
Document 2243348

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Document 2243348
February 5, 2013
Dear Market Participants and Interested Parties:
Consultation on Proposed Amendments to Alberta Reliability Standard:
Transmission Operations System Operating Limits TOP-007-WECC-AB-1
(“TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes”)
Section 19 of the Transmission Regulation requires the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) to consult
with market participants likely to be directly affected by the AESO’s adoption or making of reliability standards,
and also requires the AESO to forward the proposed reliability standard to the Alberta Utilities Commission
(“Commission”) for review along with the AESO’s recommendation that the Commission approve or reject
Accordingly, the AESO is providing notice and seeking comments from market participants on attached
proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes.
Following the AESO’s receipt of and reply to comments from market participants regarding the proposed
TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes, the AESO intends to finalize the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes
and forward the amended reliability standard to the Commission for approval as a reliability standard that
applies in Alberta.
Existing Alberta reliability standard TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 applies to Path 1 as the AESOs single major
WECC transfer path.
Applicability of TOP-007-WECC-AB-1
Proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 is applicable to the AESO.
Summary of TOP-007-WECC-AB1-1
Proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 ensures that the AESO operates its major WECC transfer paths to their
system operating limits.
Summary of the Proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes
With the addition of the Montana-Alberta Transmission Line (“MATL line”) (Path 83) expected to be energized
in June 2013, TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 needs to be amended to include all major WECC transfer paths
operated by the AESO.
Other amendments have been made to update the formatting, drafting, template and definitions to align with
current AESO drafting principles.
The scope of this consultation is limited to these amendments outlined in greater detail in the attached
comment-rationale matrix and does not change the intent of this reliability standard. A person wishing to
discuss current policy with the AESO should contact Jason Murray, Director, Operations Services at (403)
539 – 2899 or [email protected].
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Public Information
Implementation of Alberta Reliability Standards
All reliability standards proposed for approval or rejection by the AESO are based on the reliability standards
and definitions developed, or approved, and enforced by NERC. NERC was certified as the Electric Reliability
Organization (“ERO”) for the United States by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) under
the US Energy Policy Act of 2005. NERC has been granted recognition as the ERO by the Minister of Energy
in Alberta pursuant to section 20 of the Transmission Regulation.
In accordance with section 19 of the Transmission Regulation, the reliability standards that apply in Alberta
are those of the ERO or any other reliability standards to the extent that such reliability standards are adopted
by the AESO after consultation with market participants and after receipt of Commission approval.
Further information regarding the AESO’s adoption of reliability standards is available on the AESO website at
http://www.aeso.ca/rulesprocedures/17004.html .
Request for Stakeholder Comments
Comments and suggestions on the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes are encouraged.
Please use the attached Stakeholder Comment Rationale Matrix when submitting comments to the AESO on
the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes. Only written comments will be considered by the AESO in
finalizing the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes.
Please provide written stakeholder comments or questions no later than February 22, 2013 to Charlotte
Feildel (403) 539 - 2599 at [email protected].
Adherence to deadlines is integral to the integrity of the Alberta Reliability Standards Consultation Process.
As such, any stakeholder comments received after February 22, 2013 may not be published, replied to, or
otherwise considered by the AESO.
AESO Replies to Stakeholder Comments
The AESO will be publishing all stakeholder comments received shortly after the comment deadline.
Stakeholder comments received along with AESO replies to the comments will be published in February,
Please ensure that comments provided represent all interests within each stakeholder organization with
respect to the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes.
In the event that the AESO does not receive comments from stakeholders regarding the proposed TOP-007WECC-AB-1 Changes, the AESO is expecting to forward along with its recommendation to approve the
proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes to the Commission in March, 2013.
AESO replies will be limited to the scope of consultation as noted above.
The following documents are attached:
Blacklined and clean copy of the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes; and
Stakeholder Comment Rationale Matrix for the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes;
Proposed Effective Date
The AESO proposes that the proposed TOP-007-WECC-AB-1 Changes become effective on May 1, 2013.
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Yours sincerely,
Original Signed By
Paul Glatthor
Manager, Authoritative Documents Process
Ph: (403) 539-2464
E-mail: [email protected]
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