Compliance Quarterly Report Q2 2013
Compliance Quarterly Report Q2 2013 ISO Rules…………………………………………………………………………………………1 ISO Rule 9.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………..2 Load Settlement………………………………………………………………………………….3 Alberta Reliability Standards……………………………………………………………………4 Terminology………………………………………………………………………………………5 Compliance Quarterly Report- ISO Rules- Q2 2013 Update August 08, 2013 The following charts summarize the activities of the ISO Rules Compliance group in Q2 of 2013 and the distribution of events over the past 4 quarters. Please refer to the attached help documentation for details on interpreting the charts below. For any questions in regards this report, please send an email to [email protected]. Files Opened in Period- Count by Category Files Opened in Period- Count by Origin Files Closed in Period-Count by Status R 502.4, 1 R 203.4, 2 R 303.1, 1 Dropped , 11 Monitoring, 6 R 6.5.3, 5 R 201.7, 6 Internal Referral, 11 Referral to MSA, 24 R 301.2, 1 Other, 1 R 3.6.2, 1 R 201.3, 1 Referrals to MSA in Period- Count by Category Commentary There were 18 files opened this quarter and 35 files closed. The bulk of the opened files pertained to dispatch variances or AS directives. Note that there is a change in rule numbering corresponding to the coming into effect of the new core market rules in January. There were 24 referrals to the MSA of suspected contraventions in Q2, 20 of which were for rule 201.3 - Offer Control Information and pertained to events with file dates in Q4 2012 or Q1 2013. There were 48 referrals to the MSA over the last 4 quarters with 28 being for rule 201.3. These referrals continue to be distributed across a large number of market participants. ISO 201.3, the offer control rule came into effect in December 2012. The large number of referrals this report and last reflect a misunderstanding of when and how the offer control information should be provided. Based on our interactions with market participants, we believe that it is unlikely we will continue to see a large number of contraventions of this rule in the future. Ten Q2 files remain open at the time of this report. There have been small decreases in the average processing time of files between this report and the last. R 3.5.3 , 1 R 6.5.3, 1 R 6.6, 2 R 201.3, 20 Note: As the AESO may refer multiple events in a single referral to the MSA, the count of Referrals to MSA will not necessarily line up with the count of penalties issued by the MSA in any given period. Files Opened by Quarter of File Date - Count By Category Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Files Opened by Quarter of File Date - Count By Status Dropped Q2-13 Referral to MSA Open 60 45 54 40 50 35 30 40 25 34 20 30 15 24 10 20 5 10 11 10 OPP 404 R 304.3 R 203.3 R 203.4 R 502.4 R 303.1 R 201.7 R 201.3 R 6.4.3 R 3.6.2 R 301.2 OPP 303 OPP 003.2 OPP 102 R 6.6 R 6.5.3 R 6.3.3 R 3.5.3 0 6 7 Q3-12 Referrals to MSA by Quarter of File Date and Category Q4-12 1 Q4-12 2 2 1 1 1 Q1-13 1 1 1 1 Q2-13 2 1 1 Q3-12 3 3 Q4-12 1 1 4 Q1-13 3 Q2-13 Processing Time of Files Opened in Last Four Quarters Average Category ISO rule 3.5.3 ISO rule 6.3.3 ISO rule 6.5.3 ISO rule 6.6 Opp 303 ISO rule 3.6.2 ISO Rule 201.3 ISO rule 201.7 ISO rule 303.1 Max Median Q2-13 203 200 1 1 150 3 25 1 1 1 2 1 103 100 99 84 77 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 18 6 3 10 7 0 0 Disc. Date to Prelim. Assess. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1-13 Days Q3-12 1 0 Referrals to MSA by Quarter of File Date and Masked ID Participant P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37 P38 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prelim. Assess. Prelim. Assess. To Drop/Refer File Date to Drop/Refer ISO Rule 9.1 Compliance Quarterly Report - Q2 2013 Update July 31, 2013 The following charts summarize the status of the 2012 and 2013 activities of ISO Rules Compliance group in relation to ISO rule 9.1 as of Q2 2013. For any questions in regards this report, please send an email to [email protected]. 3. Other 9.1 Events in 2012/2013 Count by ISO Rule Subsection 2. Distribution of 2013 Audits Count by Masked TFO 1. Status of the 2012/2013 ISO Rule 9.1 Compliance Audits - Count by Projects 3 R9.1.3.1 = 1 R9.1.5.6b) =1 Not yet initiated 4 Initiation phase 3 4 TFO 2 Testing phase TFO 3 Draft report phase TFO 4 Report finalized 12 TFO 1 R9.1.5 = 2 Audit complete R9.1.3.4 = 3 2 1 4. 2012/2013 ISO Rule 9.1 Event Outcomes - Count by Category 1 6. 2012 ISO Rule 9.1 Completed Compliance Audits – Duration in days of each phase 140 5 No. of events where no contraventions identified 120 100 No. of events where 1 or more suspected contraventions identified 80 Average Maximum 60 Median 40 20 14 0 Initiation phase 5. Suspected Contraventionsions in 2012/2013 Count by ISO Rule Subsection 1 Testing phase Draft report phase Report finalized Audit completed 7. 