
May 29, 2008 Dear Market Participants and Interested Parties: Re:

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May 29, 2008 Dear Market Participants and Interested Parties: Re:
May 29, 2008
Dear Market Participants and Interested Parties:
Letter of Notice: Expedited ISO Rule - Changes to Existing:
OPP 517 Keephills/Ellerslie/Genesee (KEG) Area Operations
OPP 702 Voltage Control
OPP 1001 System Coordination Centre (SCC) Emergency Evacuation
and Backup Coordination Centre Activation
Pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Alberta Utilities Commission (“Commission”) Rule 017,
the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) is providing notice of expedited ISO
Rules; specifically, draft changes to existing OPP 517, OPP 702, and OPP 1001.
The AESO is authorized to make expedited ISO Rules in accordance with Section 20.6(1)
of the Electric Utilities Act. The draft changes to OPP 517, OPP 702, and OPP 1001
have been approved by the AESO for interim implementation pursuant to OPP 002: OPP
Change Management Process. Please note that in accordance with OPP 002; these
interim approved OPP are also included in the formal ISO Rule Process currently
underway. The AESO expects that these OPPs will be recommended to the AESO
Executive Rules Committee for approval to file with the Commission by Q4 2008.
The AESO will request that the Commission determine that the disclosure of confidential
Table 5 attached to OPP 517 and confidential OPP 1001 would not be in the public
interest. No amendments have been made to the confidential table attached to OPP 517.
In accordance with Section 11 of Commission Rule 017, the attached tables set out the
following: an explanation of the need for these expedited ISO Rules, summaries of OPP
517, OPP 702, and OPP 1001, and the changes to OPP 517, OPP 702, and OPP 1001, an
explanation of the need for confidentiality of Table 5 attached to OPP 517 and
confidential OPP 1001, and the proposed date on which the changes to OPP 517, OPP
702, and OPP 1001 will be effective. Blacklined and clean copies of OPP 517 and OPP
702 are attached. Due to their confidential nature, blacklined and clean copies of Table 5
attached to OPP 517 and OPP 1001 are not attached.
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Please note that the AESO has not issued any previous Letters of Notice regarding these
expedited changes to OPP 517, OPP 702, and OPP 1001.
Yours sincerely,
Original Signed By
Paul Glatthor
Senior Coordinator, Rules
Ph: (403) 539-2464
E-mail: [email protected]
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Expedited ISO Rule
OPP 517 Keephills/Ellerslie/Genesee (KEG) Area Operation
Rule Section/Number
Summary of Expedited ISO Rule
Part 3, OPP 517 Keephills/Ellerslie/Genesee (KEG) Area
OPP 517 describes the policies and procedures pertaining to
the operation of the KEG area of the Alberta Interconnected
Electric System (“AIES”). It stipulates the area operating
limits under various transmission contingency (N-1) scenarios
and how these limits are to be managed.
OPP 517 is applicable to the AESO, System Controller,
Generation Facility Owners, Transmission Facility Owners
and the British Columbia Transmission Corporation.
Summary of Amendments
As part of the OPP 002: OPP Change Management Process, all
affected stakeholders have received those amendments to OPP
517, including confidential attachments, that are applicable to
them, and have been provided the opportunity to verify and
comment on those part(s). Further, once the amendments to
OPP 517 are in effect, these stakeholders will receive those
parts of OPP 517 applicable to them and in effect.
Changes have been made to the area operating limits as a
result of the new 500 kV upgrade on two transmission lines
namely 1203L and 1209L (“South KEG Conversions”).
In addition, an operating limit has been identified relating to
the Keephills T320P Transformer #1 currently out of service.
OPP 517 is amended to accommodate procedures developed
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Need for Being Expedited
Explanation of Confidentiality
for energizing the 500 kV transmission lines both referenced
above and the 500/240 kV transformers at the Keephills and
Ellerslie substations, in order to manage the area voltage
In the opinion of the AESO, amendments to OPP 517 are
urgently required and must be expedited to implement the
amendments referenced above for operating the KEG area in a
safe and reliable manner following completion of the South
KEG Conversion.
