 22 18 190 82% 67% 59% 72% 72% 196 2.98 3.44 154 79% 107 2.41 2.76 81 76% 432 3.00 3.46 337 78% 157 2.43 2.70 109 69% 2000-01 to 2003-04 2004-05 to 2008-09 BRCC GPA 3.44 JMU GPA 2.32 JMU GPA 3.01 A new question this year relates to whether BRCC Associate Degree graduates are more likely to graduate than non-graduates, regardless of the number of credits transferred. Table 13 displays these outcomes. BRCC Associate Degree recipients are somewhat more likely to graduate (78 percent) than Non-Associate Degree holders (75%). Associate Degree holders have slightly higher average GPAs (2.95 vs. 2.88). Table 13 Academic Performance of BRCC Transfers, Transfers Who Earned BRCC Associate Degree or Not, Transferred at Least 10 Credit Hours, 2000-01 to 2008-09 Grand Total Graduated JMU Did Not Graduate JMU BRCC GPA Total 3.19 HC 14 JMU GPA Total 2.08 BRCC GPA Total 3.04 HC 53 Percent Graduated 74% YEAR 2000-01 HC 39 JMU GPA Total 2.94 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 59 72 53 87 81 2.85 2.99 2.85 2.98 2.97 3.14 3.25 3.27 3.34 3.28 14 22 10 25 25 2.23 2.13 2.11 2.22 2.06 2.97 3.14 3.28 3.21 3.33 73 94 63 112 106 81% 77% 84% 78% 76% BRCC Grad 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Total 105 87 92 675 2.82 2.99 3.08 2.95 3.22 3.23 3.36 3.26 22 29 28 189 2.16 2.36 2.87 2.28 2.83 3.11 3.28 3.14 127 116 120 864 83% 75% 77% 78% Not Grad 2000-01 15 2.87 3.28 5 1.89 3.33 20 75% Grad Status BRCC Grad 17 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY Grand Total Graduated JMU Did Not Graduate JMU BRCC GPA Total 3.00 3.49 3.32 3.32 HC 3 6 4 JMU GPA Total 2.93 1.97 1.62 BRCC GPA Total 2.93 3.01 3.38 YEAR 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 HC 18 11 15 12 JMU GPA Total 2.52 2.84 2.73 2.70 Not Grad 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Total 19 13 17 11 131 2.98 3.22 3.11 2.97 2.88 3.28 3.43 3.35 3.21 3.29 1 8 8 9 44 0.50 1.82 2.66 2.23 2.08 Grand Total Total 806 2.94 3.26 233 2.23 Grad Status HC 21 17 19 12 Percent Graduated 86% 65% 79% 100% 2.60 2.86 3.23 3.16 3.12 20 21 25 20 175 95% 62% 68% 55% 75% 3.14 1,039 78% Discussion The purpose of this ongoing study (18 years) is to analyze the academic performance of Blue Ridge Community College transfers at Virginia’s four-year public institutions. This study includes the academic performance of transfers to JMU only. Next year we hope to continue the study with transfers to the other four-year institutions. The results of the analysis of the academic performance of the BRCC transfers continue to be similar to the results of the analyses conducted by this author at BRCC, two other VCCS institutions, and at James Madison University. In previous studies it was noted that the average GPA of transfers at JMU declined from a high of 3.00 in the early 1990s to below 2.60 in 1999-00. A further analysis of the data revealed that a higher percentage of the BRCC transfers to JMU in the mid-1990s had a BRCC GPA < 3.00. The decline in JMU performance between 1996-97 and 1999-00 may be attributed to a higher percentage of BRCC transfers having lower GPAs at BRCC. In the last ten years a change in the JMU transfers has occurred. The average JMU GPA increased to 2.89 and the percentage of transfers with a BRCC GPA greater than or equal to 3.00 increased from 53 percent in 199899 to 86 percent in 2011-12. The average GPA at JMU of the students who did, or would have qualified under the Guaranteed Admission Agreement is 2.99. As in previous studies, the academic performance of the transfers in disciplines varies, but not dramatically unlike the performance of the native (entered as a first-time freshman) students at the four-year institutions. For the sixth time the overall average GPA of BRCC transfers (2.89) was compared with transfers from the other VCCS colleges (2.76). A second comparison was made between BRCC and the other VCCS colleges on graduation rates for 2000-01 to 2008-09 transfers with 30 or more credits accepted by JMU. The graduation rates were 79 percent for BRCC and 79 percent for the other VCCS colleges. th For the 16 year the graduation rates of the BRCC transfers to JMU were examined. The overall rate for students who took 30 or more BRCC credits is 79 percent. The six-year graduation rate for students who enter JMU as first-time freshmen and reach their junior year is 93 percent. Approximately 86 percent of JMU native students who reach their sophomore year graduate within six years of matriculating. BRCC transfers who met the GAA requirements since 2000-01 appear to be very successful at JMU. Seventyeight percent of the transfers graduated within four years at JMU. Students ineligible for GAA transfer had a 72 THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BRCC TRANSFERS, 2011-12 STUDY 18 percent graduation rate. Students eligible for GAA transfer had an average JMU GPA of 3.01 compared to 2.41 for students ineligible for the GAA. An additional analysis this year of the graduation outcomes of Associate Degree recipients compared with NonAssociate Degree recipients found that that 78 percent of Associate Degree recipients graduated compared to 75 percent who did not graduate from BRCC. An important finding this year is that over the years the academic performance of the transfers has improved on many dimensions: A higher percentage of transfers have taken 30 or more BRCC credits. The number and percentage of JMU transfers with BRCC GPA>=3.00 and BRCC credits >=30 continue to increase. The percentage of transfers with a first-year GPA > 3.00 continues to increase. While females continue to earn higher GPAs than males, the average GPA of males and females continue to improve. The average GPA of BRCC and other two-year Virginia institutions continues to improve, with the BRCC transfers having slightly higher averages. The graduation rates of the BRCC transfers have increased a few percentage points in the last five years. The overall conclusion to be realized from this study is that the transfers from Blue Ridge Community College continue to perform well at JMU. Students who will enroll at JMU under the GAA are more likely to be successful academically than those who did not meet the requirements. This author has conducted 21 transfer studies since 1983 (18 for BRCC). It continues to be his opinion that the university parallel program at Blue Ridge Community College remains a viable and attractive option for certain students whose eventual goal is a bachelor's degree from the Virginia senior public institutions.