2013 ISO Rule 9.1 Completed Compliance Audits – Duration in days of each phase 140 120 100 5 R9.1.5.2/ R9.1.5.6a) 80 Average Maximum 60 R9.1.5.10 Median 40 6 20 0 Initiation phase Testing phase Draft report phase Report finalized Audit completed Commentary This report for the second quarter of 2013, includes a summary of activities and monitoring for 2012/2013. All of the ten transmission facility projects subjected to audits in 2012 have been completed, as well as two projects subjected to audit in 2013 as shown in graph no. 1. As of Q2 2013, three audits are at the testing phase and 2 audits are at the draft report phase. Other 9.1 events captured in graph no. 3 are compliance monitoring activities (i.e. audits and/or assessments) that were identified through internal and external referrals. There have been five referrals to the MSA regarding suspected contraventions of ISO rule 9.1, as shown in graph no. 4, some with multiple contraventions of the subsections of the rule shown in graph no. 5. All of these referrals resulted from the 2012 monitoring. Graphs 6 and 7 serve as an indication of the time it has taken to complete the various phases of each completed audit. The Compliance section of the AESO website contains a subsection titled “ISO Rule 9.1 Compliance Monitoring”. This is intended to provide clarity and transparency regarding the AESO’s monitoring of TFO compliance with ISO rule 9.1. Among the documents is a Compliance Monitoring Audit process document, as well as related templates. These documents provide market participants with a comprehensive description of how the audits are carried out. This documentation is updated and enhanced as the processes are refined and market participants are encouraged to review it at regular intervals. Updates made in 2013 can be found in the Compliance section of the AESO website under Notices. In addition, Information Document # 2012-003(R) Transmission Facility Projects, was posted to the Rules and Standards section of the AESO website in Q2 2012. This Information Document is intended to provide additional clarity on the intent of ISO rule 9.1. 2 Compliance Quarterly Report - Load Settlement - Q2 2013 Update August 15, 2013 The following charts summarize the activities of the Load Settlement Compliance group over the four quarters ending June 2013. Please refer to the attached chart explanation and help documentation for details on interpreting the charts below. For any questions in regards this report, please send an email to [email protected]. Files Opened in Period - Count by Category Files Closed in Period - Count by Status Files Opened in Period - Count by Origin External Referral, 0 Referral to AUC, 2 Settlement, 4 Metering, 4 Metrics, 0 Dropped , 6 PFAM, 2 Monitoring, 4 Other, 0 Referrals to AUC in Period - Count by Category Commentary For the second quarter of 2013 we saw very low errors from market participants. This steady improvement with market participants compliance to Rule 21 shows that the Rule is stabilizing and market participants systems are working. Metering, 2 PFAM, 2 The six files 'dropped' were still identified to the AUC and the market participant as potential contraventions but were deemed not material enough for a full investigation. Corrections by the market participant were made when deemed necessary We will continue to work with industry and the AUC to simplify and streamline Rule 021 to make it more effective for all involved. Microgen, 0 Settlement, 0 Other , 0 Files Opened by Quarter - Count by Status Files Opened by Quarter - Count By Category Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Dropped Q2-13 Referral to AUC Open 10 6 9 5 8 7 4 6 5 3 4 2 3 2 1 1 0 0 Microgen Other Metrics Referrals to AUC by Quarter of Referral Date and Masked Participant ID Participant LS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 LS5 LS6 LS7 LS8 LS9 LS10 LS11 LS12 LS13 Q3-12 1 1 2 Q4-12 1 Q1-13 1 2 1 Q2-13 1 2 1 PFAM Q3-12 Settlement Category Metering Microgen Other Metrics PFAM Settlement Q3-12 1 2 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Processing Time of Files Opened in Last Four Quarters Referrals to AUC by Quarter of Referral Date and Category Average 16 Q2-13 Maximum 15 Median 15 15 14 1 12 1 1 2 1 2 10 Days Metering 8 8 8 7 6 4 4 2 1 1 0 1 0 Disc. Date to Prelim. Assess. 3 Prelim. Assess. Prelim. Assess. To Drop/Refer Compliance Quarterly Report - Alberta Reliability Standards Monitoring - Q2 2013 Update July 11, 2013 The following charts summarize the activities of the Alberta Reliability Standards Compliance Monitoring group as of end of Q2 - 2013 and the distribution of events over the past four quarters. Please refer to the attached help documentation for details on interpreting the charts below. For any questions in regards this report, please send an email to [email protected]. Self-Certification # Requested # Received Periodic Reporting # Resubmission Requested # Referred # Requested # Received # Investigated # Referred 9 30 8 25 7 20 6 5 15 4 10 3 2 5 1 0 0 Cycle 3-2012 Cycle 4-2012 Cycle 1-2013 Cycle 2-2013 Q3-12 Compliance Monitoring Audits # of Scheduled Audits # of Audits in Progress # of Audits Completed Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Alberta Reliability Standards Registry # of MSA referrals # of Spot Audits Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 7 90 6 80 70 5 60 4 50 3 40 30 2 20 1 10 0 Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 0 Q2-13 # of Registered Market Participants Registration by Functional Entity Type - Table 1 Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Registration by Functional Entity Type - Table 