OPP 517 has a confidential appendix that contains a list of the
KEG area generators’ STS levels and minimum stable
generation levels, and is considered sensitive commercial
There has been no change in confidential Table 5 attached to
OPP 517.
AESO Contact
Proposed Effective Date
The AESO will be requesting the Commission confirm that
disclosure of confidential appendix to the expedited ISO Rule
would not be in the public interest.
Manager, Operating Policies and Procedures, Anita Lee,
[email protected], (403) 539-2497
See attached – blacklined version.
OPP517 - blacklined
See attached – clean version.
OPP517 – clean
May 30, 2008.
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OPP 702 Voltage Control
Rule Section/Number
Summary of Expedited ISO Rule
Part 3, OPP 702 Voltage Control
Voltage control for the Alberta Interconnected Electric System
(AIES) is a coordinated effort under the overall direction of the
System Controller (SC) with Transmission Facility Owners
(TFO) and Generation Facility Owners (GFO). The TFOs own
and operate transmission facilities, including voltage control
devices. The GFOs provide VARS and support voltage
stability. The SC is responsible for the overall reliability of the
OPP 702 provides consistent voltage control guidelines and
operating policies for the AIES and is applicable to the AESO,
SC, TFOs and GFOs.
Summary of Amendments
Need for Being Expedited
As part of the OPP 002: OPP Change Management Process, all
affected stakeholders have received those amendments to OPP
702 that are applicable to them, and have been provided the
opportunity to verify and comment on those part(s). Further,
once the amendments to OPP 702 are in effect, these
stakeholders will receive those parts of OPP 702 applicable to
them and in effect.
OPP 702 has been amended to reflect the KEG area voltage
changes at Genesee, Keephills and Ellerslie substations
resulting from changes made to the area operating limits as a
result of the new 500 kV upgrade on two transmission lines
namely 1203L and 1209L (“South KEG Conversions”).
In the opinion of the AESO, amendments to OPP 702 are
urgently required and must be expedited to implement the
amendments referenced above for operating the KEG area in a
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Explanation of Confidentiality
AESO Contact
Proposed Effective Date
safe and reliable manner following completion of the South
KEG Conversion.
There are no confidential attachments to OPP 702.
Manager, Operating Policy and Procedures, Anita Lee,
[email protected], (403) 539-2497
See attached – blacklined version.
OPP702 - blacklined
See attached – clean version.
OPP702 - clean
May 30, 2008.
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OPP 1001 System Coordination Centre Emergency Evacuation and Backup Coordination
Centre Activation
Rule Section/Number
Summary of Expedited ISO Rule
Summary of Amendments
Reason for Being Expedited
Explanation of Confidentiality
AESO Contact
Proposed Effective Date
Part 3, OPP 1001 System Coordination Centre (SCC) Emergency
Evacuation and Backup Coordination Centre Activation
Confidential OPP 1001 describes the procedures for the System Controller
(SC) in evacuating the AESO System Coordination Centre (SCC) during an
emergency and activating the Backup Coordination Centre (BCC).
This is an internal OPP that is only applicable to the AESO and the SC.
OPP 1001 is amended to reflect the changes to the BCC location, phone
numbers, and equipment /facilities in the BCC.
In the opinion of the AESO, amendments to OPP 1001 are urgently required
must be expedited to bring the SCC evacuation and BCC activation
procedures up-to-date to allow for continuous reliable operation of the
Alberta Interconnected Electric System (“AIES”) and the energy market
when these functions are transferred from the SCC to the BCC.
OPP 1001 must be kept confidential as it contains information which if
disclosed to public can undermine the successful transfer of AIES and
market operating functions to the BCC and jeopardize the security of the
The AESO will be requesting the Commission confirm that disclosure of
confidential appendix to the expedited ISO Rule would not be in the public
Manager, Operating Policies and Procedures, Anita Lee, [email protected],
(403) 539-2497
No attachment
May 30, 2008
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