2 Q2-13 Q3-12 60 60 50 50 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 Legal Owner of Legal Owner of Legal Owner of Legal Owner of a generating a transmission an electric an aggregated facility unit distribution generating system facility 0 Demand Customer Generation Facility Operator of a Owner generating unit Pool Participant Transmission Facility Owner Wire Owner Wire Services Provider # Requirements by Functional Entity Type - Table 1* Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Market Participant Operator of an Operator of an Operator of a Operator of a Pool Participant generating unit transmission electric aggregated facility distribution generating system facility # Requirements by Functional Entity Type - Table 2* Q3-12 * Count based on Start of Quarter 90 80 80 70 70 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 * Count based on Start of Quarter 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Demand Customer Generation Facility Owner Operator of a generating unit Pool Participant Transmission Facility Owner Wire Owner Market Legal Owner Legal Owner Legal Owner Legal Owner Participant of a of a of an electric of an aggregated distribution generating transmission facility unit system generating facility Wire Services Provider Operator of an aggregated generating facility Pool Operator of Operator of a Operator of a an electric generating transmission Participant facility unit distribution system Commentary Self-Certification: There were 2 administrative deficiencies for Cycle 2-2013. Periodic Reporting: All periodic reports were submitted on time. Compliance Monitoring Audits: All compliance monitoring audits for Q3 2012 are completed. Four (4) audits scheduled for Q4 2012 have been completed and two (2) are in progress. Five (5) audits scheduled for Q1 2013 are in progress. For Q2 2013, five (5) audits are in progress and one (1) is completed. Alberta Reliability Standards Registry: The registry currently includes 78 market participants. *Note: As the AESO may refer multiple items within a single referral to the MSA, the count of Referrals to MSA will not necessarily line up with the count of penalties issued by the MSA in any given period. 4 Common Terminology Category Table Specific Terminology Each Compliance File has an associated Category which refers to the ISO rule, AUC Rule 021 topic or Reliability Standard which may have been contravened. In the case of multiple categories, a principle category is assigned to the File. Origin Clarification Request An email request sent in the ISO Rules Compliance process seeking additional detail on the information submitted with an offer restatement. This is part of the ISO Rules Monitoring process. Compliance File A compliance file refers to one or more Flagged Events that have been logged for Preliminary Assessment, or where a suspected contravention has been identified through a Compliance Monitoring Audit in accordance with ISO Rule 103.12. Every Compliance File has a status of Open, Dropped or Referred. Each Compliance File is applicable to a single market participant and has an associated File Date and Category. Compliance Monitoring Audit As described in ISO Rule 103.12. The process of monitoring or review of a TFO's compliance with ISO Rule 9.1.5. Compliance Monitoring Audit Report A report described in ISO Rule 103.12.9 (4) which communicates the results of the Compliance Monitoring Audit to the TFO and provides support for any referral to the MSA. Date of Discovery For an internal or external referral, the date that the referral was received. For an event identified by Monitoring, the date on which the AESO discovers the event and logs it for Preliminary Assessment. Date of Notification File File Date Files Closed in Period CR External Referral Other A File Origin of type Other refers to events which Compliance examined but which were brought to our attention through untypical means such as a question from a market participant or an AESO IT problem report. Synonym for Compliance File. Compliance Files whose status changed to either Dropped File or Referred File within the reporting period. Note that these may have file dates from earlier quarters. A File Origin of External Referral is a possible ISO rule, AUC 021 topic or Reliability Standard contravention identified by individuals outside the AESO and referred to compliance for a more detailed examination. A File Origin of Internal Referral is a possible ISO rule, AUC 021 topic or Reliability Standard contravention identified by other (non-compliance) personnel in the AESO in the course of their own work and referred to compliance for a more detailed examination. Dropped File A unique date associated with a Compliance File. In the case of ISO rules compliance, this is the date of the event itself. In the case of AUC 021 monitoring, this is the Date of Discovery. A File Origin of CR indicates that the event resulted from a Clarification Request. Internal Referral Status The date that a TFO is notified of a Compliance Monitoring Audit of its transmission facility project and a request for information that facilitate commencement of the Compliance Monitoring Audit. A Compliance File has an origin which is an indication of how the Flagged Event was identified eg. Monitoring, SC Referral, OC Referral, etc. Open File The current state of a Compliance File. Either Open File, Dropped File or Referred File. The status of a Compliance File which is closed but is not a Referred File. A File may be closed for a variety of different reasons including: unreliable data, AESO IT system problems, Mitigating Factors as defined in ISO Rule 103.12 or an assessment that no rule has been contravened. A dropped file may have resulted in a Warning Letter being sent. The status of a Compliance File which has been opened but which has not yet been Dropped or Referred to the MSA/AUC. Referred File The status of a Compliance File for which a referral regarding the file has been made to the AUC/MSA in accordance with ISO Rule 103.12. A collection of one or more submissions or actions carried out by a market participant that may form the basis of a compliance file. Flagged events can come from Monitoring, an Internal Referral or an External Referral or from Clarification Requests. Processing Time of Files Opened in the Last Four Quarters An indication of the number of days taken to move a Compliance File through the various stages of the Compliance Process. Information Request As described in ISO Rule 103.12, an Information Request is a letter submitted to a market participant describing the particulars of a potential ISO rule, AUC 021 topic or Reliability Standard contravention and seeking the market participant’s input on the event. Disc. Date to Prelim. Assess The number of days between the Date of Discovery for a Compliance File and the commencement of the Preliminary Assessment. Masked Participant ID A unique identifier associated with each market participant for tracking Referred Files for that participant but without revealing the particular participant. The Masked Participant ID will NOT be consistent from report to report. Prelim. Assess. The number of days between the commencement of the Preliminary Assessment and its completion. Masked Transmission Facility Owner (TFO) A unique identifier associated with each TFO for tracking Compliance Monitoring Audits for that participant but without revealing the TFO name. The Masked TFO ID will NOT be consistent from report to report. Prelim. Assess. To Drop/Refer The number of days between the completion of a Preliminary Assessment and the decision to drop or refer the file to the MSA/AUC. This is only relevant for events where an Information Request was sent. Files Opened in Period Flagged Event Monitoring Compliance Files with a Date of Discovery falling within the reporting period. Queries, reports and other tools run by Compliance on a regular basis to identify Flagged Events. Other A Category of Other applies to events which Compliance examined but did not prove to be associated with any potential rule contravention. Other Events Compliance monitoring activities, other than Compliance Monitoring Audit, in relation to ISO Rule 9.1.1 Monthly Reporting , ISO Rule Project Change Proposal , and ISO Rule Final Cost Report . Preliminary Assessment Referrals in Period TFO Records Warning Letter File Date to Drop/Refer Duration of ISO Rule 9.1 Compliance Audits As described in ISO Rule 103.12. The process of carrying out a detailed examination of a potential ISO rule, AUC 021 topic or Reliability Standard contravention (which is separate from a Compliance Monitoring Audit). This starts with the opening of a Compliance File and culminates in a decision to: send an Information Request regarding the event to the relevant market participant; to conclude that the data does not support an assessment of non-compliance and to drop the event; or, potentially, to make a referral to the AUC or MSA. Initiated Testing phase Draft report phase Compliance Files which have been referred to the MSA/AUC (as appropriate) in the period. Note that these may have file dates from previous quarters. Documents, correspondences and other records of information that support compliance with ISO Rule 9.1.5 Report finalized In certain cases where a Preliminary Assessment has not been carried out or does not support an assessment of non-compliance, a letter may be sent to one or more participants which clarifies the obligations of a particular rule. 5 Audit completed The number of days between the File Date and the change in status for the Compliance File to either Dropped File or Referred File. An indication of the number of weeks taken to move a Compliance Monitoring Audit through the various stages of the audit process. The number of weeks between the Date of Notification and the date that the AESO received the TFO Records. The number of weeks between the receipt of the TFO Records and the date that the AESO provided a Draft Compliance Monitoring Audit Report to the TFO for review and comments. The number of weeks between the end of the Testing Phase and the receipt of TFO comments on the draft Compliance Monitoring Audit Report. The number of weeks between the receipt of the Draft Compliance Monitoring Audit Report with TFO comments and the Compliance Monitoring Audit Report is finalized. The number of weeks between the date of finalizing the Compliance Monitoring Audit Report and the date of referral to the MSA or closing the audit, in case of non-referral.